
Normochromic anemia: what it is, treatment, symptoms, mild, microcytic

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Anemia is characterized by a low number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. Normochromic anemia - is a type of disease characterized by normal levels of hemoglobin and reduced concentration of red blood cells. Thus the size of blood cells does not change. In most cases, the anemia is a consequence of a symptom or severity of the pathological process. In 65% of patients develop anemia provoke chronic diseases: kidney disease, blood loss or bone marrow disorders.


Causes of

Normochromic type of anemia can be triggered by the following pathological processes:

  • Hereditary diseases.
  • Iron deficiency. Lack element can cause poor nutrition, hemorrhage, stomach ulcer lesion or tumor of the small intestine.
  • Age-related changes. The number of red blood cells drops sharply in women after 80 years.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes.
  • Severe blood loss.
  • The chronic form of kidney failure.
  • The presence of cancer cells or cancerous degeneration. In this case, developing megalocytic normochromic type of anemia.
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kidney failure

In most cases, normochromic anemia occurs in patients with kidney disease. With the deterioration of the work of the urinary system organs uremic toxins are released back into the blood, because of what the life of red blood cells is sharply reduced from 120 days to 40-60 days. The negative influence and hemodialysis. During the procedure, the body loses annually to 1 g of iron, whereas in the healthy human body contains only 4 grams of chemical element. Furthermore, when poor performance is deteriorating renal erythropoietin production.


Normochromic anemia in 89-92% of cases during the initial stages take place in a latent form. Man feels wanton fatigue and slight malaise. When the weakness should consult with your doctor and have a blood test. Laboratory studies will help determine the number of red blood cells. At a low level of red blood cells anemia is diagnosed. In addition to chronic fatigue patient may experience the following symptoms of anemia:

  • pale skin, especially around the lips and eyelids;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • brittle hair and nails;
  • dizziness;
  • respiratory failure after physical activity;
  • tachycardia;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pain in the sternum;
  • cold fingers;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • appearance of ulcers in the mouth.
cold fingers


Therapy is to eliminate the cause of the pathological process. Apply medication and diet therapy. Selection drugs and diet correction is performed depending on the degree of disease severity.

What drugs are used

Before treatment is necessary to establish the etiology of anemia. In the case of a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, it will require drug therapy based on the following preparations:

  • Ferrum Lek;
  • Akvaferrol;
  • Ferropleks;
  • Ferumbo.
Ferrum Lek

To improve iron absorption means assigned to recommended drink syrups or tablets together with ascorbic acid. With an increase in hemoglobin levels alone can not cancel medication. The doctor will reduce the dose to preventive medications.

If the patient is anemic stage III, which is a threat to life, begin to conduct therapy in a hospital. Fast drugs administered by injection:

  • Maltofer;
  • Sufer;
  • Likferr;
  • Fermed.

In the case of disorders of bone marrow hematopoiesis, when there is an infringement of erythrocyte fusion, prescribed tocopherol, folic acid and cobalamin. If the etiology of the pathological process associated with renal insufficiency, the patient should take the means that increase the concentration of hemoglobin in red blood cells:

  • Recormon;
  • Eprex;
  • Eralfon.
Recormon drug

Hemolytic anemia form carried spleen resection. Treatment after surgery is aimed at accelerating the regeneration and prevention of infection.

How to change diet

At mild and moderate severity in food products include the following:

  • lean beef and veal, beef liver, seafood;
  • leafy greens;
  • fruits fruit: acidic apples, grapes, pomegranates;
  • cashews, chickpeas;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes.
eat buckwheat

You want to exclude from the diet of coffee products, sugary and carbonated drinks, tea. Liquid interfere with normal absorption of iron.

Traditional methods

There are a number popular recipes, which help in the fight against anemia:

  • It is necessary to squeeze the juice from 200 ml of pomegranate and mix it with lemon, apple and carrot fresh juice (100 ml). After obtaining a homogeneous product is required to add 1.5 tablespoons honey and pour the juice into the jar. Capacity need to tightly close the lid and place in refrigerator for 48 hours. Take 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons. l.
  • It allowed an infusion of the roots of red clover. 10 g of product to pour 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 45 minutes, then filtered. For the treatment should drink 2 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.
  • From anemia effectively treated with a decoction of rose hips. 1 tablespoon dried fruits required pour the boiled water to 250 ml and leaving it stand for 8 hours. Folk remedy you need to drink 3 times a day for 1 glass.
  • Squeeze currant, blueberry juice and rowan, mix and consume 150 ml, 2 times a day. Babies - 75 ml.


For the prevention of anemia in children need to drink fresh milk, vitamin and mineral supplements prescribed by a doctor. Girls biologically active additive required to include in the diet during menstruation, as body at this time lose a large amount of iron. Adults and the elderly need to regularly eat foods rich in iron (red meat, seafood, mushrooms, berries, beets).

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