Female Diseases

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. The causes of adolescent girls 18 years of age, women 30-40, after taking birth control pills, birth, breastfeeding

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Violation of the internal organs occurs is influenced by many factors. Signs of failure in the body can be considered as: chronic fatigue, systematic headaches, change menstruatsionnogo cycle in women. Causes of ill health can serve as infectious diseases, changing climatic conditions, taking medicines.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is considered normal cycle?
  • 2 Causes of dysfunction
    • 2.1 Pregnancy
    • 2.2 Stress
    • 2.3 Acclimatization
    • 2.4 Changing the way life
    • 2.5 Weight gain or dramatic weight loss
    • 2.6 Infectious and respiratory diseases
    • 2.7 hormonal disorders
    • 2.8 Taking medicines
    • 2.9 gynecological diseases
    • 2.10 Childbirth or abortion
  • 3 How can manifest violation of the cycle?
    • 3.1 Cycle disorders in adolescents
    • 3.2 Impaired cycle at premenopausal
    • 3.3 Disturbances due to hormonal drugs
    • 3.4 Violations after childbirth and breastfeeding
  • 4 Features monthly treatment of disorders in adolescents
  • 5 Features of treatment of disorders of the cycle in women of childbearing age
  • 6 How to stop bleeding during menopause
  • 7 Traditional medicine in the menstrual cycle
  • insta story viewer
  • 8 Complications of menstrual disorders
  • 9 Helpful videos about the causes of menstrual disorders

What is considered normal cycle?

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle, the causes of which are not always clear, and the potential problems associated with this phenomenon, excite any woman. Is there cause for concern, every girl can identify, compare your monthly cycle with normal secretions in healthy women.

Indicators of the number of days in a menstrual period may range from 21 to 35 days. Deviations from the norm established by the Association of Gynecologists 2 days in one direction or another is not considered a hormonal imbalance, if the cycle is regular. Blood loss during the whole period of menstruation should not exceed 80 ml.

The menstrual cycle is divided into phases:

Phase The processes occurring in the organism duration
menstrual phase Rejection occurs topsheet inner wall of the endometrium are observed bleeding from the vagina. From 3 to 7 days
follicular phase Starting coincides with the menstrual phase. In ovarian follicle is formed, wherein oocyte maturation begins From 12 to 16 days
ovulatory phase Follicle ruptures, releasing the mature egg that is completely ready for fertilization. From 3 to 5 days
luteal phase It begins active development of hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are involved in the preparation of the body for the next pregnancy. 11-15 days.

Causes of dysfunction

Any changes in the clinical picture of the flow of menses themselves do not indicate the presence of disease, but it is a signal about possible hormonal changes in a woman's body. Factors affecting hormones, are diverse in nature.


Monthly blood discharge in healthy women suggests that the mature egg remains unfertilized and pregnancy has not occurred. Place on the inner wall of the uterus, prepared for attachment and subsequent development of the fetus, and it becomes unnecessary tissue (endometrium) begins to flake. Pieces of endometrial extend outwardly along with blood and mucus.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle may occur due to occurrence of conception. Female body begins to produce increased amounts of hormones, causing cessation of menses. After fertilization, the egg attaches to the endometrial tissue for subsequent development.

All function of the uterus aimed at preserving fruit to full maturity. After pregnancy menstruation stops completely. Exceptions are spotting in the first month of pregnancy.

This phenomenon occurs when conception occurs at the end of the cycle. All subsequent menstrual period in a pregnant woman are absent. Absence of menstruation in a pregnant woman is normal. Any changes to the nature of secretions require consulting a gynecologist.


Menstruation - one of the most important indicators of the health of women. In stressful situations, the body is a sharp release of the stress hormone - cortisol. Excess cortisol affects the production of estrogen and progesterone. By changing the amount of sex hormones in a woman's body breaks menstruatsionny cycle.

The consequence is a violation of deterioration of health, changes in the length and profuse discharge.


The process of habituation of the organism to new climatic conditions in women is much more acute than in men. To work all body systems affected by environmental factors and their change effects on health.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding
  1. Change in atmospheric pressure (flights).
  2. Changing time zones.
  3. Increasing or sharp decrease of temperature.
  4. Air humidity.
  5. Changing the background radiation.

Stressful elements cause a weakened immune system, exacerbation of chronic disease occurs more frequently than in the familiar surroundings. Delayed or prolonged absence of menstruation - a sign that the woman is in a state of acclimatization.

This is a reversible process, which is reduced as soon as the body adapts to the unusual changes. Deficiency of hormones produced by the body in the acclimatization period, leading to poor and erratic secretions (unstable monthly).

