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How much water should you drink a day for 1 kg of body weight to an adult health, diet to gain weight, while the disease. How to calculate

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On the amount you drink directly the functioning of the whole organism depends. Insufficient intake of required minimum daily leads to the development of diseases, intoxication, disturbance of the mineral balance. To prevent the problem need to know your water intake, how many times per day, and how to consume it.

The content of the article:

  • 1 How much you need to drink water a day to an adult, infant, children per 1 kg of weight
  • 2 Indications abundant drinking
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 The consequences of excessive fluid intake
  • 5 The consequences of fluid deficit
  • 6 symptoms of dehydration
  • 7 What water is better to drink: a cold or hot?
  • 8 How many and what kind of water should you drink on an empty stomach?
  • 9 What water is better to drink: boiled or raw?
  • 10 What water is better to drink: mineral or simple?
  • 11 Can I drink the purchase distilled water, rainwater?
  • 12 Can I drink water with lime sludge?
  • 13 Can I drink the water at night?
  • 14 Can I drink the water at high pressure, high blood pressure?
  • 15 How to drink iced water?
  • insta story viewer
  • 16 Through much after a meal, you can drink the water?
  • 17 How to drink water during workouts?
  • 18 Slimming Water
  • 19 How to drink water in order to gain weight
  • 20 How to drink water to prevent disease?
  • 21 Video on how much water to drink per day

How much you need to drink water a day to an adult, infant, children per 1 kg of weight

The water in human life plays an important role since the birth. The child grew and developed in harmony, it is a large amount of water is required.

Breastfeeding necessary norm baby will receive up to six months with his mother's milk.

In cases where the child is on artificial feeding mixtures, in addition to water it is necessary to start from the second month. In the first month it will suffice 30 ml, in which the mixture is diluted. Per day total fluid intake is 200 ml. After 6 months and overseas to 3 years rate of water varies, and the calculation is 30 ml per 1 kg body weight.

Give drink to the child in several ways:

  • via teaspoon;
  • syringe without a needle;
  • mug-pot (5 months);
  • bottles with a pacifier.
How much water should you drink per day per 1 kg of weight for health, diet to gain weight, while the disease. How to calculate

Older children can independently adjust the water consumption level. Parents still control the amount of alcohol consumed, to prevent dehydration and the risk of disease. So to 6 years old baby to drink 80 ml of water per 1 kg of the body, up to 9 years - 100 ml. Since 10 years of age, children must consume water normal adult, which is 2.5 liters a day.

How much water should you drink a day to an adult it depends on the following factors:

  • physical activity;
  • body mass;
  • seasonal changes;
  • pregnancy;
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • drinking coffee.

If the body is healthy, it is possible to calculate the rate by the formula: weight * kg 0.04.

At minimum load (sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle) Drink extra fluid to the resulting rate is not worth it.
With an average physical activity (frequent walks, exercise 2 times a week, need a lot of talk) By indicator is added 500 ml of water.
At high load intensity (exercise five times a week, work on the legs) You can drink 1 liter of water more.
Professional athletes and those who are at the stage of preparation for competitions The number of fluid intake may be up to 5 liters.

Indications abundant drinking

Doctors recommend that every man drinking water a little more than the norm, explaining that this will help eliminate:

  • congestion and swelling in the body;
  • accumulation of toxins in the cells;
  • imbalance entering the body elements and salts thereof;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • dehydration during exercise;
    How much water should you drink per day per 1 kg of weight for health, diet to gain weight, while the disease. How to calculate
    There are many factors that affect how much water you should drink per day. One of them - the physical training.
  • body overheating in the seasonal heat.

Opinion that due to heavy drinking any human being will swell the body, is wrong. Scientists have long proven that water, even in large quantities can harm healthy body.


Contraindication to abundant drinking are the following items:

  • acute and chronic nephritis;
  • tendency to fluid retention;
  • severe swelling during pregnancy;
  • blood thinners;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The consequences of excessive fluid intake

If excessive drinking is not accompanied by disease, in which it is contraindicated, then the consequences will be. On the contrary, in a few days it will be noticeable improvement in the overall condition of the body, will ease in the body. But in people with increased appetite, craving for food will decrease considerably, which will contribute to weight loss.

In acute and chronic kidney diseases, where there is a partial or complete disruption of their functions, even normal fluid intake may lead to death. Therefore, people with these pathologies should be treated in the hospital around the clock under the supervision of doctors.

In case of wrong approach to water consumption too excessive intake of it unnecessarily can damage the kidneys, heart and liver.

How much water you need to drink a day will tell the body when drinking regime will enter into the schedule.

