
Enterofuril: how to take for adults, instructions, dosage

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  1. Composition and form of release
  2. Terms of sale, prices
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. Methods of administration and dosage
  8. Side effects
  9. Overdose
  10. special instructions
  11. Drug interactions
  12. Analogs
  13. Storage conditions and periods
  14. Video about the drug Enterofuril

Enterofuril - antimicrobial medication for the treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract of an infectious origin, which can be prescribed to adults at different stages of the disease. It is recommended to take the medicine according to indications, which is associated with its pronounced effect. The product is considered effective and relatively safe when used correctly.

Composition and form of release

The drug is available for purchase by patients in the form of oral capsules and suspension, which is also taken orally. Adults are usually prescribed capsules when certain indications occur.

Capsules have a standard shape and size, gelatinous shell. The color of the capsule can be brown or yellow, depending on the amount of the active ingredient. The capsules are packaged in blisters of 2, 16 or 30 pieces. The plates are placed in small cardboard boxes, where you can also find a description indicating the features of use, contraindications and possible complications during therapy.

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The drug contains the nifuroxazide component, which has basic therapeutic properties.

Enterofuril. Instructions for use, dosage for adults

The capsules contain auxiliary ingredients:

  • Sucrose.
  • Starch.
  • Titanium dioxide.
  • Magnesium stearate.
  • Gelatin.

These substances have no medicinal properties. The amount of the main component per 1 capsule is 100 or 200 mg.

Terms of sale, prices

The medication is sold freely in pharmacies, which allows each patient to purchase it if necessary.

The average cost of capsules is 320-340 rubles. per packing. It may differ depending on the amount of the medicine, the region of distribution.

Pharmacological properties

Enterofuril is recommended for adults for some pathologies of the digestive system. The drug has antimicrobial properties, helps to destroy microorganisms, which most often provoke the development of pathologies in some parts of the digestive tract.

The medicine not only destroys bacteria, but also prevents their spread to healthy areas of the patient's intestines. After the death of microbes, the tissues are cleansed of their waste products.

In addition, the drug does not lead to a violation of the intestinal microflora, it helps to prevent such complications with a prolonged course of the pathological condition.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug has antimicrobial properties. Its main ingredient is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, which often provoke intestinal disorders.Enterofuril. Instructions for use, dosage for adults

The ability of nifuroxazide to destroy the following bacteria has been noted:

  • Staphylococci and streptococci.
  • Enterobacteriaceae and Klebsiella.
  • Cytobacteria.
  • Salmonella.

The activity of many microbes leads to stool disorder and some other complications. The destruction of these microorganisms can shorten the recovery period and reduce the likelihood of complications.

The drug has no negative effect on the intestinal microflora of the patient. Many antimicrobial drugs cause it to be abnormal, which aggravates the symptoms. If the patient develops acute diarrhea of ​​an infectious origin, taking the medicine helps to normalize eubiosis, prevents the progression of the disorder.

The use of capsules allows you to prevent the development of superinfection if the pathology is provoked by enterotropic viruses. After taking the capsules inside, their dissolution occurs in the small intestine, as well as the action of the main substance.

Nifuroxazide almost does not penetrate the systemic circulation, it acts mainly in the intestinal lumen. If the drug is used during lactation, its substance does not penetrate into breast milk, does not affect its composition, as well as the baby's body. Only a small amount of the component enters the systemic circulation, especially when taking higher dosages.Enterofuril. Instructions for use, dosage for adults

After providing a therapeutic effect, the components of the composition are excreted from the body with feces. Their accumulation in tissues does not occur, even with prolonged use at high doses. The presence of erosive areas on the walls of the intestine may slightly increase the amount of substance that enters the bloodstream.

Indications for use

Enterofuril is prescribed for adults with various infectious bowel diseases.

It is recommended to take capsules in the presence of the following indications:

  • Infectious bowel pathologies, accompanied by frequent loose stools.
  • A stool disorder that occurs when the body is poisoned with food, medicine, or drinks.
  • The appearance of symptoms of acute diarrhea, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • Long-term disorder in which the patient has no additional symptoms, but the general condition worsens as a result of exhaustion of the body.
Enterofuril. Instructions for use, dosage for adults

The drug can be used as an independent method of treatment, but sometimes it is necessary to prescribe several drugs to increase the effectiveness of therapy.


Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it cannot always be used for therapy in adults. The main obstacle is considered intolerance to any ingredient in the composition and a history of such reactions.

Other contraindications include the following conditions:

  • Persistent constipation, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, bloating.
  • The period of bearing a child. The medicine can only be used in some cases when other medicines do not help relieve the symptoms. Lactation is not considered an absolute contraindication for treatment, but the drug is prescribed with caution and in short courses.
  • Exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Some doctors do not recommend taking it during periods of exacerbation of gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • Traumatic brain injury in the acute stage.
  • Alcoholism. Experts recommend that patients undergo a full-fledged therapeutic course, after which other medications may be prescribed.
  • Acute and subacute brain diseases. The drug is allowed to be used after elimination of the symptoms of diseases.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding with damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach or intestines.
  • The recovery period after undergoing surgery on the abdominal organs.

Relative contraindications include old age, since patients usually have a history of heart disease, blood vessels, and the drug can aggravate their course.

Methods of administration and dosage

Enterofuril is recommended for adults only as directed by a doctor. The capsules are intended for oral administration in the correct dosage. Usually, the drug is taken according to the standard scheme, which involves the use of no longer than 7 days.Enterofuril. Instructions for use, dosage for adults

A single dosage for a patient is 200 mg, it can be taken 2 times a day. With a mild form of pathology, 100 mg of the drug 2 times a day is enough, but in severe cases, the dose is increased.

