Skin Diseases

Rosacea on his face. Photo, treatment, drugs, creams, ointments for acne, diet, folk remedies to cure laser. Skin Care

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Rosacea or rosacea - a pathology of the skin, which gives a lot of aesthetic problems. Today, there are many drugs to treat the disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is Rosacea
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 symptoms of rosacea
  • 4 stage
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 Treatment of rosacea on the face
  • 7 medication
    • 7.1 antibacterials
    • 7.2 Antiprotozoal and antimicrobial
    • 7.3 synthetic retinoids
    • 7.4 antihistamines
  • 8 local therapy
  • 9 compresses
  • 10 masks
  • 11 oils
  • 12 Other folk remedies and methods
  • 13 Physical therapy procedures
  • 14 hardware methods
  • 15 laser treatment
  • 16 Diet
  • 17 Skin Care
  • 18 The use of cosmetics with rosacea
  • 19 prevention
  • 20 Useful video of rosacea on the face, the symptoms of the disease and methods of treatment

What is Rosacea

Rosacea on the face (treatment preparations - depends on the underlying cause of the disease), the disease process in the form of redness and skin rash on the cheeks, chin, nose, forehead. It is a lesion of the epidermis vessels.

Over time, the disease progresses, the skin thickens on the damaged areas, which leads to irreversible changes in the person, violations of mental equilibrium. The pathology may affect the eye, which leads to inflammatory processes in the cornea and blindness.

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Causes of

Facial vascular disease affects both men and women. But due to the fact that the beautiful half of menopausal hormonal changes occur, women with this pathology can be found more often. Research rosacea hypothesized tendency to the pathological process of people living in cold regions, as well as with white skin and hair.

There is a medical opinion about the genetic predisposition to the disease and the theory of congenital vascular insufficiency.

Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care
Symptoms of rosacea and how it looks on the face shown in the photo.

But there are reasons, which clearly point to the acquired (secondary) nature of the disease:

  • hormone-dependent rosacea (corticosteroids);
  • premenopausal women;
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy;
  • immunological disease history;
  • asthenic-neurotic syndrome;
  • autonomic nervous system vascular manifestations;
  • pathological changes in the digestive system;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction, nicotine addiction (affect vessels work);
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • sudden changes in temperature.

symptoms of rosacea

The major manifestations of rosacea include:

  • redness of the face;
  • hot flashes;
  • vasodilation in the epidermis;
  • the skin loses its smoothness and becomes rough;
  • congestion and density of cover on his face;
  • formation on the skin surface nodes;
  • itchy eyes;
  • inflammation of the cornea;
  • skin tightening sensation around the affected eye pathology;
  • blindness.


Rosacea on the face (treatment, drugs - the choice depends on the nature of skin lesions) should be divided into 4 stages of the disease.

Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care

Stage №1:

  • passing redness appears on the face;
  • red spots;
  • on the skin appear more dilated capillaries;
  • erythematous redness.

Step №2:

  • not passing the expansion of the capillary network;
  • erythema becomes severe and permanent;
  • local hyperthermia;
  • rash;
  • itching;
  • burning.

Stage №3:

  • erythematous congestive hyperemia;
  • persistent expansion of capillaries arterioles;
  • spider veins;
  • occurrence of unevenness and mounds on a skin surface;
  • ulcers;
  • face mask takes the form of seal skin;
  • It appears roughness.

Step №4:

  • defeat the whole vascular network on the face;
  • vasospasm occurs with skin whitening, which can lead to the death of the skin (Raynaud's syndrome, type);
  • face is covered with pimples in the form of dense knots;
  • papules have to merge the property;
  • at this stage affects the eyes.


In order to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, should consult a dermatologist. The specialist will make a visual inspection, survey, from which we learn about the body and chronic pathologies consumed drugs, as well as appoint a complex surveys, which will help determine the root cause disease.


  • clinical blood test;
  • lipid profile;
  • comprehensive blood tests to assess the performance of internal organs;
  • ANA profile, the presence of immunological diseases;
  • Extended hemostasiogram;
  • analysis on demodex;
  • bacteriological examination of the skin.
Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care

On the basis of the above surveys dermatologist diagnoses and prescribe treatment.

