
Polyps in the gallbladder: symptoms, causes and treatment education

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Polyps in the gallbladder - a benign outgrowth of character that have teardrop, rounded or irregular shape and may arise in any organ, the walls of which have a hollow structure. He usually has a broad base, or fastened to the body by means of a kind of legs.

This disease is able to localize to any organs, causing pain and other unpleasant symptoms. If the doctor has put such a diagnosis, it is recommended immediately to begin treatment gallbladder polyps. And the therapy in this case is different: the surgical removal of education or conservative therapy.

Causes of

Significant reasons for which a 100% probability of polyps produced in the gallbladder, medical science is not yet known, but physicians assume that, frequently, in the formation of development is influenced by:

  1. Heredity - most successfully inherited papilloma and adenoma and also increases the risk of formation of polyps in the gallbladder hereditary biliary dyskinesia;
  2. Chronic cholecystitis - most often noticed the reason the form polyps gallbladder mucosa, having the character of pseudo;
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  4. It is possible that the causes of sprawl formations lie in the wrong diet with a predominance in the diet of fatty, fried and high calorie foods;
  5. Diseases ducts, excretory bile - because These processes disrupt the flow and directly alter amount of bile, are developing a variety of diseases in the gastro-intestinal tract, which does not exclude growing of polyps in the gall;
  6. Probable cause supplements failure in the digestion of fat, followed by deposition of cholesterol.


Polyps are in the gall of these types:

  1. Adenomatous - are truly benign nature. The probability of malignancy is 10%. Due to the likelihood of degeneration into cancer, they need constant supervision of the doctor and mandatory treatment.
  2. Cholesterol polyps - also ranked as lezhpolipov categories, in this case it is possible without treatment operations in a conservative manner. Difficulty in this case lies in the fact that during the ultrasound examination of the gall bladder, the doctor often confuses them with the true polyps. This kind of education - is cholesterol deposits containing, in some cases incorporating calcium, so it confused with calculi.
  3. Polyps inflammatory type - are ranked as pseudotumor arising as a result of inflammation of the gallbladder mucosa. Speaking of such polyps in the gallbladder their causes are as irritating factors such as parasites and concrements.
  4. Papilloma - a benign and true education, which differ by the presence of papillary form. Talking about what is dangerous this kind of education is also necessary to note the likelihood of its degeneration into cancer.

In most cases, reveal exactly cholesterol polyps, which can be cured without conducting removal of the gall.

The polyps are dangerous?

Polyps that are formed in the gallbladder, are very dangerous for the body and for the life of the patient:

  • Polyps can be transformed into malignant tumors.
  • bile stasis causes a constant increase in the level of bilirubin, which can result in the toxic brain damage.
  • Polyps in the gallbladder can cause inflammation of the mucosa of the gallbladder, preventing flow of bile, thereby causing irreversible pathology in the body.

At the same time 40% of all cases of benign tumors (polyps) can go to cancerous tumors.


Any signs of the disease will depend on, where the tumor is located. The maximum unfavorable situation is its growth in the neck of the bladder, or in its flow. This creates a barrier to the bile into the intestine, which causes the patient development of such diseases as jaundice. When polypous growths are located in other parts of the gallbladder, there are no specific symptoms the patient is experiencing.

However, the suspect its presence in the body can be indirect evidence:

  1. Dyspeptic symptoms. Its degree of severity varies. Typical symptoms are: bitter taste, Morning sickness, vomiting after eating. All these observations are explained by recurrent or persistent stagnation occurring in the body. Furthermore, because the polyp is a disturbance of bile output. Her lack of a negative impact on the process of digestion, so the patient can start to quickly lose weight.
  2. Staining of skin and mucous membranes yellow. Covers of skin become jaundiced, also the sclera, indicating that the contents of a large amount of bilirubin in the blood. This pattern occurs in the presence of bile stasis in the bladder, leading to infiltration of the bile into the blood stream. yellowing of the skin complement symptoms like myalgia, dark urine, arthralgia, toshnotno-emetic syndrome, pyrexia and itching on the skin.
  3. Pain. They appear in response to excessive stretching of the body not by the polyp walls and bile, which stagnates fault of his own. Such stagnant processes lead to the fact that multiple receptors located in the serosa body constantly irritated. Additionally, pain may occur because of too frequent contraction of the gallbladder wall. The nature of pain dull and aching. They tend to give in the right upper quadrant, are present on a periodic basis. Provocateurs pain may serve beverages containing alcohol, greasy foods and strong stresses. That is why patients do not bind discomfort with polyps, attributing their origin at the expense of other factors such as malnutrition.
  4. Renal colic. It arises in the form of sharp attacks cramping pain in the right hypochondrium. This kind of symptom appears often quite rare, in most cases, the presence of polyps have an elongated stem. Colic pain can be so severe that the person can not be in one place, he starts to rush, seeking in vain the most painless posture.

