Female Diseases

Pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly. Reasons for delays in white, brown discharge

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Pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly - one of those situations, which can react quite ambiguous. On the one hand, this symptom can be a sign of pregnancy.

On the other - not every pregnancy goes smoothly, and the absence of menstruation is sometimes said that in the body start to develop some kind of disease and pathology. It is not known to be afraid of these symptoms, or enjoy them.

The content of the article:

  • 1 How and why a stomach ache before menses
  • 2 Norm or pathology
  • 3 How to pull the lower abdomen during pregnancy
    • 3.1 early life
    • 3.2 Risk of miscarriage
    • 3.3 Ectopic pregnancy
  • 4 Sore underbelly in the absence of pregnancy
    • 4.1 hormonal disorders
    • 4.2 diseases of the digestive tract
    • 4.3 gynecological diseases
    • 4.4 Problems with kidneys and bladder
    • 4.5 other causes
  • 5 What should I do if the delay menstruation and sore lower abdomen
  • 6 Videos about pulling abdominal pain in women

How and why a stomach ache before menses

Girls who are familiar with the phenomenon of dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation), know firsthand what feelings may be completely different - it can be as moderate pain with malaise and sufficiently serious deterioration accompanied by various symptoms, such as fever, nausea, vomiting.

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Pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly: delay, deviation or pregnancy?

Sometimes it can hurt the whole body, and sometimes there is no pain at all. The causes of these feelings can be different:

  • Hormonal problems when pulling the lower abdomen due to frequent contractions of the uterus walls due to overabundance in the body prostaglandin hormone.
  • Stress before the start of the cycle, other emotional stress.
  • Lack of minerals, particularly magnesium.
  • Various pathologies.

Norm or pathology

So, is there to be afraid of the appearance of this symptom? Experts advise, first of all, calm down. In gynecology deviation of the menstrual cycle for a few days is the norm, even if abdominal pain started until spotting. There are many factors, which could slightly shift cycle.

However, if the delay is more than 4 days, it is necessary to turn to the doctor to rule out the possibility of infection and pathologies as soon as possible.

How to pull the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Young mother may not immediately understand what kind of changes are taking place with her body, because sometimes the bottom abdominal pulls and during menstruation, and guarantee that with the onset of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding stop, no.

Pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly: delay, deviation or pregnancy?Therefore, it is necessary to be careful, otherwise you can accidentally miss one of the most important moments in the life of a woman.

early life

In the early stages of the complaint on the aching pain - a very common phenomenon, and not all the young mothers can avoid this symptom. Experts are not always clear what the nature of sensations, physiological or pathological, as they occur for the following reasons:

  • increase in size of the uterus. Ligaments and muscles that hold the uterus are stretched and damaged, leading to painful sensations.
  • The displacement of internal organs also triggers nagging pains.

Risk of miscarriage

Aching accompany the phenomenon, which is called a miscarriage. This condition is especially individually, there is no clear list of reasons that have contributed to it - it may be as exercise and stress the mother and any pathological lesions, such as placental abruption.

If the lower abdomen pulls, and after some time, the pain does not pass, accompanied by vaginal bleeding, similar to menstruation, the urgent need to call the ambulance. No woman is immune from the threat of losing their child, and there is no need to talk about the importance of time of the measures taken.

Ectopic pregnancy

abdomen can pull an ectopic pregnancy - a situation in which the fertilized egg begins to grow not in the uterus, and fallopian tube. Most often this process takes up to 6-8 weeks, and then there is abortion, because in this situation the priority of the mother's life, and there is no way to save the fetus.

Pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly: delay, deviation or pregnancy?
If they pull the stomach, and no monthly, it can be ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy accompanied by pain and bloody spotting similar to menses.

The main symptom of pregnancy is a spread of pain in other body parts. In connection with the specific location of the fetus's body may begin to ache in the right or left side of the abdomen; It may also receive an unpleasant feeling of pressure in the rectum.

Sore underbelly in the absence of pregnancy

This is partly understandable if the aching pain occurs during pregnancy. But often, women are faced with a situation where pulling the lower abdomen, and no monthly, while the test is negative.

cycle delay for long term causes some concern, because who knows what could have provoked such a state. In this case, you should immediately contact your gynecologist to treat the disease emerged in the early stages.

hormonal disorders

abdomen can pull when a woman's body is broken hormones. There is nothing wrong, usually after periods necessarily occur, though more painful than usual.

Pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly: delay, deviation or pregnancy?

