Skin Diseases

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment for adults and children

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Zoster - is a group of dermatological diseases of infectious etiology. The main feature of pathology are various skin rashes. Pre-determine a kind of disease possibly type rash and additional distinctive signs. Some types of infectious depriving can be transmitted not only from person to person, but also from animal to man.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Nature of the disease
  • 2 The first symptoms
  • 3 Description lichen species in humans
    • 3.1 Pink or zoster Gibert
    • 3.2 Shingles
    • 3.3 Ringworm or trihofitia, mikrosporiya
    • 3.4 Pityriasis versicolor or multicolored
    • 3.5 Lichen planus
    • 3.6 Weeping ringworm or eczema
    • 3.7 Psoriasis or psoriasis
    • 3.8 Piedra or knotty lichen
    • 3.9 solar shingles
    • 3.10 tubular versicolor
    • 3.11 asbestos shingles
    • 3.12 feline Ringworm
    • 3.13 Lichen simplex person or dry streptoderma
  • 4 Complications and consequences in adults, pregnant children
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 complex products
  • 7 Features of the treatment of children, pregnant
  • 8 Folk remedies
  • 9 Videos about the varieties of depriving a person

Nature of the disease

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Ringworm is a contagious disease, which develops as a result of contact with the pathogen on the skin and its revitalization.

Activators of depriving are:

  • viruses (herpes);
  • fungi (zooantropofilnye, antropofilnymi, geofilnye).

There are also types of depriving the nature of which is not defined. The cause of the infection can be as with the carrier lishaynyh infection (human or animal), and the use of objects used by or which touched the patient. Some types of fungi found in the soil and fall on the skin when working with the land without the use of gloves.

The disease does not always develop immediately after infection (some pathogens may be on the skin person from birth and is not in the active phase), often with a decrease in the protective function of the immune system.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment

Immunosuppression can occur due to:

  • infectious diseases in severe;
  • frequent colds;
  • aggravation of allergic reaction;
  • presence or chronic autoimmune pathologies;
  • endocrine disease;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • long-term use of antibiotics and other aggressive medications;
  • irrationally chosen and excessive exercise;
  • the presence of cancer cells or HIV infection;
  • vitamin deficiencies due to malnutrition.

development also can be caused by depriving the provoking factors:

  • susceptibility at the genetic level;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene;
  • emotional and nervous strain;
  • disruption of the sweat and sebaceous glands (with excess generation secrets);
  • frequent and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays (reception of solar baths, solarium).

Most often, children are exposed to infection, because they have not yet issued the immune system and the elderly (their immune system is already heavily depleted).

The first symptoms

Recognize the defeat of the skin ringworm can be by the presence of the main signs of pathology:

  • presence of lesions with sharp edges on the diverse nature of the skin (vesicles scaly maculae, papules);
  • increased dryness of the epidermis. Accompanied by scaling and itching;
  • general health deterioration in the initial stage is not marked.
Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment

Pathology at the initial stage easily treatable or cupping, and also decreases the risk of complications. Confirm or refute zoster can only dermatologist and appropriate treatment.

Description lichen species in humans

Varieties of depriving a person divided by type of pathogen (fungal, viral and uncertain nature) and the form of the disease. For each type of infection is characterized by distinctive symptoms and severity of disease. Treatment may be administered only after diagnosis, because it is important to determine the type of agent, for the selection of appropriate medication.

Pink or zoster Gibert

Gibert versicolor is not contagious. Developing hypothermia due to frequent or stresses after infectious diseases. It refers to deprive the unknown nature of origin.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Varieties of depriving a person great. The most common of them - the pink.
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features Pink rash has clear boundaries, along the edges surrounded by a red border. For a period of eruptions present a weak itch.
Places localization rash The spots are located on the trunk, arms and in skin folds.
flow Features Versicolor develops gradually. Originally formed in the skin peeling pink spot (diameter 4-5 cm) with a red border, additionally possible to increase the temperature characteristics, an increase in the cervical lymph nodes and fast fatigue. After 14 days on the skin appears dotted rash of pink spots, which gradually increase in diameter of 2 cm. 2-10 night spots change color to yellow, covered with scales and gradually disappear. Sometimes the disease can affect the skin for months with the constant appearance of new spots.
Who is affected by contamination Often develops in adolescents and female.

After recovery, formed immunity to the pathogen. Re-infection is unlikely.


