
Scabies ointment is the most effective. Price

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  1. What is scabies and features of the treatment of the disease
  2. Effective groups of local preparations for scabies, mechanism of action
  3. Sulfur based
  4. Derivatives of balsamic preparations
  5. Antiparasitic insecticidal agents
  6. What drugs are considered the most effective
  7. List of ointments for scabies
  8. Zinc ointment
  9. Permethrin ointment
  10. Benzyl benzoate
  11. Sulfuric ointment
  12. Vishnevsky ointment
  13. Crotamiton
  14. Medifox
  15. Spregal
  16. Scabies ointments prices
  17. Video about ointments for scabies

Scabies - a dermatological parasitic disease. The first mention of it appeared 2.5 thousand. years ago. Scabies is common throughout the world and anyone can get it, regardless of socioeconomic well-being or age. About 300 million are diagnosed annually. cases of infection. The basis of therapy is drugs for external use. But, in order to choose the most effective ointment for scabies, it is necessary to study the existing assortment and differences in essential medicines.

What is scabies and features of the treatment of the disease

The causative agent of parasitic dermatosis is the itch mite (itching) Sarcoptes scabiei, the size of which does not exceed 0.4 mm. Its transfer is possible by contact-household method.

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The scabies mite bites into human skin, feeds, multiplies and makes moves in the upper layer of the epidermis. The disease is accompanied by annoying itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night. Subsequently, papules form on the human body, which is the body's reaction to the waste products of ticks. With a long course of the disease, it is possible to attach a secondary infection if bacteria enter the wounds.

The scabies mite is a persistent parasite. Itching spends most of its life in the skin of the host, and only during the period of settlement is it on the surface of the epidermis. Invasion occurs through direct contact with an infected person. Also, transmission is possible through household items, bedding, clothing. The invasion occurs as a result of the migration of females and larvae of the parasite to a healthy person. In the first case, there is no incubation period, and in the second it is 2 weeks.

Effective groups of local preparations for scabies, mechanism of action

An ointment for scabies is considered to be the most effective one that not only helps to get rid of ticks, but also does not harm human health. For the treatment of parasitic dermatosis, three types of local preparations are prescribed: sulfur-based, balsamic derivatives and antiparasitic insecticides. And, in order to make a choice, you should know the features of the action of each of them.

Sulfur based

According to experts, this group of drugs has acaricidal and anti-inflammatory effects. After all, the sulfur in their composition interacts with organic substances and forms sulfides and pantothenic acid. They have a depressant effect on parasites and promote rapid healing of skin wounds.The most effective ointments for scabies. Prices, reviews

After the application of sulfur-based preparations, the active component penetrates into the upper layer of the epidermis, and then enters the parasite's body with the blood. The toxic effect occurs when the active substance accumulates. When its concentration reaches the required level, sulfur blocks the respiratory system and the motor function of the parasite. As a result, the tick loses its ability to feed, move and reproduce, and after a while dies. The speed of action of sulfur-based products directly depends on the concentration of the active ingredient and the depth of its penetration into the skin.

Derivatives of balsamic preparations

This category of drugs includes drugs containing benzyl benzoate. This component is a benzoate ester, which is isolated by condensation of benzoic acid with benzyl alcohol. The substance is part of the balms of Peru and Tolu.

Benzyl benzoate has acaricidal action. And when using derivatives of balsamic preparations, the death of ticks occurs after 7-32 minutes. The active ingredient passes through the chitinous cover of the parasite and accumulates in the body. As soon as its level reaches an increased concentration, intoxication sets in, causing the death of ticks.

Antiparasitic insecticidal agents

This group of drugs for the treatment of scabies includes drugs containing neurotoxic poison, which has a detrimental effect on itching.The most effective ointments for scabies. Prices, reviews

When acaricide enters the tick's body through the blood, the ionic permeability of sodium channels is blocked and the popularization of the membrane of nerve cells is inhibited. As a result of the action of insecticidal agents, a paralyzing effect occurs. Itches cannot move, feed, multiply, and after a while they die.

What drugs are considered the most effective

It is impossible to say unequivocally which ointment is the most effective against scabies, since the drugs have different therapeutic effects on the human body. When choosing an external remedy, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient, and only after that he prescribes a course of treatment.

List of ointments for scabies

Ointment for scabies is considered the most effective one that allows you to eliminate parasites and discomfort, which significantly reduce the quality of life. But when choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to the composition of the drug, existing contraindications and the duration of therapy. After all, the effectiveness of the use of funds directly depends on the strict observance of the doctor's recommendations, otherwise the treatment will not bring the desired result and may cause the development of complications.