Treatment of rosacea on the face

Rosacea on the face (treatment preparations assigns dermatologist after the test) should eliminate the complex, as the disease may have secondary cause.

The general recommendations include the need to:

  • systemic treatment provokes pathology that causes rosacea;
  • local treatment of skin lesions;
  • venotonic agents (for restoring the microcirculation);
  • antibacterial therapy (accession secondary infection);
  • lifestyle changes;
  • balanced diet.


For the treatment of rosacea should be applied a few species of medicinal system tools:

  • antibacterials;
  • antimicrobials;
  • antihistamines;
  • synthetic derivatives of retinol.


Antibiotics should be used long courses. The major drugs has a positive effect in the treatment of rosacea, must include the following.


  • of the capsules included the antibiotics tetracycline and macrolides;
  • should be used against infections of the skin;
  • rosacea medication should be used - 1 capsule, 2 times a day for 10-14 weeks (if no other recommendations dermatologist).
Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care


  • ground active substance pellets - a semi-synthetic derivative of erythromycin clarithromycin;
  • infections of the skin of different etiology;
  • medicament should drink of 500 mg (1 tablet) - 2 times a day. Duration of treatment - 10 weeks (in the absence of other uses of the treating physician).

Antiprotozoal and antimicrobial

In the treatment of rosacea be applied antiprotozoal and antimicrobial drugs. This group of drugs should include the following.

Efloran tablets:

  • the main active drug substance - is an imidazole derivative;
  • Skin infections caused by anaerobic microorganisms;
  • should be used - 1 tablet, 2 times a day. The course of treatment - up to 6 weeks or as prescribed by a dermatologist.
Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care


  • of the drug substance imidazole derivative includes - metronidazole;
  • the drug must be used for the treatment of infectious lesions of the skin;
  • need to use 200 mg (1 tablet) - 3 times per day. Duration of treatment 1 month.

synthetic retinoids

With prolonged use of antibiotics and antimicrobial agents, bacteria and microbes exhibit resistance to drugs of this group. Therefore, in combination with the above means physicians prescribe dermatologists synthetic retinoids.


  • the drug capsules include cis-retinoic acid;
  • agent should be used in severe forms of acne;
  • capsules need to drink during meals - 1-2 pieces. (Depending on the course of the pathological process dermatologist or destination). The duration of therapy from 1 month to 6 months.
Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care

Aktenin capsule:

  • means consists of synthetic material retinol derivative cis-retinoic acid;
  • drug should be used in systemic antibiotic therapy;
  • necessary to use a 0.4 g of the product - 1-2 times a day (number of methods depends on the severity of the pathological process, and recommendations of the treating physician). The course of treatment should last from 4 to 16 weeks.


Frequent companions of antimicrobial therapy, as well as one of the manifestations of rosacea are itching and allergic reactions. For the treatment of immunological manifestations should be prescribed antihistamines.

Diazolin tablets:

  • mebhydrolin main active substance preparation;
  • the drug should be used as an antiallergic agent and an immunomodulator;
  • Tablets need to drink from 100 mg (1 pc.) - 2 times a day. Duration of treatment time is not limited and depends on the patient's general condition.
Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care

Agistam - prolonged drug:

  • the core includes the drug loratadine histamine receptor blocker;
  • It should be applied to skin manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • a drug need to drink every day of 100 mg (1 tablet). The duration of therapy is determined by the condition of the patient.

local therapy

In the treatment of rosacea are commonly used local media in the form of ointments and creams.

Aknestop cream:

  • the cream enters nonanedioic acid;
  • Cream should be used in the treatment of acne with nodes and papules;
  • means must be spread on clean skin with light, rubbing movements in the morning and at night. Cream should not be used less than 1 month.
Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care


  • the gel part of hyaluronic acid and zinc;
  • treatment pustules, assemblies, light and heavy forms of acne;
  • use tool should be 2 times - morning and evening. You need a little bit of gel to smear onto cleansed face and allow to dry. therapy determined by the attending physician or the patient's skin.


Treatment of rosacea on the face can be carried out not only by various drugs. To one of the varieties of local treatment of skin lesions is necessary to carry packs.