The disease is caused by the herpes virus and is contagious. For people who do not have immunity to varicella zoster causes chickenpox development. Infection occurs through contact with the carrier of the virus and develop on their own people suffered chicken pox, in the presence of a strong decrease in immunity.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features Accompanied intolerable itching rash, fever up to 39 degrees and pain symptoms have been affected nerve endings. The nature of the rash is similar rashes varicella.
Places localization rash Eruptions localized mainly in the ribs and further along the intercostal nerves. Sometimes the rash affects the eyes, it is dangerous deterioration of vision to its complete loss.
flow Features After infection, the patient is fever, develop a headache and itching at the site of future eruptions. After 4 days the characteristic rash varicella (initially appear pink spots, are formed further to the bubbles with the liquid, which is gradually opened and dry up).
Who is affected by contamination The disease affects the skin in people of any age.

Duration of the disease is on average 20 days after start of lesions. Ringworm can be treated with complete recovery. Repeat the disease is rare, but in chronic reduction in protective immune responses (HIV gynecological pathology).

Ringworm or trihofitia, mikrosporiya

These types of depriving develop after contact with the skin (including on the scalp) fungal pathogens. Carriers of the infection can be infected humans and animals.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features Hair loss and the formation of bald patches on the scalp (also in beard and mustache for men). There is intense itching, scratching may result in abscess formation.
Places localization rash The rash may be localized in any part of the epidermis (the face, head, trunk) and even on the nail plate.
flow Features Spots formed in diameter and 10 cm. Rash flakes to form a gray-white flakes. Along the edges of the spots can be formed bubbles with the liquid, which after opening form a yellow crust.
Who is affected by contamination Ringworm can affect people of any age. Children up to 8 years more susceptible to infection (due to a weakened immune system and frequent contact with animals).

With timely treatment of diseases amenable to a complete cure. In the running state, or in the absence of treatment scab become chronic.

Pityriasis versicolor or multicolored

Ringworm is a fungal nature. Develops due to hormonal balance disorders or during prolonged exposure to the sun or in a stuffy room (subject to the availability of the fungus in the "sleep" state of the epidermis). Infection is possible in very rare cases, only if severely immunocompromised.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features The spots may merge into one big blur. Color rash action depends on the intensity of ultraviolet rays (from pink to yellow-brown).
Places localization rash Lishaynyh spots are localized mainly on the trunk and shoulders.
flow Features Spots cover skin without the presence of additional characteristic symptoms. Occasionally may slight flaking and itching.
Who is affected by contamination The disease usually affects the skin of teenagers, as in this period is the hormonal changes the body.

Predisposition to multi-colored deprive transmitted through the hereditary line. The disease is a chronic (full recovery is not possible). pathology therapy is aimed at the elimination of symptoms.

Lichen planus

The causative agent of lichen is not fully understood.

Cause of disease are:

  • predisposition to allergies;
  • frequent stress;
  • transmitted through the hereditary line.

The disease is not contagious.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features The rash is red-brown or bluish tint. Surface shiny spots. There is intense itching. In lesions of the nail plates are formed on the strip, then the nail grows turbid and crumbles.
Places localization rash Rash affects the mucous membranes, skin and nail plates.
flow Features rashes place not only strongly itch, but also painful to touch. Stains can have a variety of characteristics (flat annular, warty, ulcerative) and quickly engage the entire skin, mucous membranes, and nails.
Who is affected by contamination More likely to develop in women with chronic pathologies of the digestive tract.

In milder forms of zoster runs independently, without the use of medicines. In severe forms require the use of medicines. Possible relapse.

Weeping ringworm or eczema

Varieties of depriving a person divided by type of infection. Eczema is collected from this group of dermatological because disease can be fungal, bacterial or viral form. The disease is not contagious and is developing at a strong weakening of the immune system, the presence of open wounds and frequent stress.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features Rashes on the skin located symmetrically. Rash accompanied by itching intensified, especially after water treatment and in the evening.
Places localization rash The spots can affect the entire skin (including the hairy part). Often localized on the face and hands.
flow Features Initially, the skin covered with red swollen spots without clear boundaries. Further, bubbles are formed on them with a liquid content. Once opened, the liquid bubbles "coming out" to the outside to form a crust.
Who is affected by contamination The disease most often affects people with disorders of the digestive tract.

The disease is chronic and hereditary predisposition. Therapy is aimed at relief of disease symptoms.

Psoriasis or psoriasis

Pathogen psoriasis has not been studied. The disease has a genetic predisposition, and develops as a result of hormonal balance or reduced immunity. It has no contagious nature.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features Rash as round scaly bumps a light red color. The spots have a tendency to sprawl and draining in a great spot. The rash is accompanied by severe itching.
Places localization rash Rash predominantly localized to limbs fold places on the lower back and gluteal region. But can also affect the scalp, palms and nails.
flow Features Initially, small spots are formed which grow rapidly and together. Rash absorbed from the middle, the garland rashes form a kind of stains. Because of scratching on the formations are formed painful cracks.
Who is affected by contamination Ringworm usually affects people with thin and dry skin.

