Skin, Hair, Nails

Acne face and eyelids: the symptoms in the photo, treatment

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Acne - skin lesions caused by conditionally pathogenic parasite - Demodex mites of the genus.

Demodex lives in the hair follicles, sebaceous glands in the skin, glands century. Mites are microscopic and not visible to the naked eye. The speed of movement of the mite Demodex skin - 8-16 mm / h. It feeds on sebum.

mite reproduction stops outside the host. When t ° + 30 °, + 40 ° as they exhibit maximal activity, and therefore the spring-summer demodekoza exacerbation often occurs a period of maximum temperature after a hot bath, a long stay in a hot room and etc.

For a long time ticks live in vegetable oil, vaseline, cosmetic cream. Tar, kreazol, carbolic acid, chloroform, ether kill them instantly, 96 ° alcohol - 3-4 minutes, 10 ° alcoholic solution of salicylic acid - after 1 minute.


Callers demodekoz Demodex mites are found in 60% of adults, but the disease does not occur at all. Men and women demodicosis occurs equally often. It considered a normal number of ticks 0-1sht, sickness -. 3-6 ticks.

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As a result, long-term co-existence, a stable equilibrium develops between mites and host (Carrier) in which the effect of the parasite is balanced by a healthy immune system mechanisms Carrier host. Under the influence of various factors equilibrium is disturbed, and there are clinical signs of demodectic mange.

  • The external factors, provoking the emergence of demodectic mange include: exposure to high temperatures,
  • exposure to the sun,
  • unfavorable for household and professional conditions,
  • operations on the eyeball.

The internal factors contributing to the occurrence demodekoza include changing a patient's body as a result of immune diseases of the nervous, vascular and hormonal (e.g., sugar diabetes) Systems, gastrointestinal and liver disorders in metabolic processes, reduce immunity.

The symptoms of demodectic mange

face Acne appears redness, dilation of superficial blood vessels, small vesicles, desquamation.

Patients may complain of eye fatigue, itchy eyelids and eyebrows, worse heat, tingling, burning, foreign body sensation or sand in the eyes, "pins and needles", the severity of the eyelids and viscous sticky, "caustic" discharge in the morning, accumulation of foamy discharge in the corners of the eyes for day.

Acne century accompanied by dysfunction of age glands, skin, desquamation (scabs and scales grayish between eyelashes). The skin edges of the eyelids slightly reddened, mouth glands on the eyelids expanded, with pressure and massage of them is a thick discharge. Visible small pustules on the free edge of the eyelids and multiple papillary formation on the skin between the lashes.

In this form of demodectic mange can be meager, often frothy, mucous discharge from the eyes. As a result of disturbances of iron century function layer of the tear film decreases, increasing its volatility, which leads to the development of syndrome of "dry eye".


Analysis is carried out directly on demodekoz eye doctor or dermatologist.

Diagnosis of eye demodectic (Ciliary sample) is very simple, requires no special training is carried out in the presence of the patient in the doctor's office, is accomplished by detecting mites on remote eyelashes. Svezheudalennye lashes (4 pcs. with upper and lower eyelids) for investigation is placed on a glass slide, pour 10-20% solution caustic alkali, gasoline, kerosene or glycerol, other cover glass and observed under microscope.

Scraping on demodekoz skin performed by a dermatologist: a lesion with a scalpel or scraping is taken from the contents is squeezed out of acne. Thereafter, the resultant material is placed on a glass slide and examined by the same method as in the ciliary sample.

"Gluing" method - A special adhesive tape is applied to the affected skin in the evening for the night. Morning tape unstuck also placed between two glass slides and then held mikrosporiya biomaterial.

Upon detection of microscopic demodex mites are counted adults. If the number of 1 sq. cm. is greater than 5, then the diagnosis is confirmed demodicosis and require qualified treatment.

demodectic mange treatment

demodekoza Treatment long, up to 6-8 weeks, assigned ophthalmologist (if ophthalmic form demodekoza) go dermatologist (in cutaneous form).

