Skin Diseases

Rosacea on his face. Photos that it causes, how to remove, drugs, ointments, home treatment in adults and children

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With the vascular network in the face most often experienced by women after 35-40 years. In the photo rosacea on his face does not look aesthetically pleasing. Abundant redness and stars - a signal that it's time to take care of their own health.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is rosacea
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 As in the initial cure stage
  • 4 Medications from rosacea
  • 5 What beauty treatments do
  • 6 Treatment of folk remedies
  • 7 Diet
  • 8 Face massage
  • 9 vitamin
  • 10 How to treat rosacea in a child
  • 11 Recommendations for skin care
  • 12 Video of rosacea on the face

What is rosacea

Disease of the skin, accompanied by a dilation of blood vessels, called rosacea. Subcutaneous capillaries and venules, losing elasticity, are not able to supply the cells with oxygen and minerals. As a result of improper functioning of the epidermal surface is covered with spider veins that bring discomfort and spoils the appearance.

Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home

Rosacea can appear as a result of improper cosmetic care, and as a consequence of physiological abnormalities.

Causes of

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Rosacea on the face (photo illustrating the disease, can be seen below) is often localized on the cheeks, chin and nose wings. Lesions of skin exposed to people who are prone to allergies and have sensitive skin, although vascular mesh and inflammation can develop anywhere on the body.

Redness appear as a result of stagnation of blood in the capillaries that leads to a strong pressure on their walls. As time passes, the vessels lose their elasticity, become brittle and burst. So there are the first redness with clearly defined lines. Inflammation may be accompanied by itching, burning or dryness.

The main reason for the appearance of rosacea - the weakening of the capillary walls under the influence of internal and external factors. Instigators of pathology can become severe stress, depression, migraine.

Internal causes of the disease:

  • hereditary factor - with a genetic predisposition to vascular fragility is recommended to carry out preventive measures;
  • high sensitivity of the skin;
  • location close to the capillaries surface of the epidermis;
  • diseases of internal organs and the chronic stage hormonal failures;
  • Pregnancy - the female body undergoes tremendous stress and strain as a result suffer capillaries.

Among the external causes of rosacea experts allocate:

  • regular exposure to UV rays on the skin surface;
  • abrupt climate change, the temperature difference;
  • consumption in unlimited quantities citrus, chocolate, cheese, beans, pickles.
Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home

In addition, various types of addictions, especially alcohol intake and smoking have a negative effect on the elasticity of blood vessels.

As in the initial cure stage

Rosacea on the face (photo rosacea seems repulsive) - a pathology that requires not only an aesthetic approach, but also a comprehensive survey. When the first signs of the disease are not diagnosed on time and do not start treatment, the affected skin may find bright red and even a bluish tint.

In the first stage of rosacea is important to revise the nutrition and correct exercise for problematic skin. When the disease did not arise on the background of genetic predisposition, it is necessary to conduct a medical examination. Examination by experts will help you find the cause of rosacea and treated successfully.

During the examination, it is important to take measures that will prevent a speedy development of the disease:

  • eliminate the use of sponges and scrubbing;
  • wipe the skin with a soft towel pat;
  • refuse to visit bath and solarium;
  • to limit or even eliminate the consumption of junk food, chocolate and citrus;
  • do not overeat;
  • not to use cosmetics for the face containing alcohol, eucalyptus oil, menthol and acids.

After the disappearance of symptoms should not forget about maintenance therapy outcome. It suffices to apply cosmetics and mask, affecting the epidermis and locking receptacles emergence of a new vascular network.

Medications from rosacea

Rosacea be treated, if the condition of the skin on the face is similar to the photo and the doctor confirmed the diagnosis. Drug effects of drugs aimed at strengthening the walls of capillaries, vasoconstriction and maintaining their elasticity and tone.

The pharmaceutical agent Troxevasin the most effective and safe in the fight against the capillary net. Active ingredient rutin at regular use improves circulation in the blood vessels, reduces their brittleness. The drug release in the form of capsules for oral administration or a cream that is applied massaging movements in the problem areas.

Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home

The only drawback of the drug - a long cumulative effect. According to responses, we can speak about the availability and effectiveness of the drug, particularly in the lungs and acute forms of the disease. For chronic pathologies treatment can last from 1 to 10 months.

Heparin ointment - a popular tool in the treatment of skin defects. The drug successfully removes bruises and couperose stars, improving the circulation in the capillaries, and eliminating the blood stagnation. Ointment, despite the healing effect, appoint a doctor and in rare cases due to a number of contraindications and side effects.

The effectiveness of the drug was highly valued as in varicose veins of the lower extremities, as well as in eliminating redness and veins on the face.

Aven Dirozeal cream - another source of solution to the problem of the skin. The action of the active components is aimed at accelerating the metabolism and strengthening vessel walls. In addition to the therapeutic effect, means mattes surface of the epidermis, helping to hide flaws.

Enough in the morning and evening, apply the cream to the affected area. The drug is compared with other drugs differs high prices and small packages. However, a pleasant aroma, ease of use and results meet expectations after only a few uses. The course of treatment can last up to 3 months.

