Respiratory System

Breathe plaster for children. Reviews, instructions for use, composition, analogues, price

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The Breathe Patch for Children is a convenient and functional way to help your child breathe easier in the event of a cold. According to reviews, they have an intense but pleasant aroma. The impregnation contains several essential oils that affect sensitive receptors and contribute to the destruction of microbes and viruses.

According to doctors and parents, patches for passive inhalation - an effective and inexpensive way prevent infection even during an epidemic. For especially curious children, there is a good use case - fixing the patch in the inside of the pocket.

At the same time, he will act no less effectively. The smell spreads throughout the room, but does not bring any discomfort to the child.

The evaporated oils do not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and do not cause allergic reactions. The duration of the action in fact turns out to be longer, the smell becomes softer and more delicate. The concentration accumulated in the air will have a therapeutic effect for a long time.

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Record content:

  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 Compound
  • 3 In what form is it produced
  • 4 Action
  • 5 Application for children under 18 years of age
  • 6 Contraindications
  • 7 Side effects
  • 8 Drug interactions
  • 9 Storage conditions and periods
  • 10 Analogs
    • 10.1 Plaster Inhalation nozzle
    • 10.2 Plasters Magikoplast
  • 11 Video about the plaster Breathe

Indications for use

The Breathe Patch for Children has positive reviews due to its effectiveness in the case of its use with the following indications:

  • prevention of ARVI, ARI and relief of their symptoms;Breathe plaster for children. Reviews, instructions for use, composition, analogues
  • nasal congestion, difficulty breathing;
  • difficulty falling asleep.

The duration of the therapeutic action is at least 12 hours.


The patch is a strip of non-woven material with a protective coating and an adhesive mass on the back, which is also covered with a film that prevents the evaporation of essential oils.

The impregnation of the medicinal product includes:

  • peppermint oil;
  • levomenthol;
  • turpentine;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • fir.

The complex composition allows you to maximize the effectiveness of the mixture and more actively suppress the vital activity of microorganisms, viruses, microbes and bacteria.

Breathe plaster for children, reviews of which are especially good, thanks to the listed ingredients, helps to quickly relieve the first symptoms and accelerate recovery, even in a difficult case.

In what form is it produced

The inhaler with an adhesive base and a soft pad impregnated with active substances is packed in individual bags in 2 versions:

  • 6 × 5 cm, 10 pcs .;
  • 6 × 5 cm, 5 pcs.Breathe plaster for children. Reviews, instructions for use, composition, analogues

Price 10 pcs. - about 300 rubles, 5 pcs. - 190 rubles. average. In addition to plasters, the manufacturer offers other products that are relatively recent expanded the range of complex therapy:

  • lozenges with honey, chamomile or raspberries, 2.5 g, 12 pcs in 1 blister;
  • oil for children with a dropper and a bracelet in 10 ml bottles;
  • drinks with propolis or linden, 10 sachets in 1 package;
  • children's gel for the skin around the nose in tubes of 15 ml;
  • warming gel in tubes of 30 ml;
  • oil spray, 30 ml.

All forms of release complement each other and accelerate the recovery of the child.


Peppermint essential oil has a menthol scent with a fruity undertone. The composition includes a large number of various active hydrocarbons. The oil helps to restore strength, calm the nerves, relieve the nervousness that occurs when there is a lack of adequate sleep.Breathe plaster for children. Reviews, instructions for use, composition, analogues

A 2013 study found that peppermint helps relax muscles in the airways that run the trachea and bronchi. Thanks to this mechanism, breathing when coughing is greatly facilitated.

