
Tumor markers: AFP, CA, CEA, PSA

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Statistics relentless - the incidence of cancer in the world is growing every year. The reasons are myriad - that the total environmental degradation, the spread of harmful habits (smoking, alcohol), drinking carcinogens in food or use them in everyday life, the aging of the population, etc. There is also a tendency to reduce the average age of patients with cancer "Younger". Fortunately, medicine does not stand still, oncology is now - one of the priorities. Modern technologies allow to diagnose cancer at a very early stage, and thus significantly increase the chance of cure. One of the most effective methods of diagnosis of cancer is currently the analysis for tumor markers.

What are tumor markers

Tumor markers - are special proteins that are found in the blood or urine of cancer patients. Tumor cells produce and secrete tumor markers in the blood since the emergence of tumors, making it possible to diagnose the disease in its early stages.

Analysis of tumor markers - not only one of the most reliable ways to detect cancer, but also an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. Recurrence of malignant diseases can be expected for several months before clinical manifestation. Due to the specificity of each protein can be assumed hearth disease.

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Abnormality some markers clearly indicates defeat certain organs (PSA, fPSA), other tumor markers may be detected in various tumor localizations. In this case, it is advisable to conduct a comprehensive survey. Unfortunately, this is why cancer diagnosis based on a single analysis for tumor markers is not reliable.

Tests for tumor markers

Each tumor is strictly allocates a certain protein. About 200 known compounds belonging to tumor markers, but the diagnostic value of them is not more than 20. The most frequently analyzed for the following types of tumor markers.

Tumor markers of AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein)

AFP similar in composition with albumin. In adults, the AFP rate is typically in the range of 15 ng / ml.

The concentration of higher than 10 IU (international unit) / ml is considered pathological.
Elevated levels of AFP may indicate the presence of the following malignancies:

  • Primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma)
  • Other malignancies metastasized to the liver (in breast cancer, rectum and sigmoid colon, lung)
  • Teratocarcinoma yolk sac, ovary or testes (embryonal carcinoma)

AFP levels can be elevated in certain benign diseases - cirrhosis of the liver, Chronic and acute hepatitis, chronic renal failure. AFP during pregnancy increase can be a sign of fetal malformations.

AFP detected in blood plasma, amniotic fluid, bile, pleural and ascites fluids.

Tumor markers B-2-MG (Beta-2-microglobulin)

Tumor markers Beta 2 microglobulin It can be found in all cells except red blood cells and trophoblast cells.

Normally, Beta-2-microglobulin in the urine is detected in very small amounts.

Increasing concentration in the blood can indicate kidney failure.

The product of this marker is associated with the activity of immunity and may increase for any inflammatory disease.

Assay for beta-2-microglobulin administered for suspected

  • multiple myeloma,
  • B-cell lymphocytic leukemia,
  • lymphoma.

It is recommended to take into account the index of the B-2-MG in assessing survival after organ transplantation.

Tumor markers PSA (prostate specific antigen), fPSA (free prostate antigen)

PSA It is present in a healthy, over-developed and transformed prostate tissue. It is the most specific and sensitive antigen allows to diagnose prostate cancer.

To study taking blood (serum or plasma) prior to biopsy, removal or prostate massage, because mechanical irritation of the prostate can result in elevated PSA level, continuing up to 3 weeks.

PSA Normal - 0-4 ng / ml, the level of 10 ng / ml or higher indicates malignant disease. When PSA levels of 4-10 ng / ml is desirable to determine and fPSA.

concentration ratio fPSA to the PSA concentration, expressed as a percentage has diagnostic value:

  • Malignant tumor: 0-15%
  • Boundary values: 15-20%
  • Benign Disease: 20% or above

Tumor marker CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)

Tumor markers CEA is produced during pregnancy, fetal digestive tract cells. In adults, the synthesis is almost completely suppressed.

CEA levels in normal - the blood levels of no more than 0-5 ng / ml.

CEA is increased in malignant diseases:

  • stomach
  • colon
  • rectum
  • light
  • breast
  • ovary
  • uterus
  • prostate

A certain increase in tumor marker CEA is possible with chronic renal failure, hepatitis and other chronic liver diseases, pancreatitisIn smokers and in patients with tuberculosis and autoimmune diseases.

Tumor marker CA 125

CA 125 - the standard tumor marker for ovarian cancer. Normally, the concentration of tumor marker CA-125 in the blood - 0-30 IU / ml.

Elevated levels of CA 125, more than 35 IU / ml may indicate a malignant disease:

  • ovaries (preferably)
  • uterus (the inner layer - the endometrium)
  • breast.
  • pancreatic cancer (in combination with CA 19-9)

Elevated CA 125 concentration is found in female patients endometriosis and adenomyosis (Diseases in which the cells lining the inner surface of the uterus are found elsewhere in the body). Physiologically, there is an increase in pregnancy and during menstruation.

Tumor marker CA 15-3

Tumor markers CA 15-3 - a specific tumor marker Breast Cancer.
Normally, CA 15-3 level is 0-22 IU / ml.

Concentration above 30 IU / ml of said pathology. About 80% of women, breast cancer marker level increased with metastatic cancer.

Tumor marker CA 15-3 is effective in determining relapse. A slight increase in the marker can also occur during pregnancy.

Tumor marker CA 19-9

Considered pathological blood concentration 40 IU / ml and above. CA 19-9 It is used in the diagnosis and monitoring of treatment:

  • pancreatic cancer,
  • stomach cancer,
  • colon cancer,
  • rectal cancer
  • gallbladder cancer

Tumor marker CA 242

It found in the same cases as CA 19-9, but has a high specificity, allowing you to define pancreatic cancer, colon and rectal cancer in its earliest stages.

This is one of the main markers used in diagnosis. According to the analysis of this tumor marker can predict recurrence of malignant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract for a few months.

The values ​​of norms tumor marker CA 242 - 0-30 IU / ml.

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)

Hormone, Normally increases during pregnancy to protect the fetus from the mother's immune system.

Increase of hCG in males and non-pregnant women suggests malignant growth.

Norm value hCG 0-5 IU / ml, a value greater than 10 IU / ml are observed when trophoblastic tumors, ovary or placenta horionkartsinoma (most sensitive), testicular cancer.

UBC (Urinary Bladder Cancer)

Marker for bladder cancer. Highly specific test effective in the early stages. UBC determine urinary bladder located in at least 3 hours is considered the norm level of 0.12 * 10-4 g / mol, in malignant lesions of bladder concentration is increased to 10 * 20,1-110,5-4 g / mol.

* * *

It should be borne in mind that one tumor marker may appear in various diseases, therefore, for accurate diagnosis of a combination of markers. For example, when determining

  • stomach cancer - CEA and CA 242,
  • pancreas - SF 242 and CA 19-9,
  • testicular cancer - AFP and hCG.
  • simultaneous increase in rates of tumor markers CA 19-9, CEA and AFP indicative of metastases in the liver.

Another subtlety is that elevated levels of tumor markers does not necessarily mean cancer. Therefore, biochemical studies have to be supported by clinical.

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