
Beta-hCG: a blood test on the overall b-HCG during early pregnancy, it is the norm for weeks, much different, human chorionic gonadotropin

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Beta-hCG hormone is intermediate appearing in a free state in the urine and blood during fertilization and implantation of the ovum in the endometrial layer of the uterus. Subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin is involved in embryogenesis and supports the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum. Level of a substance can point to the development of the pathological process in the body of the pregnant woman.

Beta-HCG blood test or urine

What is beta-hCG

b-hCG - human gonadotropin subunit is responsible for the normal development of the embryo into the gestation period. In addition to the beta particles, there is an alpha-hCG. The first is characterized by the fact that circulates in the blood in a free state. Due to this property, it is found in urine and blood. As a result, you can spend a quick pregnancy test at home or rent CBC.

The embryo in the gestation period

Beta consists of more than 140 amino acids. They help maintain the corpus luteum after fertilization operation, regulate the secretion of progesterone and prevent rejection of the embryo during IVF.

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Laboratory analysis to determine the beta subunit is carried out for:

  • confirmation of early pregnancy;
  • monitoring fetal development, fetal anomalies exceptions;
  • confirmation of malignant tumors in the testes in men;
  • determine the risk of miscarriage;
  • detection of ectopic pregnancy.

Research carried out before re-cleaning after abortion.

What is different from hCG beta-hCG

Many people ask, what can be different hCG and beta-subunit. The difference is that the total gonadotropin is present in the body permanently, regardless of gender and age. b-HCG appears only after fertilization and is present during pregnancy. The main difference between subunits - it is produced by cells of the embryo and placenta, so is only relevant in the process of embryogenesis.

When and how to take beta-hCG

To assess the level of beta-hCG in pregnancy need to donate blood repeatedly. The first procedure is carried out for 3-5 hours at a delay of menstruation or at 12-14 days after the expected fertilization. The woman may, if desired pass urine for analysis of beta-hCG.

fertilization of the egg

In this case, it is necessary to consider that the content of b-subunit in the urine is 2 times lower than in the blood plasma. Therefore, in the early stages of gestation laboratory test accuracy will be minimal. To confirm the diagnosis require repeated delivery of analyzes of beta-gonadotropin.

Monitoring the serum levels of b-hCG administered every 48 hours in the strictly same time. It requires a 3 procedures. Most gynecological practice in laboratory research for hCG performed at week 12, when the concentration peaks gonadotropin. When the planned pregnancy or replanting ovum procedure is carried out in the period from 14th to 18th week of embryogenesis.

Delivery of biomaterial is performed before 11 am on an empty stomach.

If the patient can not come to analysis before lunch and make an appointment during the day, it is forbidden to eat food for 6 hours prior to sampling of venous blood. Before laboratory test is recommended to reduce physical activity, avoid stressful situations. 48 hours prior to the study cancel hormonal drugs with the permission of your doctor.

normal values

Norma beta-hCG in the body of men and women do not exceed the limit of 10 IU / L. If early pregnancy, when there is the introduction of the ovum in the uterine tissue, the rate of hormonal substances gradually grows until it reaches a value of 500 U / L.

How does the beta-hCG in pregnancy

In women, the serum level of the substance can vary with severe stress, emotional or shock depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. When hCG pregnancy rate indicates the absence of any disease in the mother, or fetal anomalies during embryogenesis.

Due to the fact that the rate of hCG is constantly growing, its serum level determined for weeks after fertilization:

Weeks from the date of the last menstrual period Serum levels of gonadotropin, IU / ml
2 50-300
4 5000
5 30 000
6 100 000
7 from 55 000 to 200 000
8 from 45 000 to 200 000
9 from 35 000 to 140 000
11 less than 120000
12 from 28 000 to 110 000
13-14 less than 100 000
15-16 less than 80,000
17-21 15 000-60 000
26-38 from 3000 to 15 000


Elevated levels of b-hCG women talking about the development of malignant tumors in the digestive and reproductive systems. Perhaps the development of hydatidiform mole, osteogenic sarcoma or trophoblastic tumor.

According to the level of beta-HCG pregnancy rate of not more than 200,000 IU / L, it is possible to determine the development of the disease. If the indicator hormone is low, may develop the following conditions:

  • implanting the ovum in the fallopian tubes;
  • the death of an egg;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • fetal abnormalities during embryogenesis;
  • miscarriage;
  • violation when replanting the ovum within the ECO.

The high levels of beta-gonadotropin suggests multiple pregnancy, early toxicosis, gestational diabetes. In rare cases, it may be indicative of complications during gestation. These include nephropathy, which is accompanied by hypertension, convulsions, increased soft tissue swelling in violation of water-electrolyte balance.

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