Skin Diseases

Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, photo stage, ointments, caring for the sick at home

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Shingles ( «varicella zoster» - varicella zoster virus) belongs to the category of viral pathologies. The main accompanying symptoms - this pain and rashes on the body. The most common herpes development in children takes place against the backdrop of a weakened immune system. Timely treatment by a dermatologist will allow to start treatment at an early stage and prevent serious consequences.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Zoster virus enters the body of a child?
  • 2 Causes of shingles in children and risk groups
  • 3 How is whether shingles is contagious?
  • 4 Localization of lesions
  • 5 Symptoms and signs of the disease
    • 5.1 easy form
    • 5.2 severe form
  • 6 Diagnostics
  • 7 drug therapy
  • 8 Tools and recipes of traditional medicine
  • 9 Physiotherapy
  • 10 Terms of care for a sick child
  • 11 Possible consequences
  • 12 Video of shingles in children

Zoster virus enters the body of a child?

Pathogenic bacteria penetrate the body of a child by droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs talking. Penetrating into the respiratory tract, the virus multiplies. Since the bloodstream pathogens affect the skin and mucous membranes. At the site of the infection are formed vesicles with serous contents.

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The disease is called chicken pox, against which subsequently appears shingles.

Infection of the child's body chickenpox occurs in most cases during a visit preschools. After a full recovery of the child formed strong immunity. But the virus remains in the body, the agent is in the intervertebral ganglia (ganglia).

Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

Against the background of provoking factors can second relapse in the form of herpes zoster (shingles). From pathology often faced by adolescents and adults recover from childhood chickenpox.

Causes of shingles in children and risk groups

The main source of provocative - a weak immune system, against which reduces the body's resistance to numerous diseases.

There are other reasons that contribute to the pathological changes:

  • severe shock and emotional distress, chronic stress, fatigue;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • Hodgkin's disease;
  • HIV infection, AIDS;
  • immunodeficiency different origin (the administration of drugs which adversely affect the body's defenses, reducing them);
  • leukemia.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

At-risk children are undergoing chemotherapy. Immunosuppressants and certain hormonal drugs increase the risk of shingles. In difficult situations, the disease is delayed and difficult to treat, which entails serious complications.

How is whether shingles is contagious?

Infection occurs most healthy organism by airborne droplets. The causative agents of disease are in themselves bubbles, they are distributed to discharge the contents of them. The virus is not dangerous for those who in childhood had been ill with chicken pox.

There are several ways of transmission of viral diseases:

Title Description


The causative agents of herpes zoster fall on the baby's skin by means of saliva, for example, through kissing with an infected person.


Infection occurs through shared objects.


Infection occurs during coughing or sneezing sick person.


The causative agents of the virus enters the body healthy during intra-arterial or intravenous transfusion.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

A few days before the appearance of the major signs of depriving a person complains of a headache, high fever, chills, and lethargy. In the likely eruption area felt itching and burning. The first signs appear on the skin in 1-4 days. On the first day pink spots, on the second day, they turn into bubbles. Body temperature rises to 38-39 ° C.

Localization of lesions

Shingles - herpetic disease, inflammatory lesions which occur in most cases during the intercostal nerve. Spots on the skin of children are placed along the nerve trunks.

Against the background of viral infection appears pain. First spots are formed, a few days bubbles within which liquid collected on the body. After 4 days, they are reduced, and in their place there is a crust.

Given the degree of development of viral diseases, distinguish three main stages localization of lesions:

Title Description

Stage 1.

No rash. At the site of the future inflammatory lesions itching, numbness, tingling and pain. Diarrhea and chills without heat accompanied by irritation of the skin. Lymph nodes swell and become more sensitive.

Step 2.

Body bubbles appear and rash. The papule is going to clear liquid, which after a time becomes cloudy. In some situations, there is a burning pain.

Step 3.

After the disappearance of the rash and vesicles painful sensations in the affected areas remain. This pain is called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). It is accompanied by increased sensitivity, burning sensation and pain, chronic pain syndrome.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

If rashes appear around the eyes, it is important to immediately consult a dermatologist and undergo treatment to prevent serious complications.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

The clinical picture allows the doctor to establish a diagnosis and treatment to choose. A viral disease is mild and complex form. In each case, there are characteristic symptoms.

easy form

Herpes zoster in children at an early stage is characterized by the following features:

  • temperature rise;
  • chills;
  • malaise, and weakness in the body;
  • limfauzly swell;
  • in future eruptions tingling, numbs the skin, itching, burning sensation;
  • in the affected areas along the nerve pain occurs;
  • formed pink papules or seals;
  • deteriorating appetite.

