
Stroke, brain cerebellum: Implications, hemorrhage, ischemic, heart attack symptoms, the prognosis of life expectancy, loss, whether recovery is possible

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brain diseases have a negative impact on the state of the whole organism. One of them is a stroke a brain the cerebellum, the consequences of which are dangerous to human health and life.

attack of the cerebellum

why is there

The disease develops for the following reasons:

  • is cerebral hemorrhage;
  • to the cerebellum oxygen flow ceases.

In the first case, a type of haemorrhagic diseases, in the second - ischemic. The cause of hemorrhagic stroke is the rupture of a blood vessel. The danger is even capillary bleeding, to say nothing of arterial dissection or congenital abnormality of the arteries.

Cerebellar ischemic stroke is the most common nature - in 80% of cases. He is accompanied by a loss of brain cells and the violation of the vital functions of the body due to an insufficient supply of oxygen cerebellum.

Cerebellar infarction occurs for the following reasons:

  • occurrence of an atherosclerotic plaque or a blood clot inside cerebellar artery;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure.
The sharp increase in blood pressure

Also the danger of blockage of the vessels is located in other areas of the body. If a blood clot detaches, it can get into the brain and block the flow of oxygen to the cerebellum.

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What are the symptoms

stroke manifestations depend on its scale. characterized by some isolated signs for stroke and extensive - others.

Symptoms of an isolated stroke:

  • vestibular disorders (r. h. dizziness);
  • nausea;
  • pain in the neck;
  • incoordination;
  • disorders of speech and hearing;
  • violation of fine motor skills.
vestibular disorders

Extensive infarction of the cerebellum is developing rapidly, with the predominant cerebral symptoms (nausea, headaches, vomiting), violations of motor coordination and fine motor skills, speech problems. The potential violation of cardiac activity and respiratory function due to lesions of the brain stem.

If more than 1/3 of the volume damaged cerebellar hemispheres, diseased tissue grow in size. The result is a compression liquor circulation pathways, development of acute hydrocephalus, compression of the brain stem and death.

Even a slight bleeding in the cerebellum is life-threatening, so at the first signs of the disease need to see a doctor.


Cerebellar stroke is detected on the basis of the above symptoms. However, a diagnosis based on previous experience, is unacceptable: medical mistake can cost a patient's life. Therefore, to confirm the diagnosis is carried out the following activities:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging or MR angiography cerebrovascular - for assessing vascular condition;
  • CT scan - to determine the degree of activity of the brain, artery condition assessment;
  • ECG - to check the activity of the heart muscle;
  • Doppler ultrasound;
  • study of kidney and liver function;
  • general blood analysis.
Magnetic resonance imaging

The defeat of the cerebellum stroke requires physiological tests (to detect disturbed functions).

First aid and treatment

If you suspect a stroke, you need to call an ambulance. Until the arrival of the patient doctors laid on the bed and symptomatic treatment. Headache eliminated with analgesics and spasms - relaxants. If the patient is unconscious or unable to swallow tablets used instead solutions for intravenous administration. It is desirable that the selection and introduction of drugs involved people with a medical background.

ambulance examines the patient, listens to complaints. First aid can be directed to:

  • decrease in blood clotting;
  • the destruction of a thrombus;
  • elimination of external bleeding.
The destruction of a thrombus

Cerebellar ischemic stroke requires the following groups of products:

  • thrombolytics - destroy existing blood clots, prevent the formation of new blood clots;
  • drugs that improve heart function;
  • medicines for normalizing blood pressure.

If the cause of stroke was the hemorrhage in the cerebellum, the following products are prescribed:

  • drugs to stop bleeding;
  • medication to maintain normal blood pressure;
  • neuroprotective - to restore the normal functioning of nerve cells.

If drug therapy is ineffective, the patient is hospitalized in the hospital for surgery. In hemorrhagic stroke is performed craniotomy, stop bleeding, setting plugs into the aneurysm. The following activities are carried out in ischemic lesions of the cerebellum:

  • redirecting of blood flow;
  • removal of clots;
  • endarterectomy arteries;
  • stenting, angioplasty (allow to expand the lumen of the artery).
removal of blood clots

After surgery, the patient enters intensive care unit, wherein further treatment takes place. Thus administered drugs that stimulate the heart and normalizing blood pressure. When the patient's condition is improving, it is transferred into the separation general therapy for passing symptomatic treatment and rehabilitation. Help restore lost function following methods: acupuncture, reflexology, manual therapy, massage, physiotherapy, sessions with a psychologist and a speech therapist, dieting etc.


If time does not diagnose a stroke in the cerebellum, the consequences could be devastating for the body. Pathological changes affecting the work of different organs and systems. In the first 7 days after a stroke increases the likelihood of swelling and dislocation of the brain. In the first month in the aftermath of featured disorders such as pneumonia, cardiac abnormalities, pulmonary thromboembolism vessels.

Other less dangerous consequences include:

  • paralysis (partial, total);
  • resistant incoordination;
  • problems with speech;
  • tremors, impaired muscle function.

Is it possible to restore

Complications caused by a heart attack was the cerebellum, may persist for many years. The degree of recovery of lost functions depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the professionalism of doctors and other factors. Full recovery of speech is rare (it takes a few years), and the full resumption of motor function - even rarer.

Basic principles of rehabilitation in the diagnosis of cerebellar stroke:

  • Timely initiation of therapy (for the first days after stroke);
  • combination of several methods;
  • prolonged and systematic treatment (without breaks);
  • active participation of the patient and his relatives in the rehabilitation.


Prediction recovery from stroke cerebellum diagnosis depends on the number of lesions, their size and location, and the time elapsed since the stroke prior to initiating therapy.

The most dangerous cerebellar stroke, becomes subject to the following factors:

  • elderly age;
  • arrhythmia;
  • depression of consciousness;
  • somatic pathology decompensated;
  • launched angina;
  • persistent increase in body temperature, damage caused by thermoregulatory center in the brain;
  • expressed cognitive impairment.

The forecast life expectancy depends on how you passed the acute stage of the disease. If within 1 month after stroke is detected severe complications, the likelihood that a patient will survive, is close to 100%.

Maintain health and avoid the recurrence of disease helps proper nutrition, blood pressure monitoring, the abandonment of addictions (smoking, alcohol abuse), annual examination for conducting magnetic resonance tomography.

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