Skin Diseases

Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, signs, treatment of children, adults. clinical recommendations

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The word "herpes" is associated with an infectious disease, a person can catch on stray animals. But this is only one of many options for skin disease that exist in nature. Zoster called red flat, non-contagious and frequently occurs for unknown reasons.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is lichen planus
  • 2 Types planus
  • 3 Stage and grade planus
    • 3.1 The typical form
    • 3.2 annular shape
    • 3.3 hypertrophic form
    • 3.4 Pemfigoidnaya form
    • 3.5 Moliniformnaya form
    • 3.6 atrophic form
    • 3.7 pointed shape
    • 3.8 Erosive and ulcerative form
  • 4 Symptoms of lichen planus
  • 5 Causes of lichen planus
  • 6 Diagnosis of lichen planus
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention planus
  • 9 treatments planus
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Videos about lichen planus

What is lichen planus

Lichen planus - a chronic skin disease, which can also spread to the mucous membranes and nail plates. For disease characterized by severe pruritus affected skin surface.

This species has the following statistics depriving occurrence:

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  • 1.5% of skin diseases;
  • 35% among the diseases of the oral mucosa.

He often occurs in response to the internal organic disorders in the body.

The disease is more common in adults than in children.

Types planus

Lichen planus in humans is characterized by a rash as the main symptom manifestation. It can vary in color - red, red-purple, red and purple hues.

Ringworm of this type has several specific place of origin:

  • folding seats forearms;
  • inner thighs;
  • the front surface of the tibia;
  • groin;
  • armpits.

Rash clearly stands out against the healthy skin because of the color and the shiny surface of the plaque. It may be a single point rashes as larger plaques and lesions, combined into a single cluster.

Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations
zone that strikes lichen planus in humans

Lichen planus is a few basic forms of the course:

  • typical;
  • ring-shaped;
  • hypertrophic;
  • pemfigoidnaya;
  • moliniformnaya;
  • atrophic;
  • pointed;
  • erosive and ulcerated.

Stage and grade planus

Depending on the form of the disease will change during the disease.

The typical form

It has a classic disease course of a script:

  1. Starting with the appearance of small spots on the skin of from 2 to 3 mm. They have a pink-purple or crimson-red color. The surface is always brilliant. Have a slight recess in the middle, raised above the skin surface.Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations
  2. After a while there is an increase of stains and merging them into plaques. Surface begins to flake. There is soreness and itching. In 25% of patients with skin rashes are not available, they are found only in the mucosa - the mouth, the vestibule, the head of the penis. With the defeat of the nail appear dull spots, nail bed becomes tinged with red.
  3. Gradually fade plaques heal, the skin surface is restored. At the site of the plaques are barely visible spots which are different in color from the surrounding skin. They pass with time.

annular shape

More common in the vicinity of the genital organs, mainly in men:

  1. Formed plaques continue to grow and merge into one big blur.
  2. After some time, the middle of the plaques begin to heal and the center portion of the spot appears healthy skin, which has a brighter color than the color of the normal healthy skin from the man. So can form half rings and arcs of the affected skin.

Due to the proximity of genitals this form is often confused with syphilis. In this case, the differential diagnosis is very important.

hypertrophic form

This form of depriving often located on the front of the leg. There are a rash of purple or brown-brown color. Already formed plaques topped Wart inclusions.Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations

Around the arranged small lesions that occur during a typical flow. This form of the most difficult to treat.

Pemfigoidnaya form

In another called bubble:

  1. Instead of the classic rash and plaques appear blisters filled with fluid. In some cases, the admixture of blood in vials found.
  2. Often this form is combined with the typical or occurs independently.Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations
  3. The bubbles eventually heal, decreasing in size, take the form of a classic rash.

Moliniformnaya form

This species can be called a nodule.

