Skin Diseases

Comedones on the face. How to get rid of the causes and treatment at home. Ointments, folk remedies, food

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Comedones - a common problem faced by one third of women on the planet. Small bumps that appeared on his face, annoying, want to get rid of them faster, but the self-removal often leads to serious problems.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is comedones on the face
  • 2 Types of comedones on the face
  • 3 Stage and grade of comedones on the face
  • 4 Symptoms of comedones on the face
  • 5 Causes of comedones on the face
  • 6 Diagnosis of comedones on the face
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention of comedones on the face
  • 9 Methods of treatment of comedones on the face
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 diets
    • 9.4 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Video of comedones on the face

What is comedones on the face

Comedones - a tiny bumps like pimples that appear on the skin, sometimes in the middle they have a black dot. They are formed by plugging the mouth of the follicle epithelium in admixture with sebum. This creates a plug of sebaceous and dead cells jammed in the opening of the hair follicle.

How to get rid of comedones on the face. Causes and treatment, ointments, folk remedies, food
Comedones on the face
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Comedonal acne striking the forehead, chin, and those places where the sebaceous zhenlezy.

Types of comedones on the face

Comedones on the face, get rid of that, you can sometimes only by a doctor, are varieties:

  1. Open comedones. This black acne, which gives a superficial color pigment, melanin. The mouth of the follicle is dilated and clogged epithelium, such as traffic jams.
  2. Closed comedones. Acne is white, which follicle is completely blocked. These often inflamed acne and pimples form.
  3. Microcomedones. Tiny blackheads, visible to the naked eye.
  4. Makrokomedony. Large pimples with 2-3 mm in diameter.
  5. Giant comedones. This kind of cyst, which is clearly visible acne, similar to the holes.
  6. Solar comedones. This form of acne appears on the skin of older people. It is believed the doctors, they are formed under the influence of sunlight.

Stage and grade of comedones on the face

Acne white are the early stages of the formation of comedones on the skin.How to get rid of comedones on the face. Causes and treatment, ointments, folk remedies, food

stage of development:

  1. Moderate acne:
    1. White closed acne caused by clogged pores;
    2. open acne, clogged pores having microscopic holes.
  1. Moderately severe acne, which are inflammatory:
    1. acne, which break the wall of the hair follicle, and form spots. Solidified sebum, dead skin cells, the bacteria are released and form pustules;
    2. pustules, which occurs during infection penetration of the infection into the skin and the formation of cysts;
    3. cysts discontinuities lead to the formation of temporary or permanent scarring.

Symptoms of comedones on the face

Comedones often develop on the skin, having the features:

  • fat;
  • reddish tint;
  • tough texture.
    How to get rid of comedones on the face. Causes and treatment, ointments, folk remedies, food

Symptoms of development:

  1. The appearance of whiteheads on the face, shoulders, sometimes on the trunk, buttocks, arms and legs, in all places where there are sebaceous glands. Common in teenagers, but sometimes appear in infancy.
  2. In the primary stage of the comedo composed of expanded unsolved follicle.
  3. In the future, the middle becomes black, often contains bacteria.

Causes of comedones on the face

Comedones occur when the cells fill the ducts of the sebaceous glands, rogoveyut and increases the production of sebum. In this case, the sebaceous ducts are blocked, clogged with dirt and hair follicle.

Their development is influenced by:

  1. Excessive activity in skin cells of the male sex hormone testosterone.
  2. Reducing linoleate in sebum, which leads to an increase of the skin surface on which the barrier function decreases. Linoleate - a salt of an essential fatty acid.
  3. Anti-inflammatory cytokine (cell signaling proteins) that line the follicle in response to the activation of the innate immune system.
  4. Free fatty acids from sebum allocated in bacterial acne.
  5. Peregidratirovannoy skin occurring in the premenstrual period, when it comes waterlogging.
  6. In contact with oil lipsticks, dyes, members of the cosmetics.
  7. Rupture of the follicle as a result of injury, such as squeezing a pimple on the face of the abrasive treatment, chemical peels, laser treatment.
  8. Smoking. Komedornealnye acne common in smokers.
  9. Diets, contributing to the development of acne.

