Diseases Of The Blood

INR blood test. What is it and how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy. Table

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Patients taking drugs for resorption of blood clots, is required to undergo regular blood test called INR. It determines its thickness and allows the physician to set the standard received coagulants.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What does an INR blood value abbreviations
  • 2 When the prescribed study
  • 3 Preparation for analysis
  • 4 analysis
  • 5 International norm INR
  • 6 The rate for adult men and women, pregnant
  • 7 The rate for children
  • 8 Decoding results
  • 9 Increased INR: Causes
  • 10 Reduced value: Causes
  • 11 What doctor solves the problem of low and high INR
  • 12 How To Improve
  • 13 How to lower the index of INR
  • 14 The consequences of high and low INR
  • 15 Table of average cost of study in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions
  • 16 Doctors about the reliability of the study
  • 17 Video analysis of INR

What does an INR blood value abbreviations

It stands for INR International Normalized Ratio. This study is being conducted according to international standards. Measurement of blood clotting functions occurs after a number of special procedures.

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Analysis INR - one of the most important research methods, which determines the rate of blood clotting. His appointment caused a single standard for all patients. Regardless of the location of the survey and the type of device, the result is always the same.

INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy

used these data to determine information:

  1. Prothrombin time. Details are in the process of blood clotting assay. Average time index (10-16 sec.).
  2. International Sensitivity Index (ISI). Thromboplastin produced a large number of companies. In each of the compounds produced is passport indicating their purity and sensitivity.

After completing the procedure doctors treatment is prescribed based on the results of the test for blood flow regulation functions. The value has periodicity passage analysis. In conducting the test INR 1 time a month of treatment assignment accuracy is 50%, if 1 per decade - 80%.

Treatment of established doctor individually for all patients, as each organism has its own reaction to the drug interactions and dose of warfarin. Survey indicated for taking vitamin K antagonists which reduce the degree of prothrombin in the blood parameters.

Analysis INR regularly rented at:

  • varicose veins;
    INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy
    INR blood test can be administered with varicose veins.
  • heart defects;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • disorders of blood circulation in the brain area;
  • acute karonarnom syndrome;
  • atrial fibrillation.

Patients who have installed artificial filters to prevent the passage of blood clots the blood vessel, is also covered by the analysis of the change.

Before introduction into practice of INR, warfarin level determined by the prothrombin time assay (PTT). This method is low cost of research, but does not provide accurate results. Devices often set different rates of warfarin in the blood of a patient.

When the prescribed study

Survey indicated for taking vitamin K antagonists which reduce the degree of prothrombin in the blood parameters.

Analysis INR regularly rented at:

  • varicose veins;
  • heart defects;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • disorders of blood circulation in the brain area;
  • acute karonarnom syndrome;
  • atrial fibrillation.

Patients who have installed artificial filters to prevent the passage of blood clots on the blood vessels, are required every six months for tests.

INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy

Before introduction into practice of warfarin INR level determined by the prothrombin time assay (PTT). This method is low cost of research, but does not provide accurate results. Devices often set different rates of warfarin in the blood of a patient.

Also, you should see a doctor if the following symptoms:

  • intestinal infection;
  • Changing the routine of rest and working hours;
  • persistent bleeding from the nose and gums;
  • Climate change.

If you change the hours of operation, go INR blood test is necessary after a few days. Without anticoagulant treatment and control of blood parameters may develop severe illness.

Testing can be administered in 3 cases:

  1. In chronic disease. In this case, the passage of the test is given to all patients taking warfarin and similar coagulants.
  2. Unit. Studies of this type are carried out under certain circumstances. These include surgery, pregnancy, the study of diseases in violation of hemostasis.
  3. Private will. The procedure can be administered by a person who wants to request diagnose vessels. Most often, the diagnosis forced to spend the elderly, men and women, whose relatives had been previously exposed to a heart attack.
INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy

Minor deviations from the norm can be caused by climate change and exercise. If the time to detect abnormalities in the blood plasma, it is possible to restore the blood vessels with the help of diet or medication adjustments.

Often assigned INR analysis does not mean that the patient's health is getting worse. This procedure can be assigned to control parameters when changing the dosage of medications taken by the patient or the diet.

Preparation for analysis

INR blood test - the study for which is necessary to observe certain rules before collecting biomaterial. Donating venous blood needed on an empty stomach. You need to give up eating for more than 8 hours. Drink only water. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol the day before the procedure.

1 hour prior to delivery of the analysis to exclude physical activity and smoking. It is not recommended to pass the procedure of women during menstruation.

INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy

Moderate alcohol consumption has a positive effect on blood clotting, warfarin, respectively, decreases the index. However, the abuse of alcohol will lead to an imbalance indicators INR. The alcohol of small doses can be taken together with anticoagulants.

In addition, alcohol lead to a violation of human coordination, which increases the risk of falling and injury. This can become a threat to the life of the patient receiving the coagulants. All of the above rules are subject to an exception in the case of emergency and urgent care.

