Dermatological Drugs

Tablets from nail fungus. Inexpensive but effective drugs in pharmacies of the fungus on the feet, hands. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Price, reviews

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According to doctors, it is impossible to completely protect itself against fungal infections. Infection with nail fungal infection (onychomycosis) shall not be a great danger to health but creates discomfort, making the nail plate and the fingers unattractive. In advanced cases of pathology causes pain. From nail fungus is used as a means of costly and inexpensive, but effective tablets.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The principle of action of antifungal drugs
  • 2 Composition of tablets of nail fungus
  • 3 Indications
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 Adverse reactions
  • 6 Types of pharmaceutical drugs for nail fungus
  • 7 Names of effective low-cost products, prices
  • 8 Irunine: instructions for use
  • 9 terbinafine
  • 10 Fungavis
  • 11 Orungal
  • 12 fluconazole
  • 13 Lamisil
  • 14 ekzifin
  • 15 pimafutsin
  • 16 ketoconazole
  • 17 griseofulvin
  • 18 Testimonials of doctors about the treatment of fungal pills
  • 19 Videos about tablets from nail fungus

The principle of action of antifungal drugs

Antifungal drugs in the tablets, depending on the basic active substances act on the fungus by either:

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  • stop the development of the cell membrane (ketoconazole);
  • does not allow the cells to proliferate (terbinafine);Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews
  • destroy cells and make it impossible to continue the reproduction (fluconazole).

Composition of tablets of nail fungus

Each tablet contains protivomikoticheskoe active substance and several auxiliary components.

As an active ingredient may be:

  • itrokonazol;
  • terbinafine hydrochloride;
  • fluconazole;
  • ketoconazole.

Auxiliary elements consisting of capsules or tablets are presented gelatin, sucrose, titanium dioxide, and other substances.


Antimycotic drugs prescribed for fungal infections of nail plates (onychomycosis), the skin of hands and feet.

There are several types of onychomycosis:

  • normotroficheskie;
  • atrophic;
  • Hypertrophic.Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews

When normotroficheskie nail manifestation of onychomycosis changing coloring, having white or yellow bands, spots which may eventually cover the entire surface. However, the thickness and gloss nail plate does not affect their appearance.

Atrophic changes the color - the nail may acquire gray shade, become dim. It begins until complete destruction plate atrophying. In hypertrophic fungal infection of the nail is changing not only the color but also its thickness. Nail plate fade, crumble, become deformed, disappears customary luster.

In order to achieve positive results and finally destroy the fungus, doctors prescribe a comprehensive treatment - not only drugs in tablets, but also external tools that operate locally.


Antifungal drugs, getting into the weakened body of the patient, can do more harm than good. Therefore, in certain diseases protivomikoticheskih reception means is prohibited.

The prohibition applies to patients with:

  • renal insufficiency;Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews
  • allergic reactions to substances that kill fungus;
  • liver pathologies;
  • arrhythmias and other disorders of the heart and blood vessels;

Treatment for chronic alcohol addiction and tumors allowed under the supervision of a specialist.

During pregnancy and while breast-feeding administration of drugs is allowed only in cases where the disease causes considerable damage to the health of the mother.

Breast-feeding is stopped before the end of therapy. There is a separate ban on the simultaneous reception of tablets of the fungus and some drugs.

Adverse reactions

Tablets of nail fungus is not always safe for health. Their use may provoke adverse reactions.

The most common ones are:

  • nausea;
  • depression and loss of strength;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • diarrhea and other malfunctions of the digestive system;
  • pain in the muscle tissue;
  • rash and itching.

Types of pharmaceutical drugs for nail fungus

In pharmacies a plenty of medicines indoor and outdoor use, designed to destroy fungal infections.

Apart from tablets, antifungal preparations are in the form:

  • ointments;Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviewsTablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews
  • creams;
  • lacquers;
  • gels;
  • sprays;
  • natural oils;
  • solutions;
  • drops;
  • patches.

Composition external preparations differ from each other by a basic substance.

Well with onychomycosis, ointments, creams, gels based on:

  • terbinafine;
  • ciclopirox;
  • bifonazole.