Facial care products line "Stop rosacea" widely used in rosacea and pigmentation of the epidermis.

The cosmetic kit includes:

  • gel for the morning cleansing the skin;
  • tonic to hydrate throughout the day;
  • Intensive Cream for skin nourishment;
  • Active Serum, acting directly on skin blemishes.
Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home
Rosacea on the face will help to remove the complex preparations Stop rosacea, as shown in the photo.

Patients use professional medical cosmetics line show the high efficiency of facilities, which is evident after a short period of use.

At the initial stage of the disease can be successfully applied Antiruzher cream. Means of protecting the skin surface from aggressive UV rays, aligning with the time of its color.

What beauty treatments do

When the appearance of rosacea use several methods of treatment:

  1. Laser. Fast and efficient way without any side effects. Beam acts on the affected area, eliminating redness on the skin. Depending on the extent of the disease may require from one to 10 treatments. After treatment, experts recommend arrange a special skin care.
    Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home
  2. Ozone therapy. The procedure is performed only professional specialists and in hospital settings. It involves the dilution of the blood, which accelerates its circulation and exchange of nutrients between cells and tissues. The essence of the therapeutic method includes administering to the skin of injections, which contribute to the regeneration of cells by enhanced circulation.
    Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home
  3. Microcurrents. A special procedure that allows you to use cosmetics that are rich in vitamins, amino acids, collagen. Therapeutic Guides provide fast delivery of nutrients deep into the skin, providing care at the cellular level. Microcurrents relieve blood stagnation, raising the tone of capillaries and eliminating redness.
    Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home
  4. Mesotherapy. An effective method for treating skin defects by injecting drugs. The procedure is based on the stimulation of regenerative processes of the epidermis and strengthening vessel walls. Introduced under the skin of a substance for a long time will remain in effect, allowing for a long time to forget about the vascular network. During the session, exposure occurs only on the active points, which eliminates not only the defects of the skin, but also get rid of other disease manifestations.
    Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home
  5. Photorejuvenation. Progressive method for treating rosacea is carried out by the action of light energy to the surface of the epidermis, resulting in the coagulation of blood vessels. After the procedure requires a special skin care with medical masks and creams that protect against UV rays.
Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home

All modern methods of a positive effect on the capillaries by strengthening their walls, eliminate redness and enhances skin elasticity. For therapeutic result can be added and the cosmetic effect.

Procedures rejuvenate the skin, improve skin tone and evens the complexion. Full recovery in compliance with medical recommendations occur within 1 month.

Treatment of folk remedies

Medical masks, cooked at home from natural ingredients, successfully struggle with rosacea. In addition, the people's money in comparison with professional care - budget way to care for the person.

Options for funds:

  1. Accessible and easy to prepare potato mask. It can be used as a raw and boiled potatoes. However, the best effect on the problem areas have raw tubers. Small root clean, finely triturated and applied to the face. Gruel leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Porridge - porridge for breakfast useful not only for the body but also as a mask for the face. It should flakes mixed in equal proportions with flowers of chamomile and add vegetable oil to obtain pasty mass. Substance applied to the skin and allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Honey - a natural antioxidant and an effective means to improve the color and the skin condition of the face. To prepare the masks need medical mineral water without gas and fresh honey. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1. If the mass of the liquid, the amount of water can be reduced. The consistency is applied to the problem area for 20 minutes. Honey mask nourishes skin and promotes the elimination of vascular network.
  4. You can also mix 1 tablespoon honey with oat flour milled the same amount of oatmeal and 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar. The ingredients are mixed together and applied on the face for 30 minutes.
  5. For the winter season approaches mask consisting of starch, lanolin, olive oil, mixed in equal proportions. The dwell time of the composition on the face - 10-20 minutes, then wash off the mask to chamomile broth.
  6. During the summer to improve skin recommended daily strawberry mask. Ripe berries are washed, crushed with a fork or blender and put on the face. If strawberries are too juicy, starch can be added to improve the consistency of the mass. Berry pulp is left for 15-20 minutes and then rinse the skin with warm water.
    Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home
  7. According to the feedback, help from rosacea green tomatoes. Slices of vegetables should be applied to the damaged areas. Should keep them until then, until you feel a burning sensation. Then the skin is washed with water, dried with a towel and repeat the procedure up to 5 times.
  8. Rosacea and apply indelible herbal mask. The most effective means include calendula. It should take 30 ml of oil plants, and 20 g of beeswax melted. Natural mask is applied in the evening and left overnight.

In addition to masks, it is recommended to make lotions from herbal concoctions. Chamomile, calendula and horsetail 1 tsp brewed in 1 tbsp. water. When the broth has cooled, it is necessary to drain and use for washing or wiping the face.

The initial stage of rosacea can be eliminated and thus national method. In equal parts of the following mix of chamomile flowers, linden and calendula and add the olive oil. Skin smeared with the prepared mixture and leave for 10 minutes.