Changing the way life

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle reason is to change the traditional way of life, able to influence on the general condition of the whole organism. At the wrong way of life affects not only the reproductive system, but brain activity, digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding
  1. A frequent cause of delay becomes monthly general intoxicationWhich occurs when consuming large quantities of alcohol and tobacco use. Bad habits destructive effect on all the systems and organs of humans and are irreversible. Failure of the menstrual cycle caused by acclimatization, normal self after the body getting used to the new living conditions. Liver, heart and kidneys, which gradually eroded under the influence of alcohol are not able to recover on their own. The female body is the general condition of health, as an undesirable time for conception and the preservation of the fruit. Production of hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg is reduced and there is a failure of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Drug and reception of various psychotropic substancesWhich depress the nervous and brain activity, affect the mental state of a woman (irritability, mood swings, depression) affect the reproductive function.
  3. Harmful chemicals is a threat to the health of the pregnant woman and the unborn baby. Women have long worked in hazardous work, often suffer from unstable menstrual cycle.
  4. Excessive exercise a negative impact on women's health. Do not confuse useful physical education with daily hard training professional athletes. Women who devoted his life to the sport, are often faced with the problem of procreation.

Weight gain or dramatic weight loss

Cyclic changes in a woman's body indicate the health of the whole organism. When all in the normal range, Menstruation passes without deviation, just in time. As soon as there is a malfunction of an organ, there is a change in the reproductive system.

The cause of gynecological problems can become overweight. Adipose tissue contains a large number of fat cells. In these cells, there is a complex mechanism of female sex hormones conversion of the male hormone - testosterone. The level of testosterone in obese men exceeds the rate of 3 times.

The body can not convert in time such a large number of male hormones, which leads to an incorrect ratio of male and female hormones. excess testosterone in women leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, increased growth of body hair, infertility.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding
Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle may be due to drastic weight loss or weight gain.

A large amount of estrogen in obesity leads to a proliferation of endometrial tissue and its incomplete exclusion after monthly. mucosal residues accumulate in the uterus, are sealed, which leads to the development of hyperplasia (a precancerous state). The risk of uterine cancer in women who are obese, 10 times more than the comfort, the weight of which is within the normal range.

The fight against excess weight should be carried out under the supervision of a nutritionist and an endocrinologist. Sudden weight loss leads to metabolic disorders and hormonal balance. If the wrong weight loss uterus and ovaries decrease in size, which leads to the development of gipomenorei.

Cessation of menstruation for a long time can lead to infertility. If there was a random fact to combat obesity and dramatic weight loss led to a breakdown or the termination of the menstrual cycle, you should immediately consult a doctor. To lose weight should be gradual, giving the body a chance to adapt to the physiological changes.

Infectious and respiratory diseases

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle, the causes of which are often associated with the transferred colds and infectious diseases, is not a long-term and recovers quickly. The immune system is weakened after the fight against viral infection and delay may occur monthly. The cycle of fully recovering after 1 or 2 months without further treatment.

If the cycle is not normal during this time, you need to consult a doctor.

hormonal disorders

The main body responsible for hormone production, is the thyroid gland. Female reproductive system - a balanced-oiled machine. Any imbalance causes a delay menstruation. Latency is the original signal about malfunctions in the body.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding

cycle crashes frequently in women reveal a violation of the hormonal balance. Thyroid disorders mainly affect the operation of the reproductive system in women. Insufficient thyroid activity causes dysfunction of the ovaries, preventing the corpus luteum formation and development of the egg.

  • Gipomenoreya can be observed - a significant reduction in the total amount of menstrual fluid.
  • Some patients complain of oligomenorrhea - reducing monthly to 1 day.
  • Opsomenoreya - period of time between periods is increased up to 9 weeks.
  • Spaniomenoreya - menstruation occur from 2 to 5 times a year.
  • In rare cases increased bleeding.

Most often, in advanced cases develop amenorrhea. It is the complete cessation of menses. If not promptly seek medical care and do not start the recovery of the hormonal balance of the first signs of malfunction of the thyroid gland, the consequences will be irreversible.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle, the causes of which lie in an imbalance of hormones, can be cured only with the help of hormonal methods. A woman needs to remember that the monthly cycle - is a sensor reading the state of health of the whole organism. Good results have been observed in the treatment of thyroid hormones.

Taking medicines

A common cause of menstrual cycle becomes unstable medications of different spectrum. Nature of the discharge and its duration vary depending on the destination of the drug.