Actions terbinafine, ciclopirox olamine, bifonazole are in violation of the normal functioning of the cell membrane of fungi, which entails the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Names of effective low-cost products, prices

Tablets of nail fungus, inexpensive, but effective, are presented in the table.Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews

drug Name price, rub.
fluconazole 45 (2 capsules)
Ekziter 605 (14 pcs.)
terbinafine 250 (14 pcs.)
griseofulvin 240 (20 pcs.)
Mikozoral 620 (30 pcs.)
pimafutsin 590 (20 pcs.)
ketoconazole 220 (10 pcs.)

Irunine: instructions for use

The main active ingredient of anti-mitotic agents - itraconazole. It intervenes in the synthesis of ergosterol, which is why fungal cells die.

"Irunine" performed well in the fight against infections caused by dermatophytes, molds and yeast.

Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews

When nail plates fungus "Irunine" take over 3 months at 200 mg per day (2 capsules once).

Or pulse therapy is used: spend several week course of therapy. After each course should be a break - 3 weeks.

To combat mycotic lesions on toenails will need 3 courses.

Treatment with interruptions takes 9 weeks. The daily dose of 4 capsules (2 pcs. morning and evening). The same course of conduct, if the lesion affected both toenails and hands.

Fungal diseases of the nails on the fingers recommend to spend 2 week courses with 3 weeks interval in between. Treatment takes 5 weeks. The daily dose is the same: 4 capsules. Small package "Irunine" contains 6 capsules, large - 14 pcs.

"Irunine" can have side effects:

  • allergic rashes on the skin;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • state of nervousness;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • discomfort in the gastrointestinal region (constipation, pain, indigestion);
  • fatigue.


  • heart failure;
  • allergic reactions;
  • liver disease, kidney;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • obstructive bronchitis.

If the dosage is exceeded, it is necessary to wash out the stomach, drink activated charcoal or other adsorbent and in a few days to observe the state of the organism.


Cheap, but effective pills for nail fungus are presented "terbinafine". The drug has the name of the active substance, destroying fungus.Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews

Tablets drink after a meal. Duration of the course for each individual patient - it is determined by the doctor depending on the stage and extent of disease. Most often, the duration of treatment is 3 months. Daily norm - 250 mg.

Possible side effects:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • digestive problems;
  • reducing the number of leukocytes and platelets;
  • allergic reactions, including skin rash;
  • pain in joints and muscles.

Indications are the same as in other antifungal tablets. Babies can not use the medication if their weight is less than 20 kg.


Another anti-fungal agent, which effectively eliminates not only from mycotic infections, but also struggling with some bacteria. Active ingredient - Ketoconazole (1 tablet - 200 mg). The pack contains 20 tablets.

For the cure of onychomycosis it is recommended to drink 1 time per day, during a meal - from 200 to 400 mg (dose determined by the physician). The minimum duration of the course - 3 months. "Fungavis" take to complete recovery. Contraindications and side effects are similar to previous preparations.


Antimycotic agent with the active ingredient itraconazole is available in liquid form and in the form of capsules. Depending on the duration of treatment, you can pick the package with the required amount of capsules. The smallest contains 4 pcs.Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews

Drug use postprandial washed down with water. Dosage and is prescribed based on the stage of the disease and the extent of damage. To get rid of nail fungus, carried pulse therapy, as well as the application of Irunine.

You can stick to the schedule and the usual treatment: take medication every day, once at 2 capsules at a time. In this case, therapy can last for 3 months. Based on the results judged by observing the gradual replacement of the nail.


Tablets from nail fungus, inexpensive but effective, sold under the name "Fluconazole". Designation preparation coincides with the name of the active ingredient. Its content in one capsule - 50 mg or 150 mg (depending on dosage).

Contraindications are:

  • idiosyncrasy;
  • early childhood - up to 4 years;
  • concomitant use of drugs that are responsible for normalizing cholesterol - statins; astemizole and terfinadina - antihistamines.