How to get rid of comedones on the face. Causes and treatment, ointments, folk remedies, foodFor most people, the appearance of comedones associated with puberty, when the skin produces excess sebum. Comedones on the face, get rid of which can be difficult, and appear in adulthood. The reason may be hormonal imbalance caused by the use of steroids or drugs prescribed for the treatment of depression.

During pregnancy there is a hormonal imbalance that often leads to acne. This is especially noticeable in 1 trimester. During the menstrual cycle and hormonal failure occurs, which can lead to acne.

Diagnosis of comedones on the face

Diagnosis is based on a visual inspection and survey. If it is necessary, given the direction to the endocrinologist, gastroenterologist who prescribed clinical analyzes as necessary.

When to see a doctor

If a teenager, an outbreak of white spots on the skin, it is likely to acne. Visit the general practitioner should be in the event that cleaning products do not clean the face, or develop a severe form of acne and comedones. Doctor will prescribe a stronger cream or refer to a dermatologist for further investigation.

In elderly people the sudden appearance of acne may signal the start of an internal disease.

Prevention of comedones on the face

Comedones on the face, which want to get rid of all that can be prevented with simple rules:

  1. Avoid the use of oily cosmetics, especially in the skin, prone to acne.
  2. Contain the entire body clean using a mild detergent.
  3. Face wash 2 times a day, using a mild or antibacterial soap.
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. Revise the diet. Abandon dairy products, sugars, fats, smoked. Instead, add as many vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of water. Moisturize the skin contributes to its purification.
  6. Do not touch the face with his hands, especially with the appearance of acne.
  7. Do not try to squeeze pimples appeared, it may lead to the penetration of infection.
  8. Use special masks for skin prone to the appearance of acne.

People who are prone to comedonal acne, should be attentive to the choice of cosmetics.

Methods of treatment of comedones on the face

For the treatment of selected drugs which act on acne dot. They should be applied 2 times a day a thin layer to the entire affected area. Comedones can take a few weeks or a month, and sometimes have to long-term treatment, for many years. Antibiotics are used in secondary bacterial infections.


Therapy for getting rid of acne includes:

Group drug Name application Price in rubles.
Benzoyl peroxide (Baziron AU) Apply morning and evening on the skin with a thin layer of no more than 3 months 600
Topical preparations Azelaic acid (Azelik-gel Skinoren gel) Outwardly, 2 times a day, applied in a thin layer, after application to wash hands thoroughly, From 600 to 800
Salicylic acid + sulfur / resorcinol 1% solution was topically, 2-3 times a day, no more than 7 days 6
glycolic acid The preparation for peeling is applied on the skin for 5-10 minutes. washed with water and then applied to a gel catalyst, is carried out not more than 10 procedures. 1000
retinoids Tretinoin (Retin-A, Retino-A, or A-Ret Gel) It is used 1 time per day, at night. In the morning the skin is cleaned and applied sunscreen. From

3 000

isotretinoin Is administered orally, the initial dose of 0.1 mg / kg, 1 times a day, no more than 4 weeks, subsequent doses specified physician. 2000
adapalene Outwardly, 1 times a day, at night, not 4-6 weeks 900
hormonal treatments Roakutan Is administered orally, the initial dose of 0.5 mg / kg. Taken during meals with a large number of CMV water. Multiplicity of reception 1-2 times a day. Optimal doses are calculated by your doctor. 1618
Diane-35 The drug is in the form of pills, taken 1 time a day, prescribed by a doctor. 1000

In the treatment of solar comedones offered daily use exfoliant, serum retinoid. the skin should be protected from excessive sun exposure. To do this, use sunscreen nekomodogenny cream for oily skin. These creams contain anti-inflammatory additive in the form of an extract of camomile, sage, flatting agents in the form of perlite.

