Skin Diseases

Dermatitis on the face. Photos in adults, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

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Dermatitis - thisskin diseaseCharacterized by inflammation of the skin. Most often, the pathology is localized on the face, scalp, groin. Photo of what it looks like dermatitis will help in time to identify the first signs of the disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Dermatitis on the face of adults: Identification of symptoms
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 Types of skin dermatitis
    • 3.1 Allergic
    • 3.2 atopic
    • 3.3 Contact
    • 3.4 perioral
    • 3.5 seborrheal
    • 3.6 fotodermatit
  • 4 Stage of dermatitis on the face and complications
    • 4.1 The acute form
    • 4.2 subacute form
    • 4.3 The chronic form
  • 5 facial dermatitis treatment
  • 6 of drugs
    • 6.1 hardware therapy
  • 7 Surgical intervention
  • 8 Folk remedies
    • 8.1 Cranberry against dermatitis
    • 8.2 Birch buds
    • 8.3 Celandine guard skin health
    • 8.4 starch masks
    • 8.5 facilitating diet
  • 9 The forecast recovery
  • 10 Video of dermatitis on the face

Dermatitis on the face of adults: Identification of symptoms

In adults, the disease occurs less frequently than in infants and children because their immune system is better able to irritable environmental factors.

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Determine dermatitis on the face in adulthood can be the following symptoms:

  • Itching and burning of the skin. Depending on the type and form of dermatitis, these symptoms vary in intensity and frequency of occurrence.
  • Redness of the skin - they become bright red. Most often redden cheeks.
  • Rash on the cheeks, forehead and other areas of the face.
  • Dryness and flaking. Depending on the species, peeling can be more or less pronounced.
  • Raising the temperature in the affected skin area. The patient has a sense of warmth in the place of occurrence of dermatitis when touched to the skin hot place.
  • Exudation. On the skin formed small bubbles containing exudate - purulent fluid. When the bubbles burst, the contents were poured out. Typically, bubbles appear at a later stage of the disease or if treatment is started too late.

Causes of

Dermatitis on the face, a photo of which are set forth in the article, is the result of the following factors:

  • Genetic predisposition to dermatitis.
  • Allergy. Cause dermatitis may become a food, drugs, dust, pollen and other substances.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Hormonal failure in the body.
  • Parasitic diseases (giardiasis, enterobiasis).
  • Fungal infections.
  • Stress and emotional turmoil.
  • skin reaction to the climate.
  • Malnutrition (predominance of fat and carbohydrate foods in the diet).

Types of skin dermatitis

Each different type of disease the causes.


Atopic dermatitis is the body's response to any allergen.Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

The cause of atopic dermatitis may include:

  • food (fruits, berries, nuts, and other foods that have a high allergenicity).
  • pollen.
  • Street or household dust.
  • Medications.
  • Chemical substances.
  • Household chemicals.
  • Cosmetics and tools's Skin.
  • Animal dander.
Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

This type of dermatitis usually occurs in people whose bodies are increasingly prone to allergies.


Atopic dermatitis is the most severe form of the disease. The first symptoms appear in childhood and later recur in adulthood. In adults, this form of the disease most often occurs due to the constant stress or exposure to allergens.Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

The occurrence of atopic dermatitis is caused by genetic factors.

If one parent has experienced severe dermatitis, is a 50% chance the child will develop atopic dermatitis. If the father or mother are atopic dermatitis, the risk of the disease in the child is 80%. In many cases, atopic dermatitis is accompanied by bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis.


When contact dermatitis skin reaction occurs almost immediately upon contact with an allergen or irritant.Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

The cause of contact dermatitis may be the following factors:

  • Physical: vibration, high or low temperature, friction.
  • Chemicals: acids, alkalis, household chemicals, fertilizers, hard water and other substances.
  • Biological: plants, contact with animals.
Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

Contact dermatitis on the face is rare, most often it affects the skin of the hands, as the hands daily interact with different substances.


This type of disease is characterized by the appearance of scaly lesions in the mouth. In appearance resemble a rash or acne rosacea, the skin reddens. It is also possible itching, burning sensation and skin tightening.

Perioral dermatitis occurs due to malnutrition, chronic intestinal disorders, allergies to cosmetics, with the use of toothpastes containing fluoride. Most often, perioral dermatitis affects women and children.


Seborrheic dermatitis on the face arises from the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands and the development of the genus Malassezia fungi. This type of dermatitis is localized to those areas of the face where the greatest number of sebaceous glands - the nose, the forehead, the boundary of the scalp, cheeks.

Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

Malassezia fungi are present in small amounts in the body of each person, but by different factors (Stress, reduced immunity, hormonal failure) begin to multiply, and thus appears seborrheic dermatitis. Symptoms are itching skin diseases, severe flaking, plaque coated white-yellow scales.

At risk are people who have a seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

There are several types of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • Bold - on the face and scalp flakes appear white or light-yellow color. The process is accompanied by increased excretion of fat, however on the skin shine is present.
  • Dry - skin is covered with scales as white and heavily shelled. Covers of the skin dry, red or pink.
  • Mixed - and combines bold, and dry type.


Fotodermatit is popularly known as an allergy to the sun - it is caused by the action of sunlight on the skin. Photodermatitis Symptoms may appear a few minutes later, and a few days after exposure to the sun. Face red, starts to peel and itch, a rash appears on the skin.Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

Some drugs (retinoids, steroids) increased skin photosensitivity and contribute to the emergence photodermatitis. Therefore, when using these funds need to use a cream with spf-protection.

Stage of dermatitis on the face and complications

Dermatitis on the face (pictured above can help determine the type of pre-disease) has three stages: acute, subacute and chronic. Each of them has its own symptoms.

The acute form

Acute dermatitis shape occurs immediately after the exposure to allergen or irritant to the organism. Acute dermatitis is characterized by inflammation, itching, and burning of the skin. If the time to begin treatment, the severe dermatitis can be cured quickly and without complications.

subacute form

At this stage, at the site of inflammation are formed peels and flakes. Symptoms gradually subside, but the skin continues to itch.

The chronic form

Dermatitis on the face, having a chronic nature, it develops as a result of constant skin contact with an irritant or allergen. The photo shows that at this stage the affected area skin thickens, becomes crusty and red spots. These symptoms also develop atopic dermatitis if the patient does not cares for the skin and does not rule out the causes of the disease.

facial dermatitis treatment

Dermatitis on the face, the photo is in various stages and forms presented above, is treated comprehensively. Therapeutic activities engaged in doctor-dermatologist and allergist. In some cases, may require consultation with other specialists, if there is a suspicion that the dermatitis caused by internal disorders of the body.

The first step is to remove the cause dermatitis - identify an allergen or irritant and avoid contact with them. If the disease is caused by internal disorder, it is necessary to begin his therapy. The next step is the therapeutic methods to relieve inflammation and care for the skin.

of drugs

For the treatment of dermatitis apply complex of drugs - creams, ointments, tablets, and other means.

Treatment is carried out individually - the choice of drugs depends on the cause of dermatitis:

  • If the disease is caused by stress and nervous tension, the patient is prescribed sedatives.
  • In the event that the cause of dermatitis was the defeat parasitic organism, prescribe antiprotozoal drugs. The first treatment is carried out against parasites.
  • When dermatitis is caused by a fungal infection, it is necessary to take a course of treatment with antifungal drugs.

Regardless of the form of dermatitis, all patients required to appoint the following drugs:

drugs group antihistamines chelators glucocorticosteroids
Act Eliminate allergies. It purifies the body from harmful substances, salts of heavy metals and toxins. Contain hormones; cropped inflammation.
release Form Pills. Tablets, powders, suspensions. Ointments, creams, injections.
drug Name
  • "Zodak";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Zyrtec";
  • "Laktofiltrum".
  • "Polisorb.
  • Activated carbon.
  • "Advantan".
  • "Dexamethasone".
  • "Hydrocortisone".

Also in the time of treatment must use a caring creams and ointments that help moisturize and restore the skin. If during acute dermatitis developed bacterial infection (bacteria can easily penetrate the body through raschosy), the patients were administered a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

After a course of treatment, the patient must drink a course of probiotics and prebiotics - the drugs inhabit the intestinal lumen beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which contribute to improving digestion.

hardware therapy

Hardware or physical treatment therapy is an important part of the treatment of dermatitis. This method of treatment is aimed at strengthening the body's defenses and improve skin condition. In the autumn-winter treatment with ultraviolet rays are used (no photodermatitis).

UV-rays activate metabolic processes in the body and the skin, stimulate the production of skin pigment melanin and normalize the skin pigmentation and promote restoration of its structure.

Also, use of PUVA therapy. Its essence lies in the fact that the patient ingests or applied to the affected areas of skin preparation, comprising a photoactive material and a few hours thereafter exposed to ultraviolet rays. The result of course is the relief of itching and flaking and removal of lesions. The skin becomes smooth and healthy look.

Surgical intervention

Dermatitis on the face, a photo of which, before and after conservative treatments are significantly different, can be cured with surgery. This method is used in special cases, if drug therapy and hardware does not help. Removal dermatitis using a surgical laser that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The procedure helps to speed up the healing time and reduce the risk of disease recurrence.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are an effective way to eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis, but they do not contribute to the treatment of the disease. The use of public money must necessarily be agreed with your doctor.