Affected the forehead, neck, buttocks, back of the neck and ears, the elbow, back of the hands, abdomen:

  1. Formed round nodules, slightly raised above the skin surface. Have a size of a cherry bones. Occur after one another and form a dense band or chain.
  2. Over time, the nodes are reduced, getting kind of ordinary rash. The disease ends of the classical type.

atrophic form

It is a rare species of red lichen, since affects the scalp.

We can say that it leaves behind most of the effects:

  1. Onset of the disease is similar to the typical form. There is a rash, then plaques are formed.
  2. But after healing of plaques it is not a pure skin and areas of atrophy and tissue sealing. Affected areas of scalp lose hair, baldness occurs fragmentary.

pointed shape

The second name of this form - Perifollicular.Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations

Often affects the scalp:

  1. Onset typical first appear rash characteristic of a typical flow.
  2. Then there are knots in the form of a cone, located at the top of the spike. This cone is formed from the affected hair follicles.
  3. Once the cones begin to live in their place there are slight depressions in some of them may be tiny nodules.

Erosive and ulcerative form

It is considered the most dangerous form of flow, as typical open wounds can become a path for infection control. Also this form in the absence of treatment capable to regenerate skin neoplasm.

Basically erosions and ulcers of mucous membranes affected:

  1. On mucous plaque once formed, is coated with a thin film. When the coating is damaged plaque starts bleeding.
  2. The skin surrounding the affected area becomes inflamed, additional small eruptions may occur.
  3. At the site of plaque ulcers occur, which require treatment. Subject to all rules of the ulcer to heal successfully, leaving no trace.Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations

This form of the disease is the most painless - mucosal lesions at all stages does not cause the patient anxiety.

Symptoms of lichen planus

Lichen planus in humans, despite the features of the course in various forms, has common features, that help distinguish it from other skin diseases.

Group of symptoms specific manifestations
Localization Often: the elbow, the forearm, in the armpits, on the abdomen, on the hips, close to or directly on the genitals, on the legs and lower back.

Not often: all mucous membranes.

Very rare: scalp.

sick feeling Often: accompanied by itching, which is difficult to control.

Not often: besides there are pronounced itching soreness, especially in the development of erosions and ulcers.

Occasionally: discomfort are absent altogether.

additional symptoms In most cases, even if the typical lishaynyh eruption did not affect the oral mucosa, on it there are barely discernible white rash. They can be identified by features location - proximity to the line.
residual Often: after all plaques heal on their site are spots of increased pigmentation.

Rarely: strong damage of the skin can provoke after healing hyperkeratosis and thickened portions.

inflammatory component Lichen planus occurs without inflammation. inflammation cases are possible if the infection occurred through open wounds.

Causes of lichen planus

Lichen planus occurs in humans, for reasons that are not known for certain. This disease is considered to be psychosomatic, having an immunological basis. So prone to the disease are considered top people with psychological problems and disorders of the immune system. In clarifying the reasons are not excluded and hereditary component.

Experts attribute the development of the disease with pre-existing conditions and problems in the body:

  • versicolor on the oral mucosa may occur because of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the presence in the mouth of metallic dental structures;
  • Ringworm on the body is associated with disorders of the endocrine system, including diabetes, problems with blood vessels, in particular hypertension.Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations

Thus, several major groups of causes:

group of reasons specific situations
neurogenic Long-term stress, shock, post-traumatic stress disorder, mental illness.
Viral ARI ARI, viral and bacterial infections. Long periods of disease and reduce the total immunity.
hereditary When a person has relatives with any chronic skin disease or episodes of acute inflammation of the skin
Toxic-allergic Receiving drugs that cause allergies, especially antibiotics. Tactile contact with aggressive substances, aggressive cleaning agents, heavy metals. Exposure to extremely polluted environment.

The risk of occurrence of red lichen are women over 40 years, in the run-up to menopause.

And people with the following problems:

  • diseases of the digestive system - gastritis, hepatic and pancreatic disease, colitis;Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations
  • any endocrine diseases;
  • heart disease and blood vessels;
  • periodic oral trauma.

