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Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price, reviews

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Ointment "Dr. Mom" ​​- a universal remedy for children and adults. Observing conditions instructions for use, the tool will help in the fight against colds and respiratory diseases, cough, and nasal congestion, eliminate inflammation in the joints and ligaments, relieve muscle pain.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Release form and cost of the drug
  • 2 Structure
  • 3 At what age are allowed to apply
  • 4 testimony
  • 5 Indications for pregnant and lactating women
  • 6 Contraindications
  • 7 Side effects
  • 8 Inhalation with ointment
  • 9 Application Instruction for coughs
  • 10 When dry cough
  • 11 treatment of bronchitis
  • 12 Getting rid of the common cold
  • 13 When a sore throat
  • 14 Ointment temperature
  • 15 Is it possible to apply the ointment with other drugs
  • 16 How to store
  • 17 Analogs ointment Dr. Mom
  • 18 Videos about MAZ Dr. Mom

Release form and cost of the drug

The company Johnson & Johnson manufactures Doctor Mom line in a variety of pharmaceutical forms, including in the form of an ointment. It is used topically and in solution for inhalation. Packing of the product carried out in polypropylene container of 20 g, placed in a cardboard box. For detailed product attached abstract.

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Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price

Ointment produces a pronounced odor of menthol and camphor has a thick consistency, colorless, translucent.


The product is composed of natural ingredients:

  • Basis of preparation - wax, Fat "core", in which the production of the other components are added.
  • Eucalyptus and turpentine oil have irritant effect. Soaking into the subcutaneous layer, provide blood flow to the site of application.Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price
  • Thymol - a natural antiseptic. It kills bacteria and fungi.
  • nutmeg oil - relieves inflammation.Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price
  • levomenthol - applying anaesthetises place dilates blood vessels on the surface of the skin.
  • Camphor - it has analgesic properties, increases blood circulation.

In place of rubbing the drug appears feeling of slight cold. Such effect creates camphor. After 2-3 minutes of heat surge occurs. At this time, a sick body increases blood flow, which makes it possible to concentrate white blood cells in the area of ​​inflammation. Accelerated metabolism on the affected site, increased protective properties of the organism.

At what age are allowed to apply

Instructions for use ointment Dr. Mom does not recommend treatment with children under 3 years. This multipartite drug. The danger for the patients of this category lies in their fragile body, not formed until the end of impunity.

A baby's skin at this age delicate, receptive. It is possible that the body will react to a drug allergy symptoms, pruritus, urticaria.


Using drug recommended by rubbing into the skin, it is used for treatment of the following diseases and conditions:

  • ODS;
  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis and tracheitis;
    Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price
    Ointment Dr. Mom is very good for colds, laryngitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis
  • pain in the muscles and joints;
  • headache.

Indications for pregnant and lactating women

During breastfeeding and during gestation baby, the manufacturer does not recommend Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use According to the reason - this category of patients did not participate in the research facility for safety and efficacy.

However, so far no cases of negative influence of the drug on children. Expectant mothers best not to self-medicate. The doctor prescribes treatment, comparing the benefits and risks, determines the dosage and period of use of funds.


Rubbing is not recommended for patients with increased allergic reaction to its components, for children up to 3 years, and persons, suffering from the following diseases:

  • whooping cough;
  • eczema;Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price
  • dermatitis;
  • burns;
  • false croup.

The application provides familiarity patients with contraindications pharmaceutical product. SUMMARY contains information about the need to reject treatment at body temperature over 36.6 C as massaging carries warming effect.

Pediatricians recommend treatment with the kids starting from 3 years old. Before that age its use is limited. This approach is associated with high risk of developing allergic reactions to components.

babies skin is very sensitive. Application of ointments young patients advised in diluted form. Before use in children it is mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 with a baby cream.

There are instances of high sensitivity or drug intolerance constituent substances. The skin is red, there is a strong burning sensation, there is swelling and swelling at the application site rash.

To prevent such a state can be achieved by applying the sample. skin portion in the wrist area of ​​the drug coated with a thin layer. Within 20 minutes the reaction was observed. If the skin is calm, then the body responds positively to the components that make up the drug. In the case of the above symptoms, the tool should not be used.

