Skin Diseases

Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, medication, drugs, ointments

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Color deprive a person appears as a characteristic discolored or hyperpigmented spots on the skin. Several distinct forms of the disease, a photo of which are presented in this article. pathology diagnosis is carried out with the use of several kinds of tests and microscopic examination. The basis of treatment is anti-fungal agents.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is colored shingles
  • 2 types of diseases
  • 3 Stage and grade colored lichen
  • 4 Symptoms colored lichen
  • 5 Causes of color stripping
  • 6 Diagnosis colored lichen
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention colored lichen
  • 9 Methods of treatment of colored depriving
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Videos of color herpes in humans

What is colored shingles

Color deprive the person whose photo you can see below - is an infectious skin disease. It is caused by yeast genus Malassezia. First, they multiply in the sebaceous glands, and then together with the fat secret moved into the upper stratum corneum. Vital functions of the fungus disrupts the melanocytes - cells that are responsible for the acquisition of Sun.

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The result is the characteristic "bleached" spot. They can be isolated and collected in vast areas. Inflammatory manifestations or with low or completely absent. The prevalence of this disease, according to various estimates, from 5% of the population in the temperate latitudes of up to 50% in humid and warm regions.

Carriers of the fungus are 90% of the planet's inhabitants. In healthy people with strong immune pathology may not appear for many years. In connection with such a high prevalence of carriage of a color (or multi-colored, pityriasis, "sunny") Shingles is not considered contagious. However, the ill person should be individual household items, clothes, towel, washcloth.

Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs

In recent years there has been an increase in the number of patients with this diagnosis. This is due to an increase in pathogen resistance, the emergence of new associations of fungal and bacterial flora proliferation of immune, endocrine diseases.

The incubation period lasts from depriving colored 2 weeks or more.

This pathology is more characteristic for the young and middle-aged persons. In children and the elderly is much rarer. The peak incidence is noted in 14-40 years.

types of diseases

In medicine, isolated 8 major forms of the disease:

  1. Erythematous-squamous. It manifests itself in the form of patches of pinkish-brown color with a slight defurfuration without inflammatory phenomena and subjective sensations.
  2. invertIn which the spots are located in the folds of the skin. This requires holding the differential diagnosis candidal lesions, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.
  3. follicularIn which the nodules having a size of 2-3 mm.
  4. Eritrazmoidnaya. Yellow-brown spots of various sizes (from a few millimeters up to 5-10 cm in diameter) appear most often in the groin or armpit folds.
  5. Vitiliginoznaya. Discolored spots have clear boundaries. The vellus hair is retained pigment.
  6. Urtikaropodobnaya. For this form of the disease characterized by the appearance of swollen elements rising above the level of the skin. Color rash - pink, sometimes yellowish, and peeling becomes noticeable only under intense poskablivanii.
    Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  7. lichenoidAt which the formed fine skin formation at the hair follicles. They also raised above the skin and their color - brown. Most often this type of rash occurs on the chest, abdomen and sides.
  8. Tsirtsinatnaya. Spots are round or oval in shape, it forms a small bead on the loop. In the center are painted in yellow and pink. The spots are located on the chest, back and buttocks skin.

A distinction is also typical localization rash (found in 80% of patients) and atypical.

The first group includes the following areas of the body:

  • neck;
  • chest;
  • back;
  • sides;
  • shoulders.

For atypical arrangement characteristic rash in areas such as:

  • face;
  • nipples;
  • the area behind the knees;
  • fold under the breast and groin;
  • the genital area;
  • ears;
  • dorsal surface of the hands and soles;
  • armpits.
Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs

Hyperpigmentation for color predominates over zoster incidence, when discolored spots formed (73 and 27% of patients, respectively).

Stage and grade colored lichen

Color deprive a person, a photo which demonstrates the diversity of its species, often manifests itself in 3 forms:

  1. Erythematous-squamous. On the skin there are small patches of brown shades of hair around. Gradually they grow and then coalesce. These centers have different sizes and scalloped edges. On their surface appears as a result of peeling fungi loosening the stratum corneum. Most clearly noticeable when dyeing with iodine or brilliant green.
  2. invert. The spots gradually grow within the natural folds (the folds of the elbow and knee, groin, under the breast in women).
  3. follicular. First, there is redness of the skin. Then, on its background formed nodules that can be filled with purulent contents. Most often they appear on the back, legs, chest. Develops itchy. This form of the disease is often characteristic of those patients who suffer from diabetes and other diseases of the endocrine system, taking hormones or antibiotics.

The degree of damage of the skin can be different. In advanced cases, the fungus infects a wide area of ​​the skin. Children often spots first appear on the scalp.

Symptoms colored lichen

Besides visual features described above for each type of lesion, the following features:

  • often fungi affect those areas where there is a large number of sebaceous glands;
  • after-sun on the skin are light areas, which are shelled;
  • spots can form large pockets, their boundaries have irregular outlines;
    Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • eventually becoming large ring-shaped formation in the center of which there is atrophy and peeling in the form of small plates separated, similar to the bran (hence, the name of one of the disease);
  • in patients with endocrine diseases, often itching;
  • spot color may change over time with pink to red-brown.

