Cardiovascular Diseases

Stroke consequences for women, men on the left, the right side, treatment, rehabilitation after 50-60-80 years

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Stroke leads to disruption of the blood supply to the brain. The disease occurs acutely, it is characterized by high mortality in the first week. Among the effects of acute circulatory disorders for men and women are recorded various violations of the speech, sensitivity, motor areas and many other pathological conditions that depend on the location stroke.

The content of the article:

  • 1 General characteristics of the disease and its causes
  • 2 types of stroke
    • 2.1 Ischemic stroke
    • 2.2 hemorrhagic stroke
    • 2.3 lacunar
    • 2.4 Spinal
    • 2.5 acute stroke
    • 2.6 recurrent stroke
    • 2.7 microstroke
  • 3 Common symptoms of left-hand and right-hand stroke
    • 3.1 Left-sided stroke and its features
    • 3.2 What is the difference sided stroke
  • 4 disease Drug therapy
  • 5 Consequences and outlook
    • 5.1 For young people
    • 5.2 After 50 years
    • 5.3 For people older than 60 years
    • 5.4 After 80 years
  • 6 Rehabilitation
    • 6.1 Physical therapy and exercise therapy
    • 6.2 Lifestyle
    • 6.3 Traditional recipes
    • 6.4 Massage
  • 7 Videos about the consequences of a stroke

General characteristics of the disease and its causes

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Stroke is translated from Latin means kick. Condition develops at lightning speed. As a result of certain causes disturbed blood flow and metabolism in normal brain tissues.

In the future, these regions become unviable if the time has not started etiopathogenetic therapy. As a result, the functions for which the responsible one or the other of the central nervous system of the department, it will perform worse or does not do.

Are 2 main types of stroke:

  • hemorrhagic;
  • Ischemic.The consequences of stroke for women, men on the left, on the right side. Treatment, rehabilitation

They differ from each other on the mechanisms of development. risk factors they are also different. Hemorrhagic stroke should be wary of people prone to hypertension. Increased pressure from relatives in this situation - a serious predisposition to vascular pathology.

What matters is not so much the maximum pressure level, as it jumps. What they sharper, the more difficult to adapt vessels, the walls become weak and break.

Ischemic option acute stroke characteristic of individuals with atherosclerosis. Cholesterol plaques clog the lumen of the arteries feeding the brain tissue. The radius of the affected vessel will depend on the hearth and the damaged area.

Serious background for stroke is considered diabetes. Vascular lining becomes the ideal environment for the development of unstable atherosclerotic plaques. Among the metabolic disorders considered a risk factor for obesity.

From well-known modifiable risk factors - smoking and bad habits. Nicotine - a powerful vasoconstrictor. That is, the systematic smoking vessels are in constant spasm. Alcohol causes abnormal relaxation (extension) of the arteries, which is then followed by severe spasm. As a result, the tone of the arteries and veins suffers greatly.

types of stroke

Distinguish numerous disease classifications. The simplest and most applicable in clinical practice allocates just 2 pathogenic types: ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.

Ischemic stroke

A disease characterized by the gradual development. About the ischemic type of stroke it can hardly be said that this disease happened against the background of overall health.

Causative factor is the instability of an atherosclerotic plaque. But for a condition such as atherosclerosis, is characterized by the systematic failures.

Therefore, in patients with stroke of ischemic occur following concomitant diseases:

  • coronary heart disease, angina pectoris;The consequences of stroke for women, men on the left, on the right side. Treatment, rehabilitation
  • myocardial infarction;
  • chronic obliterating diseases of the lower extremities;
  • mesenteric thrombosis;
  • violation of mesenteric circulation according to the "abdominal toads."

Stroke usually occurs on the background of the existing cerebrovascular disease. This is analogous to coronary heart disease. Another name for the disease - encephalopathy. Patients worried about the headache, tinnitus and dizziness.

hemorrhagic stroke

The background of this kind of acute stroke is hypertension. It is believed that hypertension is krizovoe character. That is, often prohibitively high numbers recorded blood pressure above 180 to 110 mm Hg. This is more characteristic of hypertension on the background of a pheochromocytoma (a benign tumor of the adrenal glands).

