Female Diseases

Month 2 times a month. The reason for the beginning and end of the month after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy

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Month 2 times per month, and other violations of the cycle occurs in 50-75% of young and 70-90% of adult women. Although in most cases they are alone, in a third of cases, the reason - in pathology.

The content of the article:

  • 1 When the menstrual cycle is normal
  • 2 When the month, 2 times a month are the norm
    • 2.1 pregnancy
    • 2.2 The use of the Navy
    • 2.3 Use of oral contraceptives
    • 2.4 birth
    • 2.5 climacteric
    • 2.6 Cancel hormonal preparations
  • 3 When the month is considered part?
  • 4 The causes of variances are not considered disorders
  • 5 Pathologies that cause frequent menstruation, their symptoms
    • 5.1 Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries
    • 5.2 Cervical erosion
    • 5.3 hysteromyoma
    • 5.4 Endometrial hyperplasia (adenomyosis)
    • 5.5 Polyps in the cervix or the endometrium
    • 5.6 Hormonal disbalance
    • 5.7 endometriosis
    • 5.8 uterine malignancy
    • 5.9 Miscarriage
    • 5.10 Ectopic pregnancy
    • 5.11 Coagulation failure
  • 6 When in violation of the frequency of menstruation is necessary to consult a doctor
  • 7 The more dangerous the frequent menstruation?
  • 8 Videos about the causes and treatments of frequent menstruation
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When the menstrual cycle is normal

The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. But because the body of every woman is different, the rules may vary from 21 to 35 days. The most abundant menses occur in the first 2 days, after which they gradually become spreadable.

They should not consist only of clots and be unnatural orange, grayish or even slightly colored.

In addition, the menstrual period should be:

  • last for 3-5 days, in some cases - 2-7 days;
  • to advance through the same number of days within a tolerance of up to 5 days in the upward or downward;
  • not bring significant discomfort as expressed in a pelvic pain, lower back or abdomen;
  • be scarce or too heavy (number of daily blood loss is from 40 to 80 ml, for all days - not more than 250 ml; find out the exact amount of blood by using menstrual cup with graduations, which holds up to 43 ml precipitates), normally the number of used sanitary napkins should not exceed 4 per day.
Month 2 times a month. The reasons after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy

The menstrual cycle is divided into 4 phases. Each of them is characterized by certain processes.

follicular ovulatory luteal menstrual
It formed the follicle - a substance involved in the maturation of the new egg. It begins with the onset of menstruation and lasts 7-22 days (average 14). At this time also updated the endometrium in the uterus. Mature egg is released from the follicle and is omitted uterus. The process takes 24-48 hours. During this period, most likely to get pregnant. There may be light pain in the abdomen. Approximately 11 to 16 day intensive produced estrogen and progesterone, preparing the body for pregnancy. Likely manifestations of PMS: irritation, alternating with apathy, edema. If fertilization has not occurred, the uterus rejects the egg together with the old layer of the endometrium, which is accompanied by bleeding and ends usually on day 5. In these days of abstaining from sexual activity to avoid the ingestion of infection.

To keep track of these phases in their body and identify possible biases, women are advised to conduct monthly calendar, fixing dates all the symptoms and menstrual days.

When the month, 2 times a month are the norm

Month 2 times a month, which is the reason for about 30% of women is not pathological, are classified as intermenstrual bleeding. They observed shortly before menstruation or shortly after their completion, but more often - in the middle of a cycle (10-16 days). This spotting, lasting 12-72 hours.

Month 2 times a month. The reasons after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy

But if after this time the bleeding does not stop, and even intensified, we need to see a gynecologist. Cause they can be sudden changes in estrogen levels in the body, which weakens the endometrium and can lead to severe blood loss. For correcting hormone levels prescribe drugs that regulate the production of estrogen.


Cause blood vaginal discharge before period is due can be implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. The hallmark of such discharge - a grayish-brown color.