Zinc ointment

This medication is used to treat many skin problems. Zinc ointment is effective against acne, increased dryness of the epidermis, and also helps to cure scabies. Unlike other drugs, it acts locally and belongs to the category of safe products for human health.

The most effective ointments for scabies. Prices, reviews
Zinc ointment is the most effective ointment for scabies

White zinc ointment, odorless, sold in metal tubes of different sizes. The preparation contains zinc oxide and paraffin. This medication is absorbent, the ointment dries out the skin and reduces the likelihood of developing secondary dermatitis with scabies, excluding the infection in the wounds.

The disadvantage of zinc ointment is that it has a delayed action against itching. For the treatment of scabies, it is necessary for 15-20 minutes. before bedtime, apply the drug evenly over the entire surface of the body, including the feet and palms. The only exception is the face and scalp. The procedure should be repeated for 7-10 days. If therapy has not brought the desired result, then after this time, the drug should be replaced.


  • intolerance to the components that make up the drug;
  • purulent inflammation on the skin and adjacent tissues.

Zinc ointment can be used to treat scabies during breastfeeding and pregnancy after consultation with your doctor.

Permethrin ointment

An ointment for scabies (the most effective should have a quick effect) reduces the unpleasant symptoms caused by the vital activity of ticks. Permethrin ointment shows high efficiency at the initial stage of scabies development. The active component of this drug is permethrin, the mass fraction of which is 50 mg per 1 g. Also included in the drug is quinifuril, which enhances the effect of the main active ingredient.

Of the additional components, the ointment contains:

  • ethanol;
  • carbomer;
  • trolamine;
  • purified water.

Permethrin ointment has a gel-like consistency. It is yellow in color with a specific smell. It is sold in metal tubes with a volume of 40 g. Additionally, the medicine is packed in a cardboard box, which also contains detailed instructions for use.

For the treatment of scabies in adults and children over the age of 3 years, it is necessary to apply permethrin ointment to the affected areas of the body in an even layer, excluding the head, and rub in lightly. At the end of the day, you must take a shower with soap and change underwear and bedding. You can use the medicine for the treatment of scabies no more than 5 times with an interval of 1-2 days.

In the case of using the drug for children from 2 months to 3 years old, apply the agent to the skin and rub it lightly. After 12 hours. baby should be washed with soap and underwear changed. It is allowed to reuse the ointment only once 2 days after the first application.The most effective ointments for scabies. Prices, reviews

Existing contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to pyrethroids;
  • age up to 2 months.

It is allowed to use permethrin ointment during gestation and feeding, but only after studying the possible risk factors. This medicine can cause side effects in the form of itching, skin redness, burning sensation, and swelling. In this case, therapy should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted about changing the medication.

Benzyl benzoate

This is another effective ointment for treating scabies. The drug is white or yellowish with a specific odor. Available in tubes of 15, 30, 50 g. The active ingredient is benzyl benzoate. Its concentration in the product can be 10 or 20%. Also, the preparation includes additional components that contribute to the uniform distribution of the basic substance in the product and enhance its effect.

For the treatment of scabies in adults, a drug with a 20% content of the active ingredient is used, and in children - with 10%.

Mode of application:

  1. It is recommended to take a hot shower before applying the product to improve the penetration of the product into the skin.
  2. Apply benzyl benzoate ointment in an even layer on the skin in the evening, excluding the scalp and face.
  3. Put on clean underwear and bedding.
  4. Take a break in therapy for 2 days, but do not wash off the remains of the medication.
  5. On the 4th day, take a shower, and reapply the ointment on the body before going to bed, as well as change the linen.
  6. On day 5, completely wash off the ointment from the body.

After applying the drug to the body during therapy, hands do not need to be washed for 3 hours. Subsequently, the ointment on them must be reapplied after contact with water.

The most effective ointments for scabies. Prices, reviews

Existing contraindications:

  • allergy to the components that make up the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;

Benzyl benzoate should not be used concurrently with other antiparasitic agents, as this may adversely affect the patient's health.

Sulfuric ointment

Scabies ointment (the most effective is not always expensive) has antimicrobial and antiparasitic effect. It has a yellow tint and a specific rich smell. The active component of the drug is sulfur, the content of which is 33%. When applied to the skin, the active substance is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream, which excludes the likelihood of complications. Sulfur ointment has a detrimental effect on adults and tick larvae, but does not penetrate the protective shell of the eggs.

