
How to recover memory after stroke: at home, loss, absence, return, improve

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The rehabilitation period for people who have suffered a serious illness that affected system cerebral circulation, the question rises sharply on how to restore the memory after a stroke. Patients not only do not remember what it was before the illness, but are not able to remember the events that occurred 2 minutes ago is already in recovery period. There are many ways through which you can gradually return the ability to memorize.

human memory

The causes of memory loss

memory loss due to stroke thrombus formation, because of which blood circulation of the brain cortex. Depending on what parts of the body struck, the patient may experience problems with short-term or long-term memory. In this disease the symptoms can be different. For example, some patients have deterioration associated with storage, while others can not remember the information already received.

Experts identify several types of pathologies. Thus, when the patient begins to operate paramnesia misinformation, confusing past and current events. When gipomnezii person can not remember, but amnesia is characterized by an inability to retain information.

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Lack of proper care can lead to problems in the course of socialization, the constant presence of outside help.

How to return the memory

Stroke loss of memory may be full or partial. It depends on what part of the brain was amazed and how much damage. Improve the memorization process will not only help drug treatment, but also to perform certain exercises. In this case, the therapy is possible only under the supervision of a neurologist.

return memory


The most effective means of medication for memory recovery are nootropics. They contain substances have a regenerative effect on the affected area, which improves the process of remembering. Due to enhanced metabolism in brain cells are eliminated circulatory disorders, so the patient can re-learn, organize knowledge, and thereby recovers the memory. In addition, nootropics have influence on the mental state of a person, helping him cope with stress and preventing the development of abnormalities.


Return the memory after a stroke can help regular exercise. So, you can start with a small learning poems, the process should be accompanied by movement, such as bending of the fingers or clapping their hands. Another task can be to ensure that the patient should gradually reproduce the movements seen. During rehabilitation it is important to talk on any topic. Reading text will also help speed up the healing process. If a person does not remember the letter, you should start working with the alphabet.

memory exercises


In the process of memory recovery specialists are actively used by the game to create a series of visual images as well as the construction of associative links. When memory loss in stroke patient needs a lot of time to repeat information, solve puzzles and tasks requiring the use of logic. Such methods are easy to use at home. For example, a person can show pictures, or pictures that help him recreate a familiar situation or environment.

However, any evokes memories should be pleasant. We need to avoid negative impressions.


Important in the rehabilitation of patients after stroke has power. Be sure to include in the diet of foods that help to improve the process of remembering, for example, eggs, nuts and chocolate. The patient need to drink sufficient quantities of water because it restores the water balance, which leads to activation of metabolism processes.

eat chocolate

Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C, increase overall body, purify the blood vessels by cholesterol and fats.

Traditional methods

Recovery of memory after stroke at home may be accompanied by the use of traditional medicine. Infusion of herbs, pine cones, teas and juices help to activate blood circulation and recovery of the affected areas of the brain.

Patients who have experienced a stroke, well help tools based on a dandelion. From its sap doing tinctures and herbs are added to salads.

Effectively helps stalks of oats, because they contain vitamins and minerals that stimulate the memory. It is used in various kinds of oats: it is made broths, teas and baths.

It should be remembered that prescribe the use of any means can only be a doctor. Self-medication can aggravate the patient's condition.

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