
Taping for hallux valgus in children. Scheme

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  1. Signs of hallux valgus in children, indications for taping
  2. At what age is the correction carried out
  3. How taping helps with hallux valgus
  4. Contraindications
  5. Which tapes are suitable
  6. How to tap on children
  7. General rules
  8. Gluing patterns
  9. Scheme No. 1
  10. Scheme No. 2
  11. Terms of wearing
  12. Removal of tapes
  13. Is it possible to do without a kinesiologist?
  14. Complications with improper taping
  15. Cost of tapes
  16. Video about taping for hallux valgus

Hallux valgus in children Is an acquired pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which is a consequence of the abnormal development of the lower extremities. This disease is diagnosed by a pediatrician during a routine examination of the child. The hallux valgus is found in children who have reached the age of 10-12 months.

With valgus, the treatment of a deformed foot should begin at an early age. Otherwise, the child's legs acquire an X-shape, flat feet and degenerative changes in the structure of the joints of the lower extremities join. One of the most effective and safe methods of therapy is taping, with the help of which there is a gradual restoration of the correct shape of the foot.

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Signs of hallux valgus in children, indications for taping

Early diagnosis of the child's lower extremities allows detecting the first symptoms of pathology before the moment when deformational changes in the shape of the legs will lead to complications for the entire musculoskeletal apparatus.

There are the following signs of the hallux valgus in children:

  • improper distribution of body load, when, while walking, the child reflexively rests not on the entire plantar part of the limb, but only on its inner side;
  • as the disease progresses, the child's gait is clumsy, shuffling;
  • after a short walk, the child complains of severe fatigue and pain, or discomfort in the feet area;
  • periodically there are convulsive spasms of the calf muscles;
  • at the end of the day, the child's soft tissues of the feet swell, become painful and swollen.

As the valgus develops, there is a gradual change in the shape of the lower extremities. Walking with the wrong feet position leads to the fact that the child's knees become turned inward, and his gait becomes even more awkward.

At what age is the correction carried out

Hallux valgus is manifested in children aged 10-12 months, when they begin to take their first steps. During this period of child's development, it is extremely important to pay attention to the position of his legs during walking, the correct distribution of body weight with the direction of the load on the entire plane of the plantar parts of the leg. When the first signs of valgus are found, it is necessary to make an appointment with a pediatric orthopedic doctor for examination with further prescription of treatment.

Therapy for hallux valgus in a child can be performed immediately after confirmation of this diagnosis by a doctor. In this case, taping of the lower extremities will have a positive effect if treatment is started in the first 5 years after the detection of valgus. The older the child becomes, the more difficult it is to restore the anatomically correct shape of the deformed legs.

How taping helps with hallux valgus

Kinesio tape fixes the muscle and connective tissues of the foot in the anatomically correct position. The child's lower limbs receive full development and formation without signs of pathological changes.

Regular walking with the applied tape starts the process of gradual elimination of foot deformity without pain and harm to the child's health. The advantage of kinesio taping in children with signs of valgus is the ability to correct the irregular shape of the leg within a short period of time.


Taping for hallux valgus in children has contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the body of the materials from which the kinesio tape is made;
  • diseases of the blood vessels, accompanied by an imbalance in the cellular balance of the blood, as well as the risk of blood clots;
  • inflammatory diseases of the skin of the foot in the area of ​​application of the tape (resumption of therapy valgus using taping is possible, but only after elimination of signs of local inflammation);
  • ulcerative formations and open wounds on the legs in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe feet;
  • an allergic reaction that occurred immediately or after a short period of time after the fixation patch was applied to the lower limb (a similar reaction of the child's body is manifested by edema of epithelial tissues, redness, severe itching, which persists even after removing the tape).Taping for hallux valgus in children. Scheme

Before using taping as one of the physiotherapy treatments hallux valgus, an orthopedic surgeon examines the child for possible presence contraindications. Particular attention is paid to children with an individual tendency to allergic reactions.

Which tapes are suitable

Taping for hallux valgus in children should be performed with kinesio tapes, which are made of natural cotton, are hypoallergenic and completely safe for the body. The choice of a quality product to restore the correct shape of the lower extremities will avoid the occurrence of rashes, redness and irritation of the skin surface of the legs.

It is believed that kinesio tapes from the South Korean brand BBTape are best suited for a child's body. The specialists of this company have developed a special line of teips for children Kids, which are made of cotton fabric, on their the surface has design drawings, and a high level of durability and a high-quality adhesive base increase the duration of their wearing up to 5 days.

