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Levomekol: Is it possible to smear the nose from a cold

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Pharmacological properties, indication restrictions to the use of funds

Levomekol produced as external (local funds) - an ointment. The active ingredients are drugs dioksometiltetragidropirimidin (4 g) and chloramphenicol (0.75 g). Dioksometiltetragidropirimidin - a substance accelerating recovery of skin cells, mucous or wound surface. Chloramphenicol is considered an antibacterial agent. Auxiliary substances are polyethylene oxides. The medicine can be found in retail locations in glass jars or in tubes.

When applied topically the medication reduces the inflammatory response in the lesion. Antibacterial component struggling with Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial agents: Staphylococcus, Escherichia, Pseudomonas and others.

The drug does not destroy the membranes of cell structures. Excellent runs deep into the tissues, improving regenerator function of the skin, the wound surface. Antibacterial effects can persist for purulent necrotic mass or affected tissues.

Indications and limitations to the appointment of the drug

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Levomekol, according to instructions shown to accelerate healing of the wound surface. The drug is allowed to use in purulent wounds, as well as at the initial stage of an inflammatory process. In addition to surgical wounds and septic complications after the operation medication used to eliminate bedsores in bedridden patients. Levomekol efficiency when it is high. Bedsores heal very quickly.

Levomekol allowed to cure boils. It is education with purulent discharge on the skin. Around the pus has swelling and inflammation. The drug penetrates the entire education obezzarazhivaya it. When using the ointment dries faster and delayed An open boil.

The drug used in the hemorrhoidal cracks and knots. The skin around the anus is often injured. To prevent adherence of pathogenic bacterial flora of the medicine is applied to the cracks and knots. Actively apply Levomekol with cold sores on the nose, lip. The drug reduces the propagation of viral particles.

Levomekol used to treat acne with purulent contents on the face (nose, forehead, chin, cheeks), back, buttocks. Often these spots observed in adolescents. Levomekol allowed appoint calloused formations.

The medicine is very good for purulent lesions of the external auditory canal and the ear. Means, used in inflammatory lesions of the lymph nodes. It is applied to the node region to reduce an inflammatory response.

Do not use the medicine if you are allergic to components. You can not assign an ointment with eczematous skin eruptions. The drug is not shown in psoriasis, since bacteria do not cause disease, and autoimmune process. The drug should not be taken in patients with fungal skin diseases.

Undesired symptoms after using external means

Levomekol can cause allergic rashes on the skin in the area of ​​application. After using the ointment in patients may experience itching, burning sensation on the skin, swelling of tissues, redness of the skin. In severe cases, able to finish angioedema, dermatitis, rash, hives in allergic status of the patients. Levomekol able to get into the blood in small amounts. This leads to lethargy and weakness throughout the body. If such symptoms appear, the use of the drug should be stopped, see a doctor. If angioedema appeared, then you should call an ambulance.

Ointment for prolonged use can cause adherence fungal flora. This is due to the antibacterial components in the formulation. If there is a candidiasis, Levomekol need to cancel, consult your doctor for administration of antifungal therapy.

Diseases in which nose is assigned to the processing Levomekol

In the area of ​​the nasal passages, the formation of boils. Furuncle - a festering pimple. It looks at first like a bump with pus inside and then breaks through the top. In these pathologies require antibiotic therapy, an autopsy pustular education. In some patients, the boil is often formed on a region of the nasal septum or the wing skin. Abscess is very painful.

Treatment of such formations on the nose must be conducted. Blood flow is very good on your head. There is a high probability of transmission of purulent infection in the brain.

In the area of ​​the nose often have cold sores. Pathology caused by the herpes virus. This pathogen has almost the entire human population. Most people are carriers of the herpes virus. Cold sores appear on the nose with a decrease in the immune system. Most often they occur after previous respiratory diseases.

Herpes on the wings of the nose and septum appears in the form of small bubbles. In the nose region soak may occur, especially during the first 2 days. Education strongly itch. As cure the rash on the nose begin to dry.

