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Helba. Useful properties and contraindications for women, men. Ingredients how to receive, price, reviews

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Helba - the plant is highly revered in the Arab world, the well-known healers of ancient and modern doctors. Today legume is gaining popularity all over the world thanks to the beneficial properties of "Egyptian tea."

Golden beverage made from helby, not only has a unique flavor, but also pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory properties, warm in winter, refreshing in the heat.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is special about plants
    • 1.1 Which parts helby used for medicinal purposes
    • 1.2 gathering helby
    • 1.3 How to prepare the plant
    • 1.4 Storage conditions
  • 2 Chemical composition
  • 3 medicinal properties
    • 3.1 For men
    • 3.2 For children
    • 3.3 For women
  • 4 Contraindications to receive helby
  • 5 Drugs in pharmacies on the basis of helby
  • 6 Methods of treatment
    • 6.1 Egyptian tea
    • 6.2 Herbal tea from fenugreek
    • 6.3 soaked fruits
    • 6.4 germinated seeds
  • 7 Application helby in folk medicine
    • 7.1 Cardiovascular pathologies
    • 7.2 For the digestive tract
    • 7.3 For the treatment of angina
    • 7.4 from bronchitis
    • 7.5 In diabetes
    • 7.6 In gynecology
    • 7.7 kidney
  • insta story viewer
  • 8 The use of herbs in cosmetics
    • 8.1 Mask for the face
    • 8.2 baldness
    • 8.3 Hair Mask
    • 8.4 breast Augmentation
  • 9 Video of the plant Helba

What is special about plants

Seeds helby give a unique taste of many dishes of Arabic and Indian cuisine. Lightly fried fruit suitable for vegetables, meat, cheese made from them. Under Armenian name chaman seeds are known as spice for a plurality basturma and Caucasian dishes.

Helba - an essential ingredient in the famous teams spice "curry" and "hops-suneli." Fruits are essential for the preparation of traditional Indian dhal soup.

Useful properties of fenugreek shows how therapeutic doses, and in minimal amounts, when using a seasoning. Added to any dish, or grass seeds improve digestion, stimulate the intestines, prevents deposition of stones, accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body.

Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

Helba - a herbaceous annual plant, which is considered the birthplace of Tibet. Industrial cultivation developed in China, Egypt and Iran. In different cultures helba got its name - fungerek, Abish, methi, fenugreek. In the Russian tradition of the plant is called fenugreek. With the Latin botanical name of Trigonella foenum-graecum means "Greek hay".

Culture belongs to the legume family, in nature prefers to grow on clay, stony ground at the foot of the mountains. From helby branched stems about 60 centimeters tall depart trifoliate leaves are egg-shaped on long stalks. Sessile small flowers appear in the leaf axils singly or in pairs.

Of yellowish buds appearing in May, develop long narrow beans containing 20 cylindrical seeds. All parts of the plant have a strong spicy scent with clear nutty flavor.

Cultivation of culture were engaged in ancient Greece and Rome. Special respect deserved grass in the Muslim world. References to culture are found in ancient manuscripts and herbals, the oldest of which over 5 thousand. years. Use plants during Vedic rituals and magic of ancient India.

Which parts helby used for medicinal purposes

Helba exhibit therapeutic properties as when using ripe seeds and in extracts from leaves and shoots. Young sprouts have more culinary use, have a sharp taste. For medicinal formulations collected grass tops developed leaves with no longer than 10 cm.

Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

helby fruits are beans, but have a truncated shape may be rectangular, square, diamond-shaped. Color of mature seeds varies from light yellow to brown. Before using raw beans, it is desirable to warm up for better oil return and grind.

gathering helby

Grassy part of the harvest in the middle of flowering: from mid-May to June. At this time, the green part concentrates the maximum amount of nutrients and flavor of the strongest. Cut top helby processed immediately or dried.

A sign of the product ready for harvest browning is more than half of the pods. After ripening seeds of the plant completely mowed. Dry the whole plant they are threshed, separating the beans. helby fruits require additional drying, without which it is stored for long.