Their role - to protect the vagina from the penetration of infection pregnant. The probability of conception increases, if they were unprotected sexual acts this month. The final conclusion can be made after examination by a gynecologist.

The use of the Navy

Prolonged and frequent (2-3 times per month) bleeding after installing intrauterine device may be the body's response to a foreign object. They are not menstrual, and if repeated over five consecutive cycles, it is desirable to remove the coil and consult a gynecologist about other contraceptive methods.

Month 2 times a month. The reasons after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy

If the allocation is not spreadable and heavy, consult your doctor about the need to extract the spiral immediately. Otherwise, possible perforation of the uterus, caused by damage of intrauterine tissues.

Use of oral contraceptives

The first 2-3 months in 40% of cases after the start of the use of oral contraceptives minor blood separation may occur up to three times a month. Lining of the uterus becomes loose and deformed, it begins to bleed for about 7 days.

This usually occurs when using small doses of combined means after the first and second packageAnd if you accidentally pass in the pill.

This is a natural reaction to the action of artificial hormones, which later time (up to 6 months) must adapt to their influence. In 5% of cases of a minor part of the selection of blood can last more than six months and be seen as a normal variant.


During pregnancy, the hormones a woman is constantly changing, so after the birth of a baby in the body begins recovery period of all systems, which takes about six months. The first 3-4 days there is a discharge of the cleansing of the uterus bleeding from the vagina - lochia, similar to menstrual.

They are associated with the healing of damaged tissue at the site of the placenta breakaway. From the 4th to the 10th day, they acquire serous shade from the 10th and then - a yellowish-white, and their volume decreases. 5-8 weeks postpartum discharge stop.

Month 2 times a month. The reasons after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy

Resumption of menstruation after childbirth occurs after 6-9 weeks in the absence of breastfeeding. In lactating women menstruation begins after 11-18 months. In any case, the first 2-3 months (in the presence of a lactation and up to six months) monthly cycle may be uneven: menstruation can go as 2 times a month and stay for a few weeks, which is quite acceptable.

If the woman continues to feed a child under 2 years of age, especially multiple times a day, can be monthly scarce and irregular until the completion of feeding of maintaining the body's increased production prolactin. These trends are observed in those who have had a caesarean section, and are the physiological norm.


In menopause due to hormonal changes in the body as the periods may be two-fold, and irregular, then with abundant, the smearing of blood secretions, short (up to 2 days) and long (up to 7 days) duration.

This happens due to the gradual extinction of the functions of the ovaries, which reduce the production of estrogen, which is the first signs of aging. At some point, periods may even stop for a year. Menopause usually begins at 45-50 years and completed in 2-10 years.

Month 2 times a month. The reasons after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy

He is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • tides (Each lasting about 5 minutes), accompanied by fever and feeling of heat, which are replaced by chills and sweats.
  • Weight gain: to some extent, estrogen is produced at the expense of adipose tissue and the body it accumulates in order to maintain optimum amount of hormones.
  • lowering the performance, Drowsiness, irritability, mood swings.
  • Jumps in blood pressure due to deterioration of the absorption of calcium, which is accompanied by an increased risk of heart disease, osteoporosis.
  • Decreased libido, Brittle hair, loss of skin elasticity due to dryness of mucous membranes and epithelial tissues, increased hair growth on the face and body, caused by a decrease in the level of female hormones.

There are instances of these symptoms after 40 years. This indicates the occurrence of early menopause and requires medical intervention.

Cancel hormonal preparations

Withdrawal bleeding - is artificially caused by menstruation, occurring after the end or break in reception of hormonal contraceptives (such as postinor) at prescribed scheme. The reason may be, and "artificial" removal of the drug, when, due to vomiting or diarrhea occurs absorption of hormonal components in the body.

If the amount of discharge is not above the allowed rate, so the body's response is considered normal.

