
Rehabilitation in hypertension: the physical, arterial, patients, patients'

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Rehabilitation for hypertension aims to restore physical and emotional state of the patient and relapse prevention. Recovery program includes a set of measures, which are chosen by your doctor.

Pressure and heart


Rehabilitation of hypertension include the following:

  • physical rehabilitation - a complex of exercises exercise therapy;
  • psycho-emotional correction;
  • physiotherapy, massage;
  • diet;
  • medication.
Physical therapy procedures

To achieve a positive therapeutic response, it is important to perform the full range of rehabilitation. Only then can we prevent a recurrence of hypertensive crises.


Hypertensive heart disease is always accompanied by the instability of the emotional background. A patient having panic attacks, there is fear for their lives, there is irritability. With all these problems will help to cope work with a psychologist.

Another object of the mental adjustment - to help people get rid of the bad habits that can lead to a hypertensive attack. Working with a psychologist focused on the patient's adaptation to his disease and freedom from fear of the future.

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Rehabilitation of patients with hypertension include physiotherapy:

  • galvanization - the impact of electrical impulses in the brain;
  • electrophoresis with drugs hypotensive action - Obzidanom, chlorpromazine;
  • magnetotherapy with a low frequency magnetic field;
  • UHF therapy;
  • laser therapy by infrared radiation;
  • Diadynamic - effect of low-frequency pulse current.
Ultrahigh frequency therapy

Physiotherapy helps to reduce the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, reduce pressure and eliminate the pain in the heart.


In such a disease, such as hypertension, spasms occur frequent blood vessels, which leads to disruption of blood flow and pressure increase. One way to normalize vascular tone wall - massage. The regular holding of the procedure helps to restore the general condition of the body and normalize blood pressure while maintaining its performance at the same level.

1 massage procedure lasts at least 50 minutes, the session is held 1 time in 2 days. Massaging subject to all parts of the body, but most attention is paid to the cervical spine to normalize the blood circulation in the brain.

Healing Fitness

Physical rehabilitation for hypertension is aimed at improving the general condition of the patient, reduction in muscle tone and normalize blood pressure, increase cardiovascular endurance. Daily exercises should become a habit for people who suffer from hypertensive disease.

Healing Fitness

It is especially important to exercise for people suffering from obesity, acts as one of the main causes of high pressure. special simulator can be used in rehabilitation centers, which gradually increases the degree of load without risk of sudden pressure increase. In addition, physical rehabilitation, and includes self-employment.

Exercises are selected individually, taking into account the age and weight of the patient, severity of the disease. It is recommended for hypertension yoga has a positive effect on the central nervous system, has a calming effect.


One of the main causes of hypertension - the wrong food, in which blood vessels become clogged of plaque, blood flow is disrupted. Diet for hypertension It must be observed not only in the period of rehabilitation, but also after it, in order to prevent relapse. Excluded from the diet:

  • fried and greasy;
  • pickles;
  • canned food;
  • Alcohol and caffeinated beverages;
  • fats of animal origin.
Stick to a diet

Menu includes yesterday's bread, fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish, whole grains, milk and dairy products.

drug therapy

Rehabilitation of patients with hypertension includes receiving means:

  • ACE inhibitors - dilates blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure;
  • Beta-blockers reduce the hormonal burden on the heart muscle;
  • calcium antagonists: inhibit calcium ingress process in heart cells;
  • diuretics: withdrawn from the body fluid, preventing an increase in pressure.

Also, patients are prescribed anti-anxiety drugs, relieves panic attacks and contribute to the normalization of the emotional background.

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