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Louise Hay. Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself, wisdom, positive thinking every day for a woman. Read affirmations online free

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Louise Hay - diseases of the table creator of Psychosomatics, curator of the self-help movement, social activist, volunteer, author of more than 35 themed books with a psychological slant.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Who is Louise Hay?
  • 2 That displays a table?
  • 3 Where to begin
  • 4 diseases Table
  • 5 How to deal with illnesses table Louise Hay
  • 6 Affirmations for prosperity and success
  • 7 Affirmation on dissolution insults
  • 8 Affirmations on finance and self-love
  • 9 Affirmations for forgiveness
  • 10 101 thought bearing force
  • 11 Meditation "Healing Light"
  • 12 Be happy for 21 days
  • 13 Louise Hay love ourselves
  • 14 Louise Hay on self-perception, self-criticism
  • 15 Types of resistance to change
  • 16 Wrong beliefs that prevent changes
  • 17 The transfer of responsibility to others for their own actions, failures
  • 18 Resistance to change because of the fear of the unknown
  • 19 Exercise dissolution offense
  • 20 Exercise "mental representations"
  • 21 Exercise of negative assertions
  • 22 Exercise with mirror
  • 23 Occupation: "The decision to change"
  • insta story viewer
  • 24 "I want to change"
  • 25 Affirmation to attract financial stability
  • 26 "The ocean of abundance"
  • 27 "Getting rid of any disease"
  • 28 "Remission of health problems"
  • 29 "The role of disease in human life"
  • 30 study the script illness
  • 31 Getting rid of bad habits
  • 32 The best program to improve the quality of life for people reviews
  • 33 Video Disease Table Louise Hay

Who is Louise Hay?

This is a woman whose philosophy was forged from the stormy and unhappy childhood: poverty, hunger, beatings and sexual stepfather violence, promiscuity and childhood trauma associated with rape of neighbor-alcoholic 5 years.

For disadvantaged childhood should have one more misfortune - uterine cancer. "Incurable" disease Louise healed on their own, radically changing their thinking. With this began the way a great woman - she was engaged in research on diseases and their etiology. Then it was a table, known worldwide under the name "Table of diseases by Louise Hay."

Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive

Cure cancer, Louise managed for 3 months by his negative emotions, fears and well-established in the minds of the prejudices that could undermine her health.

She was sure that the disease is given to man to rethink his life.

The conclusion was as follows:human diseases come from the inability to let go of the past and resentment. During his treatment, Louise developed affirmations (healing beliefs). Every day, repeating them, Louise was able to overcome the oncology, which was proof of its theory of the relationship of the soul with the body.

That displays a table?

Treatment consists of awareness of their psychological and emotional problems, eliminate bad thoughts, prejudices. Louise Hay, whose illness table is presented below, believes that self-criticism, anger, guilt, fear, resentment - the causes of most problems. The list shows the physical illness and psychological reasons.

According to the woman, the disease appears to understand people in her psychological occurrence. Diseases Table was designed to help people find the cause of suffering, to eradicate it.

Where to begin

diseases Table

Each part of the body responsible for certain sensations, emotions. For every negative emotion, oppressive feeling its affirmation. Affirmation - rather short conviction reinforces in the mind. Contrary to negative thinking.

Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive

The left side of the body - the female principle. It symbolizes intuition and receptivity. The role of a mother and a woman. Affirmation - I feel feminine energy balance in me. The right side - the beginning of man. It symbolizes the analysis and determination. The role of the father and the men. The affirmation of the right side: "I easily controlled the male energy."