The course of treatment for scabies:

  1. Take a hot shower in the evening and massage your skin thoroughly with a washcloth.
  2. Squeeze the ointment from the tube onto your hand and apply the product to problem areas in an even layer, except for the face and scalp.
  3. Change underwear and bedding.
  4. Take a break in therapy for 2 days, without washing off the remnants of the product from the body.
  5. On day 4, reapply sulfur ointment to problem areas, including the soles and skin between the toes.
  6. On the fifth day, take a shower and change the linen.

If the ointment is washed off the skin during the course of treatment, these areas must be re-treated.

Existing contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to sulfur;
  • age up to 3 years.

This drug does not cause side effects if the instructions for its use are followed.

Vishnevsky ointment

This remedy was widely used to treat scabies and other skin conditions during the Soviet era. But it still does not lose its popularity, which is explained by its effectiveness, availability and ease of use.The most effective ointments for scabies. Prices, reviews

Vishnevsky's ointment contains 2 active components: birch tar and xeroform. It also contains castor oil, which has a softening effect and accelerates wound healing. The drug has a viscous consistency, a dark brown tint and a specific rich odor. To treat scabies, Vishnevsky's ointment should be applied to dry, clean skin and rubbed lightly with your hands. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity to the components that make up the product;
  • acute purulent skin diseases.

With prolonged use of Vishnevsky ointment, side effects may develop. In this case, itching is felt, skin rashes, hives and tissue swelling appear.


The most effective ointment for scabies can be considered Cromation. This drug is specially designed to treat this condition and is characterized by a targeted anti-itch effect. If you follow the instructions, Crotamiton gives one hundred percent result, quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms and does not cause side effects. The ointment has a light shade and a thick consistency. The drug is available in 60 g tubes. The active ingredient is crotamiton, the content of which in the product is 0.1 g. You need to store the drug in the refrigerator so that it does not lose its medicinal properties.

Mode of application:

  1. Take a hot shower and wipe your skin dry.
  2. Apply the ointment to the body from top to bottom from the chin to the soles of the feet.
  3. Rub the product lightly into the skin with your hands.
  4. The next day, repeat the procedure, change underwear and bed linen.
  5. On the third day in the evening, take a shower with soap and rinse off the remains of the product.
  6. Change the laundry.

The most effective ointments for scabies. Prices, reviewsIt is necessary to treat the whole body with Crotamiton ointment except for the face and scalp. During the entire course of treatment, it is necessary to renew the layer of the drug on the hands after each wash. It is impossible to use Crotamiton ointment for treatment only with individual intolerance to the components that make up it.


This ointment belongs to the category of antiparasitic drugs. It contains a neurotoxic poison - permethrin.

Also in the ointment there are auxiliary components:

  • Castor oil;
  • butyl acetate;
  • ethanol.

Medifox ointment has a targeted effect against scabies mites, as well as pubic and head lice. In the first case, it is recommended to use a product with a 5% concentration of the active ingredient. The ointment should be rubbed onto the scalp from the scalp to the soles of the feet. After 8-14 hours. the product must be washed off. If necessary, repeat the therapy after 2 weeks.


  • age up to 1 year;
  • allergy to the drug;
  • inflammatory skin diseases.

Medifox ointment should be used with caution during breastfeeding and during pregnancy.


This is a combination drug that helps to quickly cure scabies. The high efficiency of the agent is due to the destructive effect on ticks, regardless of their stage of development: eggs, larvae, adults. Spregal contains two active ingredients: esdepaletrin and piperonyl butoxide, which successfully complement each other.The most effective ointments for scabies. Prices, reviews

Mode of application:

  1. Take a shower and dry the body dry.
  2. Apply the drug to the skin in an even layer, except for the face and scalp.
  3. After 12 hours. it is necessary to wash off the remnants of the product.

If after 8-10 days after the end of therapy, the signs of scabies persist, then the course of treatment must be repeated.


  • hypersensitivity to the components that make up it;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Scabies ointments prices

When choosing an effective ointment for scabies, you should compare the prices of popular drugs. However, the high cost is not always a guarantee that the drug will do its job better than the cheaper drug.

Name of the drug price, rub.
Zinc ointment 18-23
Permethrin ointment 1780
Benzyl benzoate 33-35
Sulfuric ointment 19-25
Vishnevsky ointment 28-33
Crotamiton 1980
Medifox 199
Spregal 1250

The range of ointments for scabies is quite wide and it will not be difficult to choose the most effective one, taking into account individual characteristics. But when using external drugs, it should be borne in mind that itching can persist up to 4 weeks after the end of the course of treatment. This is a reaction of the body to dead ticks, and is not considered a sign of ineffectiveness of the therapy.

Video about ointments for scabies

Treatment of scabies with ointments:

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