Papules with a diameter of 0.5 cm are closely located, they are developing rapidly, and are grouped together. They contain clear fluid, which becomes cloudy after 3 days. Proper and timely treatment leads to the fact that after 6 days appeared papules dry up, leaving a crisp, fall away after a while.

severe form

In the period of acute viral disease in children appear the following symptoms:

  • weakness, malaise, chills;
  • heat;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • severe pain in which he is naughty tough baby to sleep;
  • nausea, vomiting.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

2 days after getting the virus in the body of a child in the body there are pink spots, passing in multiple nodules. Then they turn into blisters that contain fluid. Localized lesions in nerve trunks and branches.

In medicine, there are certain kinds of severe herpes zoster:

Title Description


Big bubbles formed by the merger of small papules. Their edges scalloped.


The contents of bubbles with blood impurities.


Severe form of herpes zoster, which is characterized by scab formation at the site of lesions. After their disappearance remain scars.


The rash is very similar to the rash that accompanies chickenpox. It is distributed throughout the body.

In some situations, a severe form of herpes virus associated with symptoms of iridocyclitis, encephalitis, conjunctivitis, stomatitis or keratitis. With similar clinical signs of the child requires emergency medical care.

Pediatrician or dermatologist will examine, prescribe additional tests. Based on these results the physician will select the most effective and safe therapy.


Laboratory examinations are prescribed by a dermatologist after inspection. Many patients come to the doctor with a high fever and pain in the body, knowing that they have the flu. In the first stage of development of the main signs of shingles are missing, making it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.

Define a viral disease in a child allows the following tests:

  • serological tests;
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
  • microscopy;
  • immuno-fluorescent examination;
  • virus isolation in tissue culture.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

Laboratory diagnosis is indicated for atypical form of shingles and children with immunodeficiency. In severe course of disease it is also recommended to carry out a thorough medical examination.

drug therapy

Herpes zoster in children more often treated at home. Rarely require hospitalization, when a viral disease is accompanied by serious complications. Therapy selects dermatologist after full physical examination and on the basis of the results obtained after diagnosis.

drug Group Title The use and effectiveness
Antivirals (tablet, ointment, powder). "Acyclovir", "Valacyclovir", "interferon". Eliminate the swelling of the nerve endings. Block the spread and development of pathogenic microorganisms. Prevent the appearance of complications.

Medication is recommended to take 7-14 d.

Antipyretics. "Diclofenac", "ibuprofen". Reduce pain, fever and general malaise. 25-50 mg 2-3 p. a day for 5-7 d.
Painkillers. "Baralgin", "Pentalgin", "Neostigmine". Eliminate pain and feverish syndrome. Take 1-2 Valium. 2-3 p. in a day.
Antiseptic. "Salicylic acid" It softens and removes the top layer of the epidermis. Apply to affected skin 2-3 p. a day for 7 d.
Antifungals for topical use and inside. "Clotrimazole", "mikoseptin" "Terbinafine". Eliminate the negative effects of fungi on the body of a child. Apply 1-3 p. per day. Minimum course of therapy 1 week.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

Treatment is important to start immediately after the onset of rash on the skin. therapy in most cases lasts for a minimum of 7 days and a couple of days after the appearance of papules on the last body of the child. Once the disease begins to recede, dermatologist appoint additional child vitamin complexes and immune-boosting drugs.

Medication support the body's defenses, supply necessary vitamins and minerals.

Should not be applied to the affected skin irritating creams or ointments: they aggravate the child's condition. Process can not be as rash iodine or brilliant green, they slow down the healing process.

Against the background of shingles occurs postegrpeticheskaya neuralgia, which is also treated with medical drugs:

drug Group Title The use and effectiveness
Analgesics. "Acetaminophen", "Celebrex", "naproxen". Reduce pain. The standard dose of 200 mg 1-2 p. per day.
Opioids. "Oxycodone" "Tramadol." Strong analgesics and help stop the pain, which failed painkillers. It is recommended to strictly comply with the instructions or prescription, drugs cause adverse reactions. At day 5-100 mg
Antidepressants. "Cymbalta," "Amitriptyline". Assigned when the patient has depression. Medicines contribute to good sleep. 60 mg of 2 p. a day not less than 2 months.
Anticonvulsants. "Neurontin," "Topamax", "carbamazepine". Preparations necessary to prevent convulsions.

2 tablets. daily for 3 weeks according to the established pattern physician.

Local anesthetic drugs in the form of ointments or gels. "Relief Advance", "Versatis." Contain analgesics or anesthetics reduce pain. Ointment applied 4 p. a day or after each bowel movement bowel for 7-10 d.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

Herpes zoster in children is accompanied by severe pain. Postherpetic neuralgia occurs when viral lesions of sensory nerve disease. It disrupted their functioning, and the central nervous system receives the signals of pain.