Part of the body means affirmation
Face What is visible to others. I have no fear of others, do not hesitate.
Eyes The ability from the watch yourself. I am filled with love, looking from side to their lives and pleased her.
Brain Control center. I am full of love that helps me to manage life.
Nose Recognition of their identity. I understand the value of their personality.
Mouth The realization of ideas and words. My main idea - love, harmony and happiness. I talk to love, built around harmony and rejoice in it.
Language The opportunity to taste the "fruit" of life. I enjoy life, she protects me, I am not afraid of being poisoned, glad generous gift of fate.
ears Able to hear. I listen carefully, I hear what is happening around.
Teeth Solutions. I can easily make a choice, I never regret the decisions taken.
Throat It symbolizes creativity. My heart is ready for the new. This is my song, transmitting joy and warm feelings.
breast Maternal ward. Feeding and nurturing. A balance between given and received by me.
Breathing easy The ability to let the energy of. I breathe in deeply, without fear of choking, love life, and she loves me, I feel it in my lungs.
Hands The ability to express their own experience. I can easily perceive the events in my life, I am glad to any experience and take from him only positive emotions.
Fingers Small troubles and little things in life. I accept all the circumstances with their little things and take them with calmness.
Thumb Mind and anxiety. Me harmony flourishes. I dwell in tranquility, pure mind.
Forefinger Fear. "Ego" of man. I have nothing to fear, I can handle any situation. Reliability - the main principle of my life.
Middle finger Anger libido. I am confident in their sexuality. Intimate life suits me.
ring-finger Friendship and love. Sadness because of the relationship. I allow myself to love the serene.
Little finger family symbol. My family - my support. I love her and care about her.
toes Symbol unimportant details from the future. Everything will be resolved, I am confident in the future.
shoulders Skill experience difficulty. Life - not a burden. The whole experience brings her joy, love.
Wrist Denotes movement and lightness. I act easily, his mind with love.
Wrist It symbolizes the human treatment of the past. I appeal to the past with appeasement.
Cubit Perception of changes in their lives. I'm not afraid to get a new experience, to easily open new directions.
muscles The ability to move toward life. Resistance to change. I enjoy my life, I am not afraid to move forward. I'm on the road with the wind of change.
Heart Hotbed of love, protection. The heart of the security, it protects me. The heartbeat is contained a song of love.
Liver Center of anger. I am in harmony, love and joy.
kidneys fear center. I have nothing to worry about, life gives me the best.
Stomach Place digesting thoughts. Awareness of life. I'm easy to digest life. Thoughts run through me freely.
Spleen The obsession with anything. Obsessions. For me there is a place in the universe. I have faith in myself.
Pancreas Taste of life. My life without salt, it is sweet and pleasant to the taste.
Intestines Getting rid of the garbage. cleansing of the body, the soul. I have no problem parting with the past, I am pleased to present to digest. I am not afraid to throw the domestic waste, pekus currently.
Leather It symbolizes feelings. personal protective equipment. I remain myself and love myself, always calm.
Spine Symbolizing support life. Life has my support and care.
Neck flexible character. The presence of "an eye on the back of his head." I see what's going on behind my back, in control of everything that happens in a calm, happy because I have a good relationship with life.
Bones The foundation of the human body. I respect your body, it is beautiful and loved. I am strong and healthy.
Bone marrow Symbol samozaboty, those beliefs are directly related to the person. Care, love, support - the purpose of my life. I pekus about yourself, like, keep myself safe.
Knees A sense of pride in themselves. I - flexible person, I respect other people.
Legs Progress. I live, move forward, leaving the past behind.
Buttocks The strength of a man. My power is always with me. I spend it wisely. I have no fears.
Feet Understanding what is happening around. I see, understand yourself and others, are changed with the change of time. No fears.
Blood The joy that flows in the body. I feel joy in their veins, enjoy life, because I love my life.
Thyroid Paranoia. Sense of threat to life. Fear of contracting. My positive attitude treats me. I am under the protection of immunity is healthy and I love my body.
pubis Protecting the intimate life of the genitourinary system. My sex life is not in danger. I am a sexy and healthy.
Uterus Temple of femininity. Creativity. My body - my temple. I am in him, feeling at home.
ovaries Creation. My creative center in harmony.
testicles Masculinity. Be a man worthy and safe.
Prostate Principles of men. I am brave, I accept myself as a man.
Nerves Communication with people. I am willing to engage in conversation, do not sow conflict. I can easily close with others.
Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive

The table contains a reason, which is closely related to mental health problems of man. The root of the disease is in his head as a negative experience. Eradicate the disease is possible by replacing the negative settings on healing affirmation (positive settings). Louise Hay claims that any disease can be overcome, if you set yourself to think positively.

Problem procatarxis installation
Tonsillitis Lack of ability to express themselves. Innuendo. Control harsh words. There are no limits for me. I am free, I can be myself.
Glands A situation which can not be influenced or participate. I - the creator of your world.
Insomnia Fears. The feeling of guilt. Distrust for everything that happens. I go to bed, giving restful sleep. I am sure that the next day will receive me with open arms.
Alzheimer's disease Feelings of hopelessness. Helplessness. Anger. Failure to reality. I say goodbye to the past. Life can be enjoyed otherwise. I'm looking for easy way out of a negative situation, rejoice.
Amnesia Fear. Inability to self-defense. Escape from problems. I am brave, intelligent, valuable person, not afraid to live. Mena overwhelmed with tranquility, protection.
gum disease Indecision. Irresponsibility. I am a goal-oriented. Every step toward the goal is endowed with love. I am not afraid to address issues proud responsibility.
mouth disease Bias and neglect of new ideas and thoughts. I accept new ideas, their usvoyu without problems.
Astigmatism Self-loathing. Fear observe themselves from the outside. I do not watch a real nasty. I can feel the beauty, majesty.
Myopia Fear of the future. I feel safe. I was lucky.
Glaucoma Unwillingness to forgive. Pressure insults. In my eyes, the love of all. I bestow all tender gaze.
Hyperopia. A sense of detachment from the universe. Right here I am safe. The world is not threatened by me. I clearly see their own peace of mind.
Cataract Unknown future. Pessimism. Life is infinite. Life is full of pleasures.
Strabismus Unwillingness to see what is hidden from the eyes. Actions defiance. I'm calm. I'm not afraid to see, I feel safe.
Deafness. Failure to take anything. Stubbornness. Insulation. I - a piece of the world. I understand the importance of their own and others. I am in harmony with others, listen to them.
Dizziness Unrelated stream of thought. Reluctance to see clearly. I'm calm. I'm single-minded. I can live. I can enjoy life.
cephalalgia Self-criticism. Fears. Little self-esteem. I love myself, I take it all inside, I feel safe, wherever he is.
Cough The desire to be heard. Lack of attention. I see. I appreciate it. I have seen and I love it.
SARS Let fear a life. I feel safe. I was not in danger. I love my life and breathe it in deeply.
Asthma Deterring tears. Depression. A person does not take care of themselves. I am free. My life is in my hands. It's light and pleasant. I love my life and I will now take care of her.
pulmonary disease Depression. Sadness. Fear of taking life. Little self-esteem. I can live with self-love. I am worthy to breathe and not be afraid of life.
Gastritis Uncertainty in life.