  1. Substances that contribute to thinning the blood and reducing the risk of blood clots, affect the amount of bleeding. The discharge becomes more abundant and menstruation duration increases.
  2. Correctly selected oral contraceptives stabilize the menstrual cycle. Long-term use of contraceptive pills leads to a reduction in the duration and profuse discharge.
  3. While taking antidepressants may experience a delay, and the allocation look leaner.
  4. Hemostatic drugs are sometimes prescribed for heavy bleeding. Their use reduces the amount of precipitates.
  5. Anti-ulcer medications may affect the stability of the cycle.
  6. To delay or early onset of critical days can affect antibiotic treatment. most of these symptoms are observed in women with initially unstable cycle.

gynecological diseases

The causes of instability of the reproductive organs are often rooted in the presence of a woman's gynecological diseases. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, are likely culprit unstable monthly cycle.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding
  1. Too plentiful monthly (hypermenorrhoea) may indicate the presence of endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes in the genital organs.
  2. Changing the nature and course of menstruation occurs during infection of communicable diseases. Chlamydia, candida, gonorrhea and many other similar diseases often enter the body through the genital tract. Course of the disease may not manifest itself, which complicates the process of treatment. Regularly donating smear microscopic examination with a view to possible time to prevent the spread of infection and begin treatment.
  3. The endocrine system is an efficient mechanism for the production of hormones. The adrenal glands, ovaries and thyroid gland produces hormones that are responsible for oocyte maturation and embryo development. At failures in the work of one of the organs of the endocrine system is disrupted the reproductive activity of the organism, and the first sign of an imminent problem is the delay and the changing nature of menstruation.
  4. Neoplasms of different nature, located in the uterus, ovaries or cervix without timely diagnosis not only lead to infertility but also to cancerous lesions to internal organs.

The presence of gynecological diseases every woman can be identified by a change in the nature of menstruation, Durability and profuse discharge happen unexpected bleeding at mid-cycle, sharp pain in the abdomen or lower back.

Childbirth or abortion

Menstrual dysfunction observed in women after childbirth or abortion. After the birth of a child in a woman's body begins to develop active hormone prolactin, regulating the quantity and quality of breast milk.

Prolactin inhibits the formation of hormones responsible for follicle formation and training of reproductive system of women for pregnancy and childbearing, so the first few months after delivery period does not It begins. The process of renewal month after delivery depends on the duration of breastfeeding.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding

The earlier cease milk production, the faster the menstrual cycle. Too early menstruation (less than 2 months after the birth) may indicate gynecological deviations and requires a doctor's advice.

Abortion surgical or medical intervention technique represents a streamlined body work. abortion procedure aims to rejection of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

Drug intervention suspends the production of progesterone and entails rejection ovum with the endometrial tissue, surgery involves mechanical removal embryo. Restoring hormonal process should take place under medical supervision.

The moment of abortion is considered to be the first day of the menstrual cycle. If before the abortion cycle was 27 days first period to begin 27 days after the procedure. Stabilization of the cycle is reduced from 2 to 7 months. The reason for the reference to the doctor is the absence of menstruation for more than 2 months after the abortion.

How can manifest violation of the cycle?

A woman's body is like clockwork. If there are no health problems, it works like clockwork. The menstrual cycle reflects the health of the whole organism. Delay of menstruation for more than 10 days is considered a deviation.

Cycle disorders in adolescents

Puberty occurs in girls aged 10-15 years, depending on the region of residence.

The first menstruation are accompanied by unusual and unpleasant symptoms for adolescents:

  1. Pain in the breast.
  2. Swelling of the nipples.
  3. Heightened emotionality and mood swings.
  4. Cramping in the lower abdomen.
  5. Irregular cycles.
Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding

Cyclical stabilization is established after 1-3 years after menarche.

Impaired cycle at premenopausal

When a woman's ability to bear children is becoming irrelevant due to aging, reproductive function begins to slowly turn off. Premenopausal mean a gradual reduction in the amount of hormones produced and gradual cessation of menstruation.

  1. Among the first symptoms premenopausal include reducing fluid levels.
  2. Starts to fall from 1 to 3 cycles, then again resumed menses.
  3. Nature of the discharge is constantly changing: severe bleeding of one cycle are replaced by barely noticeable brown-brown traces of the following month.
Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding

If you notice such symptoms should visit a gynecologist to rule out gynecological diseases and uterine bleeding.

Disturbances due to hormonal drugs

Women taking gormonosoderzhaschie drugs face violations menstruatsionnogo cycle due to changes in the amount of hormones in the blood. The body needs time to adapt to the changing hormonal background.

Oral contraceptives and other hormonal drugs should begin to take on the advice of experienced professionals, while serious violations can be avoided. In the case of adverse effects the doctor may suggest medication change.

