
Hepa-Merz analogs are cheaper. Price

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  1. Characteristics of the drug
  2. Basic instructions
  3. Analogs
  4. Carsil
  5. Phosphogliv
  6. Hepatosan
  7. Antral
  8. Enerliv
  9. Prohepar
  10. Price of funds
  11. Video about the analogue of Hepa-Merz

Hepa-Merz is a hepatoprotective medication with pronounced properties, which is often used in the treatment of patients with various liver diseases. The drug has a high price, so patients often choose cheaper and more affordable analogues with similar properties.

Characteristics of the drug

The drug is available to patients in the form of granules that are dissolved in water, as well as a solution for parenteral administration. Depending on the patient's condition, the specialist selects the most convenient form. The action of the medication is carried out due to the presence of the component ornithine in its composition.

The substance has a positive effect on the state of the liver, stimulates the elimination of toxins and harmful components, and reduces the level of ammonia in the blood. Experts note the rapid assimilation of the main ingredient in the body, which explains the high efficiency.

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The drug is indicated in the presence of the following deviations:

  • Toxic liver damage as a result of alcohol abuse.
  • Liver pathologies that occur against the background of viruses entering the body.
  • Encephalopathy resulting from liver damage.
  • Diseases of the internal organs in which liver cells are affected.
  • Violation of the patient's consciousness, which is associated with liver pathologies.

The drug is contraindicated in patients with intolerance to the ingredients of its composition, a history of similar manifestations. It is not prescribed for severe kidney disease, which is associated with an increased risk of complications.

The period of lactation and pregnancy is not considered an absolute contraindication for drug therapy. When prescribing, doctors take into account the benefits for the mother and the possible risk to the child, after which they decide on the appropriateness of using the medicine.

Hepa-Merz (cheaper analogs do not always have the same properties) very rarely provokes negative reactions in the form of nausea, allergies, headaches. When using it, an overdose can develop, but such cases are also rare, which makes the drug relatively safe for patients. Another advantage of the drug is the lack of influence on the action of systemic medicines, which makes it possible to use it in combination with other medicines.Hepa-Merz analogs are cheaper. Price, reviews

Like many hepatoprotectors, the drug can be used in short and long courses. It is considered effective, even if administered at an advanced stage of the disease, but the maximum effect is manifested in treatment after the first signs of a disorder appear.

Basic instructions

The drug in the form of granules is taken orally after preliminary dilution in 200 ml of water at room temperature. For 1 time you need 1 bag of granules. The specific dosage for each patient is determined individually after the examination.

The solution is administered intravenously using a dropper. It is preliminarily added to 200-400 ml of sodium chloride. The daily dose of the drug is 4 ampoules of 10 ml. The duration of therapy with a drug is determined taking into account the disease and the degree of its neglect.

In severe diseases, it is possible to increase the daily rate to 8 ampoules. This is the maximum daily dosage, which cannot be exceeded, even in the absence of a therapeutic effect. The agent in the form of granules is usually used at home with a mild course of the disease. The solution is more often used in a hospital, when the patient, for various reasons, cannot take the medicine orally.


Hepa-Merz has analogs that often contain other components in the composition, but have a similar effect on the body. Substitutes are usually cheaper, but this does not guarantee that they will be less effective.

The drugs are produced by domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, are produced in different dosage forms, and are individually selected for patients.


The most popular and available analogue for patients, which has hepatoprotective properties. Unlike the original, it contains the substance silymarin, which provides the effect. This ingredient works differently from ornithine. It is of natural origin, as it is an extract from milk thistle.Hepa-Merz analogs are cheaper. Price, reviews

When ingested, the substance not only stimulates the restoration of liver cells, but also helps to bind toxins that provoke liver damage. Silymarin stimulates protein synthesis, has antioxidant properties, which helps to protect liver cells from the negative effects of toxins, certain foods and adverse external factors. As a result of the use of the drug, the cells of the organ are restored and the general condition of the patient is improved.