The feeling of hopelessness.

I feel safe. I approve of the way I have chosen.
Flatulence Fears and stiffness. Ideas which never saw light. I am relaxed, calm. I let life flow through me freely, easily.
Appendicitis Fear of life. Denial of positive emotions. Nothing bothers me. I am in complete safety. I let life flow in me.
Heartburn, stomach ulcer, 12 duodenal ulcer Fear of change. Inability to "digest" the new situation. Life goes on smoothly. They did not harm. I am pleased to accept the changes and easily assimilated by the experience.
Constipation Reluctance to bid farewell to the past. Sarcasm. Old thoughts that clog head. Life flows. I say goodbye to the past without any problems. I feel that the universe loves me, sends fresh thoughts.
Diarrhea Escape from problems. Fear. I live in the world. Between me and life there are no obstacles.
bowel pathology Fear break with the past or outdated ideas. I can easily say goodbye to effortlessly past tense, open to new challenges, able to accept the changes.
cramps Lack of patience. The discontent of the people. Irritability. I hear nothing but love. I'm strong enough to know how to wait. I respect others and love people.
Decreased appetite Fearing attempts to defend himself. Distrust of the world. I'm glad that I live, to feel loved.
excessive appetite Blame and denial of his own emotions. Fears. Need protection. My feelings were not in danger, I'm full of energy.
Acne The desire to hide the face. Thoughts of her unattractiveness. I'm beautiful, like me men.
dermatological problems Anxiety. Fear. Danger. Life protects me. I cherish her love, forgive the past, let go of it. I am free as ever.
Pathology of the circulatory system Frozen thoughts. unhappy life Joy circulates inside me, filling my whole body.
hypertension Psycho-emotional problems that await solutions. I do not become attached to past events. Inside my mind in complete harmony.
Hypotension It is not enough love in childhood. Pessimism. I live, I am glad this.
heart disease Callousness and lack of happiness. Stress. Voltage. I passed through his heart healing happiness, full of love, is free.
myocardial infarction Sacrifice happiness for the sake of financial stability. The main value - happiness. Joy constantly overflowing heart.
liver pathology Complaints, dissatisfaction with their lives. Self-deception. Nicety. Justify their pessimism. Now I am open and cheerful. I live with love and see it everywhere.
Jaundice Bias and one-sidedness. I have enough patience, I can sympathize. I respect others and myself.
kidney disease Fear of criticism. Disappointment. Shame. Infantilism. I'm not afraid to be an adult. I am responsible for my life. I accept their failures with joy, gain valuable experience.
diseases of the adrenal gland Own detachment. Anxiety. A sense of loss. I'm not afraid to worry about yourself. My every action is endowed with love, whatever his pitch, I approve.
Stones in the kidneys Anger, unable to find a way out. I no longer held the past. I'm easy on the soul.
Infectious diseases of urinary tract Irritability, anger against the partner. Self-deception. The feeling of guilt, a man pinned to the environment. I respect your partner. I feel responsible for my life. I'm ready for a change.
Incontinence Emotional outbursts, to restrain a person for years. I calmly accept any feelings. I do not feel panic.
Problems with menstruation (amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea) Denial of femininity. Fear. Shame on her body. Guilt. Misconceptions related to "impurity" of the genitals and their sinfulness. I - a full-fledged woman. I love and accept myself. The processes taking place in my body - naturally.
Problems with menopause Fear of losing the women's attractiveness. Dislike for themselves and aging. I give my body the love, whatever it was. Inside me is harmony.
Foot diseases Inability to move forward due to fear of the future. I am confident about the future. I'm not afraid to go to meet the unknown, because I was just waiting for good.
fluid retention It symbolizes the fear of a person to lose something. I'm not afraid to let go. I gladly parting with what it should leave.
Rachiocampsis Try to stay in the past. Distrust of the environment. The destruction of the personality. Lack of courage. I was no longer scared. I believe in themselves and their strength. I live - my calling. My posture becomes straight, and I'm going on the road of life with joy.
Obesity Self-defense. Deny their own feelings. Fear. Depression. Unrealized ideas. I feel protected. Feel - safe. I can defend myself. I am filled with joy and love.
Cyst Offense, a person can not let go. Developmental disorders. My life is calm and peaceful. I love myself and let go of burdens of the past. I forgive myself and others.
Fainting Fear. Memory loss. Inability to cope with the situation. I'm smart and strong. I can keep it under control.
Numbness Suppression of feelings and love. Rotting emotions that people held back. I feel love in every person. I myself am full of love.
Cancer Strong hatred. Resentment that eats from the inside. Deep psychological trauma. I forgive your past and let go of it. From that moment, I am full of joy and love.
Weakness Lack of rest. I allow myself to relax. I have nothing alarming.
Fatigue Boredom life. Man makes himself engaged in unloved business. I am curious and energetic. I am full of joy. I like life.
AIDS Low self-esteem. Dissatisfaction with sex life. A sense of hopelessness. Life loves me, values ​​me life. I have strength. I love me. I appreciate you.
convulsions The desire to hold on to life. The pursuit of peace. Voltage. I'm relaxed. Inside me is harmony. I'm in control of my life.
Tick ​​or convulsions Paranoia. Fears. I am in complete safety. Life takes me.
Rash Defenselessness. I am strong and protected. Everything's under control.
Bad breath Gossip and insults. I'm talking about the others with love. I radiate only joy.
"Incurable" disease To cure it, it is impossible to heal superficially - treated inside. I get rid of domestic rubbish. I heal myself with love and care.
Impotence Anger at the partner. mother's fear. guilt and a sense of pressure. I let her sexuality to express themselves. I am full of energy.
Depression Anger that has not been released. Hopelessness. I break the frame. I'm in control of my life. My life is full of colors.