How to prepare the plant

In special kilns seeds is maintained at a temperature of from 40 to 60 ° C for several hours. At home, the beans can be warmed in the oven under the same conditions. After complete cooling air lay the seeds for storage. In dry warm weather grass dried outdoors under a roof. A sign of readiness of raw materials is the ease of painting with your fingers.

Storage conditions

Fragrant plants are best maintained properties when stored in a glass or ceramic ware under tight-fitting lid.

In a dry, cool place without access to sunlight is the raw material for a long time will not lose the qualities:

  • whole beans - about 3 years;
  • dried grass - 2 years;
  • Powdered helba (La Spezia) - up to 1 year.
Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

Seeds before cooking use normally deep fried. it is not recommended in advance. It is better to warm the beans just before use.

Store raw materials are selected on simple criteria:

  • dryness and the flowability of the product;
  • the absence of impurities and foreign bodies;
  • uniform yellow or brown colored particles without atypical.

Hammer helbu desirable to acquire in a sealed bag, providing tightness.

Chemical composition

Useful properties helby detects in accordance with a rich vitamin and mineral composition, the presence of fatty acids, aromatics, other valuable items, some of which unique. Since the plant is a source of galoktomannana, the substance known as a food additive E-417, obtained from beans its second name - "fenugreek gum."

Table, the main active ingredients in the composition:

flavonoids Relieves spasms, inflammation, kill bacteria, heal wounds, enhance the immune response to the presence of cancer cells
Folic acid It enhances the absorption of iron, improves blood count, prevents atherosclerosis
A nicotinic acid Regulates the digestive tract work is involved in protein metabolism
Essential oils and resins Directionally destroy fungi, viruses, bacteria, stimulates the immune system
Lecithin and tannin Accelerate cell renewal, supports all the internal organs
Quercetin and rutin Strong inflammatory agents, improve vascular condition
Fatty acid Protect the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, nourish all the tissues, especially strengthen eyesight and memory

Helba is rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol, which has a positive effect on brain function, it helps fight infections, eliminate beriberi. The iron content of 100 g allows the seed to extract the necessary daily rate that promotes hematopoiesis, removes iron deficiency.

Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

The beans were found significant concentrations of potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, selenium. Kaempferol and apigenin, contained in fruit helby actively influence the cell rejuvenation, anti-wear fabrics. A rare alkaloid trigonelline prevents destruction of nerve tissue, able to recover some brain function.

Nutritional value of the product is about 300 kcal per 100 g of dry beans, more than half of which goes to carbohydrates. It covers almost a third of the necessary energy for a day. Useful light fats make up 10% of the composition, and the rest - the protein. Applying plant diet, should take into account that substances composed helby can enhance the appetite.

medicinal properties

Ancient healers believed that regular consumption of fenugreek helby-can eliminate the need for medication. Multiple healing effect of beans and tea are on the body is confirmed by recent studies of physicians in Europe and America.

Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews
Helba has many useful properties.

Oncologists have confirmed these properties helby:

  • control the level of sugar;
  • decrease in "harmful" cholesterol;
  • binding and neutralizing free radicals.

Not all of the unique properties of the herb scientists can explain its chemical composition. Some effects are not amenable to scientific treatment, but for thousands of years proven usage helby.

Among the treatment effect was observed:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • wound healing;
  • enveloping;
  • antiseptic;
  • diuretic.

Also showed a significant effect of the hormone stimulating as a female, and the male body.

For men

Useful properties helby help not only in the field of women's health, but also can be used to treat men. The high content of saponins causes increased testosterone production, increases libido, increases stamina.

In addition to effects on potency are indicated such effects helby:

  • rapid recovery after injuries and operations;
  • increase athletic endurance;
  • increased physical and mental performance;
  • relieve fatigue, depression correction.

When enhanced sports and physical capacity to cook a lot of useful helbu as porridge or used as a seasoning for other dishes.

