Female Diseases

Breast disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Breast - a benign breast lesion - is characterized by excessive growth of connective tissue.


A major role in the occurrence of mastitis withdrawn hormonal disorders. The development of the mammary glands, regular cyclic changes in them, as well as altering their function during pregnancy and breastfeeding are influenced by a whole range of hormones. Any violation of the balance of hormones are accompanied by changes in breast tissue.

In mastitis the important role played by the level of development prolactin in the blood, which has a diverse effect on breast tissue by stimulating the metabolic processes in the breast tissue throughout a woman's life.

The most common cause of mastitis are disease specific parts of the brain - the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, thyroid gland dysfunction, obesity, hyperprolactinemia, diabetes diabetes, Impaired fat metabolism and t. D.

The cause of hormonal disorders may be breast gynecological disease; sexual dysfunction; genetic predisposition; disease processes in the liver and biliary tract; pregnancy and childbirth; stressful situations.

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manifestations of mastitis

The initial stage of mastitis is characterized by pain in the breast, which intensified in the days before menstruation. Pain can have a different character and intensity. In some cases, pain weak and not very different from the usual premenstrual swelling of the glands, which are experiencing many healthy women. After the end of menstruation is usually the pain go away or reduced. Gradually, the pain becomes more intense and prolonged.

In some cases, the pain becomes very intense, extend to the shoulder, armpit, shoulder, painful even a light touch to the breast. Patients lose sleep, there is a feeling of fear, the thought of cancer. This is a typical manifestation of the initial stage of mastitis. This form of mastitis occurs more often in women under the age of 35 years. When the feeling glands marked sharp pain and a small seal. After the start of menstruation, all these effects disappear.

In the subsequent stages of the disease the pain subside. When the feeling defined sealing areas without clear boundaries. These seals are determined in different regions of glands. When pressed on the teats of them appear allocation of different nature (such as colostrum, transparent, greenish et al.). Painful breasts seal and discharge from the nipple amplified in the premenstrual period and decrease with the onset of menses. Complete softening gland after the onset of menstruation does not occur.


Diagnosis of mastitis is based on the examination of the breasts, feeling them, mammography, Ultrasound, puncture nodules, suspicious areas and cytological punctate study.

Breast examination should be carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (2-3 days after closure period), as in the second phase because of engorgement glands likely diagnostic errors.

When viewed from the breast glands evaluate the appearance, pay attention to all manifestations of asymmetry (contours, color of the skin, nipple position). Examination is repeated with raised hands. After inspection is made feeling mammary first in a standing position, and then lying on her back. At the same time feels the axillary, subclavian and supraclavicular lymph nodes. Upon detection of any changes in the mammary glands are conducted mammography and ultrasound.

Breast ultrasound in terms of information exceeds a mammogram in the study of dense breast in young women, and to identify cysts, Including small (2-3 mm in diameter).

Mammography - X-ray of the breast without the use of contrast agents - is currently the most common method of instrumental studies of breast. The accuracy of its great. However, this method is limited in application. Thus, mammography is contraindicated in women under 35 years, pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the information content of the method is not sufficient in the study of dense breast in young women.

see also article on the prevention of mastitis and methods of self-diagnosis

treatment of mastitis

Important in the treatment and prevention of mastitis given diet: the nature of food affects the hormonal metabolism. It is recommended to include in the diet of fruits, vegetables, cereal products, especially citrus fruits and cabbage, to minimize the consumption of canned, salted and smoked products. Reduce the amount of meat in the diet and fat products.

In recent years, increased frequency of use of herbal medicines in the treatment of mastitis. AT. AND. Kulakov et al (2003) in the treatment of patients with various forms of mastitis used Wobenzym and phytotherapy. The effectiveness of the treatment of mastalgia 3 months. It was 65%.

For the treatment of mastitis are various groups of drugs: analgesics, bromocriptine, night primrose oil, homeopathic preparations (Mastodinon), vitamins, potassium iodide, oral contraceptives, herbal, danazol, tamoxifen, as well as natural progesterone hormone percutaneously application.

At present, for the treatment of mastitis preformed hormones are used. Among these drugs most widely used and djufaston utrozhestan. Djufaston is an analogue of natural progesterone hormone is safe for prolonged use. Utrozhestan - natural micronized progesterone hormone. Micronized utrozhestan assigned 100 mg 2 times a day, djufaston 10 mg 2 times a day. Treatment is carried out with a 14-day menstrual cycle for 14 days, 3-6 cycles.

Diferelin, Zoladex, buserelin cause temporary reversible menopause. The first course of treatment is usually given for 3 months.

Widespread in recent years has received various phytotherapeutic fees that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunomodulatory effect. Charges are assigned to the second phase of the menstrual cycle and used long.

One means is a combined treatment of mastitis homeopathic preparation - mastodinon, representing a 15% alcoholic solution extracts of medicinal herbs cyclamen, chilibuha, iris, tiger lily. Appointed mastodinon 30 drops 2 times a day (morning and evening), or 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 months.

In the treatment of diffuse forms of mastitis widely spread drug klamin. One of the major characteristics Klamin is the presence in its composition of iodine (1 tablet contains 50 micrograms of iodine).

The conservative treatment of mastitis used novocaine-oxygen therapy. It can have a positive effect even in tough changes. The principle of this therapy is that oxygen is injected into the breast, moving tissue, It acts on it as a kind of massage elements, and procaine good effect on blood vessels and milk ducts.

their treatment should be carried out in the presence of concomitant diseases. When combined with diffuse mastopathy uterine myoma, endometrial hyperplasia, adenomyosis to therapy must also connect pure progestogens (utrozhestan, djufaston).

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