
Folliculitis, what is it? Picture, Treatment and Symptoms

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Folliculitis means "inflammation of the hair follicles." This process accompanies the group of skin diseases caused by staphylococcal infection. Folliculitis are piodermity - pustular skin disease, the most common dermatoses.

On pyoderma accounts for half of the cases of temporary disability due to skin disorders. A large proportion of them are owned and folliculitis. They can meet different people, but most frequently affect members of certain professions - miners, builders, metallurgists, transport workers. In this regard, piodermity and folliculitis in particular - socially significant diseases, to combat which should engage both the state and employers in the most dangerous in terms of dermatological diseases sectors.

What it is?

Folliculitis - an infectious, characterized by a purulent inflammation disease that affects the hair follicles of medium and deep divisions. The disease has a different cause of: parasitic, viral, fungal and bacterial. Typical symptoms of folliculitis - it appears in the field of hair growth multiple or single pustules, through which the hair.

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Causes of

Inflammation of hair follicles initiated pathogens: fungi, mites, viruses and bacteria. It becomes a place of residence of these organisms due to external factors or due to problems with human health.

Thus, the causes of folliculitis conventionally divided into:

  • exogenous (external circumstances);
  • endogenous (diseases that create the optimum conditions for the life of pathogenic organisms).

Among the endogenous factors of note:

  • liver disease;
  • obesity;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • diabetes;
  • malnutrition, because of what the body is experiencing a deficit of certain substances.

Exogenous causes include:

  • high ambient temperatures;
  • hypothermia;
  • skin injury (such as cracks or micro-cracks);
  • incorrectly matched clothes (made of a "non-breathing" and (or) synthetic materials, close);
  • contamination of the skin caused by poor hygiene or a specific human work (work on the ground, activities requiring contact with specific reagents, chemicals (mechanic, worker service centers, etc.).

Sometimes folliculitis is triggered strange, is not the first glance, the reasons: caries, tonsillitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis, periodontal disease.

It would seem that it may become inflamed hair follicle on his arm because of a sore mouth or throat? The point here pathogens localized in the mouth, throat. Blood they spread throughout the body, not passing at the same time and hands. A weakened immune system is not able to deliver a reliable barrier around healthy bodies: bacteria (viruses) reaches the hair follicles and settle there.

folliculitis symptoms

The symptoms of folliculitis will depend on which kind you have developed folliculitis. For example, at superficial pustules type can reach sizes of up to 0.5 mm in diameter and be painless to the touch. Typically, around them there is an inflammatory region rose color, sometimes with a reddish tinge to the skin. Around the third day ulcers shrivel and covered by a brownish crust, leaving a slight peeling after themselves. It may also be present in the appearance of pigmentation on the skin.

Deep folliculitis form appears more severe lesions of the hair bulb. On the skin can appear reddish nodules of up to 1 cm in diameter, which differ morbidity. On their surfaces located pustule, which is penetrated by a hair. Abscess can uncover mainly in a few days, covered with a crust, and inflammatory nodule disappears with time.

The main complaint that presents the patient with folliculitis is soreness and itching. In some cases it may be swollen lymph nodes that are located near the region of inflammation. The patient may also worry about a cosmetic defect on the skin that remains after folliculitis. This may be the excess pigmentation and scars.

Folliculitis staphylococcal manifested in the initial period of the process of inflammation around the hair, since the development sycosis or staphylococcal impetigo. This small pustules form and size with tight walls which are penetrated in the center by a hair. A few days later, pustule dries to form a cone-shaped yellow crust that rejected soon.

When not good conditions arise for the patient pain in the affected area, which is particularly concerned with a large number of patient folliculitis; thus there is a pronounced infiltration. Because of the involvement in the inflammatory process of tissue surrounding the follicle and fusion of specific elements rashes appear deeper, long existence of species stafilodermii, carbuncle, boil and so on.

In the diagnosis of such diseases as folliculitis important role belongs to the examination of the patient. Rashes are very characteristic with follicles and allow to diagnose correctly. Additional measures survey will help pinpoint the cause, which could lead to the development of the disease.