Cranberry against dermatitis

Cranberry juice has healing and anti-inflammatory action. When dermatitis and other skin diseases it is used in the form of lotions. However, cranberry is a potent allergen and is not recommended to use it with a propensity to allergies.

For the preparation of lotions have to squeeze a small amount of juice from the berries and strain it. Then mix cranberry juice with water at a ratio of 1: 1 to moisten the resultant solution a cotton tampon or bandage and apply to places the struck dermatitis, for 10 min.

You can also make fruit pulp and apply it on the skin for 10 minutes. If during the procedure felt a strong burning and itching, The cranberries should be washed off immediately with a face that there was no severe allergic reactions and complications.

Birch buds

Infusion of birch buds can be used as a facial lotion. The product has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, it helps to eliminate skin irritation and itching. To prepare the lotion to pour 2 tbsp. l. birch buds with hot water (not boiling, as the high temperature destroys the nutrients) and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours.Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

The solution was then drain and wipe them face several times a day. The shelf life of products - not more than 5 days. Birch buds are useful for atopic dermatitis, but to use them on a regular basis can not be, otherwise you may experience an allergic reaction. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.

Celandine guard skin health

Celandine - a poisonous plant, but if you use it strictly on the recipe, then he will not bring harm. Celandine relieves inflammation of the skin, helps to restore skin structure. The plant can be used to treat different types of dermatitis.Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

Poultice of celandine and honey:

  1. Pour 100 g herb Chelidonium hot water and allow to cool.
  2. Add to the mixture 1 h. l. honey and stir thoroughly.
  3. Apply the mixture in the form of compresses 3-4 times a day is not more than 15 minutes. During the procedure, you need to lie down, to compress not stok face.

Applications with juice celandine:

  1. Celandine chop and squeeze the juice out of the mix. Perform all actions necessary to wear gloves so as not to cause adverse effects.
  2. Mix juice with warm water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  3. Moisten a cotton pad in the liquid and apply it on the affected area for 15 minutes.

Steam bath with a decoction of celandine:

  1. Pour chelidonii water and put on fire.
  2. Boil the mixture to boiling, whereupon the fire simmer 2 more minutes. and then remove from heat.
  3. Hide your head with a towel and lean over the pan in which cooked celandine. The steam from the water to be discharged to the face.

Duration of treatment should be not more than 15 minutes. People with high blood pressure and cardio-vascular system, making the steam bath is not recommended. Use celandine in any form is prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers, people with asthma and epilepsy.

starch masks

With the help of starch you can get rid of the inflammation and itching on the face. To prepare the masks need to 1-1.5 starch Art. l. starch mixed with a quantity of water as to obtain a pasty mixture. This mixture was cast on the affected areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes.Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

Mask to do every other day for 2 weeks. Also, instead of water, starch can be diluted broth succession, chamomile or nettle - these herbs possess strong antiinflammatory action and help in the treatment of various skin disorders.

facilitating diet

Dieting is an important part of the treatment of dermatitis.Dermatitis on the face. Photos, symptoms, causes, treatment: ointments, creams or folk remedies

The patient should be excluded from the diet, the following foods:

  • Fruit and red berries.
  • All kinds of citrus.
  • Chocolate and all the products with the addition of cocoa.
  • Foods that contain refined sugars (candy, cookies, cakes).
  • Seafood.
  • Canned foods.
  • Fast food products and semi-finished products for commerce.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces.
  • Salty, spicy, spicy food.
  • Fried and fatty meals.

Feeding of the patient must be balanced - in the diet should be a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Also important drinking water - water helps cleanse the body and maintenance of normal metabolism. It should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. People who are prone to the emergence of allergies and dermatitis, as well as those who has atopic dermatitis, it is recommended to follow a diet constantly.

The forecast recovery

Prediction of recovery depends on the form of the disease. If dermatitis is acute, then the timely start of treatment can be cured. Also on the recovery forecast affect the elimination of the causes of disease and further skin care.

If a patient diagnosed with "atopic dermatitis", to cure the disease before the end impossible. But if you follow your doctor's instructions, to eat, to eliminate stress, it is possible to prevent the recurrence of atopic dermatitis.

Also, patients with this diagnosis put a spa treatment - patients are in sanatoriums special cure aimed at preventing acute dermatitis and skin restoration covers. Dermatitis on the face can be determined independently by using a photo, but you can not start treatment without consulting a doctor.

Self-medication, especially folk remedies can lead to complications and side effects.

Video of dermatitis on the face

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