
Headache after stroke: treatment, why, what to do, symptoms, causes

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Many patients complain that they have a headache after a stroke. During the recovery period unpleasant sensations arise from the effects of cerebral circulation. During an attack of pain are acute, high intensity. They sometimes do not disappear even after proper treatment. The pain may be continuous or periodic.


Why have a headache after a stroke

Occurrence of headaches in stroke contribute to the following reasons:

  1. Swelling of the brain tissue. Hemorrhagic lesion is accompanied by the formation of a hematoma. Seal irritates nerve endings, causing discomfort.
  2. The destruction of nerve cells. In case of violation of cerebral circulation tissue lacks oxygen, which leads to cell death.
  3. Stress. After a stroke, patients are depressed, they are concerned about the fear of life and health. It contributes to the development of psychogenic pain. Persistent discomfort interfere with normal sleep and rest.
  4. Side effects of treatment. Some drugs used to eliminate the effects of cerebral circulation to cause migraine syndrome. Such side effects have Dipyridamole and Curantil. About the need to tell the neurologist, who will adjust the dosage you experience any discomfort.
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  5. Meteosensitivity. Stroke people become sensitive to changing weather conditions. Match head starts when the air pressure is raised, occurrence of precipitation, change in air temperature.
  6. Muscle spasm. Sometimes the pain in stroke occurs against the backdrop of tension neck area muscles. In this case, large vessels are pressed, resulting in nerve cells do not get enough oxygen.
Swelling of brain tissue

how it hurts

Post-stroke pain syndrome characterized by the following features:

  1. Character. More often than not have a sense of bursting, crushing and pulsating character.
  2. Intensity. Post stroke pain have moderate or mild degree.
  3. Localization. Most often, discomfort concentrated in the temporal or parietal region and on the side of the lesion. If you violate the blood supply to the brain stem pain spreads to the neck and back of the neck. Diffuse pain syndrome occurs when the character of extensive myocardial, accompanied by the destruction of a large number of nerve cells.
  4. Duration. The attack lasts several hours or days, and then gradually subsides. Some patients feelings persist for several months.
  5. The presence of associated symptoms. At the stroke pain symptoms occur such as nausea, retching, vertigo, speech disorder.

What to do

For the treatment of headaches after stroke are used:

  1. Antidepressants and anticonvulsants. With their help it is permitted to treat a headache after a stroke psychogenic. Finlepsin amitriptillin and normalize the nervous system, relieve nausea and dizziness.
  2. Analgesics (Tempalgin). Apply for the temporary elimination of unpleasant symptoms. Over time, it is developing addictive, because of which the drug is no longer valid. Periodically changing medication.
  3. Vitamin means (Ascorutin). Reinforce the vessel walls and restore blood circulation.
  4. Physical therapy procedures. Assigned when a spasm of the neck muscles. Conducted massages, physical therapy and electrophoresis. Some efficiency possess paraffin baths. They eliminate the signs of inflammation and relax muscles.

If after a stroke have a headache, you must completely give up bad habits, put into a daily routine fresh air. During the attack needs to be in a dark room, devoid of loud noises. You need to constantly ventilate the room.

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