After the passage of urgent analysis is assigned to a second procedure, already in the recovery efficiency of the organism. condensability monitoring of blood lead can be in the home. There are special devices for self-testing of the plasma in the blood. The disadvantage of such devices is the high cost.


The procedure may be carried out in several ways:

  1. The portable device. Testing is carried out using special devices even with the 1990s. Such an apparatus gives immediate results. Dipped blood to the test strip and insert it into the device. On the monitor, the test result will be displayed with all the precise information. This type of procedure is performed in a hospital or at home.
    INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy
  2. Laboratory research. At the moment, it has a wider application of this particular method of testing. Blood is taken from a vein and sent for analysis. After a certain time, the answer comes from the figures, and specialist prescribes further treatment.

After the course of treatment in a hospital, not taking the drug decreases. Appointment of warfarin doctor made a long time, often for life. With self-analysis, you must know all the rules of treatment under elevated or reduced rate. The patient can create a treatment schedule in advance, coordinating it from the attending cardiologist.

INR testing more convenient to own. However, most patients fear this method or simply not able to. Since most of the sick elderly people, they do not have the physical ability to go on educational lectures, to know how to use the device.

International norm INR

According to international standards, INR index should be within 1.0. Pathologies or incorrect dosage of treating agents indicator will deviate from the norm. When the increase in the index of warfarin need to reassign the dosage of the drug. It can cause complications in the body, and the opening of the bleeding.

Low index is expressed due to treatment failure, respectively, not liquefaction of blood. In such treatment varies vascular structure formed thrombi. Under these conditions it is necessary to increase the dosage of coagulants.

The rate for adult men and women, pregnant

INR blood test - is, above all, available indicators of the krovobrascheniya bodies for each person. Standard rate in adult men and women is similar. It varies from 0.8 to 1.2. If the result falls below the established norm, then the person is healthy and has no pathological diseases.

INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy

During pregnancy, tracking blood clotting, doctors are paying increased attention, as in the period of gestation of the child, an expectant mother will change the body's work. The woman in the position of INR index will be upgraded. This is normal. Disruption of the body will be considered as an index more than 4.0.

The rate for children

For newborns considered normal ratio from 0.8 to 1.2. Below is a table with indicators, which should be a healthy child.

Test Standard positive indicators
blood clotting time 4 - 8 min.
thrombin time 27 - 33 min.
Prothrombin 75 – 140%
lupus coagulant negative
Trombotest IV - V v.
prothrombin index 72 – 103%
Fibrinogel 6.0 - 12.0 pmol / l.
Activated recalcification time (ATS) 55 - 72 seconds.
Bleeding at Duke less than 4 minutes.
Retraction of a blood clot 28 – 38%

Decoding results

In the blood, there are proteins, which are defined as clotting factors. These proteins are found in the liver and is easy to fall under the influence of such a preparation as Warfarin.

Before undergoing a blood test INR decryption should look like this:

Cause Indicators
Malformation of the heart valves 2.0-3.0 units.
Treatment of venous thrombosis 2.0-3.0 units.
Treatment of pulmonary embolism 2.0-3.0 units.
vascular disease 2.9-4.6 units.
Treatment of atrial fibrillation 2.0-3.0 units.
A preliminary study prior to surgery 0.7-1.3 units.

With the decoding can learn about the patient's disease.

These include:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • polycythemia;
  • liver disease;
    INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy
  • poor absorption of fat in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vitamin K deficiency in children;
  • chronic disease of the blood clotting system;
  • PIS;
  • malignant tumor.

If the performance is specified unit 6 or more, then the patient needs urgent hospitalization. Otherwise bleeding can open.

In this situation, the danger of patients who present diseases of internal organs (kidney, stomach, intestine).

Increased INR: Causes

Analysis of the blood with elevated INR ratio is low proof clotting. This circumstance can lead to bleeding or hemorrhage. Even with little damage to the skin, there is a high bleeding.

If the patient has the disease of the internal organs such as the liver ulcer, then profuse bleeding will begin in those places. Patients in such situations is urgent hospitalization and recovery coagulation system via special preparations.

Increased analysis INR generally corresponds to diseases:

  • digestive diseases, because of what and poor absorption of fat;
  • deficiency of proteins in blood plasma;
  • excessive blood transfusions;
  • liver disease (cirrhosis, toxic damage, hepatitis C);
  • warfarin treatment;
    INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy
  • failure of the heart muscle;
  • a lack of vitamin K in the body;
  • oncology pancreas;
  • Difficulty patency in the biliary tract (jaundice);
  • excessive consumption of fatty foods, alcohol.

Reduced value: Causes

There is also the opposite state. It is called hypercoagulable. In such circumstances, the blood begins to thicken, resulting in formation of clots that can block blood flow to vital organs. This violation leads to thromboembolism and myocardial infarction, bowel and spleen.