Tools and recipes of traditional medicine

Facilitate the child's condition, reduce rashes and pain medications to help, as well as non-traditional methods. It is important to use them to consult a dermatologist. Recipes healers and healers can provoke an allergic reaction and worsen the patient's condition.

Title Recipe The use and effectiveness

Tincture of calendula.

Mix calendula flowers and meadowsweet 2 tablespoons Add 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Calendula tincture can be used to compress or drink inside. Before use, the drug is diluted in 100 ml of water. Shingles is recommended to drink 1 tbsp 3 r. per day. Calendula is the best natural antiseptic.


Fresh leaves of the plant crushed to a pulp. The mixture was applied to the affected skin areas for 20 min. Mother coltsfoot can be taken orally, 2-3 drops of the juice, after dilution with water (150 mL). Suffice 3p. a day 60 minutes before meal.

Sorrel infusion.

Pour beam 2 plants water (1 L). Put on fire, boil. Heat for 10 minutes, cool and filter. The resulting solution is used for compresses. Wet gauze and apply to the site of lesions.

Propolis ointment.

Cut 40 g and 20 g of propolis wax. In a water bath to melt 140 g of any animal fat. Mix all the ingredients to heat to simmer for 20 minutes. Lubricate the sore spot every day for 3 p., No cover, wait until completely absorbed.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

Recipes sorcerers and healers to help reduce the negative manifestations of herpes zoster in children. It is important that therapy was integrated with not only the people's money, but also medicines.


Treatment of shingles is recommended comprehensively. Along with the traditional treatment used not only recipes sorcerers and healers, and physiotherapy.

Title Description
Phototherapy (ultraviolet irradiation, laser therapy in the infrared, visible light in red and blue range). Reduce the intensity of pain and inflammation. Improves blood circulation and accelerate biochemical processes, which contributes to the speedy regeneration of the damaged tissues. Treatment involves daily sessions of 10-12 for 15-20 minutes.
Magnetic therapy (high-intensity, low-frequency).
Transcranial sedation.
Electrotherapy (electrostimulation, darsonvalization, Ultratontherapy, diadynamic). Physical therapy procedures carried out in the period of cleansing the skin from rashes and during depigmentation. Activated microcirculation, amplified flow of nutrients and oxygen to the affected area. therapy involves 10-12 sessions of 10-15 minutes.
Ultrasound therapy and phonophoresis with drugs to spinal ganglion.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care
Herpes zoster in children can be treated with physical therapy methods such as electrotherapy.

Therapeutic exercise helps to restore elasticity of muscles and ligaments. Acupuncture is assigned with shingles to restore nerve conduction and reduction of pain, inflammation.

Terms of care for a sick child

Herpes zoster in children is mild, recovery occurs quickly if you follow certain recommendations of the appointment and a dermatologist.

They are:

  • Infected children provide separate personal items (towel, cup, spoon, fork).
  • The patient should wear clothing, for the manufacture of which the manufacturer has used natural materials.
  • Do not bathe in the bathroom, take a warm shower 1 p. in a few days.
  • Combing blisters or rashes should not be. Papules damage provokes the appearance of new spots.
  • If strongly hurt eruptions at night they can be closed by a special bandage.
  • Regularly change underwear and bed linen.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

If you follow the simple rules and recommendations dermatologist can avoid repeated relapse and the emergence of serious complications.

Possible consequences

In carrying out proper and adequate treatment of herpes zoster does not cause complications in children.

In some situations, there are serious consequences:

Title Description

Secondary neuralgia.

In 60% of children are saved for a month after the disappearance of skin rashes. In 25% of cases of secondary neuralgia observed for 6 months. In 15% of cases six months longer.

Painful sensations.

Observed in patients on-site rash after falling off crusts. Pain syndrome is present from 30 days to 6 months.

Encephalitis, myelitis.

Provokes the child's age (up to one year) or widespread rashes on the body. Complications occur more frequently in a week after the first signs of shingles. Encephalitis is manifested paresis and psychosis, cranial nerve damage. The patient in this situation a disability face more often.
Herpes zoster in children. Symptoms, treatment, stage, ointments, patient care

In 40% of the viral disease is complicated by the development of seizures and impaired consciousness. The children have problems with urination, defecation act, the sensitivity decreases. In complex situations, there is a defeat meninges, the appearance of serous meningitis.

Shingles often unable to safely cure, repeated relapses are rare. Adverse effects occur in children after disease progression in a complex form. A child with herpes zoster is dangerous to others, it must be isolated. In healthy people, infection after zoster manifests as varicella.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of shingles in children

Herpes zoster in children and pregnant women:

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