Features of different types of folliculitis

I found a lot of varieties of folliculitis, and therefore, it is advisable from a practical point of view to consider separately the characteristics of each of them.

  1. Herpetic. As well as staphylococcal, is more common in men shaving in the nasolabial triangle and on the chin.
  2. Tick. Develops after tick bite, flows longer than other species, requires a specific treatment of the underlying disease (if the tick is an epidemiological risk).
  3. Eosinophilic. There is only an isolated group of patients (HIV-positive).
  4. Candidiasis. This kind of folliculitis occurs, usually under occlusive dressings. The risk increases with the development of folliculitis local use preparations under the bandage from the group of corticosteroids. Also, the risk of disease is higher in bedridden patients and prolonged febrile patients.
  5. Staphylococcal. Characteristic of the zones where the bristly hair (nasolabial triangle, chin) are growing. Mostly found in men's shaving. In severe cases, death occurs when the hair follicles, connective tissue scars are formed after the end of the inflammatory process.
  6. Eel. This type of folliculitis is a consequence of syphilis. Characterized by the fact that the inflamed follicles become pale red, in some cases, are arranged in groups. Removal of this disease is only possible in the treatment of the underlying disease specific means.
  7. Gram. Develops in immunocompromised patients, who took a long time anti-bacterial drugs in connection with acne. Characterized by the fact that the patient's condition deteriorates sharply, resulting in a strengthening of acne. Perhaps the formation of abscesses.
  8. Pseudomonas. It called pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This kind of folliculitis is also known under another name - folliculitis "hot bath" because It occurs usually after taking a bath with hot water which was insufficiently chlorinated.
  9. Folliculitis caused by fungi belonging to the genus Pityrosporum, characteristic of the tropical and subtropical climates. It is characterized by an itchy rash monomorphic nature (papules and pustules), which is located at the mouths of the follicles. These patients are detected scratching with localization in the shoulders, back, face and neck.
  10. Folliculitis, caused by dermatophytes. For this infection tend to start from the upper layer of the epidermis, after which the inflammatory process involves the mouth of follicles, and then the hair shaft. The complication here is the tinea capitis.
  11. Gonorrheal. It occurs most rare compared with other forms of the disease. His place of localization - the foreskin in men and perineal region in women. Occurs when the current and long-term untreated gonorrhea. In a study of the contents of pustules in these patients found gonococci in large quantities.
  12. Professional. Develops in people of certain professions and is associated with exposure to the skin irritating chemicals. With this type of disease lesions usually localized on the back of the hands, and on the extensor surfaces of the forearms.
  13. Bockhart impetigo (impetigo Bockhardt), despite its name refers, however, to the group folliculitis. In this case there are hemispherical, superficial pustules, that may be the size of a poppy seed to lentil. Pustules permeated vellus hairs, are arranged in groups. The reason for the development of folliculitis is excessive sweating and maceration of the skin, which is a consequence of a warming compresses.
  14. Depilating folliculitis smooth skin - this is another kind of disease that occurs mainly in tropical countries. Disease are more prone to middle-aged men. Also, the variety of folliculitis inherent symmetry of defeat. Inflamed follicles appear evenly on the skin of the lower extremities. After removing follicular folliculitis characteristic scars remain on the skin.

What is folliculitis: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.


Dermatologists must examine the rash conduct dermatoscopy which will lesion depth. Also specialist can refer a patient to the delivery of discharge from the pustules, which is required for:

  • microsporia;
  • studies on fungi;
  • Bacteriological sowing;
  • research on pale treponemu.

There is a need in difdiagnostiki. Folliculitis should be distinguished from pathologies such as syphilis, gonorrhea. In this case, the doctor prescribes:

  • RPR-test.
  • PCR diagnostics.

If necessary, appoint a specialist on blood sugar, immunogram. Besides gonorrhea, syphilis, the disease should be differentiated from the following:

  • toadskin;
  • strep impetigo;
  • perifolliculitis Hoffmann;
  • drug toksikodermiya;
  • furunculosis;
  • Pink zoster Gibert;
  • uzlovatokistoznye acne.

