Skin Diseases

Psoriasis. Treatment of folk remedies at home. clinical recommendations

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Psoriasis treatment at home without the use of traditional medicines, provides the use of traditional therapies in the form of infusions, decoctions, homemade ointments, rastirok, compresses, baths, lotions.

The patient can use this trend in the fight against psoriasis in combination with other methods, or else be applied as an independent method of getting rid of dermatological diseases.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is psoriasis
  • 2 types of diseases
  • 3 Stage and extent of psoriasis
  • 4 symptoms
  • 5 Causes of Psoriasis
  • 6 diagnosis of psoriasis
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention of psoriasis
  • 9 Methods of treating a disease folk remedies
    • 9.1 Ointment on the basis of aloe and honey
    • 9.2 A decoction of the roots of wheatgrass
    • 9.3 herbal
    • 9.4 tincture of celandine
    • 9.5 Decoction of calendula and succession
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Videos about psoriasis and its treatment by folk remedies

What is psoriasis

Psoriasis - a chronic disease of the skin, which belongs to the group of non-infectious dermatoses. There is a scientific theory that the main cause of the disease is associated with an autoimmune reaction of the body when blood cells responsible for protective function, attack epithelium, treating it as a biologically dangerous an object.

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In most of his manifestations of psoriasis affects only the upper layer of the skin, but there are also complicated forms of the disease. In the latter case, in the pathological process involves the bone and connective tissue, as well as the hairy surface of the head.

As the disease progresses develops localized inflammation characterized by redness of the skin lesion, excessive formation of tiny capillary vessels in the subcutaneous layer, chronic inflammation and desquamation of surface epithelium.

Skin afflicted with psoriasis, has the form of gray, silver or purple spots, which rise to 1-2 mm above the general level of the epithelial tissues. It papules, skin covering one solid spot, or they spread throughout the body multiple inclusions drop-shaped.Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home

Massive lesions of the epithelium to the penetration of the pathological process in the deeper tissues are called the medical term - "Paraffin lake", as part of which there is an excessive proliferation of macrophages, lymphocytes protective cells, and keratinocytes, epidermis.

types of diseases

Treatment of psoriasis with the help of public money while at home - is a challenge, as a dermatological disorder is a chronic and completely incurable.

Based on the clinical picture of skin lesions, as well as localization of the pathological process, the disease is classified by type. In the table below are described in detail varieties of psoriasis display characteristics indicating illness.

View psoriasis The clinical picture of symptoms
Plain The most common type of dermatological diseases. Simple, else it is called blyashkovidny, psoriasis vulgaris, is diagnosed in 90% of patients asked for help with signs paraffin formation lakes. The disease is characterized by lesions of large areas of the skin that is red, hot to the touch, and is formed on the upper layer of the plurality of gray least dying epithelial cells scales.
arthropathic One of the most dangerous and severe forms of psoriasis. A distinctive feature of arthropathic type of disease is that the primary focus is not specific inflammation - a joint surface of the skin. As the progress of the disease, there is a loss of deeper tissues. In the end, the inflammatory process extends to the autoimmune etiology of bone and connective tissue. In humans, there are all signs of a patient of arthritis, the effects of which is a violation of the mobility of the limbs, loss of flexion function, the acquisition of disability.
flexion A distinctive feature of this type of psoriasis is that its location - it's only areas of the epidermis, where there are creases. Zones of defeat is the groin, inner thighs, lower abdomen in people with excess body weight, skin surface under the breasts in women. In most cases, a prerequisite for the development of the flexion of psoriasis is the presence of a fungal infection or a Streptococcus aureus.
pustular This is one of the most difficult varieties of psoriasis, whose development is characterized by the formation of a large number of pustules. Externally, they resemble blisters, filled with a transparent liquid without a specific odor or color shade. The skin in the circle is edematous pustules, red and hot. The disease is characterized by the rapid spread of epithelium. In the absence of adequate medical treatment may result in more than half of the body, which is dangerous violation of thermoregulation process and the onset of the patient's death. At destruction papules formed wounds, inside which can enter bacterial, fungal or viral infection, which exacerbates the disease.
ungual This type of psoriasis is characterized in that the disease is localized exclusively in the circumference and on the nail plate. In medical practice, the term is still found onihodistrofichesky psoriasis. Under the influence of the disease affected nail changes color, getting gray, yellow, white colors. Perhaps skin lesion, located in the plate circumference. Epithelium under the nail and compacted, it becomes susceptible to dystrophic changes. There are clinical cases in which psoriasis causes a complete loss of the nail plate.
drop-shaped In this case the psoriatic plaque forming multiple pustules that have the size of 2-3 mm. Resemble tiny droplets of red, burgundy, towering above the general cover of the epithelium. Most often localized on the thighs, scalp, upper and lower extremities. Guttate psoriasis different clinic manifestations moderate without evidence of acute inflammation. A prerequisite to the development of the disease is streptococcal and staphylococcal infection.
erythrodermic It is believed that this species is an exacerbation of psoriasis existing disease which is characterized by unstable flow. This is one of the most dangerous species of dermatological disorders, which can be complicated by the onset of sepsis and death. When erythrodermic psoriasis occurs inflammation of large skin areas, which become swollen, red, covers a multitude of white flakes. The man feels severe itching and pain as well when attempting to scratch the affected area or remove dead epithelial cells by mechanical means, separates the top layer of skin. It forms an open wound from which released ichor. There is a good chance of joining the infection, as well as violations of the heat exchange body.
Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home

