
Signs of stroke in women (brain predinsult): men, the first symptoms arise, treatment

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Stroke occurs due to impaired blood flow in the cerebral cortex. Many signs of disease are similar, but its course can have differences depending on the sex of the patient. Some of the signs of stroke in women are atypical and may resemble other diseases. This is explained by the peculiarities of hormonal women.

Disease in women


Acute cerebral circulatory violation occurs due to vascular occlusion, responsible for circulation brain (ischemic pathology develops type), or by a sudden rupture of the vessel (Hemorrhagic type).

Ischemic stroke in men and women is the result of hypertension and atherosclerosis. Common to both sexes, the factors that cause hemorrhagic stroke: arterial, or arteriovenous aneurysm, hypertension.

From what happens in men

The causes of stroke in men are often abuse alcohol and smoking. These bad habits cause blood pressure jumps, long vasospasm, With the result that there are heart disease and degenerative processes begin in the cerebral vessels. In addition, the pathological condition caused by stress, malnutrition and overweight, metabolic disorders, and age-related changes in the background of the progression of systemic diseases.

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In men over 65 years, the main causes of disease are hypertension and high cholesterol.

Why it occurs in women

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, endocrine disease, severe concomitant somatic disorders and infections - the main causes of stroke in women. Basically, this disease affects women after 60 years. Increasingly, however, we began to record cases of development in middle-aged women. Ischemic disease type often occurs in 18-40 years.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Among the factors that could trigger a sudden stroke, consists of:

  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives.
  • Pathological course of pregnancy.
  • Predisposition to thrombosis as a result of hormonal balance and menstrual bleeding.
  • Frequent migraine attacks occurring against the backdrop of a spasm of cerebral vessels.

Increased emotion, mood swings constant and low stress are also prerequisites pathology. In addition, stroke is often an addiction to bad habits. Smoking triggers spasm of blood vessels and the intoxication of the organism, contributes to the development of coronary heart disease and degenerative processes in the cerebral vessels.

In older women the main causes of the disease are:

  • Atrial fibrillation.
  • Narrowing of the carotid arteries.
  • Ischemic heart disease.
  • Cardiovascular failure.

Signs and symptoms

It is important to recognize the problem in time. The sooner will be helped, the more effective the treatment will take place and recovery. No later than 4-6 hours after the first signs of pathology is necessary to restore circulation. If you do not, the consequences can be very severe and even fatal.

Poor circulation occurs suddenly, and to prepare for his appearance impossible. But his attack can be identified by characteristic features, the majority is equally evident both in hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Sudden weakness, numbness of the limbs on one side and half of the face.
  • Paralysis of half the body.
  • Dizziness, headache.
  • Violation of muscle tone, loss of coordination.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Difficulty or loss of hearing and speech, the appearance of "flies" before the eyes, temporary loss of vision.
hearing loss

Most often, it fixed expression of several symptoms at the same time.

As seen in men

The development of any disease can be determined by the appearance of the first symptoms. harbingers of stroke in men may be a few hours or days before the attack. The approximation of the first signs of stroke in men suggest frequent sudden headaches, dizziness, nausea. In addition, can occur unfounded attacks of weakness, mood changes drastically.

Among the first signs of stroke in men is often noted:

  • Slow heart rate.
  • Numbness on one side.
  • Sweating.
  • Impaired hearing and vision, speech and coordination of movements.
  • Confusion.

The first signs of predinsultnogo states appear briefly and disappear over time. If this happens, you need to visit a doctor and undergo the necessary tests. This will help prevent further progression of the disease and the development of complications.

The occurrence of stroke is accompanied by severe headache and weakness. Through time there are the following symptoms of stroke in men:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Slow pulse.
  • Blurred vision, impaired motor coordination and spatial orientation.
  • desensitization, impaired or complete loss of speech.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Redness of the face, caused by frequent blood tides.
  • Involuntary defecation or urination.
facial redness

In rare cases, seizures can occur during a seizure, fainting and even coma occur. Those or other symptoms of stroke in men may manifest with different intensity. In this case, male symptoms are somewhat different from women's. Determine the development of the pathology helps to conduct a simple test. The patient should be asked to smile, speak and raise his hands, and then analyze these actions.

Smile at the person with stroke happens asymmetric: on one hand would be raised lip area, and on the other - is omitted. In conversation the patient will have difficulty playing and understanding speech. In addition, when you try to raise their hands, one will move slower and the patient will not be able to hold it in this position.

How to recognize women

Symptomatology impending stroke and physiological criteria of its origin are different from men's. In women, the disease is characterized by a severe manifestation with severe consequences. Most often, a sudden circulatory disorder begins against the backdrop of a progressive deterioration. harbingers of stroke in women appear as anoxia, increased pressure, impaired blood flow in the brain. The first signs of stroke in women - is:

  • Dizziness, headache, feeling of heaviness, the noise in my head.
  • Violation of visual and auditory functions.
  • Bouts of forgetfulness, distraction.
  • Impaired speech, confusion.
  • Numbness of the limbs and face, often manifests itself on the one hand.
  • Incoordination, unsteady gait, clumsiness.

The disease is dangerous because the signs of a stroke is not always possible to track and evaluate. To confirm the presence of the first pathological evidence of a woman need to carry out a rapid test. If you suspect a condition predinsulta a woman should ask her:

  1. Say something, or repeat a phrase already uttered. At this point, it is necessary to assess the ability to speak and articulate.
  2. Smile. In playing smile involved a large number of muscles. Stroke position will change only part of the face.
  3. Raise your hands and hold them in that position. Muscle weakness hinder this exercise correctly at the first sign of illness.
  4. Show language. Its deviation from a straight line - the first symptom of stroke in women.
Display language

Hemorrhagic type cause other causes of stroke in women. It arises as a result of sudden blood vessel rupture and has a different clinical picture. Appear the following symptoms before the stroke in women:

  • face and extremities partial paralysis.
  • Redness of the face due to a sharp rush of blood to the scalp.
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Reducing the number of heart rate, pain in the heart.
  • speech disorder.
  • Photophobia.
  • Excessive thirst, dryness in the oral cavity.
  • Strong headache.

What to do at the first sign

At the first sign of stroke necessary to hospitalize the patient. Only in the hospital, she will be able to receive effective treatment. While waiting for an ambulance to do everything to facilitate the patient's condition. First of all, it should be put. If you start vomiting, turn his head to one side to allow unhindered access vomit.

Stroke in women causes sharp jumps in blood pressure. If there is a permanent increase in rates, should give the patient a drug that lowers blood pressure. Tablets should be taken sublingually, t. E. put under the tongue. You can also give a diuretic. Arrived specialists need to talk about all the done medical activities report the name and dosage of medications used to inform about the presence of chronic diseases in patient.

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