The causative agent of herpes is able to damage the nerve endings. If the infection is not treated on the face, it can spread to the facial nerves, provoke neuritis of the trigeminal nerve and its branches. For the treatment of herpes antiviral use systemic medications (Kagocel, Arbidol), as well as local ointments and creams (Zovirax, Acyclovir). They are applied to the nasal septum and wings, depending on the localization of lesions. Some doctors and patients with herpes are using the medication to the nose Levomekol. Its efficiency is significantly lower than that of antivirals. It can only accelerate the recovery of the affected skin.

Levomekol may be used for the common cold. Rhinitis is often caused by viral agents. If treatment is not carried out in time, joined bacterial flora. In this case appear greenish nasal discharge.

Use Levomekol nose is allowed in the sinus. Sinusitis - it ENT pathology, accompanied by inflammation of the maxillary sinus walls. The disease is manifested pain in the maxillary sinuses (under sockets on both sides of the nose). When tapping the patient's pain increases. If the attached bacterial flora, it marked greenish discharge from the nose. They are enhanced by tilting the head forward. Sinusitis very quickly becomes chronic, it recurs constantly provokes frequent respiratory infections.

Using nasal processing levomekol

Is it possible to smear the nose levomekol? When boils Levomekol applied to the field of education. The drug is allowed to bring up breakthrough abscess after his autopsy. Breakthrough furuncle Levomekol reduces inflammation, reduces the amount of pus inside.

Before using levomekol area boil on the nose should be treated with alcohol or any other disinfectant. Ointment must be applied to the gauze patch, folded several times. The gauze is applied to the nose in the affected area. If the boil is located in the nasal passage or transition from the nasal passage of the mucous membrane in the skin, you can use cotton turundy. Wool (cotton ball) rolled up by her well-lubricated levomekol. Turunda inserted into the nose (nasal passage) for 15 minutes (longer possible). The procedure is repeated every 2-3 hours. Coursework therapy is 5-7 days. Longer is not recommended Levomekol.

Levomekol lay in the nose can be in the sinus and rhinitis. Before applying the ointment should wash well the nasal mucosa. For this purpose may be used a salt solution (for example akvamaris, sea salt). Before washing the nasal vasoconstrictor instilled drops which reduce swelling (Nazivin, Naphthyzinum). This will increase the efficiency of washing.

nasal lavage can be carried out with saline. For the procedure you will need a syringe or a syringe. After thorough washing, taking a cotton turunda thickly smeared her medicine. Turunda with levomekol inserted into the nose (nares). The medicine you need to hold a minimum of 15 minutes. Treatment is carried out 2 times per day. Coursework therapy 5-7 days. therapy can not be held any longer. It can be triggered by osmotic swelling of healthy skin cells and nasal mucosa.

Levomekol child's nose from a cold is shown with only 3 years of age. Before the procedure, you need to wash the baby nasal passages. Better use of 0.9% sterile saline, or Miramistin akvamaris. Akvamaris Miramistin and issued in the form of a spray, so no tools is not required.

If washing is carried out with saline, then you need to take a syringe or a syringe. Soda a child should be used carefully. It can cause burns of the nasal mucosa. Before washing should drip vasoconstrictive drops for the relief of nasal congestion and edema removal.

After washing, make small turundy in the size of the baby of the nasal passages. They smeared with ointment, and then inserted into the nose (both nasal passage or alternately). Levomekol leave for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a day. It can not be more than 5-7 days Levomekol use the child as may join fungal flora.

Treatment of herpes levomekol

Levomekol in the treatment of nasal herpes used topically. The medicine is applied to the nose in place of blisters. It can be applied to the site of lesion swab smeared with ointment. Tampon hold 15 minutes. This procedure is carried out twice a day. If the rashes are on going mucous nasal passage into the skin, it can be used turundy. Turundy nose ointment Levomekol put twice per day. Allowed to lubricate the formation of the nose without cotton swabs and turundae. Coursework therapy lasts 5-7 days. Longer Levomekol not use. This can harm the health sector of the skin or mucous membranes.


Levomekol actively used for the treatment of boils in the nose. A medicine often used in rhinitis and sinusitis, as well as the presence of herpes sores. Children ointment is recommended to use with only 3 years of age. The drug should be used after treatment to the doctor. Independently Levomekol can not be used, especially in children.


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