  • in antiseptic composition powder included meta-dihydroxybenzene;
  • should be used an aqueous 2% solution of the powder with acne with papillomas and nodes;
  • portion of the powder should be diluted 2:10 with water. Obtain funds to wet gauze and put on the affected skin on the face (avoiding the fate of the eye). Duration of procedure of 10-15 minutes, you want to do - once a day for 7-14 days.
Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care


  • means pharmacy daisy dried;
  • It should be used in the form of compresses in inflammatory skin diseases;
  • you need to make a decoction of chamomile drug. To do this, boil 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile drug cup of boiling water and boiled in water bath - 10-15 min. After that, give the means to cool. Get wet with broth cotton cloth and apply to the affected part of the face. The procedure should be done every day for 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment 30 days.


In the struggle with the pathology of rosacea facial skin should use a mask. This may be an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agents.

These substances need to carry a mask on the basis of:

  1. Blue clay. Means well relieves inflammation, shows good wound healing effect. It is necessary to buy a powder blue clay at the pharmacy. It is necessary to take 1 tbsp. l. powder and dissolve in cool water until smooth. Spread on damaged skin disease. Leave to dry completely (20-30 minutes). then rinse the mask should be suitable for skin type means or antibacterial soap.
  2. Green clay. Application means rosacea well stimulates blood circulation, has tonic properties. It should take 1 tbsp. l. means (you can buy it at any pharmacy) diluted with cold water and spread on damaged skin. Allow to dry. It is necessary to wash away the antibacterial agent for the daily skin care.


In the treatment of skin disease rosacea should be applied not only to medical therapy, masks and wraps, but also oils that have a good effect on the affected skin. It is necessary to use essential oils - wood meleleuka (is a strong antiseptic), rosemary, lavender.

Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care

Funds have good anti-inflammatory effect. Oils to be added to the basis - for daily application of a cream in an amount of up to 10 drops per 100 ml of cream. Apply to be a daily basis.

Other folk remedies and methods

Traditional medicine - an indispensable form of rosacea. There are many methods and recipes of non-traditional treatment lesions of the skin.

  1. Herbal mask. It is necessary to take in a coffee grinder milled powder turmeric and coriander 1 tbsp. l. Add to the mixture of powders - 2 tbsp. l. buttermilk and stir until smooth porridge. Impose a remedy on your face. Duration of treatment 15 min. Rinse. Make masks should be daily.
  2. Apple vinegar. It should be cleaned (in the absence of an allergic response to the drug) face, diluted 1: 1 with water or an infusion of chamomile medicinal fluid. Do you need to wipe the morning and evening.
  3. You can make ice cubes decoction of chamomile, oak bark, sage and supplemented with cider vinegar. Ice machine lubricated cleansed face at night.
  4. Massage with honey rosacea. It is necessary to take in hand a couple of spoons of honey and accurate movements to put the drug on the bees means the skin, light massage movements. massage duration - 5 minutes. Then it is necessary to wash off. Honey has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.
  5. Mask with honey and butter hlorofillipta. It should take 1 tbsp. l. natural honey and butter and mix hlorofillipta. Apply to cleansed face. Keep the mask on your face you need up to 15 minutes.

Physical therapy procedures

Rosacea on the face (treatment - drugs as monotherapy is not always assist) - a pathological process that It should be treated using physical therapy techniques:

  • removal of tumors on the skin surface of the person using the electric current - electrocoagulation;
  • cold treatment - cryotherapy;
  • low level laser therapy;
  • mechanical peeling - or resurfacing the epidermis.

hardware methods

Today there are devices, the use of which improves the condition of skin with rosacea.

Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care
  1. US - cleaning person. This method allows hardware exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis, which underwent damage disease. It uses ultrasonic vibration. Contraindications include: herpes infection; eczematous rash; malignant neoplasms; ARI.
  2. Effects on skin electric currentWhich apparatus is supplied with a small force. Procedure for the machine-galvanometer used and isotonic sodium chloride solution. electroplating method affects the improvement of capillary and vascular mesh on the face. Sodium chloride washes facial pores, scraping them from the increased production of subcutaneous fat glands external secretion. Contraindications to the procedure of thrombocytopenia; child bearing; eczematous rash; malignant neoplasms; warts; kandilomy.
  3. Gas-liquid peeling. For the procedure using a special apparatus, which delivers, under pressure on the skin the air stream mixed with a solution of sodium chloride. The method has contraindications: acute herpetic infection; Acute respiratory disease, SARS, Influenza.

laser treatment

For the treatment of rosacea should be applied a method of laser treatment.