Like the original, the substitute is indicated for liver cirrhosis, viral and toxic organ damage. It is not used for impaired consciousness, provoked by severe liver damage, like Hepa-Merz. Despite the herbal composition, the medicine is considered effective and brings good results when used correctly.

An analogue is available only in tablet form, while the original can be administered parenterally as a solution. Despite the antitoxic properties of the tablets, they are not prescribed for acute intoxication. The original medicine can be used in this case.

The substitute is not used in the treatment of children under 5 years of age and patients with allergies to its components. The treatment regimen may differ from that used when the original was prescribed. Hepa-Merz is usually used no longer than 3 weeks, but Karsil is often taken for 4-6 weeks according to individual indications. Unlike the original, the analog does not provoke an overdose, but more often leads to negative reactions.


Hepa-Merz (cheaper analogs often provoke negative reactions) contains a synthetic main ingredient. Many of its substitutes work due to the presence of natural ingredients. For example, the drug Phosphogliv contains phospholipids, which are of natural origin and have pronounced hepatoprotective properties.

The mechanism of action is different from the original. Phospholipids stimulate the recovery of liver cells, and also have a positive effect on the functioning of the organ. When using the product, it improves the work of the gallbladder, which is important for patients with several pathologies of the digestive system.

The original is available in the form of granules and solution, but the analogue is available in the form of capsules for oral use and a lyophilisate to obtain a solution that is administered parenterally. One of the differences between the drug is considered a positive effect not only on the liver, but also on the condition of the skin. After completing the course, there is a decrease in the number of rashes, foci of inflammation and other problems.Hepa-Merz analogs are cheaper. Price, reviews

That is why the drug is prescribed not only for liver pathologies of various origins, intoxications, but also for diseases of the skin, for example, with neurodermatitis or eczema. Hepa-Merz is used for 2-4 weeks, depending on the severity of manifestations, but the average duration of Phosphogliv therapy is 3 months. In this case, the solution is administered for 10 days, after which the patient is transferred to the encapsulated form of the medication. The dosage of the medicine is selected individually.

Unlike the original, the analog has more contraindications:

  • The patient's age is up to 12 years.
  • Uncontrolled form of arterial hypertension.
  • Internal bleeding against the background of damage to the stomach and intestines.

The original medicine, if necessary, is allowed to be used when carrying a child and breastfeeding, but an analogue is not prescribed, even if there are symptoms. The substitute more often provokes complications, and can also lead to the appearance of symptoms of a severe overdose.


Domestic analogue of the drug, which contains dried pig liver cells. The natural origin of the product is considered its main difference from the original. The medicine is produced in the form of capsules that must be taken orally.

Hepa-Merz (cheaper analogs may have other properties) acts directly on the liver, its functioning and helps to remove toxic components from the body. The substitute not only stimulates the restoration of organ cells, but also contains useful components that have a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism.Hepa-Merz analogs are cheaper. Price, reviews

The duration of use of the analogue can be 20 days, while the original is often used over a longer period. The dosage depends on the symptoms of a specific disease, is determined individually after examination.

Like Hepa-Merz, the analog rarely provokes complications. Overdose cases have not been recorded, but the original can lead to such complications with prolonged use in high doses.

The only contraindication for therapy with a remedy is the intolerance of its components. It can be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, patients who, for whatever reason, cannot take other medicines.


Substitute in tablet form, which is used in the treatment of liver pathologies of various origins. The medication can be used for cirrhosis, toxic liver damage. Often it is prescribed for hepatosis and hepatitis of varying severity.

The main active substance in the composition is the antral ingredient, which has a hepatoprotective and antitoxic effect. The analog helps to lower the level of bilirubin. Unlike the original, it has mild anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and analgesic effects. Experts also note the ability of the main substance to reduce the patient's body temperature.