Side effects

There are only the external unction. It is prohibited to rub her nose, sinuses, oral mucosa smear. In case of contact means for these areas, they should be rinsed with warm water. The drug is not used on the damaged areas of the body and at the same time with other creams, requires adherence to dosage.Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price

Dr. Mom ointment - instructions for use is a method of application, the amount of consumed resources during use. Violation of the conditions stipulated by the manufacturer, threatens the manifestation of adverse reactions.

Occurrence urticaria, sudden skin itching, redness, swelling, dry skin on the areas where the drug is used. In individuals with elevated allergochuvstvitelnostyu not excluded bronchospasm and tear after rubbing ointment into the chest area.

Negative effects of the application of the medicament (side effects) portions are removed by washing applying rubbing.

Inhalation with ointment

cough with inhaled treatment shortens recovery and rehabilitation period. Warm air enriched with water vapor to soften sputum, separates it from the walls of organs, thereby facilitating the expectoration.

Catarrhal diseases accompanied by accumulation of sputum, well above the vapor inhalation cures with baking soda and salt. To enhance the effect to ingoliruemomu the solution, ointment Dr. Mom. Used in the treatment of adults and children from 6 years.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Boil in a saucepan or a kettle 2-3 liters of water.
  • Prepare a chair and a thick cloth (a blanket).
  • Remove the water from the heat, add 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1/2 tsp ointment.
  • Pan put on a chair, sit down, throw the cloth.
  • Breathing piled up warm steam for 10 minutes.

Depending on the disease to produce breath nose or mouth. You can alternate the respiratory system. Now widespread professional inhalers - nebulizers.Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price

Inhalation using the device:

  • Warm 20 grams of distilled water to a temperature of 60-70 degrees.
  • Add to it 1/8 teaspoons cream. Wait until the cream melted.
  • Cool water up to 30-40 degrees.
  • 5 g of the solution poured into a glass apparatus.
  • Breathing until the solution end.

Perform the procedure must be adhering to the following rules:

  • Children inhalations prescribed by a doctor.
  • Up to 14 years for an adult patient must watch, especially if it is the inhalation of hot water.
  • Inhalation nebulizer is only carried out in chronic diseases.
  • At body temperature above 37 degrees procedure is prohibited.
  • Herbs and oils can cause an allergic reaction. The patient with a predisposition to allergies is recommended to test the inhalation of 2 minutes. Then assess the state. If no response can continue treatment.
  • The procedure is carried out after 2 hours after a meal and 1 hour before meals.
  • After inhalation not talk for 30 minutes, do not go out.
  • The solution should be made fresh. The remaining solution was poured.
  • At a cold nose breathing, with lower respiratory tract disease mouth.

Application Instruction for coughs

Formulations for topical application, rubbing, consisting of chemical and synthetic components, often provoke adverse reactions with symptoms of allergy. Included in the Dr. Mom essential oils of plants are more secure and are able to accelerate the recovery.

Treatment is best started immediately after the detection of symptoms of colds. Rapid recovery are guaranteed in case of grinding in combination with other drugs.

Components of natural ingredients, when crushed, increase circulation and blood flow to a cold body, accelerate it metabolism, eliminate pain, anti-inflammatory effect, relieve swelling of the mucous shells.Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price

As a result of the drug, the mobility of the cilia of the bronchi faster, sputum expectorated, sick body is cleansed of the accumulated mucus. Body cells are not subjected to contamination, are protected from the attacks of microbes.

Dr. Mom ointment instruction manual provides for the use in wet and dry cough. In the case of treatment of cough, sputum not accompanied by separation, a preparation work causes goblet cells, increasing the excretion of mucus liquid. If the disease is accompanied by a wet cough medicine reduces irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa.

Rubbing is applied only locally. Its ingestion leads to burning sensation in the gastrointestinal tract, pain, vomiting and nausea. It should protect the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes from hitting it.

Dr. Mom rubbed smooth massaged into the skin in a cold body area location. Triturate until absorbed. Plastered area of ​​skin is better to keep warm, it needs to dress warmly and wrap yourself in a blanket. Keep warm is recommended for 20-30 minutes.

The procedure is performed at least 4 times a day. Last rubbing is carried out before bedtime. course of treatment for 3 to 5 days.