Diagnosis of lichen planus

In the diagnosis of lichen planus is important to distinguish it from any other skin disease. If the wrong diagnosis wrong treatment regimen will be assigned, which can cause harm to humans. For example, lichen planus is often confused with the pink lichen.

Both of them have similar symptoms and the causes. Treatment did not significantly different in these diseases, but during the stage of disease and vary significantly. In order to determine this kind of stripping it is not necessary to take complex research perform quite a few standard tests and examinations.

View survey Features Price in rubles
Conversation and examination by a physician The therapist will give preliminary advice on the correct treatment in anticipation of receiving a dermatologist prescribe the necessary tests that will be ready to receive specialized professionals. 900
General blood analysis Contains information about the status of the major blood elements, show the presence of inflammation in the body and allergic reactions. 300
Blood chemistry A more accurate tool blood tests. With the help of it you can find out about the work of the internal organs - liver, kidney, pancreas. The analysis allows to know the level of glucose in the blood. 80 for each indicator
Study of thyroid hormone This test demonstrates the quality of the thyroid gland and the quality of regulation of its work by the pituitary gland. From 260 for each indicator
Analyzes the level of sex hormones Reveals an imbalance of female sex hormones in women and men's men. 550 for each indicator
Blood Pressure Measurement This simple method allows to reveal signs of hypertension. Included in the cost of medical examination
Interview and survey dermatologist poskablivanii spatula rashes or plaques A person with a visual inspection of the skin and instrumental studies is able to make the first conclusions about the the nature of the disease, making differentiation of the first form of the disease - the most accurate method of diagnosis of all kinds lichens. Also, the doctor will collect all the necessary information about the person's health condition, recognize the existence of the prerequisites for the emergence of the disease, to specify the presence of skin diseases in close relatives. 1500
consultation of the dentist In the presence of lesions in the mouth is required inspection dentist if the oral cavity are metallic structures. 500

Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendationsMost of the studies described above can be obtained under the policy of compulsory medical insurance. To do this, refer to the local clinic in Skin and Venereal Diseases Clinic or the hospital, according to a memo to the insurance policy.

Also all the research you can go to the offices of paid medical institutions, or contact the medical commercial centers.

When to see a doctor

Lichen planus, diagnosis, put a dermatologist. Only the doctor is able to make a qualitative differential diagnosis. Contact to a skin doctor is necessary if you have any skin changes, whether nutsedge, plaques, itching, or something else.

Skin diseases have a tendency to rapid progression and chronicity. Appointed in terms of treatment a chance to cure the disease.

After the diagnosis of lichen planus, a person is given advice and appointed the next date of reception. This disease is a long course. New lesions may appear anywhere from two weeks to several months. Man must undergo periodic inspections dermatologist, until there is healing whole rash and plaques.

Prevention planus

People who are at risk of the emergence of this kind of lichen, worth attentive to their health and adhere to preventive recommendations:

  • regular sanitary treatment of the oral cavity;Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations
  • correction or elimination of metallic dental structures;
  • treatment and prevention of occurrence of oral wounds and damage to mucous membranes;
  • treatment of hormonal imbalances all body systems;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening and maintenance of immunity;
  • struggle with chronic stress, attention to their mental health;
  • struggle with emotional and physical overload;
  • skin care - hygiene procedures should be carried out regularly, but without fanaticism, the skin has its own defense mechanisms are damaged by frequent washing and use of detergents;
  • the use of soft, hypoallergenic cosmetics without traumatizing the skin;
  • compliance with the rules of a balanced diet, refusal of acute and fatty foods.

treatments planus

Lichen planus a person has no specific treatment. Therapy complex, aimed at addressing the root causes of problems, and relief of symptoms.