Before the procedure should be to make a survey on the presence of co-morbidities:

  • clinical blood test;
  • prothrombin test;
  • a blood test for sugar.
Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care

It is necessary to do a survey to exclude pathology in the body that are contraindicated:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • ARI ARI with increasing temperature to high numbers;
  • aggravation of long flowing pathologies;
  • all forms and varieties of tuberculosis;
  • elevated blood glucose;
  • psycho-emotional instability in history.

The patient before the procedure should be to relax and lie down.

Doctor specialist lazeroterapevt, with the help of a special device that produces laser energy has an effect on damaged skin, without affecting healthy surface. Phototherapeutic radiation works with a capillary net and stimulates the production of red blood cells, which improve the oxygen transfer by the affected vessel.

During laser exposure method for rosacea affected skin, restores damaged capillaries, and tissue oxygen content occurs. A person gets a natural color - disappear redness and blood circulation with red.


Balanced meal in the pathological process in the skin of the face is not the last, and a leading position in the treatment of rosacea. Speaking of diets, you should first determine the order, what products should be excluded from their diet, so as not to provoke the manifestations of the disease.

Foods that should not be used:

  • refined sugar and white flour;
  • caffeine-containing beverages - disrupting the operation of the vessels;
  • cow's milk, because of the ill-digested lactose;
  • refined fats;
  • acute products;
  • canned foods;
  • citrus fruit;
  • beef and pork;
  • alcohol;
  • should abandon the use of the nightshade - tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, bell pepper.
Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care

Diet in disease rosacea should be included in a lot of dietary fiber to improve bowel - fruits (not sweet varieties), vegetables. Various cereals (whole). Medium-sized marine fish (a lot of mercury in large fish). Unrefined olive oil.

Sour milk products, preferably from goat milk (lactose, and less easily absorbed by the body). Poultry meat - turkey, chicken, quail. Nuts (except peanuts), in small quantities. Meals should be fractional - 3 main meals and 2 snacks. Do not overload the digestive system.

Skin Care

When rosacea should not be used harsh methods of care for damaged skin.

  • Washing the face should be without sponges, delicate and accurate movements must be cleaned face of makeup or dust accumulated on the skin throughout the day.
  • You should not rub your face after washing with a towel - it irritates and damages so the injured skin. It is necessary to allow the skin to dry yourself.
  • Be sure to use moisturizing products suitable for your skin type. To reduce the symptoms of itching and dryness.
  • A person must be protected from ultraviolet rays. Sun - the enemy of the skin damaged by rosacea.

The use of cosmetics with rosacea

Any, even the best cosmetics in rosacea, before applying to do a test on an allergic reaction. Even the most allergenic agents may not be suitable for hypersensitive to the components.

Rosacea on his face photo, treatment of folk remedies, medications, diet, how to cure laser. Skin Care

It should also apply certain rules applying makeup with skin disease:

  • always has to start with cleansing of the skin means that are suitable and tested;
  • you need to use a minimum of makeup to eliminate the possibility of skin irritation;
  • be sure to use a proven allergy agents with SPF20-30;
  • Using tonal base for skin color should be chosen with special means green pigment;
  • You can not use the mascara which is not washed off by plain water (waterproof);
  • do not use bright colors of lipsticks, they visually make the face red.


In order not to provoke a relapse of the disease rosacea, a disease - long flowing pathology at intervals of remission and activity, should adhere to certain precautions:

  • stay cool and do not become too cold;
  • protect the body (person) from ultraviolet rays;
  • a balanced power required for a given pathology;
  • eliminate bad habits - caffeine-containing beverages, nicotine, alcohol in any form;
  • to prevent or treat during any manifestations of disorders of the digestive system;
  • not self-medicate.

To minimize the recurrence of rosacea on the face, it is necessary to approach the treatment of complex diseases using medicinal system drugs, local treatment, as well as hardware procedure. It should also change their way of life and not to self-medicate.

Useful video of rosacea on the face, the symptoms of the disease and methods of treatment

Fragment of the program "Live healthy" about rosacea:

Treatment of rosacea:

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