The caution used in:

  • renal failure;
  • liver disease;
  • arrhythmia and other cardiovascular pathologies;
  • alcoholism;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

For the treatment of fungus "Fluconazole" nail 1 taken once a week for 150 mg. Admission is stopped when the nail is completely updated. Allowed repetition rate.

The preparation is also suitable for controlling fungal infections in children.


Base preparation - terbinafine (250 mg), the package 7 or 14 tablets. "Lamisil" drink 1 tablet once a day, after meals. In milder forms of the disease therapy duration - about 2 months. In more serious cases - up to 4 months.Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews

Contraindications and side effects of such same as for similar pharmaceuticals.


Active ingredient "ekzifin" - terbinafine (250 mg). The daily take 1 tablet. The maximum duration of treatment "ekzifin" can reach up to 4 months. It allowed the treatment of children under 12 years old. With a weight of over 20 kg child is given 1 time per day ½ tablet. If the weight does not exceed 20 kg the daily dose is reduced to ¼ tablet.


  • Children under 3 years of age;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • renal disease, liver;
  • components intolerance.

With caution and under constant supervision of a doctor appointment "ekzifin" is allowed:

  • alcoholism;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the circulatory system and the heart;
  • psoriasis.

Side effects are the same as those of antimycotic agents listed above.


Tablets from nail fungus, inexpensive, yet effective, are relatively safe. "Pimafutsin" stands out in comparison with other antifungal agents. This preparation is based on natamycin (100 mg).

Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews
Pimafutsin - popular pills for the treatment of nail fungus. Manufacturer releases the drug in other forms. The drug effectively cope with yeast infections in women. Pimfutsin relatively inexpensive preparation

Average duration: 2 months. The daily dose: 4 times of 1 tablet. With "Pimafutsin" treat fungal infections during lactation (breast during this period stopped), pregnancy. You can use it to treat children. The daily dose for them: on the tablet in the morning and evening.

Possible side effects: nausea and indigestion. Despite this treatment is recommended to continue, side effects over time to disappear.

The main contraindication is the idiosyncrasy of substances in the funds. Overdosing is unlikely, because the drug has a low absorption.


To deal with nail fungus, tablets with the active ingredient ketoconazole take 1 piece. morning and evening. Minimum course of treatment takes six months. In case of overdose may be a manifestation of side effects. In such cases, the stomach was washed and symptomatic therapy.


  • Component intolerance;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • kidney disease and liver;
  • Children up to age 3 years.

Side effects:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • digestive disorders;
  • reduction in the number of platelets;
  • vomiting;
  • skin rashes;
  • temperature rise;
  • nervous state.


The active substance of the preparation - griseofulvin (125 mg). It inhibits the division of fungal cells and prevents them from developing. The package - 20 tablets. Course duration can be up to 8 months. In the 1st month pill drink every day, the 2nd - a day, a third month of taking the drug twice a week.Tablets of nail fungus: cheap but effective in pharmacies. List of the best: Terbinafine, Fluconazole. Prices and reviews

The recommended dose for adults - 500 mg per day. For children (over 2 years) the dosage is calculated individually. Tablet is better to drink after a meal or during a meal - along with foods rich in fats. Side effects are the same as with most listed above antifungal agents.


  • renal failure;
  • idiosyncrasy;
  • liver disease;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • diseases of the circulatory system.

Testimonials of doctors about the treatment of fungal pills

Tablets from nail fungus, inexpensive but effective, deservedly receive positive feedback not only buyers but also doctors.

To the desired effect has been achieved, experts advise to adhere to the following rules:

  • not interrupt the treatment in the middle of the course, all the prescribed manipulation should be brought to an end;
  • along with tablets used topical drugs (ointments, gels, sprays) - so the result will manifest itself more quickly;
  • monitor the hygiene of the affected areas;
  • in addition to carry out actions to improve the immune system;
  • after recovery not forget about preventive measures in order not to become infected again.

To prevent deformation, destruction of nail plates and loss of their aesthetics can both expensive pharmaceutical agents, and inexpensive, but effective tablets nail fungus. The exact implementation of all recommendations - a guarantee of successful treatment.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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Tablets from nail fungus inexpensive and efficient:

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