Digestive Tract

Diarrhea in adults: causes, characteristics, treatment

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The author - Chuklin Olga, general practitioner, internist. Work experience since 2003.

Diarrhea is a syndrome in which the patient is increased defecation frequency, stool becomes liquid and frequent, sometimes accompanied by spotting. In healthy people, stool frequency is 1-2 times a day or once in two days. Displacement of feces in this case is about 300-400 grams per day.

While maintaining the symptoms of diarrhea up to 14 days, it is called acute diarrhea. And if you have diarrhea for more than two weeks, let alone the development of chronic diarrhea.


We can distinguish the following most common causes of diarrhea:

Acute intestinal infections

  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • cholera.

Acute viral disease

  • rotavirus infection;
  • enterovirus infection;
  • adenoviral infection.

bowel disease

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • cancer bowel disease;
  • Crohn's disease.

Violation of the digestive processes at

  • pancreatitis;
  • celiac disease;
  • lactose intolerance.

endocrine diseases

  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

parasitic diseases

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  • giardiasis;
  • amoebiasis.

Diarrhea after prolonged medication:

  • antibiotics;
  • laxatives;
  • drugs lowering gastric acidity, containing magnesium;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Travelers' diarrhea - develops at sharp change of climate, diet, a change in water quality.

Of course, the main symptom, combining all these diseases is diarrhea. But each disease has its own characteristics and the development of additional symptoms. Next, a closer look at the most common ones.

Features of diarrhea in various diseases

Acute intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera)

Develop during use of contaminated food or water. Dysentery and salmonellosis developing rapidly with the increase in symptoms.

Loose stools can reach 20-30 bowel movements per day. In this case the patient has a pain in his stomach cramping. Develop signs of intoxication. Increased body temperature to febrile digits (39-40 degrees), general weakness increases.

After bowel movements arise false urge to defecate accompanied by pain in the rectum - tenesmus. With an increase in frequency of stool develops dehydration. This manifests itself in dry skin and oral mucosa, palpitations (tachycardia), blood pressure reduction. It appears expressed general weakness.

The most severe intestinal infection is cholera. Cholera is one of especially dangerous infections. When she appeared ill huge number of people are developing pandemic.

For the disease is characterized by sudden onset of acute. The patient appears uncontrollable vomiting, abundant liquid, watery stools. When defecating and after no abdominal pain. Due to the severity of diarrhea and vomiting develops soon dehydration, which is accompanied by the appearance of tachycardia, hypotension (low blood pressure), convulsive disorders. The disease most often occurs without an increase in temperature. Patient requiring emergency medical treatment and isolation.

Acute respiratory infections

diarrhea syndrome develops when adenovirus, rotavirus and enterovirus infections. With all of these infections develop symptoms associated with lesions of the respiratory tract: the patient has a runny nose, sore throat, cough. There are symptoms of intoxication - raising the temperature to 38.5 degrees, fatigue, headache, body aches.

As is the development of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract by type of acute gastroenteritis - may be vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, loose stools. Symptoms of gastroenteritis patients being alone and in the first place are the symptoms of upper respiratory tract.

bowel disease

In diseases of the bowel - ulcerative colitis, disease Crown, Cancer of the intestine develops inflammation of the mucous membrane, there are erosion and ulceration of the mucous. This leads to the exit in the intestinal lumen fluid, electrolytes, proteins.

There are persistent pain in the abdomen, may be an increase in body temperature to 37.5-38.0 degrees. Fecal liquid mixed with blood, there is also occurrence of impurities pus. Due to chronic blood loss in the patient develops anemia (decrease hemoglobin). In intestinal studies can detect signs of mucosal inflammation (hyperemia, edema).

at Irritable Bowel Syndrome no signs of organic lesion of the intestine. Develops increasing motor activity of the intestinal wall, increasing motility. Food passes through the intestines with greater speed and fluid has no time to be absorbed in the intestinal wall. This diagnosis - a diagnosis of exclusion, that is, it is placed when not detected by other diseases. it often occurs at a young age, provoked by stress. In addition to diarrhea may be flatulence (Bloating), small abdominal pain.

