Male Reproductive System

Peyronie's disease: symptoms, treatment, surgery

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Peyronie's disease - deformity of the penis during erection. The primary cause of the disease - the appearance of the disease process in the tunica albuginea and corpus cavernosum septum penis. The etiology of this process is not yet revealed.

The symptoms of Peyronie's disease

The main symptoms of the disease are only three:

  • Pain in the penis in the flaccid state and during erection - the primary symptom of Peyronie's disease.
  • The formation of plaque on the penis

    Fibrous plaques are located on the top (dorsal) surface of the penis. They have the form of dense knots, strands and plates. The plaques are sharply limited, painless. The size of plaques - 0.5-1.5 cm, thickness - 2.5 mm. The plaques are located at different depths, the skin underneath them is mobile and is not changed. The most characteristic of their appearance at the root of the penis, sometimes in the central part, at least in the head.

  • The consequence of the manifestations of Peyronie's disease is a curvature of the penis, which makes it difficult or even impossible sexual intercourse.
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Peyronie's disease to be distinguished from kavernita, periuretrita, posttraumatic deformation of the penis.


Peyronie's disease can be treated with both conservative and operative.

The conservative treatment complex treatment is most effective:

  • receiving glucocorticoids (cortisone and its derivatives)
  • vitamin E in large doses - 200-400 mg daily for 6-9 months.

Use of cortisone (by injection or orally) reduces the inflammatory processes associated with reactions in cells.

Also according to some application efficiency is not devoid of enzymatic preparations, e.g. lidazy and biogenic stimulants.

Complex physiotherapy is used: diathermy, electrophoresis, Dyadic currents.

Relatively recently for the treatment of Peyronie's disease began to apply ultrasonic therapy. Sessions for 5-7 minutes is necessary to make in a day. The treatment course is 20-25 sessions.

The use of X-ray showed a low efficacy and the risk of complications.


The main indication for surgery for Peyronie's disease is a iskrevlenie penis, which makes it difficult sexual intercourse. Also, the operation can be carried out under severe pain or the ineffectiveness of complex treatment for a long time.

The condition of the operation is relatively shallow location of the plaque as well as sufficient mobility.

Without treatment, Peyronie's disease does not pass is almost never as plaques tend to increase in size and number.

This article is based on materials from the book "Handbook of sexual pathology", ed. G.S.Vasilchenko

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