To correct hallux valgus in children, tapes are suitable that meet the following characteristics:

  • the correction tape, which is glued to the surface of the lower limb, should have I or Y-shape, depending on the technique of applying the tape;
  • it is allowed to use a plaster of a standard width, which is 5 cm;
  • the material from which the tape is made must not contain carcinogenic and toxic substances;
  • even in conditions of prolonged wearing of the fixing tape, it should not cause signs of irritation or allergic reactions;
  • kinesio tapes for children cannot contain medicinal products (except for clinical cases, when the use of fixation tapes impregnated with medical solutions is part of a therapeutic process);
  • an elastic patch for the treatment of valgus cannot limit the mobility of the child's foot, as this will lead to an abnormal formation of the entire lower limb;
  • Children's tape should have an increased level of strength and a reliable adhesive base in order to remain on the surface of the skin for the longest possible period of time.

The therapeutic procedure for fixing a curved limb with tapes requires the use of at least 2 even strips of adhesive plaster. When choosing a kinesio tape for treating a child, it is recommended to pay attention only to those types ribbons that are made on the basis of organic cotton grown without the use of chemical substances.

How to tap on children

Taping for hallux valgus in children should be performed by a specialist with appropriate qualifications. The timing of the recovery of the child's lower limb, as well as the final result that will be achieved upon completion of the course of corrective therapy, depend on the correct fixation of the patch.

General rules

During the treatment of valgus in a child using the taping method, the following rules for applying a fixing patch must be observed:

  • a strip of tape must be cut off immediately before starting the therapeutic process;Taping for hallux valgus in children. Scheme
  • a Y-shaped fixing tape is formed with a longitudinal section;
  • the ends of the tape are rounded off with scissors (otherwise the plaster will quickly come off);
  • the skin surface of the child's foot is treated with ethyl alcohol of 70% concentration, and only then the tape is applied;
  • do not touch the adhesive side of the patch, as this can lead to a reduction in the duration of its wearing;
  • the ends of the tape, which are also called anchors, are glued to the surface of the foot without additional tension (the length of this part of the patch is from 3 to 5 cm);
  • the middle part of the fixing tape is applied with a medium tension;
  • after gluing the tape on the deformed part of the foot, it is necessary to slowly grind the tissues of the child's legs to enhance local blood circulation.

Correctly fixed tape should not cause pain or any other discomfort. If after this procedure the child complains of itching, tissue numbness, there are signs changes in the color tone of the skin towards redness or blue discoloration, then it is necessary to remove the fixing patch. Such symptoms indicate the individual sensitivity of the child's body, or an incorrectly applied tape.

Gluing patterns

There are several therapeutic schemes for applying a kinesio tape to correct hallux valgus in children. This treatment tactics should be determined exclusively by the orthopedic doctor.

Scheme No. 1

Applying the tape to the hallux valgus using this scheme looks like this:

  1. Cut 2 even strips of adhesive 20 cm long.
  2. Fix the edge of the first piece of tape over the child's thumb.
  3. Using a tension level of 25-50%, pass the duct tape across the outside of the bone and then along the back of the foot.
  4. Attach the other end of the patch to the outside of the ankle.
  5. Fix the second tape on the inner side of the foot up to the beginning of the ankle.Taping for hallux valgus in children. Scheme

After completing the above steps, you must make sure that all edges of the tape are in close contact with the surface of the child's skin. In this case, the fixing plaster should not interfere with local blood circulation or reduce the functional mobility of the foot.

Scheme No. 2

The second option for correcting the hallux valgus of the foot involves the use of the following taping scheme:

  1. It is necessary to take 2 wide ribbons of blue and yellow colors.
  2. Attach a yellow patch in the center of the plantar part of the leg from the base of the toes, then it passes along the back of the lower leg, and is fixed at the base of the calf muscles.
  3. A blue tape is applied to support the connective tissues of the lateral part of the foot.
  4. The second patch is applied perpendicular to the first patch.
  5. The edges of the second piece of tape are attached to the lateral sides of the ankle joint, and the tape itself runs along the center of the heel.Taping for hallux valgus in children. SchemeTaping for hallux valgus in children. SchemeTaping for hallux valgus in children. SchemeTaping for hallux valgus in children. SchemeTaping for hallux valgus in children. Scheme

The average length of the fixing straps is 15-20 cm. In the process of applying tapes, the level of tension of the patch is 25-50%. Kinesio tape is especially carefully spread in the area of ​​the ankle joint to prevent it from peeling off.

Terms of wearing

The duration of wearing kinesio tapes is determined individually by the attending surgeon or orthopedist, depending on the severity of deformational changes in the structure of the foot. Correction of the shape of the lower limb using fixing patches is carried out with continuous therapeutic courses with short breaks.

The standard terms for taping the valgus foot, which has no signs of complications, involves applying a kinesio tape for 3 days. During this period, the child should wear the tape without removing it from the surface of the lower limb.

After 3 days, the kinesio tape is removed from the tissues of the hallux valgus. After that, a rest period begins, the duration of which is from 1 to 3 days, depending on medical indications. The doctor re-examines the child's foot, and then sets a date for the next appointment for reapplying kinesio tapes.