Poor health and a failure in the menstrual cycle are usually due to the following factors:

  • Stress. Sometimes the emotional tension is so strong that there is no time for emotional recovery, and in fact a violation of the synthesis of hormones associated with it directly.
  • overload or lack thereof, is fraught with menstrual irregularities, but in this case, abdominal pain is not dangerous, although this should not be the cause of less than careful monitoring of their health.
  • Climate Change. Changing the conditions of the world - is stressful for the body of any person, therefore, such a reaction is absolutely normal.
  • Intelligent load. The body and mind are linked, and strain in one area simply can provoke malaise in the other. Hormonal instability can be caused for this reason.

diseases of the digestive tract

Sometimes abdominal pain and amenorrhea is associated with gastrointestinal diseases. Frequently diagnosed disease:

  1. bowel adhesions - the formation of adhesions in the gastrointestinal tract. Also accompanied by digestive disorders, difficulties with a chair. Treated diet adjustment, removal of toxins from the body, in complicated cases, laparoscopy (colliotomy).
  2. inflammatory bowel disease - inflammation due to parasites breeding, infections, genetic predisposition. Treated conservatively with medication and proper nutrition.
  3. Various neoplasms. The appearance of benign and malignant tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. Treated in most cases promptly.
  4. Appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix. It is treated by surgical removal of the inflamed appendix.
Pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly: delay, deviation or pregnancy?

Effect of these diseases indirect, they only aggravate the general state of the organism, that leads to pain. For ease pain symptoms enough to diagnose and cure the disease, then pulling and aching pain in the lower abdomen will be held, and normalized cycle.

gynecological diseases

Delay menstruation may cause various gynecological diseases. These include vaginitis, adnexitis, endometritis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, infections and others.

Vaginitis - an inflammation of the vaginal walls. In addition to the pain of vaginitis it is accompanied by a burning sensation and discomfort in the vagina, unusual discharges.

Pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly: delay, deviation or pregnancy?

Adnexitis - is the process of inflammation of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and their appendages. At the same time a woman has pain during urination, unusual discharge, and menstrual irregularities. Treated disease course of antibiotics and analgesics.

Endometriosis - a disease that inflamed lining of the uterus. Accompanied by the following symptoms: fever, chills, discharge with an unpleasant odor from the vagina.

Fibroids and cysts are benign. Tumors treated conservatively and surgically.

Problems with kidneys and bladder

Another cause of pain and pulling monthly delay can become a disease of the kidneys and bladder. Inflammatory processes in these organs are also accompanied by pain during urination, fever. Experts advise not to self, as the consequences can be very bad diseases affect the entire reproductive system of the patient.

other causes

Another reason not to menstruation and aching pain are:

  1. The duration of treatment with antibiotics. These drugs are designed to fight the bad bacteria, but beneficial microflora - microflora of the vagina - is also suffering. Indirectly get hurt and ovaries.
  2. Treatment of cervical erosion. Delayed menstruation in this case is a normal process, because a woman is experiencing the psychological and physical stress, which can not affect the work of its internal organs.
  3. Complications of abortion. Inhibition of ovarian function, damage to the layers of the uterus during curettage and other complications in the process of termination of pregnancy could affect the delay menstruation. The cycle is normalized within two months depending on the condition of the female organism.
  4. The use of new oral contraceptives. Oral contraceptives affect the overall hormonal balance, and therefore a sharp change of the drug may result in a dragging pain in the abdomen, and the absence of menstruation. Doctors insist on consultation with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.
  5. Emergency contraception. Most often, after taking emergency contraceptive pills monthly delayed - the body needs time to recover after a big dose of hormones. Sometimes it is possible to reduce the cycle, depending on whether the drug has been adopted in which phase. But if the delay is longer than 7 days or more, you should do a pregnancy test - possibly tablets have not worked, and the expected completion in the near future.
  6. The onset of menopause. Afraid of delay in this case is not worth it, because of menstrual disorders in menopause is absolutely normal.

What should I do if the delay menstruation and sore lower abdomen

If you pull the lower abdomen, and the month is not the only thing that can help you through this symptom before the onset of menstruation or until the arrival of the doctor, it attempts to reduce pain.

Pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly: delay, deviation or pregnancy?

This can be done as follows:

  • First of all, it is impossible to heat or cool the stomach, so as not to provoke the development of disease, if any.
  • You can use analgesics, relieves spasms. These include papaverine, no-spa, Drotaverinum, Buscopan, Halidorum and others. Also use non-steroidal drugs, but, unfortunately, acute pain, they will not help, because they have a cumulative effect - if you start take them a couple of days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, the pain symptoms (associated with menstruation) will be very minor. To these preparations include Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, etc ..
  • Ethnoscience. Use herbal teas and infusions, which are able to reduce pain in the body. Make the following infusions: sealed raspberry leaves, currants, decoction of elecampane root, tincture on horsetail, broth celery et al. Warning: make sure that there is no allergy to any of the components of the broth.
  • Massage. Light stroking of the abdomen will help relieve the pain for a while and let get to the doctor if feeling too strong. At your own risk doing massages Oriental practitioners but experts advise to take such action only after consultation and under strict medical supervision.

In healthy female body works like a clock, but the slightest flaws in the mechanism pull down the entire system.

If the girl pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly, and at the same time ruled out the possibility of conception, it is a good occasion to reflect on how long ago it was a gynecologist.

Taking care of health is always important, especially when it comes to the female reproductive system.

Videos about pulling abdominal pain in women

Tips what to do if you pull the lower abdomen, and no monthly:

If you pull the lower abdomen and the month is not present, it may be several reasons:

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