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It hurts, colitis right side in the lower abdomen in women, men: causes

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1 What a person experiences with appendicitis

Pain in the right side of the abdomen is a clear sign of appendicitis.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the cecum. It often occurs in both children and adults. Acute appendicitis has the property of developing rapidly. The illness requires urgent surgery. Appendicitis is the most common cause of peritonitis - peritoneal inflammation. Peritonitis causes a strong poisoning of the body with toxins and dehydration. He is progressing very quickly. Therefore, any delay in medical care in appendicitis increases the risk of death.

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Appendicitis pain first appears in the epigastric region of the abdomen or near the navel. The epigastric region is located between the costal arches above the navel. The pain may be local or diffuse across the abdomen. After a few hours, it moves to the iliac region, which is located in the lower abdomen on the right. In some cases, acute pain can immediately appear in the ileum. The nature of appendicitis pain is moderate and tolerable. She does not let go of a person, does not give temporary relief. When walking, sneezing or changing the position of the body, the pain syndrome increases. As the progression of the ailment of pain can become more intense. An alarming signal is their disappearance. Hence, the pathological process is actively developing. The patient is suffering not only pain in his right side, but also vomiting. He is sick and in a fever.

2 Bowel Diseases

Pain in the right side of the abdomen accompanies certain bowel diseases.

Diverticulosis of the intestine is characterized by small protrusions of the intestinal walls - diverticula. They look like pockets. If the diverticula appeared on the right side of the colon, then there will be pains in the lower abdomen on the right side. Why is colitis in the side? Colitis is the right side, when the diverticula is inflamed, that is, with diverticulitis.

These diseases are insidious and unpredictable. They can cause bleeding, inflammation of the abdominal cavity, intestinal obstruction and thinning of its walls, in addition, oncological diseases. The earlier they are identified and treated, the easier and more successful the treatment will be.

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Cervical sputum is called an intestinal obstruction, which resulted from a violation of the normal position of the intestinal loops. This condition is dangerous not only for health, but for human life. When turning the cecum, pain occurs in the right side from below. They are like fights.

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Duodenitis is an inflammation of the duodenum. Pain sensations with duodenitis appear in the right side. When duodenitis, the patient can vomit and vomit, he often suffers from flatulence. Against the background of inflammation, body temperature rises.

When the right side of the abdomen hurts, a doctor may suspect a hernia in the patient's groin. Inguinal hernia is diagnosed when the peritoneal wall is protruded into the cavity of the inguinal canal. The inguinal canal is located at the very bottom of the groin area at the sides. From inguinal hernia men suffer more often. Intensive or tolerable pain in the groin on the right side occurs if the hernia appeared on the right side of the inguinal canal. Upon examination, the doctor easily discovers a hernia. Often, it is clearly manifested in the form of a bump on the body.

Neoplasms in the intestines cause exhaustion pain in the right side. The pain is caused by the mechanical action of an enlarging tumor on adjacent tissues. The more the neoplasm tissue grows, the more painful it becomes.

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Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, has signs similar to those of appendicitis.

3 Female diseases

The pain in the lower right side of the abdomen in women can be triggered by the occurrence of an ectopic( ectopic) pregnancy. This is a violation of the development of pregnancy, in which the fetal egg did not get into the uterus. This pathology is quite common. Therefore, when diagnosing pain in the lower abdomen in women of childbearing age, doctors consider this probability. The nature of pain is acute and cramping. This delay is indirectly indicated by a delay in menstruation.

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Sharp pain in the right side of the abdomen can be caused by twisting the legs of the right ovarian cyst. Sometimes the pain syndrome in the lower abdomen in women is so powerful that a woman can faint. Among other signs of illness - cold sweat, chills, nausea, vomiting and falling blood pressure.

If a woman breaks the right ovary, she experiences severe pain in the lower right side of the abdomen. When ruptured, it can be reflected in the lower back, rectum or thigh. Violation of the tissues of the organ is accompanied by bleeding into the abdominal region. Such an ovarian disease usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.


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Pain with adnexitis or inflammation of the appendages is easily confused with pain in appendicitis. Primary tubes are referred to as ovaries. The difference is the bilateral nature of the pain at the initial stage. While with appendicitis the pain first has a central location. Later the pain also shifts downwards, towards the hearth. The disease usually occurs immediately after menstrual bleeding.

Pain syndrome in the lower right side of the abdomen is often a sign of right ovarian cyst or right uterine tube inflammation( salpingitis).Pain with salpingitis increases with urination and physical exertion.

Uterine diseases endometriosis and endometritis can also provoke pain in the right side of the abdomen. Endometriosis occurs as a result of tissue proliferation of the layer of the walls of the uterus. Sprawling can affect the intestines and cause pelvic pain in the right side. When the endometrium is inflamed, the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus. Inflammation causes pain, which can be localized in the right side of the abdomen. With endometritis, body temperature rises and discharges appear.