Adaptation of the organism to the hormonal drug in women manifests itself in different ways:

  1. Increased bleeding.
  2. Amenorrhea.
  3. Changing the duration of bleeding.
  4. Painful menstruation flow.

Violations after childbirth and breastfeeding

On the recovery cycle after the delivery will take time. There are no specific rules the onset of menstruation after childbirth. It all depends on the state of health of mothers and of milk production. Prolactin regulates milk production during lactation, however, prevents the production of estrogen.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding

A female hormone produced in the ovary begins as stopping breastfeeding. If the gynecologist excludes obstetrical complications, the separation, shown in 3-4 weeks after the birth of a baby can be called menstruation. When breastfeeding is delayed, menarche may occur in 1.5-2 years.

  1. The first spotting resembling menstruation, scanty and short-lived.
  2. After menarche may occur a break of several months.
  3. Unstable cycle, determine the onset of menstruation, followed by very difficult.
  4. Complete recovery usually occurs spustya1-2 cycle year after delivery.

Features monthly treatment of disorders in adolescents

Monthly cycle in girls set for 2 years. If this does not occur and transient teen cycle is a concern, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the treatment. Normalize hormonal teenager need with extreme caution. Treatment can take a long time.

Effectively it affects the body teenager herbal preparation Cyclodynon regulating the production of sex hormones. receiving rate is from 3 months to full recovery cycle. Contraindication may serve as drug idiosyncrasy.

Features of treatment of disorders of the cycle in women of childbearing age

Before proceeding to the treatment of menstrual disorders, the doctor prescribes a full examination to determine the nature of the origin of the disease.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding
  1. When hormone levels decline reason lies in infectious diseases of internal organs (Liver, lung, kidney) or systems (circulatory, digestive, cardiovascular) appointed antibiotics.
  2. If violations of the cycle is to blame a weakened immune system, prescribers to strengthen it. The patient was prescribed physical education, health tempering procedures and vitamins.
  3. If during the inspection hormonal disorders are established, the doctor will prescribe drugs gormonosoderzhaschie.
  4. Inflammation of internal genital organs are treated with antibacterial drugs.

How to stop bleeding during menopause

After menopause some time come menstruation, so a woman can not always determine the start time of uterine bleeding. The origin of this disease may be related to diseases of the reproductive system women, as well as with other internal diseases.

It is important to accurately determine a diagnosis and prescribe treatment correctly.

From folk remedies in cases of minor deviations help to reduce the heavy discharge and normalize hormone levels herbs can help:

  1. Horsetail.
  2. Nettle.
  3. Yarrow.
  4. Shepherd's purse.
  5. Rosehip.
  6. Tansy.
Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding

Fees from plants have a hemostatic effects. Any treatment should be used after consulting a doctor.

Traditional medicine in the menstrual cycle

Menstrual disorders may be different. Traditional methods have proven to be an effective adjuvant in parallel with the medical drugs. In some cases, the herbs help to get rid of the disease at home, but to avoid complications, it is better to visit a gynecologist.

  1. Since ancient times, women bleeding successfully treated with a decoction of nettles. Leaves of the plant cover with water and boil for 10 minutes. After cooking, you need to drink during the day 1 cup of liquid in small sips.
  2. Painful periods are transferred more easily if the first day to drink the infusion of the leaves of celery. The green part of the plant to crush and pour boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 3 times a day for 1 st. lodges.
  3. When an unstable cycle will help the infusion of marigold flowers. Inflorescence 2 tbsp. lodges. Pour a glass of boiling water and infuse 30 minutes. Regular intake of such medicine, not only normalizes cycle, but is a preventive measure against cancers.
  4. Meager allocation will bounce back, if within 3 weeks of use a decoction of onion peel. Prepare a strong decoction and drink on an empty stomach every morning, 1 times a day before meals.
  5. When severe blood loss can use a decoction of the leaves of raspberry. Means you need to drink half a cup 2-3 times a day.

Complications of menstrual disorders

Menstrual irregularities, irrespective of the causes, can not be ignored. Any change in the cycle is a signal disturbances in the body.

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle. Reasons for adolescents, women after birth control, childbirth, breastfeeding

Long-term deviations without treatment can lead to tragic consequences:

  1. Benign or malignant neoplasms.
  2. Miscarriages.
  3. Ovarian dysfunction.
  4. Obstruction of pipes.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy.
  6. Infertility.

Disruption of reproductive function is a serious problem for many women. During menstruatsionnogo cycle of instability in adolescents need to be especially careful in time to eliminate possible pathologies. In childbearing age gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes can lead to infertility and the formation of cancer cells.

After menopause the appearance of blood from the genitalia may be indicative of serious health problems. At any age, a violation of the menstrual cycle in women is a symptom of some complications. To establish the cause and appropriate treatment will help the doctor.

Helpful videos about the causes of menstrual disorders

9 reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle:

What inspections are necessary in case of violation of the menstrual cycle:

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