The treatment, which requires the hair follicles, as well as illness in the legs, pubic hair, face, back, skin, described below.


In most cases, the disease does not cause serious consequences for human life and health. But if there is no proper treatment, the infection penetrates deep and complicated disease. The situation is aggravated if the patient neglects the rules of hygiene, and if he has observed a significant weakening of the immune system.

Complications of the disease include the following:

  • furunculosis and carbuncles;
  • tinea;
  • scar tissue formation;
  • rotting tissue.

Scars and scars are formed due to attempts to squeeze the pus from inflammatory cells.

How to treat folliculitis?

Single sycosis can pass on their own without additional treatment. To avoid complications, it is possible to use antiseptic agents for the skin care products.

In more severe cases, the use of the following drugs:

  1. Bactericidal ointments and solutions dries the skin, reduce inflammation: Metiluratsil, Betadine, Miramistin, zinc ointment. Apply 1-3 times a day;
  2. Antibiotics topically twice a day - the effect on Staphylococcus aureus (eritromitsinovaya, sintomitsinovaja ointment Levomekol)
  3. Wiping the skin with alcohol solution (boric acid, salicyl, camphor alcohol "brilliant green", Methylene Blue);
  4. Allergy medications to reduce itchiness - Suprastin, Claritin, Lomilan;
  5. Net Ichthyol applied in a thin layer on a large folliculitis, antiseptic bandage is applied on top (to change 1 times per day);
  6. Physiotherapy: UFO, UHF, laser therapy.

Proven techniques and recipes of traditional medicine:

  1. Compresses, soothing dressings with kolyuchelistnikom. Boil 50 g of root in 0.5 liters of water for half an hour. After an hour, strain. Use broth daily.
  2. A decoction of chamomile - a valuable remedy for inflammation. Per liter of water - 1 tbsp. l. flowers. Zaparte, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Carry out the procedure in the morning, afternoon and before bedtime.
  3. Thistle thorns. Excellent relieves inflammation. Chop the leaves, mash, place the pulp on-site rash. Hold for 30 minutes.
  4. Dressings with woodruff. Gruel made from fresh leaves cover ulcers. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day.
  5. Infusion of dandelion. Roots, leaves, wash, chop, 2 tablespoons. l. raw pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes. Currently, within half an hour, strain the broth. Drink a quarter cup 3 times a day.
  6. A decoction of burdock. Fill spoon minced root 0.5 liters of water. Cook for 10 minutes, allow to stand for an hour, strain. Take medicinal decoction twice a day before meals.
  7. Effective application. Prepare the broth: Pour 2 tbsp. water 200 g rosehip berries same viburnum, add 100 g nettle, 10 g of green walnut shells. Simmer on heat for 10 minutes. Broth infuses day. Mix 50 grams of fresh curds and honey. Dilute curd-honey mixture broth, make application 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

If the lesion is large, the prescribed antimicrobials in - Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Cephalexin, Amoxicillin. Before using any of these tools, consult with your doctor!

During treatment, avoid contact with water, do not use the sauna, swimming pool or shower.


The diet is not required in case of folliculitis. But there are associated diseases in which diet adjustment is necessary. Patients suffering from obesity or diabetes, should observe a low-carb diet.

It is important to follow the rules in the diet:

  1. The use of animal fats should be limited.
  2. Exclude from the diet of flour products, spices, chocolate, sweets, alcohol, strong coffee, and tea.
  3. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables as much as possible to provide your body with the necessary volume of fiber. You can also eat bran.
  4. It should be included in a sufficient amount of protein diet, including those of animal origin. Preference should be given to low-fat meats, such as beef, chicken and turkey.
  5. It should eat more foods rich in vitamins. Particularly useful would be carrots, beets, wild rose, blueberry.


Prevention folliculitis is the need to eliminate the factors that can trigger the disease. Also, in order to prevent, you should use soap with antiseptic action, and regularly treat the skin benzoyl peroxide, which has an excellent disinfecting and keratolytic properties.

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