It is a chronic disease. Receiving drugs allows to stop the disease for a long time.

Piedra or knotty lichen

Ringworm is a fungal nature, infection is possible when using the infected items (combs, towels, hats).

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features Externally, the hair looks exhausted, they are white education, itching is present. crunch (formed by the destruction of the fungal colonies) is present in flexion damaged hair. Breakage and hair loss for depriving Piedra is not typical.
Places localization rash The fungus infects the hair.
flow Features The hair white nodules formed which bonded hair in bunches. Under the influence of fungal infection of the hair structure is destroyed.
Who is affected by contamination Zoster is more common in people who live in hot climates.

The disease is chronic in nature in the treatment with drugs. When shaving the hair, possibly a complete cure.

solar shingles

The causative agent of lichen is a fungal infection that is activated in the hot and sunny weather. Infection is possible in very rare cases. If a strong depletion of the immune system.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features Eruptions itch when exposed to ultraviolet rays. The spots do not protrude above the base surface, possibly a slight peeling. They have color from brown to white.
Places localization rash Localized rash on the trunk and neck.
flow Features Spots with development of the disease can change the color to a darker, increase in size and merge in a great spot.
Who is affected by contamination Ringworm usually affects people under 30 years old.

Ringworm can be treated as a medicine and folk remedies. In the absence of therapy, the disease becomes chronic.

tubular versicolor

Ringworm is a fungal nature. It develops in the presence of provoking factors (low immunity, overcooling or overheating of the body) and fungal infection on the skin. The probability of infection of the patient is extremely low.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features Stains from red to flesh color. At the site of lesions may be present tingling and burning.
Places localization rash Eruptions often affect the back and abdomen.
flow Features In the course of the disease spots can change the color, and merge into one spot. In the absence of precipitation treatment may cover the entire skin.
Who is affected by contamination Ringworm usually affects people under the age of 30 years. Especially fans of sunbathing and tanning.

The disease has a chronic nature, but the symptoms are amenable to relief of taking medicines.

asbestos shingles

Asbestos has zoster infectious nature (transmitted by contact or through personal belongings). The defeat of the skin is possible with reduced immunity and the presence of open injuries. The causative agent of the disease is not established.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features The coat looks exhausted, the formation of bald patches. On the skin formed redness with silvery scales, possible swelling. There is intense itching.
Places localization rash It affects mainly the scalp, but can spread to smooth the skin.
flow Features Skin patches covered with scales. When running forms pathology becomes eczema to form a moist wound.
Who is affected by contamination The disease can affect people at any age. The female sex is more susceptible to infection.

Pathology is a chronic form. The use of drugs can cut short the disease for a long time.

feline Ringworm

Ringworm is a fungal nature. Transmitted by contact with a carrier of the pathogen (a person or animal, usually from cats) and through objects.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features On the skin rough plaque formed round or oval with muddy contents. If it affects the scalp may develop baldness. There is intense itching, flaking and rise in body temperature.
Places localization rash It affects any part of the skin, including on the head.
flow Features Originally on the skin formed a circle with a red border. In the process of disease progression and combing circumference is increased in size. Gradually, around the circumference can be formed the new border. This forms a circle within a circle.
Who is affected by contamination Most often the disease occurs in children from 3 to 8 years. It occurs in adults.

Zoster amenable to medical treatment with timely diagnosis. In advanced stages, it may become chronic.

Lichen simplex person or dry streptoderma

Versicolor develops due to the activity of a streptococcal infection. The disease affects the skin in people with lowered immunity, open injuries on the skin and with a hereditary predisposition. The risk of infection from a sick person is absent. The disease is one of streptococcal species.

Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
Key Features depriving Short description
Main and features Characterized by the formation of spots on the epidermis, the color of which lighter skin tone. Of the additional symptoms of a tingling after water treatment.
Places localization rash Spots hit the face, elbows and knees.
flow Features The spots gradually increase in size during the development of the disease.
Who is affected by contamination Disease are more prone to boys up to 16 years.

In the mild form of the dose of medication is required. The disease runs its own. When running forms of elimination of the pathology is possible with the use of medicines.

Complications and consequences in adults, pregnant children

Ringworm in the advanced stage, or if the patient ignores the treatment, the development of dangerous complications of the set:

adults children pregnant
Accession secondary infection in the presence of open sores from scratching scars.
The transition of the disease into a chronic form with regular exacerbations.
Scarring and scarring at the site of lesions.
Hair loss. With the defeat of the hairy part of the epidermis.
The weakening of the immune system.
The defeat of the nerve endings.
Disruption of the internal organs and systems, the penetration of infection into the bloodstream.
Deterioration of vision and hearing in the presence of lesions in the eyes and ears.
The deterioration of the skin. Bald spots with hair loss can not be covered with the new "vegetation". Violation of fetal development, the penetration of infection into the bloodstream.
Spontaneous urination (urinary bladder at a lesion or nerve endings). The risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
Developmental delay in lesions infected brain cells.
Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment

In pregnant women, and children, the body is in a weakened state, so more susceptible to infection with herpes and the development of complications. In addition, this category is characterized by limitation in the selection of medicines because of side effects.