But the pain in women is not always caused by pathology. They happen and when menstruation. More often from pain during menstruation suffer young, nulliparous girls.

4 Pain during pregnancy

Why does the abdomen hurt during the bearing of the baby? Acute short-term pains on the right lower part often occur in pregnant women due to sprain. These ligaments support the uterus in the abdominal cavity. Pain occurs periodically, with a sharp change in the position of the body. No treatment is required in this case.

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Miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy occurs with pain in the lower abdomen. At first they have a pulling character. Later they become intense and cramped. They can be localized on the right. A similar condition precedes premature birth at the end of pregnancy. This threatens the life of the mother and child. The process of abortion is accompanied by bleeding.

5 Male Diseases

Inflammatory processes and trauma to the male reproductive system are often accompanied by pain in the right side, if the disease affects the right lymph node. Associated signs of such ailments are pain in the scrotum and in the groin area.

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Why does the lower abdomen hurt in the stronger sex? The most common diseases of male genital organs are: orchitis or testicular inflammation, vesiculitis( inflammation of the seminal vesicles), epidimitis( inflammation of the appendage of the testis), cavernitis( inflammation of the cavernous or cavernous bodies of the penis), prostatitis( inflammation of the prostate gland), colliculitis( inflammation of the seminal follicle).

6 Diseases of other human organs

Strong cutting pains located on the right side of the abdomen are experienced by a person when he has stones from the kidneys or from the gallbladder. Pain appears as a result of trauma, which is applied to the sharp edges of the stone by the urinary tract.

One of the most painful and intolerable conditions is renal colic. They arise sharply and intensely. Renal colic usually causes severe pain in the lower back, but pain can also be felt in the right lower abdomen. Renal colic occurs due to an obstruction in the pathway of urinary outflow. It can be a stone, blood clots, pus or mucus.

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A typical manifestation of cholelithiasis is hepatic colic. Colic causes obstruction, blocking the way of outflow of bile to the intestine. Such an obstacle can be a stone or muscle spasm. The pain is localized, as a rule, in the hypochondrium from the right side, but can give to other parts of the body.

In the last stages of hepatitis( inflammatory liver disease) under the right rib, a person may have painful sensations. Quite often they migrate to the groin area. Strong exhausting pains in the right lower abdomen can be provoked by cirrhosis of the liver - a serious disease accompanied by irreversible changes in the tissues of the organ.

Acute bladder enlargement causes a cutting pain in the right side. This phenomenon develops when the urethra canal is blocked by urinary stones. In men, an inflamed prostate can cause a blockage. Another symptom of the ailment is ineffectual urge to urinate.

If urethritis( inflammation of the urethra) affects the lymph node on the right, pain also appears in the lower abdomen in women and in men in the right side. Patients suffer from burning and cutting when urinating.

Painful sensations can increase with varicose veins in the pelvic area. This ailment develops gradually and at first is asymptomatic. Over time, pains appear in the lower abdomen, often on the right side. From the disease women suffer more often.

Characteristic pain can be caused by lesions of the femoral artery. For example, in the presence of an aneurysm. An aneurysm is a protrusion of the artery wall. Because of the development of an aneurysm, there is a threat of rupture of the artery and hemorrhage. The right side of the abdomen also hurts with thrombosis of the femoral artery. Thrombosis occurs when the vessel walls narrow because of cholesterol plaques.

7 What should I do

What should I do if my right side hurts? Such pain can be a sign of a serious, and sometimes fatal disease. In this area, the person has vital, as well as reproductive organs. Pathological changes in the functioning of one of them can disable the whole organism.

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Due to the physiology of this area of ​​the body, the proximity of the organs relative to each other, pathological processes often develop with lightning speed. Sometimes a small delay can cost a person's life or disability.

The only correct solution in this situation is an emergency call of a doctor. Unfortunately, often people avoid medical help, relying on their own strength. Taking an anesthetic can only drown out a symptom, but it can not stop the development of pathology. Temporary relief, which a person feels when taking pain medication, dulls his vigilance and prevents him from making the right decision. Taking an anesthetic distorts the picture of the disease and prevents the doctor from correctly diagnosing.

If the right side of the abdomen hurts below, the patient should call an ambulance and wait for her arrival, without taking any medications. It is strictly forbidden to warm a sore spot or take a warm bath. Warming can accelerate the pathological development of the disease and even lead to death.

Waiting for a doctor, you need to stay in bed. If there is vomiting, you should drink water in small portions. This will help to avoid dehydration.

Contents of
  • 1 What a person experiences with appendicitis
  • 2 Bowel diseases
  • 3 Female diseases
  • 4 Pain in pregnancy
  • 5 Men's diseases
  • 6 Diseases of other human organs
  • 7 What should be done

If the right side hurts in the lower abdomen, people have anxious thoughts about appendicitis. Indeed, such a symptom is characteristic of appendicitis. But this is not the only disease that causes pain in the right lower side. Diverse diseases have similar symptoms.

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