How to deal with illnesses table Louise Hay

Louise Hay, whose illnesses table can not give an exact answer to the person about the origin of his disease, says, to find the source of the disease, need to remember first of its manifestations and events that could cause it. It may be a deep psychological trauma, phobia, depression and negative thoughts.

Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive

Having analyzed, one must say to himself: "I remembered everything and willing to let it go", after the disease to find in the list and use affirmations.

Repeat the affirmation should be every day, preferably 3 times to the idea solidified in mind.

Affirmations for prosperity and success


  • I go through life easily, and I was accompanied by success.
  • I thrive and move forward toward the goal.
  • I can reach your goals.
  • No matter what I do - I will succeed.
  • I am successful and smart.
  • I am worthy of their success.
  • Good luck - my partner in life.
  • Every day I spiritually grow and prosper.

Affirmation on dissolution insults


  • I live without load grievances. My soul is pure.
  • In my heart there is no place to insults.
  • I do not keep evil in me is flowing only joy and love.
  • I am worthy of happiness, so I let go of all grudges.
  • I do not give insults destroy me.
  • I act wisely when letting oppressive offense.
  • In my world there is no place bitter resentment.
  • I inhale and exhale happiness resentment.

Affirmations on finance and self-love


  • My body is full of love, my face shining with happiness.
  • I approve of myself and love.
  • I love myself at any time of the day.
  • I love myself in any mood.
  • I never cease to love yourself even in difficult times.
  • Making nonsense and I make mistakes all just like myself.
  • My body - my temple, I have happiness.
  • I am important and loved.
  • I am a magnet for money.
  • My cash flow is open.
  • I get gifts fate double.
  • Every day, my income grows.
  • I is solvent and independent.
  • I have the right to be rich, I earned it.
  • The money will come to me.
  • I am successful, wealthy and happy.

Affirmations for forgiveness


  • I am worthy of forgiveness, and I forgive myself.
  • I love and forgive everyone, including ourselves.
  • I forgive myself and others, why I'm easy and fun.
  • I'm forgiven and I'm happy.
    Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive
  • I do not blame anyone. I forgive everyone.
  • No bile in me, I am ready to forgive others and ourselves.
  • I am clean and free. I can forgive myself and others.
  • I will let others to forgive me. I forgive myself. I forgive them.