The consequences of fluid deficit

The systematic lack of water in the body, or the loss of its abundant as a result of consumption of the wrong fluid can lead to serious violations of the entire body.

The consequences of neglect may include:

  • decreased immunity;
  • swelling;
  • liquefaction of the blood;
  • constipation;
    How much water should you drink per day per 1 kg of weight for health, diet to gain weight, while the disease. How to calculate
  • violation of the stomach work;
  • prolongation of disease.

The organism is experiencing an acute shortage of water, can send signals about dehydration, a person perceives as the desire to eat. Overeating, poor absorption of food items coming from swelling, which develops much faster than for excessive drinking, trigger weight gain.

symptoms of dehydration

Even 1% loss of body fluids leads to dehydration. There are several types of dehydration.

Hypotension (extracellular) and hypertension (intracellular) dehydration characterized by an acute course and come as a result of explicit diseases - diarrhea, vomiting, polyuria, excessive sweating, acute or chronic GIT. Isotonic dehydration may take place discreetly.

Unfortunately, many people suffer from dehydration, but not all can determine its chronic course. The most obvious feature is the dryness of the mouth, but it can also occur for other reasons. While she passes with mild dehydration symptoms.

In addition to dry mouth there is a set of symptoms that indicate a lack of fluid in the body.

It is worth paying attention to, and take action, if most of the matches:

  • decreased vision;
  • frequent disease (more than 2 times per year);
  • deterioration of mental processes;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • poorly digested food;
  • there were wrinkles;
  • too rapid weight gain that is not associated with over-eating;
  • chronic fatigue and drowsiness;
  • increased appetite.
How much water should you drink per day per 1 kg of weight for health, diet to gain weight, while the disease. How to calculate

Dehydration can also be determined by a simple test. It is necessary to pinch the skin on the back of his hand. If the fold is preserved even a minimal amount of time - it is a lack of fluid in the body signal.

What water is better to drink: a cold or hot?

Doctors can not give an exact answer, whether the harm to the consumption of too cold or too hot water to the body. Depending on the climatic conditions, the traditional way of life of the people, the individual habits of each person will be different recommendations. However, any doctor will tell you that the water is room temperature or slightly warm is the best choice.

How many and what kind of water should you drink on an empty stomach?

During the night the human body loses up to 500 ml. Therefore, in the morning, immediately after waking up, it is important to restore the balance by drinking two cups of warm water. The habit of drinking on an empty stomach will also contribute to the rapid launch of metabolic processes, the withdrawal of accumulated night toxins from cells, helps the kidneys function better.

It is important that the first intake of water was not too cold or hot, otherwise it may adversely affect the work of the stomach.

Food intake may be five minutes after receiving the water, as water is directly absorbed into the body.

What water is better to drink: boiled or raw?

Raw water is saturated with oxygen and useful elements, and has undoubted benefits for humans. However, it can also be a source of hazardous microorganisms and toxins.

Boiled water does not pose any good, but it is able to satisfy the need for daily rate fluid performs all transport functions, and for the first night is absolutely safe for consumption.

What water is better to drink: mineral or simple?

According to the recommendations of doctors the safest thing is to drink just plain water. It does not cause irritation of the stomach, does not raise the gases saturate cells.

However, if there is no direct contraindications, mineral water consumption will bring undeniable benefits:

  • best thirst quenching;
  • better cell nutrition;
  • alkalization of blood plasma;
  • prevention of bone loss and muscle;
  • improving the work of the stomach due to increased acidity;
  • improving the cardiovascular and central nervous system.
How much water should you drink per day per 1 kg of weight for health, diet to gain weight, while the disease. How to calculate

Chief cardiac surgeon of Ministry of Health Russian Bokeria LA for many years drinking mineral water.

How much water should you drink a day, and its degree of mineralization will depend on the state of human health and the advice of his doctor.

Can I drink the purchase distilled water, rainwater?

Distilled water is used in a very broad areas: industrial plants, in chemical laboratories, the pharmaceutical industry and medicine.

The use of such water for the body in that it is saturated with dissolved gases atmosphere: oxygen, nitrogen, an agronomist, carbon dioxide. However, it is completely lacking calcium and magnesium, beneficial micro-organisms, the source of which is ordinary drinking water. People with reduced content of these minerals such water is not suitable or required additional intake of these salts.

But the rain water is not recommended even to drink purified and prokipyachonnoy. Due to the cloud formation and distribution system of the earth's atmosphere, it may contain heavy metals and toxic compounds which can not be removed even by treatment.

The danger lies in the fact that such substances do not act immediately, they can accumulate over the years and slowly deplete the vital functions of the body.