Violation of the digestive processes

In exacerbations chronic pancreatitis disturbed digestion process due to insufficient amounts of pancreatic enzymes. The patient shows signs typical of pancreatitis - pain in the umbilical region, or the pain of herpes zoster nature, which can be extremely severe. Accompanied by such pain vomiting, which does not bring relief to the patient. It appears liquid, rich chair badly washed off the bowl wall, due to the increased fat content in the faeces (steatorrhoea). In chronic pancreatitis, diarrhea is also chronic. Increased symptoms is failure to comply with Diet for pancreatitis, Eating fatty, smoked, spicy, alkogolesoderzhaschih drinks. Ultrasound examination revealed signs of pancreas inflammation, blood test can reveal an increase amylase, An enzyme responsible for inflammation of the prostate.

Celiac disease It develops in the absence of the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of cereal. Diarrhea also be chronic.

at lactose intolerance lack the enzyme lactase which is responsible for the digestion of proteins of cow's milk. After consuming dairy products appears diarrhea.

endocrinological diseases

When endocrinological diseases disrupted liquid absorption and intestinal motility. Is an increase in the speed of passage of food through the intestines, and the liquid does not have time to be absorbed in the intestinal mucosa.

parasitic diseases

When parasitic diseases, there is a slow progression of the disease, with the progression of the process may receive the blood in the stool and abdominal pain.

travelers' diarrhea

It develops when changing the diet, water in people traveling to other climatic zones. stool frequency can be up to ten times during the day may appear mild abdominal pain. Most often it takes place in 5-7 days.

Diarrhea after ingestion of drugs

Characterized by the fact that cases of drugs that cause diarrhea, symptoms disappear on their own. It may need the administration of drugs that restore the intestinal microflora.

diarrhea treatment

Drug treatment of diarrhea held together in compliance with the diet (see. below).

When the diarrhea symptoms are advised to contact a physician doctor, general practitioner, gastroenterologist to assign the necessary treatment.

Prescribers-sorbents - they promote early removal of harmful substances from the body.

* First aid for diarrhea - "Enterosgel," the drug in the form of a soft paste with a neutral taste. Delicate structure of the tool does not injure the inner integument stomach and intestines. Porous enterosorbent like a sponge to absorb and securely holds the bacteria and particles of harmful substances, ensuring their withdrawal from the body naturally. Native GI microbiome without suffering, since this drug is not adsorbed.

When dehydration:

  • rehydron - the contents of the package to dissolve in 1 liter of boiling water, drink 1 liter per day to eliminate the symptoms.

With increasing intestinal motility antidiarrheal drugs are used:

  • imodium,
  • loperamide.

Preparations anti-bacterial action (Normaks, Enterofuril) are used strictly on prescription.

To restore the intestinal microflora recommend taking:

  • bifiform,
  • Linex,
  • bifidumbacterin.

diarrhea treatment in pregnancy

Diarrhea during pregnancy, treatment should begin with dieting and take adsorbents (smectite, enterosgel) in normal dosages.

Can be in the presence of frequent watery stools and vomiting begin receiving rehydron, to avoid dehydration development. Recommended administration of drugs reducing the intestinal microflora (bifiform, lineks) in conventional dosages.

Antibacterial drugs prescribed by the doctor.


In treating diarrhea greater role given to the diet. In some cases (for lactose intolerance, celiac disease, pakreatite) can eliminate the diarrhea just dieting.

All measures aimed at reducing the mechanical and chemical action on the intestinal mucosa. Recommended food that is easily digested in the gut.

should be avoided

  • salty, spicy, smoked;
  • alkogolesoderzhaschih beverages;
  • conservation;
  • aerated water; beverages containing caffeine;
  • chocolate.

It is recommended to cook steamed, roasted or boiled.

Highly digestible pureed soups. eating jelly, rice broth is recommended to coat the mucosa. Fresh yeast bread is better to exclude, you can eat bread in dried form (crackers).

If lactase deficiency is necessary to exclude dairy products.

In celiac disease are excluded products made from barley, oats, rye and wheat.

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