Vulva in women: Symptoms, photo, treatment regimen

Vulva in women: Symptoms, photo, treatment regimen

Vulva in women - it is a disease in which the inflammatory process affects the vulva.Illness causes discomfort and can lead to the appearance of c...

How to treat closed comedones on the face: photo, treatment and prevention

How to treat closed comedones on the face: photo, treatment and prevention

Closed comedones - a problem familiar to many. They appear on the face and can spread even on the back. The reason for their appearance can be str...

Water corn: what to do and how to be treated at home

Water corn: what to do and how to be treated at home

Blisters appear on the human body in the form of bubbles, within which there is a clear liquid. Most often their formation causes friction or mech...

Contact dermatitis: Picture, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

Contact dermatitis: Picture, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

Contact dermatitis called skin diseases associated with exposure to external factors (temperature, radiation, irritants, salts of certain metals)....

Bartholinitis: photo, symptoms and treatment at home

Bartholinitis: photo, symptoms and treatment at home

Bartolini - is an inflammatory pathology, associated usually with reduced immune defense or sexually transmitted diseases. Bartholin glands become...

Ovarian apoplexy - the first symptoms, causes and treatment options

Ovarian apoplexy - the first symptoms, causes and treatment options

Apoplexy - it is a rare disease found in individuals of 15-45 years, but often suffer from this ailment 20-35 - year old women. In practice, there...

Uterine adenomyosis: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Uterine adenomyosis: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

uterine adenomyosis (internal endometriosis) - uterine disease benign nature, in which diagnose pathological proliferation inner mucosa layer Body...

Pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer: symptoms, treatment, chronic, acute

Pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer: symptoms, treatment, chronic, acute

pancreatitis 21Is it possible to have sweet or bell pepper stuffed with pancreatitis Pancreatitis - is an inflammatory process that attacks the pan...

Corticosteroids: what kind of drugs list, inhaled, topical, nasal drops, ointments, pills. Functions as act side effects

Corticosteroids: what kind of drugs list, inhaled, topical, nasal drops, ointments, pills. Functions as act side effects

Corticosteroids - drugs for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. They have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling effect, quickly relieve ...

Feminal. Reviews of women in menopause. How to take the tablets, suppositories, contraindications. Price analogues

Feminal. Reviews of women in menopause. How to take the tablets, suppositories, contraindications. Price analogues

Female body in a certain time span of life, starting at 40 and ending 50 years, enters menopause mode (menopause). This means that the reproductive...

Phytoestrogens for women after 40-50. Drugs, food and herbs, tablets, plants at menopause, osteoporosis, menopause. List Rating

Phytoestrogens for women after 40-50. Drugs, food and herbs, tablets, plants at menopause, osteoporosis, menopause. List Rating

Question the effectiveness of phytoestrogens to maintain normal levels of hormones in women after 40 years still remains open. Manufacturers of dru...

Stomach disease that is treatable

Stomach disease that is treatable

Gastritis 26Symptoms of chronic gastritis in adults and how you can cure stomach forever Chronic gastritis - it is a common condition characterized...