
Prolactin in postmenopausal women: the rate at menopause, preparation and analysis

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Produced mainly in the pituitary gland, the hormone prolactin is able to adjust not only the reproductive system, mood and behavior, but also to activate the body's immune defenses.

The hormone prolactin

Long-term deficit or excess prolactin in postmenopausal women leads to hormonal disorders, deterioration of mental and emotional state, weight gain, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and other dysfunctions.

The relationship of prolactin and menopause

Luteotrophic hormone - prolactin (PRL) - so named for its primary function - to stimulate lactation. But studies have shown that it has more than 300 functions:

  • reproduction;
  • metabolic;
  • self-regulation;
  • immune;
  • behavioral.

This is evidence of the important role of PRL in humans. After 40 years, when women enter a period of extinction, the secretion of hormones follicle stimulating hormone, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin and thyrotropin responsible for maintaining hormonal balance, decreases.

Schedule reducing hormones

At the beginning of menopause, still trying to stimulate the ovaries, switching the emission of a number of substances on the secretion of hormones to compensate for their decline. This attempt to restore production gonadotrofov (FSH, LH, prolactin) and sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone) to the same proportions hormonal imbalance leads to fewer sex hormones and more stimulating intermediaries between neurons.

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Hormonal switch, in turn, can cause a malfunction of the central nervous system and neurotransmitters.

The reaction of the organism to age-related decline in sexual function is called the climacteric syndrome. About 70% of women after 40 years complain of physical and emotional fading, manifested in:

  • irritability;
  • nervousness and nervous exhaustion;
  • hot flashes;
  • sweating;
  • pain in the joints and muscles;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vaginal dryness, and other changes in the mucous membranes.

Prolactin during menopause in case of increase its secretion can lead to slower metabolism. The endocrine system is responsible for this process is an increase in body mass, then begin atrophic changes in the genital organs.

For women in menopause is more important to have a low value of prolactin.

However, when the anterior pituitary prolactin decreases, the body responds to this headache and increased irritability, mood swings.

It takes 10-15 years to adapt to changes in hormonal balance. Then the natural process of restructuring of the female body is completed.

Preparation and analysis

In menopausal women offered a typical screening panel: gemolimfogramma, lipid profile, glucose levels in the blood and transaminases, the study of kidney function, thyroid ultrasound cancer and other.

Check the level of prolactin

At the termination of ovarian function will indicate the test results with high gonadotrofov (FSH, LH, prolactin), and low levels of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone).

Basic rules of the analysis are as follows:

  1. The study is carried out after a night's sleep on an empty stomach.
  2. Learning material is collected in the period from 7.00 to 9.00 am due prolactin level fluctuations.
  3. On the eve rule out thermal treatments (bath, sauna, bath).
  4. One day before the study does not recommend sexual intercourse.
  5. Within 48 hours prior to analysis to avoid stressful situations and excessive exercise.
  6. Bad insomnia eve of blood donation.
  7. Do not take medications that inhibit the secretion of PRL, as well as psychotropic, antihypertensive, estrogenic drugs.
  8. The patient must inform the doctor to conduct a test with a radioactive marker and taking any drugs.

Women who have survived menstruation, are tested at the beginning of the cycle, if the physician does not recommend otherwise.

Prolactin levels checked by examining the venous blood.

Analyze blood serum obtained by precipitation or clotting of fibrinogen (colorless protein in blood plasma) calcium ions.


The content of prolactin in blood is indicated in mIU / ml or ng / ml. The norm of premenopausal women with no pregnancy is 4-23 ng / ml (range 445-3901 to 252-504 mIU / ml). Vibrations associated with the menstrual cycle phase.

After menopause norm considered indicators of 3-15 ng / ml (170-330 mU / ml).

Causes and treatment of abnormalities

Elevated prolactin levels during menopause in women - a sign of pathology. It develops hyperprolactinemia due to organic, functional and pharmacological reasons:

  • age-related changes of the pituitary and the hypothalamus;
  • benign pituitary tumor (prolactinoma);
  • loss of perception of estrogen by the body;
  • disorders generation follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) hormones;
  • osteoporosis, hypothyroidism;
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Most patients with hyperprolactinemia treated by means of replacing the dopamine, bromocriptine is prescribed, abergin, norprolak.

Also recommend:

  • Sage preparations;
  • preparations with lactobacilli, lactic acid, vitamin C, lubricating gels with vaginal dryness;
  • rich in calcium and vitamin D foods increase fluid intake.

To improve health, reduce hot flashes, the risk of obesity, exercise the pelvic floor muscle exercise is recommended.

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