
Stroke: the right side, the impact of how much live, ischemic, hemorrhagic, paralyzed, in women, prognosis, treatment

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Stroke on the right side effects and how many live - problems that are of interest to many. This is a dangerous condition in which the anoxaemia nerve cells leads to tissue death.

A stroke on the right side

What are the reasons

Stroke is ischemic and hemorrhagic. In the first case there is overlap thrombus artery that supplies blood to the right hemisphere of the brain. Ischemic form can be a consequence of pronounced vasospasm that occurs due to atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels for hypertension.

Right hand hemorrhagic stroke means the ruptured vessel, which led to hemorrhage in the corresponding hemisphere. This often occurs due to physical exertion.

There are a number of factors that increase the risk of stroke:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • endocrine disorders, including diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • elevated levels of cholesterol, leading to atherosclerosis;
  • obesity and disorders of lipid metabolism;
  • presence of chronic renal disease;
  • bad habits - alcohol abuse, smoking.
alcohol abuse

Right-handed stroke in men is less common than in women. Nevertheless, the disease threatens both sexes.

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Should distinguish such diagnoses as stroke and heart attack the right hemisphere. The first is the cerebral circulation, due to the reasons described above. The second - the softening of fabrics corresponding hemisphere.

Distinctive signs and symptoms

The main symptoms of the disease caused by the importance of the affected area. Stroke affects the right side of the brain centers that are responsible for the orientation of the body in space and analysis of information, and there is left-handed and speech center.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • paralysis of the left half of the body, which may be complete or partial;
  • changed the face - smoothes the right nasolabial fold, corner of the mouth is lowered;
  • the inability of the patient's own body to assess the situation;
  • inability to concentrate.

There is a form of stroke associated with thrombosis or embolism carotid artery. It is dangerous because it is asymptomatic.

How to recover

After a stroke with paralysis of the right side recover easier. When the wounded left, everything is more complicated. Nevertheless, recovery times are always individual. A rehabilitation of the principles are the same in both cases.

How to recover from a stroke, Tell the doctor. It should be remembered that early rehabilitation gives good results and increases the chances of a full recovery.

Recovery after illness

The doctor prescribes further medical treatment and rehabilitation methods. But much depends on the patient's condition. He can take the limbs, and then first used techniques such as passive exercise and massage.

When they give a result, you can go to strenuous exercise. Over time, this will be a whole range of physical therapy. Part of the exercise will be carried out even at the gym. The rehabilitation program also includes a variety of physical therapy.

However, rehabilitation requires an integrated approach. Apart from the purely physiological methods to restore the sensitivity of the affected parts, need correction and psycho-emotional sphere. Often this requires the help neuropsychologist. Left-handers for left stroke is affected speech center, they need classes with a speech therapist.


For drug therapy during the recovery period nootropics are used more often. They improve the higher integrative brain function and help to strengthen the nervous system, making it more resistant to damaging factors.

There are different groups of such products, they differ in mechanism of action - for example, derivatives of pyridoxine increase cerebral cholinergic conductivity, other drugs accelerate penetration of glucose through the blood-brain barrier into brain cells and improve its recycling.

For example, piracetam improves memory, facilitates the process of rehabilitation after stroke. You can take long courses. Especially, it shows an elderly patients.

pikamilon medicine

From nootropics can be isolated and Pikamilon, whose action is based on the properties of nicotinic acid and GABA. First plays an important role in the processes of tissue respiration. The drug is particularly useful for any function of the optic nerve.

Phenibutum Pantogam and possess nootropic addition to psychoactive effects. They are recommended for people after a stroke, suffering from neurosis-like states and sleep disorders.


Right-ischemic stroke often means that the patient has to learn to live again.

Family members should not do anything for the patient, only to help him. It is necessary to arrange the house to move the rail, fix some things, but the patient has to learn gradually, avoiding pain and fatigue, maintain itself and even perform minor work.

Need less to lie and sit longer. While working hands is recommended to find a solid footing. Exercises begin only with a stronger hand, slowly, to be aware of traffic and not holding my breath that did not increase the pressure.