101 thought bearing force


  1. My healing has already begun.
  2. I trust my inner voice.
  3. I forgive myself and others.
  4. I enjoy what I do.
  5. I trust life.
  6. I am satisfied with my house.
  7. I am free from the past.
  8. The strength with me right now.
  9. I am calm with any changes.
  10. I can change.
  11. I control my thoughts, discarding negative.
  12. Thoughts build my future.
  13. No self-criticism, only love.
  14. I do not expect anything from life. I know what awaits me only luck.
  15. I have a clear understanding of the world.
  16. I'm calm. Life support and makes me happy.
  17. I sow love and joy everywhere. People around - a reflection of me.
  18. In my perfect balance of th female masculinity.
  19. I have a right to freedom.
  20. I'm not afraid and I do not doubt.
  21. The universe sends me and I'm relaxed about their fate.
  22. I love my life.
  23. I love my body.
  24. Every problem has a solution.
  25. I am a patient with others and ourselves. Harmony in me and around me.
  26. I am open to change and new ideas.
  27. I love to create around himself. My happiness has no limits. I stand above human fears.
  28. I deserve to be loved.
  29. I am the creator of my life. The thought is material.
  30. I'm sexy and I admit it.
  31. My age - my value. I live in harmony with their years.
  32. I live in the present. The past will never come back.
  33. I give people that want to get in return. Any criticism.
  34. I hold not people, they are just as free as I am.
  35. I myself chose the parents. They gave me enough knowledge. I give them love and forgiveness. They are free from me and I from them.
  36. I am well and safe in their home.
  37. Life gives me what I want, when my thoughts are pure negativity.
  38. Life gives me and other wealth. All wishes will be fulfilled. All needs are met.
  39. In my world there is always harmony reigns.
  40. I love my job.
  41. Life gives me the support and care.
  42. Love and joy leads me forward. I have a bright future.
  43. I'm happy with what I have. Ahead of a new experience that I meet with pleasure.
  44. My reality is created by my own. In my world, there is love and understanding.
  45. I can use their talents for the dream job.
  46. I am surrounded by success everywhere.
  47. I discovered many ways of income. I am ready to accept them.
  48. I deserve better. I have the right to happiness and well-being.
  49. I live easily.
  50. I'm protected from any negativity. I am at peace with the universe.
  51. I can hear the signals of the body. I take care of my health.
  52. I am a talented and not afraid to express it.
  53. I change every day just for the better.
  54. I am unique, and I accept it.
  55. I communicate with other people without any problems.
  56. I am your true "I". Inside me, love and joy.
  57. Love surrounds me everywhere. I can love and I loved life.
  58. I love others as much as yourself. I accept the people and grant them joy.
  59. I am beatiful. People love me and I love them.
  60. I love myself for who I am.
  61. I am resolute. I can hear your inner voice.
  62. During travel the universe protects me. I'm safe.
  63. Every day I get up higher on delusions. I understand the world.
  64. I accept your partner. Our relations are full of love and understanding.
  65. I live in a safe world. I trust the world.
  66. The world is healed, together with me. Positive thoughts make the world a better place.
  67. I love my motherland. Every person in our country is full of love and kindness.
  68. I take care of my family and I love it. In my family, there is harmony.
  69. My children to protect the universe. They are happy and protected from any adverse impact.
  70. I love all living beings and cause them pain.
  71. Childbirth - a natural process. I'm not scared, I feel only love.
  72. My child - my miracle. I love and protect him.
  73. I move easily. My body is quite flexible. I feel completely healthy.
  74. I supplement their knowledge of life. I perceive your body and soul. I am responsible for myself.
  75. I am energetic and young. Sport helps keep me strength.
  76. Universe granted me prosperity. I accept it and live with joy and love.
  77. I have been associated with the universe. About care and higher power to guide me on the right path.
  78. I live in the present.
  79. I keep a healthy weight without effort. My body and my mind are living in harmony.
  80. I eat right and nourish your body with vitamins. I'm in good shape.
  81. I love my pets. They are healthy and happy.
  82. I'm in love with nature, it is the source of my strength. I am in harmony with the environment.
  83. I heal themselves and others every day. My thoughts - a powerful drug.
  84. I respect and love belong to the elderly.
  85. I'm not afraid of your car. I feel safe behind the wheel.
  86. Music nourishes me by force, lifting my spirits and inspire me.
  87. I'm not afraid of loneliness. I live at peace with himself. I deserve a rest and bring their thoughts in order.
  88. I take care of myself. I wear what I like. My appearance reflects my love to her.
  89. I have enough time for each case. I live in the present. I have a strong personality.
  90. I rest from work.
    Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive
  91. Children love me. When I'm around them safe.
  92. Dreams - my assistants. Dreams help me find answers to life's questions.
  93. My environment is their positive people.
  94. I love to deal with financial problems.
  95. I do not kill the child inside. I love it and the shore.
  96. I'm not afraid to ask for help and very willing to help others.
  97. I note the holidays with family and close friends.
  98. I am kind and courteous to all men.
  99. I am a good friend. I always support and help in difficult times.
  100. I care about the planet on which I live. I'm saving the environment.
  101. I do not lose touch with the universe and always listen to the promptings of fate. Life - it is a miracle, and I love her.

