
Meals after stroke: a diet at home, the first few days, you can eat, brain, menu, ischemic, bedridden patients, minor stroke, men, products

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Stroke - a serious condition associated with impaired brain power, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis thereafter. The attack shows that the lack of blood supply reached volumes that threaten human life. After the first defeat of a high probability of recurrence and sudden death. Meals after stroke is able to support the body and is in addition to drugs in the first row of therapy. Diet on clinical observations, reduces the risk of relapse by 30%.

Healthy diet

The basic principles of nutrition

The effectiveness of medication prescribed to patients of stroke, can be nullified by poor diet and lifestyle. Recovery is much faster if the patient meets the requirements of the food and the risks minimized. A balanced diet after a stroke is called in medicine table number 10.

The goal is to normalize the diet metabolic recovery circulatory support of the heart, liver and kidneys. From the gastrointestinal tract depends on the degree of assimilation of medicines and nutrients, so the food should be light, not burdening digestion.

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The diet is made on the basis of the main body's needs during rehabilitation:

  • To restore the function of neurons responsible for the brain useful magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium.
  • a sufficient amount of protein and carbohydrates body required for regeneration of damaged cells;
  • Elasticity and strength of the vascular wall is increased polyunsaturated fats, vitamins of group B, and A, E, P, trace elements copper and zinc.
  • Reduce the amount of "harmful" cholesterol, regulate liver protein-lipid compounds, which are contained in the fatty fish species.
  • Cellular respiration and protection against free radicals provide antioxidants.
Products with magnesium

Organizing power of the brain stroke, stiffness of the patient should be taken into account in the early days. A large amount of fiber in the diet not only prevents constipation but also prevents the absorption of bad cholesterol. Diet stroke eliminates salt or requires to reduce its amount to a minimum.

calorific value

Particular attention is paid to the preparation of diet quality and quantity of fat intake. The load on the body should be lowered, and the digestibility of nutrients increased. Therefore, calorie intake is monitored especially:

  • 1,500 calories - in the early days;
  • no more than 2000 kcal - the first 20 days with strict bed rest;
  • 2500 kcal - in the coming weeks of rehabilitation.

It should strive for a balance of components:

  • Carbohydrates - up to 500 grams per day. Most of the complex: cereals, whole grain breads, pasta from durum wheat. Restrict simple carbohydrates: sugar, honey and confectionery.
  • Protein - 100 g per day. Of low-fat varieties of meat with a high content of collagen and elastin: rabbit, chicken, turkey.
  • Fat - not more than 50 grams per day. Preferably - unrefined vegetable oils, nuts, sea fish.
Carbohydrate foods

Proper nutrition after stroke should fully offset the energy consumption of the body to recover, so the lower nutritional value as undesirable as exceed.


After a brain stroke a proper diet involves eating small portions of food, at least 5 times a day. With the attending physician is required to discuss the rules of taking medication at home before or after a meal, compatibility with foods and drinks.

It is advisable to eat at the same time. In the evening you can have a stroke no later than 3 hours before bedtime. The resulting famine is permissible to satisfy low-fat yogurt or tea without sugar.

Overeating increases the risk of recurrent attacks. The recommended amount of food intake for 1 individual, but should not burden the stomach and cause unpleasant symptoms.

temperature conditions

From the temperature of the food is not only assimilation of substances. Diet for cerebral stroke is intended to protect against extreme conditions. Too hot food causes a rush of blood, which is contraindicated in vascular disorders. Cold dishes constrict blood vessels, such differences in stroke should be avoided.

temperature conditions

Main dish should be warm, not more than + 38 ° C. For patients unable to chewing, grinding food should be heated before feeding.


In the early days of the bed patient after a stroke attack, fed by special trains through the probe. In the future, patients are fed depending on the severity of the condition. When the lesion of the facial muscles when the movement of the jaws difficult, products must be crushed and brought to the liquid state puree. Feeding is carried out with a spoon.

As the recovery the patient can offer food in small pieces. But the consistency of porridge meal is preferred. Catering for bedridden patients after stroke should not be subjected to load the gastrointestinal tract. Warm shredded food digest faster and better performing intestine leading out function.

Heat treatment

When the mini-strokes or brain lesions extensive it will be most useful food cooked at home. Some types of heat treatment are eliminated: frying, frying fat. Other species - braising, cooking - are considered to be harmless, provided a small amount of fat.

Heat treatment of products

The best way to prepare food for stroke patients, is a pressure cooker. Permissible baking in the oven. You can eat at microstroke dishes cooked in a pan, does not require cooking oil.