Nevertheless, all of the above symptoms rarely cause the patient to go to health institutions, and even more so to pass ultrasound, in which you can find available tumor.


Most of the detected by ultrasound polyps - a soft cholesterol stones, which are diffuse grid. Their size is 1-2 mm. Elements larger (2-4 mm) like outgrowths under mucous layer with a wide base and smooth contours. Cholesterol Education from 3 to 7 mm have a thin leg, an ultrasound does not provide an acoustic shadow. Large cholesterol polyp - 10 mm - the structure has a lower density and forms a rough serrated edge.

When the diagnosis is carried ultrasound, ultrasonography, CT, and laboratory analyzes of blood, urine, feces. Conclusion made based on the patient's complaints, manipulative inspection, functional tests. On ultrasound seen as single and multiple polyps located on the bladder walls. When a person changes the position of the body, the true neoplasm deviates unlike stones.

With the endoscope examined duodenum and gallbladder, neoplasms of the structure is checked and its location. Cholangiography indicate pathology of other body areas, as well as its ducts. Using Computed Tomography doctor sees volumetric polyps determine stage of disease, the risk of transformation to malignancy.

How to treat a polyp?

Conservative treatment can be given only in the presence of cholesterol polyps, which sometimes possible cure, following a proper diet and use medications to help dissolve fat cholesterol.

In some cases, anti-inflammatory therapy, carried out in conjunction with a diet can significantly reduce those polyps in the gallbladder, the causes of which lie in the development of the inflammatory process.

Surgery to remove polyps in the gallbladder

The majority opinion of experts at detecting polyps in gall - an operation that is only surgical intervention, 100% testimony to which is:

  1. With the development of clinical symptoms polyps - removal shown regardless of their size and form.
  2. Any polyps larger than 10 mm is recommended to remove because of the high risk of cancer in its degeneration.
  3. Polyp size less than 10 mm on the leg monitored every six months for 2 years and 1 times a year life, during its growth - shows removal. However, some doctors insist on the necessity of the operation immediately after the discovery of large tumors.

Given the intensity of oncology, there is such a tactics of questionable clinical cases - it is based on constant monitoring of the size of even small polyps. If it is less than 1 mm - the indications for removal there, but most doctors insist on a monthly ultrasound for 6 months, then every 3 months, followed by six months and then annually. We remind, the rapid growth of the polyp is considered to be 2 mm during the year.

Modern surgery to remove the polyps of the gallbladder

  1. OLH - open laparoscopic cholecystectomy - a set of tools used "Mini-assistant" is used in the case of minimal access;
  2. TCE - traditional cholecystectomy - laparotomy in this case, the median or oblique;
  3. LCE - laparoscopic cholecystectomy - used in certain cases with the use of modern endoscopic technologies, is the gentle operation;
  4. Endoscopic polypectomy - rarely used method due to the uncertainties of the results and consequences of the operation.

Lifestyle after the removal of a polyp

When there is no gall bladder, severely impaired enzymatic activity gastric juice stands out in much lower concentrations, but instead immediately sent to the gallbladder to the intestine.

So that the body is more or less learned to live without a gallbladder, you need at least two years. Especially important are the first six months, requiring the observance of the smallest and most insignificant requirements regarding diet:

  • The food takes a long time to chew and to the stomach did not get the big pieces that will provide greater opportunities for the liver enzyme activity;
  • Food consumption should be prepared just by cooking or steamed;
  • At one time you need to eat small amounts of food, so as not to overload the digestive system.

Both before and after surgery diet for polyps of the gallbladder requires compliance with fractional power mode when the patient should eat a little bit, but every 3 hours. Besides:

  • Eliminate any load over a half hours after eating;
  • The product is ready just baking or cooking;
  • After the meal, there should be no feeling of overeating;
  • Food should eat in frayed or heavily powdered form;
  • Meals should not be eaten hot.

You can not eat mushrooms and fatty soups, muffins, and fried pies, oily fish and meat, smoked meats, a variety of sauces and mayonnaise, sour vegetables like tomatoes, radishes, sorrel, and so forth. Also banned fat dairy products, alcohol and soda, chocolate and so on.

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