Meditation "Healing Light"

Meditation "Healing Light" is designed to restore vitality, helps to cope with the energy exhaustion, nervous diseases. Should meditate in a quiet and peaceful location. Ears recommended plug ear plugs and eye dark tie bandage.

Healing practices is best done early in the morning or late in the evening. At this time, open channels, and cosmic energy becomes more affordable. Meditation can be 1-2 times a day for 15-25 minutes.

Performance of "Healing Light" meditation:

  1. Lie down on a flat surface. Spine should be straight. The muscles are relaxed as much as possible. The head should not have any thoughts.
  2. After total relaxation you need to breathe deeply.
    Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive
  3. When will true peace of mind, to submit to an arm's length white light. He walked slowly down to the nose and inhaled by man. From the lungs it goes to the heart and from the heart to the navel. space energy penetrates into the human, and the white light begins to grow, filling the entire body. When he reaches the end point - the toes, should give him a foothold. Thoughts should not interfere with the healing process. With each breath, the man admits a force, and each exhalation releases itself from fatigue and malaise.
  4. Once people feel the last breath of the disease, meditation is complete. You need to slowly open your eyes, but continue to monitor the breathing gradually coming back to life.

Be happy for 21 days

The course is based on working with mirror and affirmations. The book "Be happy for 21 days" teaches confidence, reveals talents, helps to overcome resistance to change, increases self-esteem and develops love and compassion, relieves stress, fear and anger. Each day of the course is devoted to specific exercises.

Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive
Louise Hay is known for his books and techniques. Increasing popularity of its table of diseases.

During the course, you can use the table of diseases Louise Hay, if there are health problems:

The lessons distributed by leaps

1 Week teaches self-love. 1. Acceptance and manifestation of love.

2. Make friends with her reflection in the mirror.

3. Self-talk.

4. Release your past.

5. Increased self-esteem.

6. Exemption from the inner critic.

7. Summing up the results of the first week.

Week 2 is dedicated to the senses, such as: pain, fear, anger. 1-2. Reconciliation with your inner child

3. Love your body, healing pain.

4. Release of anger.

5. The victory over fear.

6. How to start your day with love.

7. Summing up the results of the second week.

Week 3 - the final stage of the course, devoted relationships, prosperity and gratitude. 1. How to forgive yourself and others.

2. Healing relationships.

3. Getting rid of stress.

4. Prosperity.

5. Thanks to life.

6. Teaching children to exercise with a mirror.

7. Full adoption of self-love.

Louise Hay love ourselves

Love begins with the education of a sense of self-worth and the total rejection of criticism:

  • Fears do not allow to move forward. You need to stop scaring ourselves.
  • It is necessary to cultivate gentleness, kindness and patience toward others and yourself.
  • Hatred - rotten feeling, from which you want to get rid of. Self-love and positive thoughts create man.
  • Praise yourself - not bad. Man needs approval from himself.
  • Reliance Life - this is love. Each person must love yourself, love gives strength.
  • Must love his shortcomings.
  • The body - is the home of a man, and he needs care and proper care.
  • Important to work with a mirror and talk to yourself. You must be able to hear the inner voice.
  • Do not put off for tomorrow love, and to love yourself right here and now! You can not live in the past.

Louise Hay on self-perception, self-criticism

To be perfect is impossible to criticize themselves useless and dangerous. Louise Hay says that the root of many problems with the mental and physical health is in the self-perception. Man destroys himself by negative beliefs obtained by unsuccessful experiences.

Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive

Life is built from the thoughts and words, so it is advisable to tune in to positive thinking in order to avoid failure. Learn to think positively about yourself, man destroys the internal clamps and fears, finding freedom.

Types of resistance to change

Fear that prevents moving forward to success and prosperity - fear of change.

Often there are three behaviors:

  • Frequent tardiness and indifference to anything.
  • Restlessness (urge the toilet to smoke, shifted in his chair) and change the topic of conversation.
  • Distraction and concentration.

Every person resists in its own way, but the feelings are present everywhere the same: fear of the future, depression and weakness.

Wrong beliefs that prevent changes

Stereotypes hinder live and change.

Resist negative beliefs about themselves, which prevent to accept the changes:

  • I can not.
  • I do not do that.
  • It seems to me that it's not mine.
  • I'm lazy.
  • It spends too much time.
  • I do not believe in their own strength.
  • I do not bring up.
  • I'm not good enough for this.

The man found himself such thoughts should immediately say contradictory beliefs:

  • I can.
    Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive
  • It suits me.
  • I am a hard worker.
  • All your time I will be happy.
  • I believe in your strength.
  • I'm ready to change.
  • I have enough knowledge to do so.

The transfer of responsibility to others for their own actions, failures

Not everybody can admit guilt for their failures. Fear of change causes a person to give his fate in the hands of others.