Note! Meat and fish boil or stew for at least 40 minutes, which guarantees the absence of pathogens in food.

Healthy foods

Properties of the diet are associated with stroke causes brain disease, however diet can be adjusted by the doctor depending on the severity of the condition and concomitant illnesses.

The emphasis in the correction of the power in various forms of the disease:

  • Hemorrhagic stroke - vascular rupture with subsequent hemorrhage caused by a sharp jump in blood pressure. Diet aimed at regulating the liquid level in the body. Excluded salt, limited water consumption (up to 1.5 liters per day).
  • Power after ischemic stroke is intended to inhibit the development of atherosclerosis, preventing vascular occlusion and narrowing of the lumen. The attack causes a lack of blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Diet after ischemic stroke prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the vessel wall and is aimed at regulation of lipid metabolism.
  • When brain mini-strokes important to prevent the development of pathological process to extensive lesions. Temporary circulatory problems can be corrected with medication, change habits and nutrition.
water consumption

A diet based on the table number 10, is used to supply patients with cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemia - all states associated stroke. Regulation of such supply is a small number of components. 1-2 composite dishes easier to digest, nutritious foods are better absorbed.

Foods that can be eaten after a stroke:

  • cereals, cooked in water or milk;
  • soups, excluding meat broths;
  • lean meat and poultry;
  • bread (or the dried whole grain);
  • pasta premium;
  • cooked vegetables, fresh fruit;
  • eggs as omelettes and scrambled;
  • sea ​​fish - the main product of a stroke;
  • any vegetable oils, unrefined oils, low-fat sour cream (in small quantities), butter (not salt);
  • juices and teas, vegetables and fruits, green tea.
Boiled vegetables

Eating cereal drinks and coffee is discussed with the treating physician on an individual basis. After ischemic attack or minor stroke is recommended to eat herbs and vegetables, dark green color: parsley, spinach, broccoli. They contain substances not give formed cholesterol plaques.

Sweets replaced with fresh and dried fruits. In normal blood sugar level is helpful to patients to eat one banana a day. All you need to eat at a stroke, it is useful for its prevention. Such a dietary table can be considered a healthy diet in order to maintain his youth and strength of the body.

What not to eat

Dietary restrictions associated not only with the damage to blood vessels, blood supply and pressure. Exclude any products that can excite the nervous system and disrupt digestion. All that is forbidden to eat at a stroke, and can not be used after the normal state.

After a stroke you can not eat these foods:

  • broths: meat, fish, mushroom;
  • fatty meats, including goose, duck;
  • smoked and canned;
  • caviar, salted fish;
  • offal: liver, kidney, brain;
  • eggs fried or boiled boiled;
  • cheese with a fat content of more than 9%;
  • mushrooms and beans of any kind;
  • onions, garlic, mustard, horseradish, hot spices;
  • fresh bread, butter, or puff pastry;
  • fried flour products (pancakes, muffins);
  • salted, fermented, pickled vegetables;
  • drinks with gas;
  • cocoa, coffee and chocolate;

Excluded from the diet are vegetables and leafy crops: radish, radishes, sorrel. Fatty, salty, savory snacks and sauces are also banned.

Nutrition of patients after extensive or minor stroke of ischemic or hemorrhagic type, should not contain freeze-dried fats, fast food and store semi-finished products.


Despite the abundance of interdictions, the list of allowed products is large enough to provide a complete diet food. Observing the daily caloric balance and the necessary materials, you can eat after a stroke tasty and healthy.

For proper nutrition in brain stroke rough menu for the week is compiled in advance. On the basis of these recommendations established a list of dishes for every day.


Useful power stroke should not be monotonous. So the patient quickly gets used to the changes in diet and learn on their own to combine and replace the meals on your own.

Estimated fractional menu for Monday:

  • Breakfast - semolina (rice), milk porridge, bread with bran, weak tea.
  • Lunch - cake with berries or fruit sugar.
  • Lunch - soup (soup), stews, vegetables, meat for a couple.
  • Snack - oatmeal, orange or apple.
  • Dinner - boiled chicken breast with cauliflower.
Milk porridge

In the morning porridge optional add dried fruit (prunes or apricots). Therapeutic diet restricts consumption of sugar and honey.


Approximate diet for Tuesday:

  • Breakfast - curd pudding with a dollop of low-fat sour cream or berry sauce.
  • Lunch - baked apples.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup with groats, macaroni and meatballs on a couple.
  • Snack - low-fat yogurt, cake without sugar.
  • Dinner - boiled fish, vegetable salad.
Soup with barley

Note! Diet in ischemic stroke allows entry into the diet of a small amount of salt. When it exclude the concomitant hypertension cavity.