Lowering rates INR occurs when:

  • infectious diseases with increased body temperature;
  • dehydration;
    INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy
  • DIC;
  • an excess of vitamin K;
  • the last stage of pregnancy;
  • use of hormonal preparations;
  • vomiting and diarrhea (after the excess of warfarin dose).

What doctor solves the problem of low and high INR

Selection of dosing warfarin and the whole period of treatment and recovery of the circulatory system produces a cardiologist. The treating physician will monitor the results of analyzes and to schedule the test. Depending on changes in the blood plasma, it can be reassigned to the dosage of essential drugs.

Cardiologist can also change the frequency of the INR blood test delivery, based on the latest evidence. In case of poor results, the blood plasma testing will be administered more often (1 time per week). In the future, with the improvement and normalization of blood circulation in the vessels, the analysis can be performed as early as 1 time in 15 days and up to 1 month.

How To Improve

INR blood test - a series of tests that determine the function of all the vital organs. Under reduced index cardiologists adjusted primarily dosing warfarin. They have also assigned a special diet. The main requirement is the rejection of products containing vitamin K as it contributes to a decrease in the index.

INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy

The largest amount of this vitamin found in green tea, salad, liver, spinach, color and cabbage, green peas and black tea brewing. It should reduce the consumption of mayonnaise, apples and cucumbers.

At a doctor's appointment warfarin, to great effect, you can use a range of products that contribute to the accelerated increase in the level of interaction with the drug. These include fish oil, garlic and red currants.

How to lower the index of INR

Elevated levels of warfarin in the blood carries a number of consequences for non-compliance or incorrect dosage of the diet drug. Patient is prescribed a special diet to restore the balance of the work of the blood vessels.

The following table presents a list of recommended products:

Product Condition
Meat Low fat composition
Fruits high sugar composition
Confectionery Low fat composition
cereals cereal
flour products whole-wheat flour
Bread or bread callous or dried
potatoes baked without the addition of vegetable oil
boiled egg no more than 1 per day
Milk products not more than 1% fat

The consequences of high and low INR

INR blood test - is an indication of the results of warfarin in the blood indexing. If it deviates from the norm, the patient is assigned to correction dosage of the drug and a change of diet.

In the case of non-compliance with the dosage and adverse effects may appear:

  • the formation of blood clots in blood vessels;
  • increase of liver disease;
  • pulmonary embolism.
INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy

At higher levels above 6, it increases the probability of internal and external bleeding. Such phenomena might eliminate only with medical assistance. When inflated rates require immediate hospitalization of the patient.

When a person is not exposed to blood diseases, it is not necessary to take a blood test INR. However, experts recommend to be surveyed 1 time in 18 months. These measures will help to detect irregularities in the circulatory system and warn of a possible illness.

Table of average cost of study in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Currently, there are a large number of medical institutions that can carry out a blood test INR. Each of them has its own pricing policy and service delivery. The table shows the average cost will be for the completion of a procedure in different regions of the Russian Federation.

INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy
Russian region average cost
Moscow 350 rubles.
St. Petersburg 340 rubles.
Samara 310 rubles.
Kemerovo 280 rubles.
Pskov 255 rubles.
Yekaterinburg 270 rubles.
Nizhny Novgorod 290 rubles.
Kazan 330 rubles.
Belgorod 300 rubles.
Rostov 285 rubles.
Tyumen 300 rubles.
Tambov 260 rubles.
Kaliningrad 270 rubles.
Volgograd 280 rubles.
Saransk 265 rubles.
Krasnodar 300 rubles.
Arkhangelsk 300 rubles.

Since for the conduct of the INR analysis shows the average price, which means that fluctuations in the value passage in one region may be fundamentally different procedures, taking into account the highest and lowest high prices.

Doctors about the reliability of the study

Blood analysis is performed by special devices. Doctors assure patients in the reliability of the results and rare errors of testing apparatus. Patients with chronic blood diseases, experts recommend to create an individual table, which will be depicted eating the diet, its kinds, and the correct dosage.

This will allow the patient to adhere to the established doctor mode and does not deviate from the schedule.

Compliance with all rules and proper use of warfarin dosing physician will lead to the improvement and stabilization of blood vessels. Passage INR blood test to avoid abnormalities in the body and normalize its work.

After consultation with the doctor can resort to traditional medicine. Nettles, for example, used to stop bleeding, as it is well thickens the blood. Decoctions on ginger and cinnamon on the contrary, thin the blood and increase the blood circulation.

INR blood test. That is, how much should be the norm, decoding for men, women, pregnancy

Doctors treating thrombosis and related diseases are recommended for analysis of blood INR absolutely everyone. If patients with chronic diseases, this procedure is required, the rest of the people, cardiologists recommended to be tested 1 time in 2 years. This will determine the pathology in the bud and prevent it from further development.

Author of the article: Denis Balaykin

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video analysis of INR

Why do I need an INR analysis:

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