For children

Due to the force of impact and influence on the hormonal sphere, official medicine does not recommend helbu for the treatment of children under 7 years of age. For outdoor use no such restriction.

Eastern medicine uses a moderate amount of beans to prevent rickets, strengthening the skeleton and bones. With abdominal pain physicians are advised to drink tea from helby child with milk.

For women

Helbu sometimes is referred to the "female" herbs, because it contains vegetable analogues of estrogen, which makes the grass and fruits beneficial for women's health, can increase breast size.

The main indications for use helby women:

  • painful menstruation;
    Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews
  • "Tides" and other unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • lack of production of breast milk;
  • difficult recovery after childbirth.

It is unacceptable to use fenugreek during pregnancy. A small amount of herbs and beans, taken with food will not cause harm, but to treat it as a tea, or do not apply to the birth. Useful "Egyptian" drink after the onset of labor. Helba enhances the generic activities, some relieve your cramps.

Contraindications to receive helby

There is a relative limit for receiving beans men. Long term or excessive use helby in order to enhance the potency may result in depletion. Precautions should be taken, or grass seeds diabetics - need to consult a doctor, and constant monitoring of sugar levels.

Strict contraindications for helby:

  1. Early pregnancy.
  2. Increased blood clotting.
  3. Fibroids and estrogen-dependent tumors.
  4. Age 7 years.
  5. Allergy.Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

Long-term use or excessive amount can cause flatulence, bloating, hives. Symptoms disappear on their own, but may remain a faint smell of maple syrup in the skin and urine. About taking drugs or food with helboy should tell your doctor before commissioning tests.

Drugs in pharmacies on the basis of helby

Useful properties helby recognized by folk medicine and past research in the best clinics in the world, yet still are not used in traditional medicines. Most often helbu under any of its names (often "fenugreek", "Shambala") can be purchased at health food stores and oriental spices. The price of beans is around 100 rubles per 100 grams of product.

Fenugreek extract (Fenugreek), powder, capsules or liquid solutions plants for cosmetic application US sites offer organic products.

It was found that the use of creatine and fenugreek together, significantly increases physical endurance in athletes. Therefore, the combination of drugs can be found in the sports nutrition stores. Supplements based on helby supplemented with creatine help build upper body muscles, improve the proportions of the figure, to help in the fight against excess fat.

Methods of treatment

Even in the writings of Avicenna helba recognized as a valuable medicine. Cooked apple vinegar beans physician recommended ulcerative processes in the intestines and stomach, oil - in case of tumors, the compositions with honey - intaglio intestinal cleansing, as a diuretic, of hemorrhoids.

The main methods of application helby today - welcome fruit entirely after soaking and germinating bean tea, a variety of teas. The most popular and simple curative drink - yellow fragrant tea.

Egyptian tea

There are several ways to drink brew.

Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

The traditional and most useful of them consider this recipe:

  1. Beans helby pour water and leave for a few hours.
  2. The mixture is heated few minutes, without boiling.
  3. Grains swell and give a liquid coloring.

Tea filter and drink a cup 2 times a day. The swollen beans also can be used as pulp.

For prevention, toning, maintaining immunity in the absence of contraindications, such a beverage can be drunk without interruption.

For the treatment of pathologies already developed the following recipe is used.

Herbal tea from fenugreek

beverage recipe is versatile and can be used for any diseases in which helba shown to receive.


  1. Seeds quickly heated in a frying pan until a light nutty flavor and color changes.
  2. Comminuted plant into powder with the addition of a small amount of water to form a thick paste.
  3. To 200 ml of water is mixed for 1 hour. l. pastes, stirred, boiled for about 3 minutes.
  4. Cooled and the precipitate filtered off.