The basic therapy consists in applying protivokleschevye preparations: 1-2% yellow mercury ointment and zinc-ihtiolovaya paste. Furthermore, by means demodekoza must possess disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect, but also reduce sebum production.

Important! The use of yellow mercury ointment in demodicosis due to the high toxicity of less than 4 weeks, it is contraindicated in pregnancy.

For the treatment of demodectic skin faces are used:

  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • tar;
  • Ichthyol;
  • benzyl benzoate;
  • Permetrinovaya 1% ointment;
  • Amitrazol;
  • 1% lindane;
  • 10% crotamiton (Yuraks).

Against demodectic eyes will be effective agents used in the treatment of glaucoma:

  • physostigmine, 0.02%;
  • phosphacol, 0.01%;
  • Armin, 0.5%;
  • tosmilen.

Their active ingredients paralyze muscles mites. Lubrication edges century 4% pilocarpine gel or treating them with a thin bannichkom moistened 1.5-3% carbachol solution also reduces locomotor activity mite, leading to its complete paralysis.

Good results are obtained when treating demodekoza applying the cream or gel 2% metronidazole (Clione, metrogil, metroseptol).

On a note: ointment with hormones (e.g. hydrocortisone eye) reduce local immunity and lead to the increase of the number of mites, so the treatment regimen demodekoza not included.

Adjunctive treatment of demodectic mange:

  • artificial tear preparations in the syndrome of "dry" eyes (eye drops);
  • processing the edges of age Dimexidum solution, aqueous tansy extract, Artemisia alcoholate;
  • massage age in violation of glandular century;
  • Physiotherapy: D'Arsonval, magnet, electrophoresis forever dimedrolom, zinc sulfate, calcium chloride, 2%, 3% potassium iodide.

During treatment it is necessary to properly care for the affected skin. For topical cleansing of sebum and tick products of life suitable soft caring treatments: scrub or peeling. However, their use must be approved by your doctor, as some cosmetic agent for demodicosis can not only reduce the effectiveness of treatment, but the cause of exacerbation disease.

Importance has holding therapy of opportunistic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, immunological and correction of metabolic disorders, the treatment of lesions of a chronic infection, the treatment of seborrheaOptical correction of vision.

An integral part of the treatment regimen is demodectic diet therapy: diet of the patient should be excluded, salted, peppered, spicy, sweet food. It is also prohibited the use of alcoholic beverages.

Folk remedies at demodicosis

About the use of traditional medicine for the treatment of demodectic mange should always consult with a physician.

When demodicosis age are most effective lotions of oak bark or aloe juice. Broth wormwood can be taken inside, and the extract from Chelidonium lubricate the affected area with the skin form of the disease.

A prerequisite for obtaining a positive result in the treatment of folk remedies demodekoza is the duration and regularity: not started in case the population of mites disease significantly reduced.

Recommendations for more effective treatment

During the treatment of demodectic mange is desirable to observe the following rules:

  • for wiping face towels replace conventional disposable wipes;
  • personal things (hat, scarf, mittens or gloves, clothes) to erase at least 1 time in 2 days;
  • linens changed daily;
  • regularly with alcohol or any skin antiseptic glasses, razor and their wallets, clippers and tweezers, as well as other amenities;
  • Replace feather or down pillows on sinteponovye;
  • temporarily refuse to use to care for and color cosmetics;
  • check your pet for the presence of demodectic mange.

After the main course of treatment is recommended rubbing burdock oil in the lid margin of 1.5-3 months to stimulate eyelash growth.


Demodekoza remission lasted from 3 months to years, depending on the skin type, age, presence of concomitant diseases of internal organs. In 10% of treated patients the relapse, often due to incomplete treatment or non-compliance with all medical advice to patients.

This article is based on information of breast cancer - Independent publications practitioners

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