Thoughts in the transfer of responsibility to others:

  • My parents are against it.
  • I can not know it myself.
  • Others believe that I can not.
  • Nobody understands me.
  • It is against my principles and philosophy.
  • My religion is against it.
  • Now is not the time for a change.
  • I can not change, yet everything does not change.

To recognize guilt and take responsibility for their lives - the first step towards change. No one can control the fate of a man except the man himself. The opinion of others is not always approving because of their own fears and failures, they project onto others.

If family, friends or acquaintances against the person changes, he should think about a change of environment and situation. In life, you need to surround yourself with good and helpful people who are willing to provide support.

Negative attitudes are replaced with positive thinking:

  • I want and I will do it.
  • I can do it yourself.
  • I do not go on about the evil people.
  • I understand and appreciate.
  • I'm ready to start to change the world from itself.

Resistance to change because of the fear of the unknown

The man is afraid of the unknown, seeing it as a danger and disappointment.

Questions talking about resistance to change because of the fear of the uncertainty of the future:

  • What people think of me?
    Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive
  • What will my friends?
  • How to react to this family?
  • What if I make things worse?
  • It would hurt me?

Life will change as soon as swap of human thought. Destructive thoughts better replaced by an affirmation that can bring good luck and peace of mind.

3 Louise Hay principle for the adoption of the changes:

  1. Craving for change.
  2. Control of thoughts and words.
  3. The ability to forgive.

fear of the unknown thoughts are replaced with confidence and determination:

  • I'm not afraid of other people's opinions.
  • My friends accept me.
  • Family support me.
  • I only do better by changing their lives.
  • The future will bring me suffering.
  • I believe in myself!

Exercise dissolution offense

Exercise helps release situations, people or memories stuck in the mind in the form of resentment and anger:

  • The room where the practice has to be quiet. Calm inside and outside. Relaxation.
    Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive
  • Darkened theater. Scene. Her man, who concealed resentment.
  • It is impossible to represent the offender unhappy. He genuinely smiles and is happy. He is happy. Gradually, it dissolves on the stage, still smiling. Everyone who appears on the scene, will be released happy. It stays in the past forever. Hatred and resentment disappear along with it. Theater - is consciousness.
  • Man appears on the scene, which makes this exercise. He sees himself happy. He smiles and laughs. He feels the love of the universe. At its heart is easy, no insults do not hurt his heart. The light fades slowly.
  • Exercise dissolution grievances recommended once a day.

Exercise "mental representations"

Exercise to make friends with your "inner" child, soothe anxiety about the past, accept and forgive yourself and your family:

  • Before the man a small child. You need to look in his melancholy eyes. Ask him what he was sad, and he said that he misses the person performing the exercise. You need to feel his sadness. Hug child. Say about the love for him and of what he is wonderful and smart. Promise to help him. In the arms of the child is reduced to the size of a pea. It is necessary to place it in your heart. Now they will always be there.
  • Before you there is another child. This is your mother in childhood. She wants love. Her eyes are full of sadness. Embrace it with the words: "I will not fail you. You're safe. " Keep her in his arms to meas long as she did not feel safe. Gradually, it will begin to decrease until pea size. Put it in the heart.
  • Here there is another child - your father. He also lost and sad. Press it to her as well as himself and his mother. Let it come to life. Repeat to him: "I'll be there always. You're protected. " He, like the others, will decrease and will be in your heart.
  • Put your hand on your heart. Feel his knock, and the knock of 3 young children. Love everyone. Love for young children - sacred.

At the heart of enough love to heal the whole world, so start by changing yourself. From this moment life starts to change.

Exercise of negative assertions

For this exercise you will need a pen and a sheet of paper. It is necessary to recall the negative beliefs of parents about money, love and relationships. Write it down. Take another sheet. Remember from someone else negative statements were heard (this may be the power of teachers, society).

What is written - stuck in the memory of the negative thoughts that prevent live. Wanted urgently get rid of them.

Exercise with mirror

In the mirror is necessary to look myself in the eye. Repeat several times his name. Say to yourself: "I love and approve of you any."

Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive

Repeat this every morning until, until you feel the true love of self.

Occupation: "The decision to change"

Faced with a sense of helplessness, hopelessness or despair, people refuse to live and can not imagine life differently. All that man gives the world, comes back like a boomerang. Change begins not with the others and with yourself. Change must take place from the inside out.

Principles of life changes:

  • Give the world what you want to get in return.
  • The doctrine of positive thinking. Man is made up of his own thoughts.
  • Not afraid to get rid of outdated beliefs that prevent live.
  • Be patient with yourself and others.

"I want to change"

Exercise helps to take themselves and begin to change lives. It is recommended to be done every day. Lightly touch the throat. It accumulates energy, which will help to master change. Repeating: "I want to change. I'm ready to change. " The universe will help and support. We must not forget to praise yourself for successes.

