
When donating blood on HCG: How many days after conception, pregnancy blood test will show which test to determine on what term you can do, ovulation, results in the early stages to delay monthly, on what best to do, how often, cycle

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  1. Why do we need such an analysis
  2. When can I take
  3. Terms of preparation for study
  4. How to get tested
  5. blood sampling
  6. Analysis of urine
  7. How to decipher the result
  8. Possible mistakes
  9. false positive result
  10. false-negative result

Chorionic gonadotropin, which is determined by a pregnancy and the conditions of its occurrence is contained not only in the body of the future mother. However, few know what most of this hormone and when to donate blood hCG falls to men.

When donating blood hCG women

Why do we need such an analysis

HCG test for determining pregnancy - a reliable survey conducted in many biochemical laboratories. HCG is needed not only to detect pregnancy before the delay. This method allows almost 100% certainty to determine the nuances of development of the fetus in early pregnancy. Doctors recommend to do it three times for the entire period of pregnancy. Women who have a problem with carrying a child, this analysis is often appointed.

Pregnant with ultrasound image

Knowing how many days after conception can be screened, a woman can identify the early stages of a possible pregnancy. When the choice is between a test for hCG and a test of urine, the first option is superior to the second. Donate blood for hCG can be 10-12 days after conception.

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In the case of test strips to determine the fertilized egg can not earlier than 3 days after the delay (3 weeks after sexual intercourse). This is substantiated by the fact that the HCG in the blood is much higher than in the urine. You need to wait until the level of protein in the blood is high to obtain accurate results on the test strip. In addition, pregnancy tests often show incorrect results can not be said about the testing of hCG in the blood.

How often do you rent out a blood test?
  • Only prescribed by a doctor 30%, 241 vote

    241 vote30%

    241 votes - 30% of all votes

  • Once a year, and I think that's enough 18%, 145 votes

    145 votes18%

    145 votes - 18% of all votes

  • Only when sick 15%, 119 votes

    119 votes15%

    119 votes - 15% of all votes

  • At least twice a year 15%, 117 votes

    117 votes15%

    117 votes - 15% of all votes

  • More often than twice a year, but less than six times 11%, 85 votes

    85 votes11%

    85 votes - 11% of all votes

  • I watch over the health and rent once a month 7%, 59 votes

    59 votes7%

    59 votes - 7% of all votes

  • I'm afraid this procedure and try not to take 5%, 40 votes

    40 votes5%

    40 votes - 5% of all votes

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When can I take

Many women do not know on what day after ovulation, you can donate blood. Despite the fact that HCG analysis shows accurate and reliable results, it is not necessary to do it the next day after conception: hCG level It was too small for analysis. hormone levels in the blood sample can be determined only after a couple of weeks. And if the first blood test for hCG to delay the woman makes at its discretion, it is better to take the subsequent tests prescribed by a doctor.

Analysis on the next day after conception

From 8 to 13 weeks, doctors recommend give blood several times. A blood test will show a complete picture of the fetus.

There are a number of cases when you need to be tested for HCG:

  1. To diagnose a possible early pregnancy.
  2. In the case of an abortion is necessary to take the test at 2 hours after the termination of pregnancy. It helped confirm the results generated by operations and to determine the success of curettage.
  3. When non-viable and ectopic pregnancy.

As for men, the doctors can recommend them to get tested if you suspect the presence of a tumor.

Terms of preparation for study

Home using test strips can independently determine pregnancy. As for the blood test, you need to take it only in the laboratory. If a woman wants to conduct a survey on the HCG, then, on what day to do it right, it is better to check with your doctor. To study the result was significant, gynecologists recommend to adhere to certain rules of preparation.

As blood tests

HCG women surrendering the day before the survey should be less nervous, to remain calm and avoid stress and depressive states. With regard to physical activities and sports, they are recommended to move the next day. Nutrition also need to pay attention to: limit the use of salty, smoked and fat.

A blood test for protein pass early in the morning. On the day of blood donation can not eat breakfast: the stomach must be empty. The interval between meals and inspection should be at least 8 hours. In addition, on this day, you can come to the lab a little earlier to give the body to rest and recover. By following the same rules as for the delivery of the morning, give blood hCG can be, and in the evening, a blood test will show significant results. But before that, you should consult with your doctor.