Stroke (consequences for women are the same as for men, but a provocative factor is more common specifically for the female population) of hemorrhagic type occurs against a background of mental and emotional stress.

It is believed that mental, neural and emotional shocks provoked sharp adrenaline, blood pressure jump. brain blood vessel walls do not stand up, blood poured out and soaks the gray and white matter. This is the essence of the hemorrhagic variant of acute disorders of cerebral circulation.

Stroke and fixed to it a very high blood pressure. They persist for 3-4 hours after the process is started. Patients appear outwardly quite typical. They are obese, a person has a purple or bluish tint. The main complaint - severe unbearable headache according to the "dagger". Localization, usually in the neck.

Focal symptoms are less pronounced in the foreground cerebral manifestations. Sick patients, possible vomiting. Observed transient loss of vision or double vision. More often just in front of his eyes darkening.


Morphological substrate of the variety of stroke is the formation of small areas of myocardial white matter of the brain. They also called lacunae.The consequences of stroke for women, men on the left, on the right side. Treatment, rehabilitation

The reason for the formation of these foci is perforating arterial thrombosis (blood vessels of small caliber). This causes the small size of the infarct. Feature lacunar stroke is a stroke multiplicity of zones. These centers continue to become cysts. Localization - the white matter of the brain. Gray matter, as opposed to other types of stroke, intact.

Background condition for this type of stroke - hypertension with concomitant diabetes. Clinical feature - complete or almost complete absence of brain symptoms. Ie, headache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, no meningeal signs.

As a rule, lacunar stroke is formed in the night or early morning hours. The patient wakes up already with stroke symptoms. There are many options.

But the most frequent:

  • parkinsonian:
  • sensitive;
  • motor.

Reversibility of clinical signs should not be expected, since perforating vessels very poorly developed collaterals system.


not only the brain relates to the central nervous system. It is also gray, spinal cord white matter disposed within the spinal canal of the spinal column.

Poor circulation of the body is accompanied by specific symptoms. Usually it is a violation of the motor areas in the form of paresis. This disturbed pain, tactile, and other types of non-specific sensitivity.The consequences of stroke for women, men on the left, on the right side. Treatment, rehabilitation

When spasm or so-called artery occlusion Adamkevicha occur pelvic disorders as urinary and fecal incontinence. Sphincter muscle is not controlled by a human consciousness.

acute stroke

The term reflects the most dangerous to human life period. Critical believe 3.7 and 9 days after the occurrence of circulatory disorders. There have been serious violations of consciousness, spontaneous respiration, vascular tone, fluid and electrolyte homeostasis.

During this period, the patient should be in the intensive care unit of the profiled vascular center or branch of stroke in the general hospitals.

recurrent stroke

Risk of recurrent stroke increases with a small time interval between two HISTORICAL vascular events. Brain function in particular, and the organism as a whole does not have time to fully recover from the transferred pathology.

As a rule, the effects of repeated serious stroke, because it increases the likelihood of complications.


So-called minor form of stroke. They are characterized by a reversible flow. If neurological symptoms caused leveled to a day or two, talk about transient ischemic attack.

The consequences of stroke for women, men on the left, on the right side. Treatment, rehabilitation
Microstroke consequences for women, men may not be visible

Some neuroscientists argue that mini stroke should be considered as stroke preserving neurological symptoms up to 3 weeks. The morphology also believe that mini-strokes - the concept of a morphological rather than clinical. If you have symptoms of stroke, but CT or MRI is not a trace of the stroke, this is the mini stroke.

Common symptoms of left-hand and right-hand stroke

Regardless of the affected side is isolated manifestation of stroke, which occur in lesions of different vascular segments.

They are reflected in the table below:

vascular lesions symptoms
Anterior cerebral artery Movement disorders on the opposite side of the lesion (paresis of the lower and upper limbs).
Middle cerebral artery Loss of sight, loss of sensitivity and nonspecific paresis on the side opposite the lesion.
Posterior cerebral artery Hemianesthesia, contralateral loss of visual fields.
subclavian artery Upper limb paresis, diplopia.
basilar artery Paralysis of the eye muscles, paresis of all extremities, and double vision.