Affirmation to attract financial stability

For the financial well-being need to create the right mental set and fix it in the mind. A person needs to focus on the success and money. Affirmation: "My cash flow is open, I deserve all the best. I get money easily and intelligently manage them. "

"The ocean of abundance"

Cash flow is regulated by the human consciousness and spiritual prosperity. Thinking about more and aspiring to it, the universe helps to achieve this goal.

The exercise "Ocean of plenty":

  • You are standing on the seashore. Look at sea waters and make out therein abundance. It is available to you. Look at what you have in your hands - a glass, a spoon, a jug or bucket? any thing can be in your hands, you will draw abundance.
    Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive
  • Look around. Nearby are other people. In their hands the vessels. They will draw as much as they need. You too. Abundance will be enough for everyone.
  • Something that symbolizes your consciousness in your hands. If the vessel is in your hands did not suit you, you can find a better vessel.

Exercise should be done once a day.

"Getting rid of any disease"

Without an emotional and spiritual healing is impossible to get rid of the disease. Everything related to physical healing - superficial problems are in the mind of man in the form of negative emotions. For effective recovery necessary to maintain a balance between the treatment of the body and soul.

"Remission of health problems"

Negative beliefs, deep wound in the soul and negative emotions can affect the physical condition. The first thing you want to make a sick person - to understand what kind of thought or emotion has affected his health. The second - to take advantage of affirmation. You need to tell yourself every day, look in the mirror: "I let go of the thought / emotion / situation. I'm ready to get better. "

"The role of disease in human life"

Any disease is sent to rethink the universe of life and changes in the inner world of man. It is important to define the role of disease in my life.

Find the cause of the disease to help matters:

  • As I made myself sick?
  • What I was trying to avoid disease?
  • I want to do when sick?
  • What did my father and my mother when I was sick?
  • What am I afraid of sickness?
  • If I had a strong shock before being sick?

Discloses in more detail the appearance of disease include:

  • What hurt my mother?
  • How sick is my father?
  • How sick am I?
  • Is there a link between the two illnesses?
  • Do I get sick when I was little? Why?
  • Are there any I have beliefs about the diseases of childhood?
  • What do I do to be healthy?
  • Do I want to be healthy?
  • Do I deserve to be healthy?
    Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive
  • I'm afraid of what complications?
  • How valuable I these thoughts?
  • If I let go of that belief, I am afraid of unpleasant consequences?

Louise Hay, the table which provides a disease of the disease on the basis of negative experiences, says that it is possible to find the right affirmations for any occasion.

study the script illness

Initially treated thought and consciousness, and then the body itself. Healing affirmation: "I deserve to be healthy. Being healthy - naturally. I let go of the negative statements that can affect my health.

I accept myself and my body any. I take care of my health. My body - the temple, which is always a cosiness and harmony. It fills me with strength. I feel a connection with the universe. My world is full of love. "

Getting rid of bad habits

Dependencies arise from the lack of happiness, confidence and incentive to live. Man with bad habits in need of protection, he can not get, and give her strength does not suffice. Getting rid of addiction - a long and difficult process where the patient requires patience and a desire to change.

In order to prevent possible disruption of addiction, it is necessary to put a clear goal, write down on a piece of paper and hang it in a prominent place, so that people do not forget about it.

Louise Hay, the table is useful in diseases of the fight against addiction, he says that because of the bad habits arise not only mental health problems, but also physical. It is recommended to use affirmations against depression and weakness.

The first exercise to get rid of bad habits:

  • Look at yourself in the mirror.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
  • Think about addiction. Imagine how her throw. He says to himself: "From now on, I'm not addicted. I am free of it. "
  • Affirmations better to repeat the morning and during meditation.

The second exercise to get rid of bad habits:

  • Write down on a piece of paper everything you want to let go.
    Louise Hay: Table diseases, their root causes. Psychosomatics: heal thyself. Affirmations: wisdom, positive
  • Follow the reaction, burn sensation.
  • To think and write down what you need to do to release the relationship. Repeat the affirmation, "I approve of myself" - every day 350 times.

This phrase should be the motto. It will help to take yourself and let go of self-hatred that helps get rid of bad habits.

The best program to improve the quality of life for people reviews

"You Can Heal Your Life". The book presents methods for the healing of disease through the power of thought. Each chapter contains useful and active affirmations. After reading the author promises change in thinking through meditation and exercise. This is the first book of Louise Hay, who is a sales leader for several years.

"Be happy for 21 days." The course, which teaches life anew. 21 days book is changing the lives of people, taught to think positively and achieve success. On the validity of this method say feedback is greatly appreciated and a good rating.

"Heal Yourself". The program teaches direct thoughts to heal your body and soul on the table diseases. According to Louise Hay, the majority of pathologies occur due to negative thoughts. The unique art of healing and affirmation collected in single edition.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video Disease Table Louise Hay

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