Can I drink water with lime sludge?

The presence of lime in the water suggests that there is a large amount of calcium. Their presence makes the water hard, on the walls of the pot and pipes washing machines appears difficult to output a white film. The greatest amount of calcium salts is in artesian water and has a characteristic disagreeable taste.

How much water should you drink per day per 1 kg of weight for health, diet to gain weight, while the disease. How to calculate

Drink liquid with lime deposits can be, but do not forget that the excessive accumulation of calcium can lead to hypercalcemia and the formation of kidney and gallstones.

Can I drink the water at night?

How much you need to drink water a day it depends on many factors. However, on the need for fluid intake at night is simple. With the immersion of the body in his sleep functioning slows, but does not stop completely.

At night, the body is restored and cleaned of accumulated toxins per day, most of which is excreted in the sweat and urine. To help the body in the process, you must adhere to the 2 rules: not a close three hours before sleep, and drink a glass of water before you go.

Can I drink the water at high pressure, high blood pressure?

The chronic lack of water in the body is the root cause of hypertension 1 degree. Therefore the correct drinking regime will prevent the occurrence of disease.

If hypertension is already present, then omission receiving water can lead to a dramatic deterioration.

How much water a day to drink, not to rising pressure, a person needs to be calculated independently. Usually it is the norm daily fluid and 500 ml, but may be more. For people suffering from hypertension, there is a special water diet, in which the fluid intake must be greater than the amount of food.

How to drink iced water?

Freezing of water at home with subsequent thawing is considered the most effective method of purification. Such water continues to be "alive", easy to digest, give energy and perfect composition.

In the manufacture of frozen water preference is given to the raw water, because it is richer in content and health benefits.

Melt water can be drunk immediately after thawing, and it does not require additional filtering and boiling. In order to avoid occurrence of unpleasant odor during freezing and thawing, water must be kept in a closed container.

Through much after a meal, you can drink the water?

The mechanism of the stomach is so constituted that the gastric juice and drink the liquid in it do not mix. It allows a person to eat dry food, to wash down with water and does not affect the digestion of food.

How much water should you drink per day per 1 kg of weight for health, diet to gain weight, while the disease. How to calculate

However, doctors still recommend drinking water through after the meal, and it is better to him. This is due to the fact that the liquid will penetrate the fasting stomach wall and enters the body immediately. If you drink at a full stomach, this process lasts for an hour.

How to drink water during workouts?

Depending on the intensity of the training required quantity of liquid is directly proportional to the lost. During one training session lasting 40 minutes to drink 1.5 liters of clean water, but do not gulp, but gradually.

Ideally, after each exercise should be done from one to three sips. So it is best to be acquired, the liquid body. In any case it is impossible to restrict the consumption of water - it can lead to overheating of the organism and salt formation and kidney stones.

Water should be clean and, if the person is not a professional athlete and does not qualify for the competition, with no additives such as BCAA.

Slimming Water

Drink water often, and a little bit is recommended for people who want to reduce body weight. Thus, the body does not have time to signal a lack of brain fluid, and that in turn does not send a false signal on the need stomach meal.

French nutritionist Pierre Ducane hudeyuschego recommended patients to drink cold water. I explained by the fact that the stomach to digest such a liquid need to start it to warm up to a characteristic temperature at which the body spends more energy.

How to drink water in order to gain weight

Weight gain is totally dependent on diet and exercise. However, without the necessary amount of water can greatly harm the body. Professional athletes and bodybuilders recommended up to 5 liters per day. This is due to high loads on the body, which lead to overheating and dehydration.

Most of them take drugs that increase stamina and muscle growth, and to correct their removal requires a lot of liquid. Also necessary when consumed large amounts of protein which is poorly absorbed without fluid and contributes to the accumulation of uric acid.

How much water should you drink per day per 1 kg of weight for health, diet to gain weight, while the disease. How to calculate

Person involved in training and supporting moderate diet aimed at weight gain, you need to drink 1-1.5 liters more than the norm.

How to drink water to prevent disease?

So that the water was carrying not only the transport benefit, as well as prevent the development of diseases, doctors advise the recommended water displacement stretch all day and drink every 10 minutes for one throat. The exception is the first admission of fluid on an empty stomach, which can be enjoyed quickly.

Thus water will rise organism saturation efficiency, the liquid will not be caught in the cells, and together with the toxins and pathogens leaves the body. You need every day to drink the amount of water a day, so the body working smoothly, like clockwork. In carrying out these recommendations, it is possible to improve the quality and duration of life several times.

Author of the article: Diana T.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video on how much water to drink per day

How much water to drink per day for a man:

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