Hot tea helby warm and cold perfectly quenches thirst, it helps to carry extreme heat. Tea, fenugreek to treat drinking a glass three times a day, stopping the medication every month for at least 1 week. Women should be combined with the monthly breaks to prevent breakthrough bleeding.

soaked fruits

All fetuses helby benefit can be obtained, using it in place of one of the meals without heat treatment. To this end, the fruits are soaked in clean water overnight and eat in the morning instead of breakfast or distribute throughout the day. This breakfast is permanently nourishes, gives strength, elevates mood. Due to the prolonged effect of gastric fullness may be used for weight loss.

germinated seeds

The longest process of preparation - sprouting - provides a real healing effect, cleanses, rejuvenates the body, nourishes all the tissues and organs of the necessary materials.


  1. Clean thin cloth impregnated with water.
  2. Wrap the seeds in a moist cloth.
  3. Placed in a wide bowl, set on top of a small load.
  4. Weighting removed after 3 days and use the seeds as food.
  5. Seedlings can optionally doraschivat further.
Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

Such a useful medicine gets sharpness and a little bitterness. Therefore sprouted helbu often added to dishes like spicy seasoning. Effective such beans for all indications, but especially are often used when a part of blood disorders and women's problems with the reproductive functions.

Application helby in folk medicine

Traditional medicine uses the healing properties of the beans in these states:

  1. Atherosclerosis, ischemia, myocardial infarction, or exhaustion.
  2. Vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency anemia.
  3. Gastritis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.
  4. Liver disease with increased production of "harmful" cholesterol.
  5. Hormonal disorders, gynecological diseases, menopause.
  6. Pyelonephritis, kidney stones and liver of any origin.

Good reception operates plants at work and the condition of the central nervous system nerve fibers. Receiving several cups of tea per day helps helby treat nervous exhaustion, stress, neurosis.

Cardiovascular pathologies

Regular consumption helby helps to strengthen and make the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents the occurrence of cholesterol plaques in the arteries, normalize heart rhythm. Galoktomannan saponin and causes the liver to produce "useful" cholesterol instead of "harmful", we can assume that the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

The abundance of micro and macro elements and nourishes the myocardium can prevent degenerative changes in this important muscle. The best means of helby for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or myocardial recovery are tea or food supplemented with the germinated beans. Fenugreek take through the illness in any way, but at least once a day.

For the digestive tract

Helba has on all the organs of the digestive tract enveloping, cleansing, healing effect. These properties are particularly valuable in various mucosal lesions, ulcers. Tea helby eliminates heartburn at night soaked seeds are easy to digest, increase peristalsis, is removed from the gastrointestinal toxins and poisons.

In the treatment of gastritis, erosive gastritis, other gastric pathologies are drinking "Egyptian" warm tea to 1 cup before each meal. Continue treatment until symptoms disappear. Later, for the prevention of relapses is added to food beans or powder.

When sluggish intestine stagnation, constipation apply soaked fruit to eat every day to avoid unpleasant phenomena.

For the treatment of angina

Antiseptic overlying helby and analgesic properties applicable to a throat in the acute phase treatment of angina.

Recipe for gargling solution:

  1. The crushed beans (you can mixed with grass) pour into a saucepan with boiling water: 2 tbsp. l. 500 ml.
  2. With a slight heating boil for 30 minutes.
  3. Turn off the fire, allow mixture to infuse for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain the broth. Rinse the throat every few hours.
Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

Significant relief occurs after only a few treatments. Local treatment of complement binding ingestion of tea helby to 3 times a day. Tea with lemon and honey will help to reduce the heat.

from bronchitis

In cases involving non-productive cough, fenugreek has expectorant, warming, bactericidal action. Tea is able to quickly alleviate the seizures, improve the expectoration of sputum.

The infusion of fenugreek seeds to enhance the effect include a vegetable raw materials: lime color, tricolor violet grass, fennel seed or elderberry color. Collect up arbitrarily depending on the availability of components, measuring out them equally.

Preparation of medicinal tea:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. grass collection pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Insist about 1.5 hours.
  3. The solution is brought to boiling and boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Drink filtered composition of warm small sips to 3 servings per day.

Yellow tea prepared with all the listed ingredients, able to even win recurrent chronic bronchitis. The course of treatment is not less than 4 weeks.