Cases and quite heavy bleeding mid-cycle because of receiving progestogens (Djufaston, visa, Utrozhestan) to become pregnant or to establish a monthly cycle. They are called "breakthrough bleeding", the cause of which - an increase in progesterone function, leading to increased endometrial atrophy and weaken hemostatic functions.

Month 2 times a month. The reasons after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy

This may be the first reaction to the drug: in the treatment of hormonal balance should stabilize. But if serious bleeding or discharge continues more than a week, you need to take a styptic and seek medical advice.

When the month is considered part?

When menstruation occurs earlier than 21 days, counting from the beginning of the cycle, they are often called. The arrival of early menstruation may be due to progesterone deficiency, which caused the formation of broken yellow body, and the endometrium is not sufficiently mature to egg implantation has occurred, causing menstrual bleeding. Then the second phase of the cycle is incomplete and monthly occur prematurely.

The causes of variances are not considered disorders

Month 2 times a month a teenager usually cause unstable hormonal levels, which is normal in the period sexual development and indicates the formation of the menstrual cycle, the length of which can vary up to sexual maturation. Disturbing symptom is just excessive bleeding.

Pathologies that cause frequent menstruation, their symptoms

Common underlying causes of increased frequency of menstrual function is physical exhaustion, impaired metabolism, obesity, vitamin deficiency, stress. They can cause secondary disorders in gynecologic field. On the symptoms of such diseases, see below.

Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries

Menses 2 times a month, the cause of which lies in the inflammatory processes in the pelvis, accompanied by additional features:

  • back pain;
  • heat;
  • painful intercourse;
  • stool and digestive disorders (vomiting);
  • the oppressive feeling of pain in the pelvis, abdomen;
  • pain, burning, discomfort during urination;
  • itching in the vagina, swelling, redness of the vulva and mucous;
  • profuse uterine isolation with mucus and pus, odor, yellowish turbid tint sometimes clotted, the blood, and small air bubbles.

Below - specific examples of such diseases.

Cervical erosion

Fairly common disease that is detected, according to the same statistics, approximately one third of women of all ages. At first, it may proceed hidden, but can be detected when viewed gynecologist who identifies shallow ulcers in the uterine cavity. In the next stages of the disease increases the excretion of urine, blood may appear after sexual intercourse, pain in the abdomen pulling character.


This formation of benign nature, growing on average, the muscle layer of the uterus - the myometrium. When the pathology observed sided pain: in the abdomen, legs, backache, during sex.

Month 2 times a month. The reasons after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy

The specific symptoms present without fail, include:

  • swelling of the abdomen;
  • heavy bleeding during menstruation;
  • disorders of defecation and urination due to pressure of the tumor to adjacent organs.

Endometrial hyperplasia (adenomyosis)

The most common symptom of the disease - long (sometimes - up to a month) uterine bleeding, which usually begin in the middle of the cycle with a meager selections. Although their intensity varies with time, they lead to the development of anemia. If these symptoms occur after menopause, they clearly are not menstruating.

Polyps in the cervix or the endometrium

This is a benign tumor of origin, associated with the growth of the endometrium - mucous membrane. May be either single or multiple, size of from 1 to 80 mm. It looks like a rounded education on a broad or thin stalk; It is easily visible on ultrasound of the uterus. Sometimes polyps develop on the background of other pathologies such as endometriosis.

Usually, the disease is asymptomatic, but can detect such signs (which, it should be noted, are characteristic for other pathologies):

  • white discharge from the uterus;
  • insufficient or too plentiful monthly;
  • pain arising during physical exertion, or during intercourse.

Hormonal disbalance

The probability of occurrence of endocrine disorders increases with age, and in many of their symptoms are the same as in menopause. When found necessary to consult with the endocrinologist, as is often the cause of hormonal disorders are the disorders of the thyroid gland.