Rosacea on the face (which you can see the photo in the article) in the initial stage should be treated, since the power of revision. To improve skin tone and good level of hydration experts recommend drinking in the day, about 1 liter of water, and to include in the diet of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home

In addition to being required to completely eliminate from your diet alcohol, yeast products, beans, sausage, sour cream, pickles, bananas, tomatoes, chocolate, should adhere to the diet. It should be wary and too hot dishes.

Specialists have formed a rough menu rosacea:

  1. The first breakfast. 1 tbsp. water and vegetable salad with beans, pepper and parsley.
  2. Lunch. Buckwheat or barley porridge, boiled beef or turkey, fresh berries.
  3. Dinner. Soup on a meat broth, stew, vegetables, apple souffle.
  4. Afternoon tea. Drying or crackers, fruit juice.
  5. Dinner. Barley porridge, baked sea fish, coleslaw, green tea.
  6. Late dinner. Compote.

Based on the stage of the disease to nutrition doctor can add complex vitamins. Supplements accelerate the healing process and improve circulation.

Face massage

Therapeutic massage rosacea considered individually in each case based on the state of the skin and blood vessels. Cosmetic procedure performed by a professional masseur and special technique. It is important to know that active movements with the disease is absolutely contraindicated.

Usually use Spanish modeling massage:

  • light rhythmic strokes - preparation of the skin to a more intense impact;
  • pressing the central face muscles, neck and areas with low tone - to strengthen blood vessels and giving the skin elasticity;
  • rhythmic massage movements - with increased exposure can reduce the capillary net, which is typical for the disease;
  • rolling the palm of certain lines, which facilitates the movement of lymph.

A characteristic feature of massage rosacea is to abandon the creams and oils during the procedure. Cosmetics are allowed if the skin are depleted and there is edema. At the end of the procedure recommended by applying the alginate mask.


Photos of rosacea on the face reflects the possible violations that occur in the body. Improper diet or a vitamin deficiency can be one of the causes of disease development.

Cosmetic procedures performed in the treatment of rosacea, especially effective in combination with vitamin therapy. Much attention is paid to essential fatty acids. Thus, in the linseed oil contains large amounts of Omega-3 and vitamins A and E. The product effectively nourishes the skin and helps reduce rosacea.

In diseases of the skin useful and vitamin P. The greatest amount contained in the forest berries, lemon, fresh greens and carrots. Thanks to the properties of vitamin activates the regeneration of damaged capillaries, as well as strengthening the vessel walls.

Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home

Vitamin K is necessary for the person to regulate blood clotting. With its deficit organism is exposed to hemorrhagic phenomena - uncontrolled bleeding, diathesis. The skin is covered with vascular net or dark spots.

Patients with rosacea is useful to eat foods rich in vitamin C. The acid helps to improve the elasticity of capillaries and improve blood circulation.

How to treat rosacea in a child

Rosacea in children occurs when sensitive skin. If blood vessels are close to the surface of the epidermis, the disease is not treated - with time capillary defect disappears.

Rosacea on the face (photos before and after treatment of the child demonstrates the enormous difference) need to be removed if the age is not observed improvements. Specialized treatment is required when the vascular net does not pass within six months.

After the examination, when detecting internal pathologies - endocrine disorders, liver diseases - assigned medication. If vascular disorders are the result of external factors, it is necessary to reduce or eliminate the irritants that symptoms resolved.

rosacea treatment, a child may be carried out in two ways:

  1. Laser coagulation. Laser, acting on the vessel, and normalizes the flow of blood. The beam does not damage the surrounding tissue, and the procedure is allowed to carry out at any stage of the disease.
  2. Sclerotherapy. Treatment is administered into a vein of a special drug. After the procedure may cause swelling and redness. All defects will go, and the capillaries return to normal.

Children's skin, susceptibility to disease, require constant and careful care both to professional procedures and after.

Recommendations for skin care

People suffering from rosacea or prone to it, you should use cosmetics for sensitive skin. The structure means for cleansing, moisturizing and power must be included active substances which may prevent the emergence vasculature.

Cosmetic line so you need to choose the way that creams, tonics and lotions were tender and provided a gentle action.

Beauticians have developed key recommendations for skin care, prone to couperose:

  1. To cleanse the skin, use soft water or micellar.
  2. Skin tone and elasticity of capillaries perfectly affects contrast washing - alternating warm and cool water.
    Rosacea - what kind of disease, a photo of the face, causes and treatment at home
  3. Soap should be replaced foam or gel cleanser without alcohol and fragrance free.
  4. Tonic or lotion for the face should have anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.
  5. It is necessary to exclude the use of scouring pads, brushes and hard towels.
  6. Medical products applied to clean, dry skin.
  7. Avoid overheating the person abandoning the sauna, solarium and summer sunshine.
  8. It is necessary to give up scrubs and cleansers for skin with grains or other particles.
  9. In winter, the skin requires intensive moisturizing and extra protection before going out.
  10. Maintain an optimal level of skin moisture to help grape seed oil, jojoba or olive.

After studying the information and photos, it is important to react in time to face vascular changes, start using cosmetics, suitable for skin with rosacea and if necessary urgently to begin a more serious treatment.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of rosacea on the face

Rosacea - what it is:

Treatment of folk remedies:

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