Determination of type of psoriasis is performed dermatologist inspection of the external skin areas with pathological changes as well as on the basis of laboratory data. Each type of dermatological disease has its own treatment strategy.

Stage and extent of psoriasis

Psoriasis, treatment of folk remedies at home which takes into account the severity of the disease responds well to treatment in the early stages of its development.

Defeat epithelial tissues were separated into the following stages:

  • stage 1 - focus on the future site of psoriatic plaques or pustules, there is a slight reddening of the skin, which is slightly hot and swollen, but no signs of morphological changes (this mild disease when the disease covered no more than 3% of epithelial tissue);
  • stage 2 - inflammation increases, viewed volumetric pustules and plaques formed dense layer of white flakes, attempts independently get rid of the psoriatic plaque, causing severe pain and isolation ichor (is the average severity of disease with lesions from 3 to 10% skin);
  • stage 3 - by external examination established that the psoriatic plaques and pustules covered more than 10% of the epithelium, the surface layer of the skin edematous, painful, is easily separated by mechanical action, leaving an open wound sections present signs of heat exchange, the patient fever.

After was determined severity of the disease and its stage of development, are selected drugs which stop further progress of psoriasis, stabilize the patient's health status and allow to keep plaque in the former borders.


Psoriasis treatment folk remedies in the home which starts immediately after detection of the first signs of the disease is confirmed by examination.

Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home
Early symptoms of psoriasis can be treated with folk remedies!

This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • reddening of the skin lesion;
  • accession itching, pain, which are enhanced by mechanical action on the epithelium;
  • fervescence to subfebrile values ​​(37.0-37.3 degrees Celsius);
  • change the color tint of nails, or their total loss;
  • forming continuous or multiple psoriatic spots coated white, gray or silvery scales;
  • transparent bubble formation (papules), within which the liquid is flowing on the skin surface after their destruction;
  • separation of the upper layer of the epithelium with appearance of scale wound surfaces;
  • inflammation of the hip, elbow, knee, shoulder joints, if the patient developed artropaticheskom.Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home

Clinical manifestations of the disease are common, which allows a visual diagnosis of his body even at home without any special study skin particles in the laboratory. The most severe symptoms is erythrodermic and pustular psoriasis.

Causes of Psoriasis

The appearance of psoriatic plaques is associated with the negative impact of external and internal factors.

Disrupting the operation of individual sections of the epithelial tissues, namely:

  • Related diseases of the endocrine system, that lead to a hormonal imbalance;
  • autoimmune disorders when their own immune cells attack the epithelial tissues, causing their chronic inflammation;
  • alcohol abuse, intake of drugs;
  • daily contact the skin surface with aggressive substances, chemical compounds;
  • inadequate personal hygiene (this is a common cause of the flexion of psoriasis);
  • complication of diabetes;
  • the effects of the previously transferred diseases of the skin, which is the causative agent was Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcal infection;
  • stress, nervous stress and psycho-emotional strain.

Genetic predisposition to disease psoriasis is also a common cause of illness. People who have close relatives suffering from psoriasis are at risk, and should follow the rules of prevention.

diagnosis of psoriasis

Patients who have symptoms of psoriasis, are examined in private clinics, where it will cost the average from 2500 to 3500 rubles., Or in the public health institutions. In the latter institution diagnostics are free.

To confirm or refute the diagnosis of the patient will have to go through the following stages of the survey:

  • external examination, which performs a dermatologist, as well as infectious diseases;Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home
  • Deposit of capillary blood for clinical analysis;
  • smear the inflamed surface, to prevent bacterial infection;
  • biochemical exudates discharged from psoriatic pustules;
  • epithelial tissue biopsy samples, if there are suspected oncologic process.
  • venous blood sampling for the study of hormone levels and the presence of dangerous infections (HIV, tuberculosis, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus);
  • general urine analysis.

The survey is conducted in 2 stages. This initial examination and consultation with a specialist, and then surrender biological samples for laboratory studies. The average duration of diagnosis ranges from 2 to 3 days.