Varieties of depriving a person determined by the passage of the differential diagnosis. Independently determine the type of robbing impossible. The survey consists of stages.

Gathering information from the words of the patient or the parents of the child with the infection:

  • and then when there rashes;
  • the presence of additional symptoms;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • existing chronic diseases.

Initial inspection:

  • rash inspection peeling, blistering and swelling with liquids space rashes;
  • body temperature measurement;
  • definition of localization of lesions.

Other methods of survey:

  1. Raying Wood's lamp. It is used to detect fungal infection.
  2. Treatment with iodine stains to detect the degree of peeling of the epidermis, and a more thorough inspection of the spot.
  3. Taking a scraping from the rash. Required to identify the type of pathogen.
    Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
  4. Letting assays for detecting infection in the organism, the presence of allergic reactions and determining the activity of the digestive system.

When it is probable that depriving a contagious form of a survey held by all family members. Before using the preparations designated dermatologist requires medical consultation or pediatrician to exclude contraindications.

complex products

To eliminate stripping requires comprehensive treatment with taking drugs topically and orally. Also in compliance with diet and physiotherapy visit. Type of therapy depends on the pathogen zoster.

Overview appointed by means of:

release Form Category name of Drug
Pills antihistamines
  • cetirizine;
  • suprastin;
  • Zyrtec.
  • Pentalgin;
  • analgin;
  • Ketanov.
  • Immunal;
  • Estifan;
  • IRS-19.
vitamin complexes
  • Vitrum;
  • Complivit;
  • Peaks.
  • erythromycin;
  • tetracycline;
  • Oletetrin.
  • Valtareks;
  • Famvir;
  • Acyclovir.
  • nystatin;
  • pimafutsin;
  • Fluconazole.
ointments Painkillers and anti-inflammatory
  • Advantan;
  • ketorolac;
  • Ibuprofen.
  • sinaflana;
  • flumethasone;
  • Hydrocortisone.
  • acyclovir;
  • salicylic;
  • Zovirax.
  • Mikozoral;
  • terbinafine;
  • Mikoseptin.
Antihistamines and antipruritic
  • Dimetiden;
  • Fenistil gel;
  • Sinalar.
Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment

Independent choice of medication or to replace them are not allowed.

Features of the treatment of children, pregnant

Varieties differ in depriving a person of chronic and acute flow. With the defeat of the skin is deprived during pregnancy or in children, treatment is carried out with extreme caution.

Nuances of therapy:

  • select drugs strictly by age settings and permissions for pregnant and nursing;
  • aggressive drugs (antifungal pills, antibiotics, and hormones) used only in extreme cases, and in the severe form of the disease;
  • upon detection of side effects once treatment is interrupted. Replacement of assets is a specialist;
  • give preference to drugs outdoor use.

During pregnancy it is important to have time to remove the abnormalities prior to delivery. Otherwise the infection can affect the unprotected skin of the newborn. Before use of medicines in children required coordination with the pediatrician to rule out contraindications.

Folk remedies

Zoster mild amenable homemade drugs treatment. You can also use tools in the complex treatment and as a preventive measure.

Recommended therapeutic compounds:

  • treating the affected skin tar soap 1 time per day. Soap has an antiseptic effect and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells;
    Varieties of depriving a person. Photos, description, symptoms and treatment
  • boil in equal proportions birch buds in water for 15 min. used to compress 3 times a day for 15 minutes. The product is suitable for use on the face and the skin around the eyes. Means eliminating inflammation, itching and flaking;
  • fresh juice of Kalanchoe used to compress. The bandage is removed, when the composition is completely absorbed into the skin. The procedure was carried out 2 times a day. The plant has an antibacterial effect and accelerates the recovery of skin cells;
  • minced fresh potatoes and pour the juice. Use the pulp as a mask, to fix a bandage if necessary. Soaking for 30 minutes to 2 times per day. Potato helps equalize skin tone, accelerates regeneration and moisturizes the skin.

required to test for allergic reactions before using folk recipes. Ringworm is not a very dangerous disease, and dangerous to the accession of a secondary infection with the development of complications. Pathology may be contagious and transmitted as from the human and from animals. Integrated treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist, depending on the pathology species.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about the varieties of depriving a person

Ringworm in humans, photos and symptoms:

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