The substitute is not available in the form of a solution for parenteral administration, which does not allow prescribing it in case of impossibility of ingestion. For example, in case of impaired consciousness or acute diseases of the stomach, treatment with a solution helps to improve the condition and does not aggravate the symptoms of concomitant deviations.

Antral can be used not only for liver diseases, but also for inflammation of other parts of the digestive system, in preparation for radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

The treatment regimen involves taking pills for 3-4 weeks, depending on the manifestations of the disease. Complications with their use develop much more often than with the appointment of Hepa-Merz. An overdose may develop, especially with prolonged use.


Hepa-Merz (cheaper analogs may be less effective in severe forms of pathology) in the form of granules is not always convenient to take, especially outside the home. Enerliv is available as oral gelatin capsules. It has a natural composition, as it contains phospholipids as the main ingredient.

Substances stimulate the liver, restore organ cells and prevent their damage as a result of external and internal factors. The ability of the main substance to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood is noted, which prevents the development of atherosclerotic changes on the part of the vessels. This action is considered one of the most important differences from the original product.

Hepa-Merz analogs are cheaper. Price, reviews
Enerlin - analogue is cheaper than Hepa-Merz

Like some other substitutes, Enerliv cannot be used in severe liver pathologies, when the patient is unable to take the drug orally. Hepa-Merz can be prescribed even in advanced cases and in violation of the patient's consciousness. Despite this, both remedies are considered to be effective.

The drug of natural origin is not used when diagnosing intolerance to the ingredients of the composition, but can provoke complications:

  • Stool disorder, accompanied by flatulence, bloating, pain in the abdomen.
  • Nausea and bouts of vomiting.
  • Allergic reactions on the skin in the form of a rash, irritation, peeling, itching.
  • Weakness and fatigue.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Decreased appetite.

The drug does not accumulate in the blood and tissues, so overdose cases have not been reported. This is considered an advantage of the product over other substitutes and the original.


A combined medication that can be used to diagnose liver pathologies in a patient and the impossibility of using the original medication for various reasons. The natural substitute contains not only cyanocobalamin, but also inositol, bovine liver extract. The drug is used not only for diagnosing liver diseases.

It can be used in the presence of other indications:

  • Radiation sickness.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Severe hepatopathy.
  • Poisoning with drugs.

The drug is considered effective, but the original has a more pronounced effect on liver cells and stimulates their recovery faster than a substitute. Unlike Hepa-Merz, Prohepar is available in tablet form, which allows you to take it at home when necessary.Hepa-Merz analogs are cheaper. Price, reviews

The presence of cyanocobalamin in the composition makes the medicine not only curative, but also prophylactic. Vitamin of group B improves the condition of tissues, has a beneficial effect on the immune system and the work of other internal organs. The drug can be used for prophylactic purposes, often combined with other medicines.

Like the original, Prohepar is not prescribed for allergies to its components. It rarely provokes complications, and cases of drug overdose have not been registered.

Price of funds

The cost of Hepa-Merz is high, especially when it is necessary to undergo a long therapeutic course. Analogs are somewhat cheaper.

Name of the medicine Price
Hepa-Merz The cost of the medicine is 1500-3000 rubles. depending on its quantity in the package.
Carsil You can buy an analog for 60-150 rubles.
Phosphogliv The price of the product is 500-1500 rubles.
Hepatosan The medication costs about 400-600 rubles.
Antral The price of the medicine is 250-350 rubles.
Enerliv You can buy the medicine for 900-1800 rubles.
Prohepar The cost of the medication is approximately 900-1600 rubles.

When choosing, the doctor relies not on the cost of the medicine, but on its characteristics and the response of the patient's body.

Hepa-Merz is an effective hepatoprotective medication that is used for liver damage of various origins. The price of the product is quite high, so patients select suitable analogues. They are usually cheaper, but not less effective. The choice of a substitute is carried out individually for each patient; you should not choose it yourself.

Video about the analogue of Hepa-Merz

Description and instruction of Hepa-Merz:

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