When to see a doctor

Address to the dermatologist should be exercised in the first days after a man found on his body signs of the formation of plaques, pustules with liquid contents, inflammation, felt itching, pain or puffiness. Psoriasis - is a disease that can be successfully kept under control.

The sooner it will start therapy, the greater the likelihood it will be possible to prevent further deterioration of health, and also to keep the same quality of life.

Prevention of psoriasis

With daily the following rules of prevention can minimize the risk of psoriasis:

  • observe good personal hygiene, morning and evening to take a warm shower with soap and water, change clothes and always wear clean clothes;Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home
  • time to treat infections of the skin;
  • avoid stressful and conflict situations, or else take sedatives;
  • renounce the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking;
  • excluded from the diet junk food containing preservatives, carcinogens;
  • wear clothes sewn from natural, hypoallergenic fabrics;
  • avoid contact with open areas of the epithelium household chemicals and other harmful substances.

In winter, the skin must be protected from frost and cold wind. In the summer sunny days, epithelial tissues are closed or covered clothing special creams from an excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation.

Methods of treating a disease folk remedies

Psoriasis, treatment of folk remedies at home which provides independent preparation of drugs based on the healing properties of herbs and other products should be subject to the system therapy. The following are the most popular and effective recipes to get rid of all types of psoriasis.

Ointment on the basis of aloe and honey

For the preparation of the drug required to take 1 tbsp. l. honey collected during flowering spring gardens, and the same amount of pulp of aloe, which was obtained by grinding the leaves of the flower to the state of slurry.

All components are mixed until a homogeneous mass. Received means left for 2 hours in a refrigerator to exposed honey occurred allocation of more aloe juice.Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home

After this time, the home ointment is laid out on the segment of a sterile bandage and then fixed to the affected area of ​​the skin using adhesive tape. Such an application must be in the body for 1.5 hours in the morning and evening. Duration of therapy is at least 20 days. The treatment is repeated as exacerbation.

A decoction of the roots of wheatgrass

Agropyron - a weed plant, parts of which have healing properties. To prepare based on their home remedy for psoriasis, it is necessary to dig 0.5kg wheat grass roots, clean them from the earth, rinsing liquid under pressure.

Thereafter, they are placed in a metal container filled 2 L of water, and boiled at low heat for 20 minutes. The resulting broth has a high concentration of inflammatory and antiseptic substances, reduces edema and itching. Is added to the bath at 30 liters of warm water. Therapeutic bathing perform 2 times a week for 3-5 months.


It needs to take 1 tsp. l. these dried plants - sage, calendula flowers, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother. Pour all ingredients into a thermos, then pour 1 cup of boiling water.Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home

Leave a cure closed for 3 hours to infuse. Folk remedy taken 2 times a day for half a cup for 30 minutes. before meals. The course of treatment is 25 days. If necessary, it may be extended for a longer period.

tincture of celandine

Made of water-based. This will require to take 1 tbsp. l. dried plants, fill it into a glass jar of capacity 0.5 L, and then add water temperature of 60 degrees Celsius.

The vessel is put on 5 days in a dark and cool place for insisting. Tool is used to wipe the affected areas of skin. Celandine tincture is applied on a sterile cotton wool, which must be processed psoriatic plaques and pustules.

A therapeutic procedure is done three times a day until a remission with no evidence of acute inflammation and edema. Celandine is a poisonous plant, so the infusion is strictly forbidden to eat inside.

Decoction of calendula and succession

Psoriasis, treatment of folk remedies at home which provides the daily performance of therapeutic procedures can be stopped using the broth on the basis of calendula and succession.Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home

This will require to take 1 tbsp. l. of dried plants, pour them into the pan or any other container, add 0.5 L of water and boiled at low heat for 15 minutes. After cooling, the concentrated broth is used to wipe the affected areas of skin.

As used consumable sterile cotton or gauze bandage. It is recommended that treatments 3 times a day for 20-30 days. This tool allows you to remove the swelling, stop the spread of the disease, remove the itching, inflammation, and prevents the development of bacterial infection.

possible complications

In the absence of adequate treatment, or therapy is malformed circuit, It does not exclude the development of the following complications:

  • a bacterial, viral or fungal infection that got into the open wound after the destruction of pustules;Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies in the home
  • violation of thermoregulation of the organism;
  • destruction of bone and connective tissue inflamed joints;
  • receiving disability;
  • bacterial infection of the blood and the onset of septic shock;
  • fatal outcome.

If psoriasis treatment process at home is organized correctly, folk remedies, which are used in therapy, will bring exclusive benefits to the health of the patient without risk complications. At the same time we must remember that psoriasis is a disease that should be treated in the first days of its occurrence.

In this case, the plaques and pustules will be in a constant state of remission with no evidence of acute inflammation and destruction of healthy epithelial tissue sections. The systematic use of traditional therapies can achieve the same therapeutic effect as when using a pharmacy medication.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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