In diabetes

The composition of the product contains substances galactomannans to prevent the rise in blood sugar. Essential amino acids stimulate the production of its own insulin. These properties are useful in the prediabetic states, and type 1 diabetes. Insulin-dependent form of the disease requires careful application helby.

For the normalization of blood glucose levels and maintaining the functions of the pancreas to drink enough for one cup of Egyptian tea a day. Take a drink on an empty stomach. When diagnosed with diabetes required constant monitoring of indicators of sugar.

In gynecology

For the treatment of diseases of the female genital used as tea, fruit and germinated, it is particularly effective when conceiving problems. Also the internal means of reception of fenugreek prepared douching. Infusion of 2 tbsp. l. beans and cups of boiling water leave for 20 minutes, strain and spend vaginal irrigation up to 2 times a day.

Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

10 procedures helps to restore the vaginal microflora, reduce inflammation. Comprehensive treatment combining reception and inner douching used in such gynecological disorders endometriosis, erosion, pelvic cyst. The course of treatment lasts at least 14 days.


Diuretic effect of tea helby allows you to quickly clear the kidneys and bladder, reduce the risk of infections and reduce inflammation in existing infection. Tea with helboy treat pyelonephritis, avoiding the use of only during exacerbations.

The active ingredients in the composition are capable of gradually dissolving kidney stones of any origin, contribute to the removal of sand. The concentration of medical beans are allowed to increase to 3 tbsp. l. 200 ml. Treatment of pathologies of the long, drink should be taken at least 2 times a day for 30 days. Continue treatment after a 2-week break.

The use of herbs in cosmetics

The inner reception of tea from fenugreek and adding it to food cleanses the skin from the inside. And in the early days of the process is accompanied by intense release of toxins through the pores. Therefore, body odor increases. After a few days the skin becomes cleaner, it is mitigated by acquiring the smell of nuts and maple syrup.

Thus certain cosmetic effects achieved by any treatment helboy, applying tea or spices. Helba exhibit useful properties in conventional washing infusion prepared according to the recipe golden tea. Ingredients noticeably rejuvenates, tightens the skin. A paste of fenugreek is used to massage the problematic areas of the body and get rid of cellulite.

Mask for the face

Universal face mask deeply nourishes the skin, tightens facial contours, a cure for acne, relieves irritation.


  1. Grind the beans into a powder.
  2. 1 h. l. fruits is mixed with milled 1 hr. l. olive oil.
  3. The mixture was applied to the skin and left for 10 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water.
Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

Oily skin, bad transporting olive oil, unsweetened yogurt is used. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.


Since ancient times, helba used for beauty and health of hair, dandruff treatment, improvement of the bulbs. As a remedy for baldness bean paste used even Charlemagne in the VIII century BC. e. Of crushed fruits helby and black cumin oil, a mixture, which is rubbed into the scalp. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated every other day to improve hair growth.

Hair Mask

From the fruit cooked pasta with the addition of olive oil and black pepper. Massage the hairy part of the composition with a thick, wrapped head with a towel. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes. Repeating the procedure twice a week, strengthens hair roots and get rid of dandruff.

breast Augmentation

In using the means of fenugreek inside, due to the content of estrogen-like substances that can stimulate the accumulation of fat in the breasts of women. It does effect massaging oil with the composition: 50 ml of base oil (sesame or linseed) oil was added 5 drops of fenugreek.

After the procedure, it is recommended to take a contrast shower. Regular massage with oil perfectly cares for thin skin, gives elasticity, provides a lift effect. Helba is not a panacea for all ills, as did the ancient healers, but is able to provide tangible help in the treatment and prevention of a plurality of pathologies.

Helba. Useful properties, composition, how to take, contraindications, price, reviews

Useful properties of the plant are not accompanied by side effects and contraindications to the fenugreek quite a bit. East helba, fenugreek, methi is gaining in popularity in traditional medicine, and its not hard to find on the shelves of pharmacies and markets.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the plant Helba

What is Helba, what are the benefits:

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