Traditional methods

Comedones on the face, get rid of that completely is difficult, it can be invisible with the help of simple home remedies:

  • Egg whites. Protein mask rich in nutrients, helps to get rid of acne,
  • Honey and milk. Both products have useful properties. Honey has an antibacterial effect, and milk due to lactic acid softens the skin.
  • Honey and cinnamon. The antibacterial effect of honey is combined with cinnamon, which improves blood circulation. Good blood flow makes the skin soft and clean.
  • Water and baking soda. Small soda beads exfoliate the skin, remove obstructions from the pores. Often make such a mask is not recommended, because the ash dries the skin.
  • Sugar. Scrub made from water and sugar, removes dead cells, revives the bloodstream. The exfoliating paste can add jojoba oil.
  • Apple vinegar. Well to mix vinegar with softened mint leaves. The first ingredient destroys bacteria in comedones and mint cools the skin. Skin infections, inflammations, vinegar should not be used.


It is necessary to adhere to a diet with a low glycemic index. It is necessary to ensure a sufficient intake of vitamin A and E. They are found in nuts, seeds, broccoli. Should eat foods rich in chromium. Its quite contained in tomatoes, potatoes, onions, whole grains. It is necessary to include in the diet of foods with zinc, which many in the seafood.How to get rid of comedones on the face. Causes and treatment, ointments, folk remedies, food

Get rid of comedones on the face help products:

  1. Blueberries.
  2. Potatoes.
  3. Water.
  4. Green tea.
  5. Carrot.
  6. Cilantro.
  7. Mint.
  8. Apples.

Approximate meal plan for the day:

  1. After waking drink 1 liter of water.
  2. Take a probiotic agent.
  3. For breakfast, eat porridge, cooked in water. Drink fruit smoothies.
  4. At the snack can be used fresh, dried fruit and nuts.
  5. For dinner prepare a salad of green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, boiled lean meat, chicken or turkey, cook meatless soup vegetables.
  6. During the day, drink at least 8 glasses of water, which can be partially replaced by green tea, fruit juices.
  7. For dinner, cook stew, as a side dish can be stewed vegetables.

Bread is better to use gluten-free, wholegrain.

Other methods

Treatment is recommended to remove stubborn comedones:

  1. Mechanical cleaning. Carried out by experts in cosmetic cabinets.
  2. Vacuum cleaning. Pulling acne contaminants under the action of the vacuum is held in cosmetic or medical institutions.
    1. Cryotherapy. This type of treatment, in which liquid nitrogen is used to freeze a certain area of ​​skin.
    2. Electrosurgery (or cauterizing diathermy).
    3. Microdermabrasion. During the procedure, the doctor uses a special tool with a rough surface, which grinds the upper layers of the skin and removes acne.
    4. Lazerolechenie. The irradiation inflammation foci ruby, alexandrite laser or Neodymium. This method can not only remove the blackheads, but also to remove the spots, which appeared after the removal of comedones.
    5. Steroid injections. Nodular and cystic lesions are treated by administering a steroid, which leads to rapid improvement and recovery of the skin.

possible complications

Despite the desire to squeeze pimples, do it all the same is not necessary. Their squeezing prevents the natural regeneration of the skin, it hurts, delivers the pores of dirt. Bacteria living on the skin interact with sebum, multiply there and eventually develops an infection.

All this leads to even more inflammation and stimulates the emergence of new pimples. If squeezing pimples on the skin may appear bruises and sores, which subsequently lead to the appearance of scars, stagnant spots, erysipelas.How to get rid of comedones on the face. Causes and treatment, ointments, folk remedies, food

Particularly dangerous act nasolabial triangle area, where a large number of blood vessels. Contact with blood purulent infection at the site is dangerous because the infection from there goes directly to the brain. In medical practice there were a few cases when the infected blood so people died.

With many kinds of acne on the face of the body to cope on their own, for that there are cells in the blood. Rid yourself of comedones is not necessary, it is necessary to wait until it will make the body itself, or seek medical attention.

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