Approximate menu on Wednesday for stroke patients:

  • Breakfast - protein omelet, fruit salad, biscuits and tea.
  • Lunch - a casserole with cheese and pumpkin (or carrots).
  • Lunch - soup zucchini, fish baked in the oven (cod, pollock).
  • Snack - broth hips, apple pie without sugar.
  • Dinner - Buckwheat casserole with boiled rabbit meat.

The diet for the next days is on the same principles, and takes into account the patient's personal preferences.

Dieting can prevent recurrent stroke; food after a stroke has no rigid framework: healthy dishes can be rotated and replaced. The main thing is to make sure that did not increase the consumption of fat per day.


A balanced diet of stroke includes dishes, recipes that can be replaced with the ingredients and use them for the whole family. A complete diet food is not only a remedy, but also an important element of a healthy lifestyle, suitable for children and adults, and is especially useful, this approach to eating in old age.

First meal

Soups - a mandatory component of the diet. Eliminating illegal stroke foods can be cooked a lot of healthy options for lunch:

  • Borscht. Potatoes, carrots and fresh tomato diced, finely chopped cabbage, beets are crushed on a grater. In a boiling water or vegetable broth of cabbage was placed first, and after a few minutes - the remaining vegetables. Beets added when the vegetables are almost ready. Serve with chopped fresh herbs and sour cream.
  • Soup with barley. Vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes and carrots) are ground at random. Cereals (wheat, buckwheat, lentils) washing; barley require pre-soaking. Vegetables cook about 5 minutes, then add the grits and heated for another 15 minutes.
  • Vegetable soup. Prepared from multiple products or 1 vegetables (zucchini, squash, carrot). All the ingredients are cooked until soft. Ready soup ground in a blender or Mälk.
meat broth

Nutrition for mini-strokes, corresponding to a given diet decreases the risk of progression of disease and to improve the effectiveness of drug therapy.

Main dishes

In addition to cereals, mashed potatoes and pasta useful to cook casseroles, add them vegetables or cereals. These diet foods are universal. They are suitable for any basic food intake, and a small portion can eat a snack if necessary. Several variants:

  • Cottage cheese casserole. Take low-fat cottage cheese and whipped with an egg and semolina to the consistency of sour cream. Allow to stand for 30 minutes to swell the semolina and placed in a thick-walled shape. Curd baked through for 45 minutes at + 200 ° C.
  • Pumpkin-Carrot pudding. Vegetables evenly metered (200 g pulp) and the ground cooked until tender. Add the egg, 1 tbsp. l. honey and half a glass of semolina, a lot of whipped blender. After half an hour the supernatant mixture was placed in a mold and baked at + 200 ° C is not more than 25 minutes.
  • Buckwheat casserole with cheese. 70 g of buckwheat is cooked cereal and viscous, cool, mixed with the cheese and a half packs 1 egg. Spread in the mold and baked for 30 minutes at + 220 ° C.

Meat and fish dishes are prepared independently, avoiding the ready-made food shopping. Meals in ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic type involves the use of low-fat varieties of meat. It can be steamed or boiled. You can eat after microstroke fish baked without the addition of cooking oils.

In the beef for meatballs and hamburgers add the egg, it is useful to dilute the weight of the vegetable puree. For breading used semolina.


Lack of sweet fruit in the diet reimbursed. Some delicious desserts can be cooked without sugar, they are suitable for diabetics:

  • Paste. Finely chopped peeled apples sweet varieties. Boiled them until soft with a small amount of water. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it rubbed through a sieve and spread on a baking layer of about 5 cm. The most convenient way to use baking paper. Layer fruit mass is spread and dried, without closing the door by setting the temperature control to + 120 ° C. The hardened layer is inverted and keep warm. Pastilles is ready for cutting into pieces in 2 hours.
  • Smoothies. Berry and fruit drinks made from fresh ingredients, without any additives, stirring them in a blender. The composition can enter the curd, natural yoghurt, nuts.

The diet with minor strokes better use whole fruits and vegetables than their juice without pulp. Fiber contains nutrients and helps digestion, with extensive lesions in immobilized patients helps to normalize the chair.

Important! Without giving up bad habits, smoking, alcohol and other stimulants medications and diet will not help to overcome the pathology begun. Stroke - a signal of the need to completely revise the way of life and improve it.

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