Drug treatment - the best way to alleviate the patient's condition and accelerate the healing process of damaged skin.Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations

Type of drugs and their effects Name of medication The dosage regimen Cost in rubles
Herbal sedatives to combat anxiety itching, helps to establish the disturbed sleep Valerian tincture Before eating 20 to 30 drops with a little water, 3 times a day, the course - 7 days. 17
motherwort forte During the meal, 1 tablet 3 times a day, the course - up to 3 weeks. from 43
Antihistamines help to reduce inflammation and swelling to the affected tissues, reduce allergic reactions, reduce itching suprastin During the meal, 1 tablet 3 times a day, the course - 5 days. 114
Zodak 20 drops, 1 time a day, the course - 7 days. from 205
fenistil 60 drops divided into 3 doses a day, the course - 5 days. from 390
Chelators help to clean the intestines, improve its performance, to withdraw toxins, strengthen the immune system Zosterin-ultra-60% 1 sachet in the morning for 30 minutes before meals, 1 sachet in the evening 2 hours after a meal, a course - 10 days. from 430
enterosgel For 1 or 2 hours after or before meals, 1 tablespoon of the need to dissolve in water at room temperature. from 433
Antiseptics in case of open wounds to prevent infection Chlorhexidine (not for oral) Treatment of affected surface via applications with the drug 3 times a day


Miramistin 250
Corticosteroid ointment assigned in difficult cases when the skin can not be restored independently in inflammation occurs Advantan Apply a thin layer to affected areas of the skin, 1 time a day, the course - no more than 10 weeks. from 525

Traditional methods

Home remedies for the treatment in combination with drug therapy give good results. They allow you to relieve itching, eliminate the tightness of the affected skin, accelerate healing.Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations

method name application Course
Lotions sea buckthorn oil A piece of gauze, folded several times, you need to soak the oil. Applying to the area of ​​skin on the patient 30 min - 1 hr. Duration - 3 weeks.
grated beetroot Fresh, purified beet need to grate. Ready mush put on the affected skin, the top cover dressing Perform 2 times a day for 40 minutes. The course - to the disappearance of the symptoms of zoster.
Calendula ointment pharmacy Already finished product. Suffice it to smear rash and plaques. This ointment is considered one of the most effective, as it allows the skin to recover quickly. Apply 3 times a day in thin layers.

Other methods

The most common treatment for this type of depriving successful acute stage passes quickly.

But in the absence of drug treatment results and the deterioration of the patient, additional hardware is assigned treatment:

  • medium wave narrowband phototherapy, it is shown with a slight infiltration of the affected areas, held from 3 to 4 times a week for 3-4 months;
  • with significant infiltration required PUAV therapy with ultraviolet therapy elements;
  • in the presence of long-term healing of ulcers and erosions used electrocoagulation affected area, this method effects the micro electric pulses eliminates the problem at a time.Lichen planus in humans. Photo, stage, symptoms, treatment. clinical recommendations

As a replacement therapy following healing of the rash and plaques, shown vacation. To do this, we recommend a trip to the sea. Sun exposure will benefit the restoration of small areas of hyperkeratosis and residual stains after plaques.

Sea water will help to restore the immune system, in particular the skin. For the rest it is recommended to choose the high salinity of the sea, such as the Adriatic waters. The most successful time period for the trip to the sea - September, early October. During this period the sun is not as active as possible and have a restorative effect.

possible complications

In the absence of a competent treatment from lichen planus there are complications:

  1. Open sores and erosion are a source of external infection, which is a serious complication to the already existing skin disease.
  2. Forms with hyperkeratotic and ulcerative over conventionally considered a precancerous condition of the skin. People older and older the likelihood of degeneration of tissues in malignant increases substantially.

Zoster - a disease that brings discomfort and suffering person. Lichen planus successfully treated, and pass completely if the patient complies with a doctor's recommendation.

Failure to comply with the rules of person may develop a chronic form of the disease that does not go for months or for years will be returned to the person in the form of relapse. Complications and serious trauma to the skin in severe life threatening and the patient's health.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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Causes of lichen planus:

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