Left-sided stroke and its features

When the nidus of brain tissue is left to say about the left-sided cerebral circulation disorders. But symptoms due to anatomical Perekrestov pathways at different levels will be shown on the contralateral areas (the other side).

Stroke (impact on women with left-sided type of violation of the most severe) on the left has precursors in the form of palpitations, anxiety. Blood pressure is labile, prone to hypertension.The consequences of stroke for women, men on the left, on the right side. Treatment, rehabilitation

It is worth mentioning that the majority of those among the living on the planet - the left hemisphere. That is, they just left hemisphere of the brain is dominant.

The stroke left for this reason is more serious for men or women, than right-sided violation of cerebral blood flow. Recovery is much longer and more complicated.

Motor areas tend to suffer from the right. This paralysis or plegia hands and / or feet. According to the forecast of behavior in this person will be more impulsive and emotionally labile.

What is the difference sided stroke

The right hemisphere of the brain has many functions. This way of thinking, the first and second signal systems person. The first thing that suffers to a greater extent in right stroke, is language skills, articulation. The man said incoherently. However, the younger the patient, and the earlier treatment is started, including rehabilitation measures, the greater the chance to regain lost skills.

Paralysis is marked on the left. It is somewhat easier for the disease, as more likely to adapt to this situation.

disease Drug therapy

Stroke (impact on women and men in late begun treatment turn into early disability or loss of important functions) are beginning to be treated by therapeutic methods at the earliest stages.

The first thing to be taken care of - a respiratory function. The doctor evaluates airway, decides whether the ventilator. Measured oxygen saturation of blood and its oxygen saturation.

The second important parameter is the blood pressure correction. Unacceptably rapid decline in numbers. Target figures are higher than 15-20 mmHg the level that the patient considers his best, comfortable, or "working". During rapid pressure decrease may result in the worsening of the state of vascular collapse.The consequences of stroke for women, men on the left, on the right side. Treatment, rehabilitation

Preparations for the normalization of blood pressure should be excluded ebrantil or nifedipine. They are characterized by short-term, but expressed hypotensive effect. Dr. preference is given to ACE inhibitors: lizinoprilu, enalapril.

Prevention of cerebral edema is a very important area in the treatment of stroke. After all, it is a frequent complication that occurs on 3 or, as a rule, on the 7th day. The situation is life-threatening. It is necessary for the prevention of verticalization, ie the head end should be raised and slightly tilted to 30 degrees.

In this case, the cervical spine should not be bent or unbent, otherwise there is a risk reduction of blood flow in the affected brain tissue. Treatment involves administration of the osmotic diuretic. This mannitol according to the scheme on the basis of body weight.

Symptomatically with cramps appointed anticonvulsants. Diazepam is the drug of choice. Neuroprotective agents - agents which sense unaffected in protecting cells of the central nervous system as well as improving the trophism, power stroke and blood supply zone.

These tools provide a favorable prognosis. The earlier you start using them, the greater the likelihood of a favorable outcome, the full and early restoration of lost functions. Good neuroprotective effect has Cortexin, Meksidol Cerebrolysin.

Consequences and outlook

Stroke (impact on women and men depend on what stage diagnosed pathology) leaves the chances of a favorable outcome for the patient, depending on how and how well, timely launched etiopathogenetic treatment.

For young people

In this age group it is rare to find an ischemic stroke. As a rule, we are talking about the casuistic thrombophilic states inherited from the patients' relatives.

Most often it is a hemorrhagic stroke. Even with extensive lesion focus are high chances of a complete recovery of lost at the time of the disease functions, skills.

After 50 years

With age, the chances of reversibility decreases. Especially if it is a subtype of ischemic stroke.The consequences of stroke for women, men on the left, on the right side. Treatment, rehabilitation

The older the patient, the less potential for rehabilitation.

For people older than 60 years

In the absence of concomitant diseases in decompensation stage retained confidence in the favorable outcome of disease. Including labor.

After 80 years

Typically, at this stage of life a person has, there are many different pathologies. They complicate the course of a stroke. Therefore, even if a small outbreak severity of the condition can be so severe that a person will not at all come to mind.


