
Diet for gallbladder removal and pancreatitis: a proper diet

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What should be the diet for gallbladder removal and pancreatitis? This question often occurs in people who have undergone surgery and suffering from inflammation of the pancreas. Only with proper nutrition can arrest the disease and return to normal life.

Proper diet after gallbladder removal

What you need to consider

In the absence of human gallbladder there are problems with digestion, as required for the process of the enzymes are produced in insufficient quantities.

Nutrition for removal of the gallbladder and pancreatitis patients should be special. Ideally - a doctor for the patient develops an individual diet, based on the particular person. But professionals practicing an individual approach, is extremely small. doctors usually give the patient's general recommendations, advising exclude from the favorite, but hazardous to health food.

To people understand the basics of proper nutrition after surgery, you should discuss the principle of the gallbladder. DGP is a cavity, which occurs when needed (during eating) production of bile in the digestive tract.

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If the diseased organ is removed, the natural process is disrupted. Events in this case developing in 2 scenarios: either the bile produced in too large quantities, or its stagnation occurs.

General recommendations

After surgery, gall bladder (cholecystectomy), all patients need to follow a specific diet, this will avoid the stagnation of secretions. The basic rules that should be followed:

  1. After surgery and in acute pancreatitis in the first day you have to completely give up eating. Refusal to eat requires patients to prevent separation and partial recovery secretion of digestive organs.
  2. If pancreatitis in a patient after removal of the gall bladder, the patient should switch to split meals. Man must eat often, but reduce the size of the serving. Overeating and long breaks between meals can have a negative impact on health, provoking stagnation of bile.
  3. If the pancreas is inflamed and there was surgery, then to cook only 2 ways: using boiling and steaming. Baked and fried foods contain substances which provoke the production of large amounts of secretions needed for digestion products.

The patient is allowed to use a limited number of foods and dishes. At first, the diet must be followed very strictly, and later, after consultation with the doctor, some exemptions are permitted on the menu. But we must understand that the diversity of the diet is only allowed in certain cases, if you stop a diet, health problems can not be avoided.

What products can be included in the menu

After surgery the patient is important to eat right diet composition in such a way, that there was no forbidden foods, and present a food rich in vitamins and microelements. Only with this approach will be able to adjust the digestion and restore good spirits.

The patient's diet should include foods that contain protein, they are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Protein, which is well absorbed, without causing problems, found in fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, some cereals.

The person menu after surgery the following products and dishes should include:

  1. Soups, cooked in vegetable broth. Of fatty and rich broth to abstain, they contain substances that can provoke release of secret.
  2. Lean fish. Cook exotic dishes for lunch is not necessary, but the familiar lean fish is a great source of useful amino acids. There seafood more than 1 time per week is not recommended.
  3. Lean meats and poultry. In order to better assimilate cooked meal, it is recommended not to cook pieces of meat and minced meat. A little trick to help facilitate the digestive process.
  4. Milk and milk products. It allowed to use it as a separate food, and used as a basic ingredient for the preparation of food. When choosing dairy products, it is necessary to give preference to products with a minimum percentage of fat and the shelf life of less than a week.
  5. A small amount of vegetable oil. Diet involves the almost complete exclusion from the diet of fats. But everyone understands that without voiced component body can not function properly, so a small amount of vegetable oil is permissible.

It is important to eat at regular intervals.

What else is allowed

The following products may be included in the diet:

  1. Cereals. Meals of the patient to a greater extent will consist of a variety of cereals. They were allowed to eat after fasting course will be finished in the period of acute illness.
  2. Fruits in small quantities. True, not all the fruit can be eaten. Should abandon the sour fruit, they reinforce the secret production.
  3. Vegetables. They need to eat every day, not only in fresh form. The fruit must undergo heat treatment. Stewed or steamed vegetables can be eaten as a side dish or a separate dish.
  4. Eggs. Of these, it is recommended to cook an omelet, and eat it for breakfast. Voiced meal should not eat every day, because it is considered to be heavy to digest.

If the patient does not bother pancreas disease is in remission, then on a strict diet can be a little bit away, a variety of homemade sweets menu. You can offer the patient a little jam, jam, jelly and cook etc. The main thing is to treat it was natural.

From what foods should be discarded

The list of banned products is very large. Completely removed from the diet is necessary to:

  1. Fatty, fried and baked dishes.
  2. industrial products sauces, pickles, marinades, preservation, sweets, pastry, etc. If a person observed inflammation in the tissues of the internal organs, it is only reason to eat home-made food their own cooking.
  3. Legumes, cereals and vegetables, containing in its composition a lot of fiber. It is poorly digested, causing discomfort.
  4. Smoked products. These include all sausages, carbonate, fat and other products. They cause hypersecretion, and can provoke an aggravation of biliary pancreatitis, in which required hospitalization.

You need to limit yourself not only in savory dishes, but also drinks. Drinking soft drinks and alcohol banned. Pure water is allowed to drink tea, as well as jelly without preservatives and artificial colors. Allowed the use of compote of dried fruits, dried fruits.

In strict compliance with all recommendations on nutrition in patients with pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other illnesses will soon stabilize the state. Discomfort and discomfort disappear, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, will be held.

Take an independent decision on the expansion of the diet can not allow the use of certain prohibited only a doctor can produce.

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