If the doctor will not reveal her hosts and other neoplasms, bring hormones back to normal will be taking hormonal or homeopathic remedies. It should be noted that upon the occurrence of menopause hormones adjustment is required: Menopause - a natural process, and all you can do is to reduce the symptoms of pain.


Endometriosis - a disease characterized by the gradual growth of endometrial tissue in the uterus. At first, the disease takes a long time without evidence, but later struck epithelium can spread throughout the body and infect the ovaries or bladder. In this case, the affected organs also start to bleed.

Month 2 times a month. The reasons after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy
Menses may come 2 times a month in the presence of endometriosis.

In the next stage, along with heavy menstrual periods (in> 50% of cases) joined pain:

  • in the uterus during sex;
  • anus during defecation;
  • in the urinary canal when the emission of urine;
  • in the pelvis, clear or diffuse character, usually worse before menses.

uterine malignancy

Month 2 times a month, the cause of which - malignancies of the fallopian tubes, are more common in women after 40 years. Such bleeding is always abundant, sometimes with a brown tint, accompanied by pain and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, swelling. Also disrupted the work of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested by constipation, bouts of nausea, heartburn.

Later, there is fatigue, weakness. At advanced stages of tumor is detected at palpation in the lower abdomen, weight loss occurs. Therefore, at the first warning signs need to pass ultrasound and examination by a gynecologist pelvic.


The first signs of miscarriage: pink, or (in the worst case) is dense-red spotting. Although such bleeding in moderation are acceptable in the early stages of pregnancy, it is recommended immediately contact your doctor if there are further aggravated abdominal cramps and pain loin.

Ectopic pregnancy

This is a rare pathological phenomenon occurs when the fetus develops in the fallopian tube without reaching the uterus. As a result of the pressure exerted by the fetus, bleeding begins. It can easily be taken for the critical days, since at first the pain may be absent.

Month 2 times a month. The reasons after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy

Nevertheless, there are clear signs of an ectopic pregnancy, which show already between the 4th and 12th weeks of pregnancy (And sometimes at the beginning):

  • dizziness, fainting until;
  • painful defecation and urination;
  • Temporary pain in the abdomen and pelvis, varying in intensity, which is given to other parts of the body such as the neck or arm;
  • different from normal in terms of bleeding - strong or too lean (but it should be remembered that it can be implantation).

Coagulation failure

Frequent and heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) can be caused by a blood disease that is inherited - hemophilia, ie excessive bleeding against the backdrop of poor blood clotting.

Although they no longer suffer from the male line, the symptoms observed in women:

  • excessive bleeding wounds;
  • susceptibility to easy bruising;
  • heavy menstruation longer than 7 days, with clots;
  • tendency to frequent and prolonged bleeding from the nose;
  • strong pain during ovulation and menstruation in the lower abdomen.
Month 2 times a month. The reasons after 40 years in adolescents, after the abolition of duphaston, Postinor, pregnancy

The reason for this disorder can be fibroid or hormonal disorders; they can identify with the help of laboratory examination.

When in violation of the frequency of menstruation is necessary to consult a doctor

Month 2 times a month, the cause of which is definitely abnormal, if the length of the menstrual cycle and the days have changed, as well as the consistency and color selections. To find it, it is better to visit a doctor. Gynecological examination, ultrasound and laboratory tests help to verify the presence of tumors, hormonal and physiological malfunctions, infections.

The more dangerous the frequent menstruation?

Monthly, which are 2 times a month, in the first place puts women risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. The reason is obvious: a woman spends more blood, and with it - and minerals, such as iron. But take hemostatic agents illegally, without a doctor's prescription, yet it is not necessary: ​​it is done only in case, if heavy bleeding starts.

Along with this, take drugs to increase hemoglobin. But we must remember that they are not a substitute hormone treatment, but only help to cope with the consequences of the disorder.

Videos about the causes and treatments of frequent menstruation

Fragment of the program "Live Healthy" of a violation of the menstrual cycle:

Causes and symptoms of uterine fibroids:

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