Causes of color stripping

Malassezia fungi are representative of normal cutaneous flora. They are opportunistic pathogens. In healthy individuals, fungi found on the skin in the form of spores, that is in "sleep" state. Under the influence of adverse factors, they "wake up" and form mycelium, destroying skin cells.

By triggering factors of the disease include the following:

  • excessive sweating in hot weather, or people engaged in heavy physical labor;
  • active sebaceous glands, the use of fatty cosmetics;
  • decrease in the body's defenses during pregnancy, after antibiotic treatment and other diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the lungs, the digestive tract, as well as diabetes;
  • change in hormonal status, receiving steroids, contraceptives, cytotoxic drugs (anticancer agents);
  • unfavorable ecological situation, work with harmful substances, heavy metals.
Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
Colored shingles in humans as seen in the photo may appear because of the work with heavy metals.

Tendency to the disease may also be genetically determined.

Diagnosis colored lichen

Color deprive the person whose photo is shown in this article, is diagnosed by the following methods:

  1. visual inspection. In most cases, patients have a typical clinical picture, based on which it is already possible to identify this disease. During the examination, the doctor spends 2 samples - Besnier and Balzer. The first of these is poskablivanii spots at which peeling of the skin is detected. Sample Balzer - is iodine staining. The affected areas of the skin become more intense color.
  2. In doubtful cases (erased during disease or atypical arrangement of spots) produced backlighting lamp Wood. It emits ultraviolet light in the long wavelength range in which the rays of the spots become yellow.
  3. Microscopic examination of scrapings. The biological material is taken from the patient's skin, at first kept in a potassium hydroxide solution, and then examined under a microscope. At the same time found the curved strands of fungal mycelia and spores are round in clusters that resemble bunches of grapes.

The cost of advice from a specialist in private clinics about this disease ranges 500-2500 rubles. Price study scrapings from the skin is about 600-800 rubles.

Differential diagnosis with diseases such as:

  • vitiligo;
  • other fungal skin lesions;
  • Pink zoster;
  • psoriasis;
    Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • roseola occurring in syphilis;
  • atopic or seborrhoeic dermatitis;
  • Becker melanosis.

When to see a doctor

Colored lichen in severe cases can lead to extensive damage. A person who recover them, the skin becomes unsightly appearance that repels others. Photos showing a high degree of infection given below.

After treatment with antifungal drugs spots still remain for a long time (about one year). When you tan in the sun, they become more visible. Therefore it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as detected the first signs of disease.

Treatment of lichen has been dermatologist. Since for this disease characterized by a large variety of symptoms having similarity with other disorders, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. The effectiveness of the prescribed treatment is checked again by microscopic examination of scrapings from the skin.

Prevention colored lichen

During treatment it is necessary to observe the following precautions to other members of your family do not become infected with fungus:

  • boil bed linen and clothes the sick person in soap-soda solution;
  • iron it several times with a hot iron with steam from two sides;
  • use separate toilet articles.

In remission should avoid the following points:

  • stress;
    Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • wearing clothing made of synthetic materials;
  • excessive sweating and the factors that lead to it, - heavy exercise, sauna, too warm clothes and others.

It is also necessary to monitor the purity of the skin, as well as the prevention of rashes, gently clean it with water, acidified with a small amount of lemon or vinegar.

For these purposes, you can use salicylic alcohol. Of medication prescribed periodic use of external antifungal agents 1 every 2-3 week, taking ketoconazole or itraconazole maintenance dose (400 mg once a month for six months).

Methods of treatment of colored depriving

The basis of the therapy color stripping are 3 groups of drugs:

  • antifungals topical (ointment, creams, sprays, lotions, shampoos);
  • systemic antifungals;
  • keratolytic agents, Softens rough skin horny layer (Belosalik, Diprosalik, Betadermik, Keratolan and others).
Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs

A disadvantage of the application of topical preparations is that this type of treatment does not allow to control the entire skin surface. There is a risk that over time, damage occurs on the untreated plots. However, systemic antifungals may cause side effects, so they are the drugs of the "second tier".

If the effect of the traditional tactics is missing, then held immunomodulating therapy antimycotics replace another in content the active substance or to conduct additional diagnostics to detect endocrine disorders, contributing to the development of fungal infection.

The number of such patients who exhibit persistent, recurring course of the disease, is about 20% of the total.


Color zoster in humans which photo cited above, is successfully treated with the help of external means, indicated in the table.

Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs


Title The main active ingredient Features of the application, dosage, duration of treatment Average price, RR.
Lotions, sprays and solutions for wiping
betadine Povidone-iodine They are used in diluted form according to the instructions. Possible allergic reaction to iodine. The appointment should be to verify the absence of thyroid pathologies. 190
Yodovidon 100
yodopiron 200
iodinol 50
Bifosin bifonazole Skin smear 1 time at night for 2-3 weeks + 2 weeks for the prevention of 125
mikospor Apply a thin layer of 1 times a day 590
clotrimazole clotrimazole The solution is rubbed 2-3 times a day. Course duration - 4 weeks + 3 weeks to consolidate the effect 250
Lamisil terbinafine hydrochloride Spray applied to the skin 1 time per day, 1 week 720
Nitrofungin 2-chloro-4-nitrophenol For therapeutic purposes, applied 2-3 times a day, as a preventive - 1-2 times a week 300
Creams and ointments
Bifosin bifonazole Dosage - a strip 1 cm in the affected portion of the skin the size of a palm. In other respects the same as for solution 60
Nizoral ketoconazole 1-2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Prevention - 1-2 times a week 440
Mikozon miconazole The cream is rubbed 2 times a day to relieve symptoms + a few days to consolidate 145
clotrimazole clotrimazole Similarly, the same name solution (described above) 140
travogen isoconazole The cream is rubbed 1 time a day, the course - 2-3 weeks. It is used in infants from 1 month after birth 730
Batrafen ciclopirox 2 times a day for 2 weeks plus the same amount for consolidation effects 430
Shampoos that are used in the defeat of the scalp
Nizoral ketoconazole 1 time for 5 days + 3 days as a relapse prevention 700
Mikozoral 350
Sebozol 300

If extensive lesions of the skin and atypical forms color stripping doctor may prescribe azole antimycotics systemic action tablets (capsules) indicated in the table below.


The name, it is the same active ingredient Dosage, number of doses per day / duration of the course in weeks Average price, RR.
ketoconazole 200 mg 1 time / 3-5 weeks. 130
itraconazole 200 mg 1 time / 1 week. 1 or 100 mg once / 2 weeks. 250
fluconazole 1 300 mg once / 2 weeks. 1 or 150 mg once / 4 weeks. 130
Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs

The drug of choice in this case serves Itraconazole, since it is less toxic than ketoconazole and acts faster than Fluconazole. Before the appointment system means necessarily conducted preliminary microscopic examination to identify the causative agent.

Traditional methods

In folk medicine, use the following methods for the treatment of color stripping:

  1. 2 liters of fresh milk must boil and cool to room temperature. Add sourdough - yogurt or sour cream. Within several hours the mixture was kept in heat as to obtain a curdled milk, and then out of it to cook the curd. Serum was filtered into a separate container. Upper celandine leaves are ground and mixed with sugar (1 tbsp. each of the ingredients), wrapped in gauze, and placed in a jar. Then fill in the serum and insist 3-4 weeks. The resulting composition is filtered, subsequently stored in a refrigerator. Means drink 2-3 times a day before meals for 1 st. l. Note that greater celandine - a plant poison, so it must be taken with caution. As side effects are possible symptoms of poisoning. This recipe is also suitable for the treatment of children.
  2. Fresh sorrel pulverized, then mixed with a fatty cream or cream. The composition is applied to the affected skin 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Sorrel anti-inflammatory effect, and contains organic acids, tannins possessing properties.
  3. Dry grass, flowers of Hypericum ground and mixed with vaseline children (ratio 1: 4) or butter (1: 1). Agent is used as a compress on the affected area, soaking for 40 minutes. The duration of the treatment - to full recovery.

Other methods

Simultaneously with drug treatment (and also for prophylactic purposes) use physical treatments such as:

  1. Ultrahigh frequency therapy, The principle of which consists in exposing high-frequency electromagnetic field. The result is a thermal effect, improves tissue nutrition and promoting recovery of skin pigmentation. Depending on the size of the affected area are selected respective electrodes, treated them with a disinfectant solution and fed to the affected area. Duration of treatment is about 10-15 minutes.
    Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  2. UV-treatment. Low doses of UV light to help restore the skin, stimulates the production of melanin, increase local immunity, and the high - kill bacteria and fungi. The duration of irradiation is gradually increased from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. The procedure is performed 1 time per day.

possible complications

In many patients, the disease is long-term with frequent relapses. In areas with hot and humid climates are more pronounced manifestations of lichen and may be accompanied by a fungal infection of the internal organs.

Besides cosmetic problems, long-term lack of treatment in some cases, lead to the development of the follicular form of the disease. In this case, there are inflammatory lesions, accompanied by itching. Damage to the skin can lead to secondary infections by bacteria, fungi or viruses, the development of other dermatological diseases.

Colored shingles in humans. Photo, signs, stage, treatment of folk remedies, drugs

Color deprive a person in most cases affects only the upper layers of the skin. Despite the variability of symptoms, as shown in the photo, all forms of the disease respond well to the treatment of external and systemic antifungal agents. People who are prone to the appearance of lichen, you must follow the recommendations for prevention set out above.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos of color herpes in humans

Color zoster - Treatment, causes, symptoms, folk remedies:

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