When dry cough

When a person is sick, the protective mucus of the respiratory system can not stand on their own. From its accumulation starts sore throat and hacking cough. The body tries to get rid of mucus, which accumulated bacteria.

Dr. Mom improves the promotion and sputum. Simultaneously with grinding ointment, to enhance expectoration effect when dry cough, it is advised to use drinking plenty of fluids, to monitor the humidity in the room and keep it at the level of 40-60%, twice a day to ventilate room.Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price

If the cause of non-productive cough (without sputum) lies in respiratory inflammation, rub with soft circular movements of the neck, chest, back between the shoulder blades.

Treatment continued for weeks until the complete disappearance of symptoms. Multiplicity day reception: 3 - 4 times. The layer deposition is provided such that the substance is completely absorbed after 2-3 minutes of rubbing. Surplus is removed with a tissue or cotton swab.

treatment of bronchitis

Disease therapy involves the use of complex drugs, including trituration warms ointments. Dr. Mom in the treatment of bronchitis is used once a day, at night.

Is applied between the shoulder blades, in the chest area and the heel. It is necessary to avoid the heart area location. In the rest mode of application is identical with coughing.

Getting rid of the common cold

rhinitis treatment is carried out by applying the medicament at about the nasal passages from two sides, in the middle between the eyebrows and skin in the area of ​​the temples. Therapy helps to release accumulated mucus from the nose, relieves headaches.Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price

Use of a preparation bedtime easier nasal breathing accelerate sleep. use period should not exceed 3-5 days. Manufacturer recommended procedure 3 times a day.

We should not forget that, according to the application of an ointment Dr. Mom instructions, her contact with mucous membranes of the nose and eyes is not recommended.

The results show that medicinal products of this brand hasten the start of improving the condition of patients with respiratory diseases by 100%. Patients with bronchitis recovery rate increased by 93%.

When a sore throat

Sore throat and a bad cough is treated by means of the application on the chest, avoiding contact with the skin in the region of the heart. In addition, a thin layer of ointment is rubbed into the upper part of the back. After the procedure the patient is desirable to bed and cover for 20 minutes. Treatment is carried out 3 days, morning and evening.Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price

The blood vessels at the site of ointments dilate receptors activated human nervous system. Ointment ease pain, distract from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Ointment temperature

medicament treatment at body temperature above 36.6 C is not recommended by the manufacturer.Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price

Components preparation activate blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. At the same time, expanding all body fluids. What is mucus? Liquid, thickened to a certain density.

From the effects of the ointment it will expand violates patency of the bronchi and trachea. The tubes are filled with a lot of phlegm, cough increases, the body tries to expel phlegm. There is a risk of complications - pneumonia.

Is it possible to apply the ointment with other drugs

Instructions for use ointment Dr. Mom contains information about enhancing the effect of therapy non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drug groups antiviral groups simultaneous treatment with ointment.

You should not use the medication at the same time with the use of antitussives. Broken thinning sputum expectoration. Application of the other rubbing, rastirok and creams on the skin covered with Doctor Mom undesirable.

How to store

Medication stored no longer than 3 years in the manufacturer's packaging. This ensures the preservation of its healing properties over the intended shelf life. Place reserved for storage, must be inaccessible to children.

The ambient temperature of 15 to 25 C. Prolonged stay in places of high humidity, direct sunlight and heat mode inappropriate lead to the destruction of components of the product, loss of its medicinal properties.

Analogs ointment Dr. Mom

Ointment has no structural analogues. Pediatricians and therapists may be recommended treatment is replacement option, following drugs:

  • Dr. Tice (balm).
  • Ointment on the basis of propolis.
  • Gerpferon.Dr. Mom ointment. Instructions for use for children with cough, runny nose, women during pregnancy, composition, analogues, price
  • Kombigripp.
  • Theraflu.
  • Turpentine ointment.
  • Wicks asset.
  • Evkabal (cream).
  • Asterisk balm.

Purpose of treatment ointment Dr. Mom (analogues) in accordance with the instructions for use is made physician or pediatrician. Self compromise weakened body.

Videos about MAZ Dr. Mom

Instructions for use Dr. Moma when coughing:

Ointment Dr. Mom during pregnancy:

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