If a woman wishes to delay pregnancy to determine, it would have to hand over the analysis repeatedly. This is done in order to identify indicators in dynamics. You must observe the interval of at least 2 days. You can not take HCG during viral and other diseases: testing may show an incorrect result.

How to get tested

To determine a possible pregnancy can donate blood on HCG, and you can do a test on a urine analysis.

blood sampling

To determine the level of HCG during pregnancy in women taking venous blood from the elbow. Blood from the veins to blood donation is taken in a standard way using a disposable syringe. If the vein is hard to find, you can take the HCG from another location. The amount of material collected is about 5 ml.

Analysis of urine

For self-determination of pregnancy is carried out on urine human chorionic gonadotropin. To do this in the pharmacy you can buy strip-bars, digital or tape machines.

Home pregnancy tests

With regard to the strip bars, they are 3-4 days after the delay. These tests are low-cost options, so the level of sensitivity they have a low. In addition, this kind of tests make it possible only to determine the presence or absence of pregnancy, information about the condition of the fetus and the location can not provide. They come in several types:

  • are lowered into the container with the urine;
  • jet.

For the use of cluster tests need to pipette with urine to drip on the bag. Determine the level of hCG to delay menses and can use the digital device.

How to decipher the result

HCG in the pregnant woman's body appears already after 8 hours after fertilization. A blood test for hCG will show the pregnancy or not. In addition, regular tests of HCG will mark the possible deviations in the development of the fetus, determine the health problems of the future mother.

Deciphering the test results

Engage in decoding the received tests should the doctor. Only he can determine if all is normal in a pregnant woman. In deciphering the forms of research should be considered singleton or multiple pregnancy. When twins harboring hCG levels will be higher than at 1 harboring the fetus.

For women planning to become a mother, developed a special table, which takes into account the day after ovulation (DPO) and hCG levels. There is no such an increase in indicators such as pregnant women, and the countdown begins on the 7th day of the cycle.

Uniform standards hCG level does not exist in the different clinics their standards. However, there is a table with approximate numbers that specify matching the results obtained with the standard of each week.

Given that the exact date of conception learn hard, gynecologists as determining the date of taking the first day of the last menstrual period. In this case, obstetric gestational age starts with ovulation. As for the analysis of hCG, then using it determined the exact date of embryo development. This is due to the fact that since the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall hormone levels begin to rise significantly. Therefore, in the table indicate fetal rather than maternity period.

In the first trimester figure rises almost 60% in a few days. This continues growth rate up to 12 weeks, after which the level of hCG starts to decrease. Women who have passed the analysis and it turned out non-pregnant, see in the form of research figure 5 IU or less. If a woman is losing hCG day before menstruation, she can get rates from 5 to 25 IU, which means that the likelihood of an inaccurate conception.

When the hormone level of 25 IU or more, it means that the woman will soon become a mother.

Regardless of the period, a blood test should be done again in the same clinic, where for the first time. Reduced amounts of the hormone indices occur when there is a possibility of child development disorders. You also need to pay attention to the inflated figures: these figures do not necessarily indicate good. If a woman is not pregnant with twins (triplets), in such cases there may be a disease or Down's syndrome in the fetus or Edwards diabetes and genetic problems in the mother.

Possible mistakes

100% guarantee can not provide any analysis. An error may be due to negligence of staff or if the patient's disease. In this case, allocate 2 errors options: false-positive and false-negative results.

false positive result

Causes of false positive results:

  • the presence of a tumor in the breast or ovaries women;
  • prolonged use of hormonal drugs, which led to a hormonal crash.

Analysis of hCG will this result in only 2% of the female.

false-negative result

If the expectant mother a blood test shows no pregnancy, such a result is called a false negative. It occurs in the following cases:

  • if an error has been identified for medical staff during the reception of the analysis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • at the time of the test in the early stage of analysis may give the wrong result;
  • in the pathological development of the placenta.

To understand whether a pregnant woman, it is necessary to repeat the procedure in a few days.

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