The total period of valgus correction with time intervals of rest is from 2 to 12 months. The more neglected the deformation changes in the foot, the more time it will take to correct them using taping.

It is important to remember that wearing kinesio tapes should not be the only physiotherapy method for correcting the hallux valgus.

This is just an additional treatment procedure, which should be combined with the following set of measures:

  • walking barefoot to stimulate the receptors of the peripheral nervous system and strengthen the ligaments of the foot;
  • wearing orthopedic shoes with special insoles, which were selected by an orthopedic doctor based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the child;
  • performing exercise therapy exercises;
  • massage of all parts of the foot;
  • symptomatic intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (prescribed in combination with the kinesio taping method if the child suffers from bouts of severe pain in the foot area).

Taping for hallux valgus in children. SchemeIn combination with the observance of the above measures, the terms of wearing kinesio tapes are reduced by 2-3 times. In this case, the child's foot, as well as the rest of his lower extremities, receive normal development without signs of deformational changes in the X-type.

Removal of tapes

The process of removing kinesio tapes from the surface of the skin of the foot must comply with the following rules:

  • removal of the fixing tape is carried out in the direction of hair growth;
  • before removing the tape, apply oil for the care of baby skin to its surface (these actions will soften the adhesive base of the patch, which will make its removal painless);
  • you cannot tear off the tapes abruptly, as this will cause pain.

After applying oil to the surface of the tape, wait 2-3 minutes. until its adhesive base loses its fixing properties. Only then is the patch slowly removed from the surface of the foot in the direction of hair follicle growth.

Is it possible to do without a kinesiologist?

Taping for hallux valgus in children should only be performed by an experienced kinesiologist. This minimizes the risk of incorrect application of the fixing tape with the further development of negative symptoms. In the absence of practical experience in taping the feet, it is not recommended to perform this procedure on your own.

Complications with improper taping

Applying the tape to the surface of the children's foot should be done correctly with the tape fixing in those areas the lower limb, where the tendons and muscle tissues are responsible for functional mobility and shape legs.

Incorrect taping will cause the following complications:

  • further progression of the valgus curvature of the foot;
  • violation of local blood circulation and lymph outflow, which in the medium term will lead to the development of edema of the leg tissues;
  • redness of the skin at the points of contact of the tape with epithelial tissues;
  • a pronounced feeling of discomfort or pain, if the fixing tape has pulled a blood vessel, or individual fibers of muscle tissue;
  • decreased functions of the lower limb with limited mobility.Taping for hallux valgus in children. Scheme

The most favorable consequence of incorrect taping of the valgus foot in a child is the lack of a positive result from the treatment. In the worst case, mistakes in applying the tape will cause even greater negative changes in the lower limb.

Cost of tapes

The table below lists the average prices for kinesio tapes that are used to correct hallux valgus in children of all age groups.

Product name and characteristics Price
Kinesio tape BBTape (beige) Lite modification with a width of 5 cm and a length of adhesive tape 5 m. Made of organic cotton, and also contains soft glue that does not irritate sensitive baby skin. 650 RUB
Kinesio tape BBTape from the Kids series with designer drawings in the form of multi-colored images of cars, cartoon characters and fairy-tale characters. The adhesive tape is 5 cm wide and 5 m long. The fabric base of the patch is made of organic cotton and impregnated with soft glue. Kinesio tapes BBTape from the Kids series do not cause allergic reactions, keep the attention of children with a bright and unusual design. RUB 790
Kinesio tape BBTape from the Lite series with a 5 cm wide adhesive tape and a 5 m roll length. This tape contains organic cotton with hypoallergenic properties. This tape is suitable for sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions. 650 RUB
Kinesio tape BBTape from the Kids series with the image of unicorns on a white background. This product is made of natural cotton, does not contain any chemicals, and is gently glued and removed from the surface of the skin without causing any discomfort. Kinesio tape BBTape from the Kids series with the image of unicorns can be used in the treatment of children with allergies. RUB 790

The choice of kinesio tape to correct the hallux valgus of the foot should be agreed with the doctor who is treating the child. When buying this product, it is necessary to give preference not to the cheapest options, but to tapes with a high-quality fabric base, hypoallergenic glue and an elastic surface.

Hallux valgus in children is a consequence of improper formation of the lower extremities. This pathology is expressed by the curvature of the legs in the X-shaped type. In children with valgus, there is a violation of the structure of the foot with its gradual displacement to the outside. Timely taping allows you to stop the further development of the valgus with the simultaneous curvature of other segments of the lower limb.

The advantage of using kinesio tapes is the painlessness of this technique, the absence restrictions in leg mobility, restoring the normal shape of the foot without the use of medicinal drugs. At the same time, the risk of developing concomitant defects of the child's musculoskeletal system is minimized.

Video about taping for hallux valgus

Kinesio-taping for hallux valgus:

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