Often, 5 days of treatment are enough to eliminate symptoms, but if necessary, use within 7 days is allowed. Longer courses are not given. If symptoms persist after 7 days of therapy, the doctor may select other medicines with more pronounced properties.

When taking capsules, it is important to drink enough water to speed up dissolution of the shell and release of the main ingredients. It is forbidden to exceed the daily rate or prolong the course, even in the absence of a therapeutic effect.

Side effects

The drug can provoke negative reactions from internal organs and systems, even if all the doctor's recommendations are followed. Complications can manifest themselves in an acute form, often worsen the patient's condition.

Damage area Frequent negative reactions
Nervous system On the part of the nervous system, disorders do not appear so often, but patients can talk about a headache. pain and dizziness, weakness and decreased performance, impaired concentration, deterioration memory. Over the course of several days, the general condition worsens, irritability may appear against the background of a lack of normal night sleep. Patients do not always suffer from insomnia, it is possible that constant drowsiness may appear, which negatively affects the general condition.
Digestive organs When using capsules, patients may experience complications from the digestive system in the form of heartburn, indigestion, pain in the stomach. The drug can lead to nausea, bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, aggravation of the manifestations of the underlying disease. Often, patients speak of intense thirst and dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
urinary system Sometimes the medication leads to the development of infectious diseases of the urinary organs. Patients report pain in the lower abdomen, increased urination, and discomfort in the kidney area.
Skin The drug can provoke allergic manifestations on the skin. At the same time, a rash appears on different parts of the body, gradually spreading to large areas of the skin, provoking itching and burning. The patient combs the affected area, which only worsens the condition of the skin, increases the likelihood of tissue infection and the development of additional complications.

Enterofuril. Instructions for use, dosage for adultsComplications can manifest themselves in the form of irregular heart rhythms and tachycardia, but such reactions usually manifest themselves only in patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Enterofuril is recommended for adults only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor and for a certain period of time. With the accidental use of a large number of capsules, the general condition worsens, all negative reactions are aggravated. The condition is accompanied by repeated vomiting throughout the day, loose stools, and signs of dehydration.

An allergic reaction in case of an overdose also proceeds in a severe form, extending not only to the skin, but also to the mucous membranes. There is swelling of the tissues of the oral cavity, nasal passages, eyes. Patients develop symptoms of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, manifested in the form of lacrimation, itching, severe swelling and redness.

Overdose can lead to severe weakness and impaired coordination of movements, headache. The patient's performance is significantly reduced, other disorders may appear that aggravate the condition. If symptoms of an overdose appear, you must immediately stop taking capsules and visit a doctor. The patient may need medication to eliminate manifestations.

Self-treatment of the condition usually leads to an aggravation of the symptoms, which can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the patient.

special instructions

Capsules are not taken for the prevention of infectious intestinal diseases, as well as in the case when the disorder of the stool is not associated with the defeat of some parts of the intestine by pathogenic microorganisms.

After 1-2 days of treatment with the drug, the first therapeutic result should appear. After 3 days of treatment, the effect is more noticeable. If during this period there is no effect, it is better to consult a doctor. He may find another medicine with similar properties.Enterofuril. Instructions for use, dosage for adults

One of the conditions for therapy is considered to be the use of a sufficient amount of liquid. This allows you to prevent the development of severe dehydration and other complications against the background of a similar condition. The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles, therefore it can be used in the morning. It does not impair concentration, but only if all the doctor's recommendations are followed.

Drug interactions

Enterofuril should be taken by adults separately from drugs with antimicrobial properties, since severe complications from the intestine can develop. The capsules have no effect on the action of systemic medicines.

If necessary, the medication can be used in combination with anti-inflammatory, vascular, hormonal agents. In each case, a preliminary visit to a doctor is required, who will determine the feasibility of taking several medications at the same time.


The medicine has analogues that can be used if necessary.

Sometimes the medicine is not prescribed for various reasons, but substitutes help eliminate the symptoms of the disease:

  • Nifuroxazide is considered the most popular analogue based on the same active ingredient. The drug has pronounced properties and is available for purchase in the form of a suspension and tablets for oral use. Adults use the tablet form more often. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined individually, depending on the severity of symptoms.Enterofuril. Instructions for use, dosage for adults
  • Ersefuril Contains nifuroxazide, which helps to kill the most common stool-causing bacteria. The medicine is available in the form of capsules for oral administration, therefore it is used only in the treatment of adult patients. Like the original, the medication is used in short courses, since prolonged use will certainly provoke complications.
  • Stopdiar in the form of capsules contains nifuroxazide as the main active substance, helps to eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea of ​​infectious and toxic origin. The drug is also available in the form of a suspension for oral use, which is prescribed to children when certain symptoms appear. The dose of the drug and the duration of its use are determined individually.

Drug analogues are selected only by a specialist after a preliminary examination, since drugs that are not always the same in composition have a similar effect.

Storage conditions and periods

For 5 years, the medicine is allowed to be stored in a dark and cool place, protecting it from children.

After the expiration of this period, the use of the product is prohibited. The production date can be seen on the packaging.

Enterofuril is an antimicrobial medication for the treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract of an infectious origin, which is often prescribed to adults when certain symptoms appear. It is recommended to take capsules in the prescribed dosage, without violating the instructions attached to the medicine.

Video about the drug Enterofuril

Enterofuril for diarrhea:

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