We are talking about a whole set of measures to restore its functions and skills, prevent disability. The aim is to maximize the patient's adaptation to life in these circumstances. Rehabilitation includes a lot of ways. It should start as early as possible. Already from day 1 should be carried out passive movements. Better if it will be held in parallel with the breathing exercises.

In the presence of movement disorders is performed kinesiotherapy. At the same goes walking training. It is better, if it helps the doctor - Rehabilitation or, at least, the instructor. Good help electromyostimulation techniques.

To restore the speech must be carefully deal with. It requires effort and patience on the part of relatives of the patient. Help-aphasiology doctors and speech therapists.

Physical therapy and exercise therapy

These auxiliary techniques are an integral part of rehabilitation measures. Physiotherapy exposure, coupled with the support of the drug improves the conductivity of nerve fibers, which is necessary for recovery.The consequences of stroke for women, men on the left, on the right side. Treatment, rehabilitation

For anesthesia of the central pain syndrome apply CMT, diadinamichiskie currents. Phonophoresis and electrophoresis with drugs to help deliver the last dot, targeted to the site of the lesion. To prevent contraction of muscles (spastic muscle contraction) using ozokeritotherapy, paraffin.


Fait vascular pathology is changing habitual foundations, human life orders. Much attention is paid to the protective regime. But against this background that necessarily try to perform exercises. The main thing that it was not through the pain, "by force."

When the patient is lying, it is necessary to try to profilaktirovat bedsores. To do this, change the position of his body in bed every 2-3 hours during the day and every 4 hours during the night's rest. The patient must lie as symmetrically as possible.

The patient and his family needed a maximum of patience. Deal with this situation can only make more efforts. Often need help with a therapist.

Traditional recipes

Look for alternative ways to treat non-traditional folk methods can only be conferring with the doctor. They are used as auxiliary means, and not as an alternative to the existing medical methods of treatment.


Various massage techniques are used at different stages of rehabilitation and treatment. From its earliest days can be carried out pats on the paralyzed area. It is not prohibited by the vibrational effect.

After the acute stroke period, moving to a more aggressive massage techniques. They are aimed at preventing the development of contractures. Improving trophism muscle, nerve fibers, partially restored conductivity thereon nerve impulse.The consequences of stroke for women, men on the left, on the right side. Treatment, rehabilitation

Distinguish primary and secondary preventive measures. In the first case, the measures are directed at prevention of stroke. Secondary prevention pursues the aim of prevention of recurrent cerebrovascular accidents, stroke as the disability outcome.

Primary prevention includes the following items:

  • blood pressure control level;
  • lipid profile, reduction of the fraction of "bad" cholesterol in the composition of low density lipoproteins, increasing the antiatherogenic fraction (high density lipids ");
  • electrocardiography (in order to not miss thrombogenic arrhythmias, e.g., atrial fibrillation);
  • an ultrasound duplex scanning carotid arteries to avoid hemodynamically significant stenoses as a result of atherosclerosis;
  • weight normalization;
  • rationalization of the regime of physical activity;
  • quitting smoking and other bad habits;
  • work and rest mode.

The optimal blood pressure provides a reliable protection against such conditions such as hemorrhagic stroke. You can either choose the therapy after ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, or as a result of self-journaling pressure. Depending on the daily profile of selected formulations, dosages, dosing frequency is determined.

Normalize cholesterol level is necessary after determining its overall fraction, as well as indicators of HDL, TAG, and LDL atherogenic index calculation. If necessary initially assigned restricted diet digestible carbohydrates, animal fats, inclusion in the diet and vegetable oils rich in polyunsaturated acids.

With the ineffectiveness originally transcendent figures of cholesterol or triacylglycerols, availability a heart attack in history and diabetes, you should immediately start taking statins at therapeutic doses. Preference should be given rosuvastatin.

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents are needed in the presence of atrial fibrillation. Appointed warfarin or new oral anticoagulants. In other situations it can be an alternative in the form of aspirin, clopidogrel, and their analogues.

Stroke is a dangerous disease that is often fatal. Its implications for men and women depend on many factors. To forecast was favorable, it is necessary in each case of vascular disease to take urgent measures to hospitalization.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Videos about the consequences of a stroke

Consequences and recovery after stroke:

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