It is worth to find a hobby that involves hands. It can be embroidery, knitting, drawing, modeling (ships, vehicles), the unwinding of the yo-yo and spinners. Hobbies faster return fine motor skills.

And need a special diet that limits fat. I have to give up bad habits.

Traditional recipes

Right-handed stroke, traditional methods can not be cured. The rehabilitation period is possible to apply some of these tools, but only as additional therapy after consulting your doctor.

For example, one can make a drink based on coniferous broth (1 tablespoon of raw materials on a glass of boiling water) and finely chopped lemon. Half of the fruit must first peel, then mix with ready-made broth. This tool is considered an antioxidant that improves circulation. It is given twice a day, one hour before a half a cup of food.

coniferous broth

From the non-conventional methods can distinguish hirudotherapy - treatment of medical leeches especially useful in ischemic form because these parasites isolated enzyme, resolving thrombus.

Massage the right hand side

Right-ischemic stroke often leads to the fact that the patient has left paralyzed limbs corresponding side of the face or the left half of the body. In this case, it displays a unique therapeutic massage which will restore the metabolism in the affected area. Furthermore, the procedure stimulates the development of relations between the remaining living neurons in the brain, so that they can take on the function of the victims.

But recovery after stroke involves massage is not only for the purposes described above. If a person for a long time lying in bed, then it is not just tissue atrophy and bedsores occur. This can be prevented with proper care, but need and mechanical action (ie massage), to improve the local blood circulation and tissue trophism.

To apply the classic therapeutic massage techniques - stroking, kneading, rubbing (they allow you to remove congestion), as well as vibration.

Consequences and complications

Consequences of ischemic stroke of the right hemisphere are most often reversible (completely or partially). This speech dysfunction, dyslexia and dysgraphia, in which there are difficulties with reading or writing a text, paresis of the muscles, and in severe cases, possible loss of adequate perception of reality, memory loss, severe depression. Sometimes, the patient ceases to understand speech addressed to him.

If paralyzed the right side of left-handed, then we have saved. This is because when the left-side stroke is not affected speech center.

Ischemic brain stroke, the following consequences (for righties)

  • violation of motor activity of the left limb;
  • hypoesthesia in which disturbed sensitivity of the left half of the body;
  • behavioral disorders (can be expressed by causeless joy, aggression, frustration, constant profanity).
Movement disorders

Hemorrhagic cerebral stroke gives the most severe consequences. These include sensitivity impairment, poor critical thinking and memory. Last seen in the fact that the patient may forget events that occurred recently, but remembers well the more distant past.

If after a stroke paralyzed the right side, the pathological processes were in the left hemisphere. In this phenomenon the symptoms are the same - the patient can not normally move the limbs without help.

right side paralysis after the stroke of this type often is irreversible (and left paralysis). However, reduction may proceed at different rates. It is believed that the paralysis of the right side of the body is easier to therapy and rehabilitation is faster.

Considering the right-sided stroke in women, the effects and prognosis, it may be noted that they described above symptoms may be more pronounced, and the rehabilitation process is much more complicated than that men.

how many live

Forecast for life depends largely on the form of the disease, the patient's age and his health. Extensive ischemic stroke It increases the risk of death. Much depends on how quickly a person could seek medical help.

Hemorrhagic stroke on the right side, its consequences and live there after the usual life of the disease and how much - all these problems are difficult to predict. It must be remembered that the effects of hemorrhagic stroke may be more severe than with ischemic. And it does not depend on the size of the affected area.

Tissue recovery after hemorrhage is slower. After the rupture of the vessel, even in a favorable prognosis, not all functions of the nervous system can be operated fully.

With a small stroke of the right hemisphere of the brain prognosis will be more favorable, but the survivors remain disabled.

The degree of negative consequences is also higher than in ischemic stroke. Full recovery only occurs in 10-15% of patients. In 60-65% of the observed neurological disorders (eg, patients will be walking with a cane, and retain the ability to self-service, but in a limited way). In the remainder of the patients with this type of stroke is high probability of loss of ability to self-service, many can not walk (only in a wheelchair).

The prognosis for life in ischemic stroke is considered to be more favorable, but in this case the surviving chances of deterioration of neurological function.

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