  1. Levomenthol Is the left-handed menthol isomer isolated from peppermint oil. The substance is a transparent crystalline mass that melts easily even at room temperature. Levomenthol has its own anti-inflammatory activity and enhances the pharmacological action of other components in the composition.
  2. Turpentine Is turpentine obtained from the bark of coniferous trees. At its core, the ingredient is a mixture of essential oils that are extracted from various parts of the tree by distillation and distillation. Another method of obtaining is by incising the bark and collecting the released mass. For medical purposes, pure species of mountain pines, common juniper, etc. are used.
  3. Eucalyptus - an extensive genus of evergreen shrubs and trees from the Myrtle family. The oil contains up to 80% cineole, the number of other components reaches 40 pieces. Eucalyptus oil disinfects the air and skin, thereby contributing to a speedy recovery. The oily extract is especially effective in the treatment of rhinitis and various types of cough. Essential components easily settle and are absorbed into tissues, where they immediately begin antiviral and antibacterial action.
    Breathe plaster for children. Reviews, instructions for use, composition, analogues
    The healing properties of eucalyptus
  4. Lavender - oil is obtained by steam distillation from flowering plants. The aroma is soothing, cool, fresh with a balsamic undertone. Lavender is effective against viruses, radicals, microbes. The rich composition of elements has a healing effect on almost all organs and tissues. Lavender oil contains ingredients to accelerate tissue regeneration, which is a very desirable effect in the fight against inflammation.
  5. Fir - a small pyramid-shaped tree from the Pine family. The aroma of the essential oil is tart and intense. To obtain it, needles, cones and young branches are used. The substances included in the composition are highly effective in the occurrence of respiratory diseases. The low cost of this component allows the production of relatively inexpensive drugs.

A team of experts conducted an experiment to determine the effectiveness of essential oils against viruses and bacteria. Lemon and fir oils were evaluated.

The essence of the study was that microbiologists sprayed a mixture of 10 ml of water and 2 drops of fir oil with 1 drop of lemon oil for 30 minutes. The measurements carried out after that showed a decrease in the concentration of bacteria and viruses in the air by up to 40%.

Application for children under 18 years of age

The patches are for external use only. Before starting use, you will need to carefully open the bag and remove the patch. Then you need to remove the protective cover and stick the sticky side on the clothes. The recommended area for maximum effectiveness is the upper chest.

For prevention, patches can be used during periods of particularly high risk of infection, when visiting public places and during outbreaks of illness.Breathe plaster for children. Reviews, instructions for use, composition, analogues

In the event that the child is not currently attending kindergarten or school, home use is recommended to avoid infection by adults, parents and close relatives. Contact with strangers should be avoided during such periods.


Breathable patch is prohibited for children under 2 years of age. Some reviews contain facts about the occurrence of allergic reactions. Therefore, with an increased propensity or intolerance to certain components in any of the funds, you should also not use them.

After gluing, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water to get rid of any aroma residues. Accidental contact with mucous membranes, eyes or injured skin areas may cause discomfort and burning.

Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding should consult a doctor. The components that make up the patches can provoke the development of negative reactions. But, in general, under normal conditions, they do not have any toxic effect.

Side effects

Due to the wide range of active substances of natural origin, allergic reactions and excessive drowsiness are possible.

Drug interactions

With the simultaneous use of 2 or more patches, the likelihood of side effects increases. The product can be combined with any type of traditional medicine.

Storage conditions and periods

Breathable plaster for children, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, should be stored at a temperature of no more than 25 ° C and a relative humidity of up to 80%. The shelf life is 3 years from the date of production. Breathe plaster for children. Reviews, instructions for use, composition, analoguesStore the patches out of the reach of small children.


Breathe plaster for children, reviews of which are almost always positive, should be applied taking into account the severity of the disease.

To avoid complications in the event that the degree of damage to the body or the severity of symptoms is especially strong, it is sometimes recommended to take more powerful, chemical drugs. At a high temperature or the addition of a bacterial infection, you should definitely consult a doctor.

In addition to the described patch, the pharmaceutical market offers many other effective remedies with a similar principle of action.

Plaster Inhalation nozzle

The product is produced in the form of three-layer stickers on yellowish clothes with the aroma of medicinal oils.

The impregnation includes:

Eucalyptus oil 187.5 mg
racemic camphor 62.5 mg

Stickers are firmly fixed and can be easily removed after use in the process of treating the child. The effect is due to the constant evaporation of the active substances that make up the patches.Breathe plaster for children. Reviews, instructions for use, composition, analogues

Eucalyptus destroys pathogens and promotes the early suppression of inflammatory processes. The calming effect relieves stress on the central nervous system.

Eucalyptus oil is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, various laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.

Camphor stands out from camphor laurel. Under the influence of this substance, the runny nose decreases, the excretion of sputum from the lungs and bronchi is stimulated.

The therapeutic effect lasts an average of 8 hours. The duration is influenced by the ambient temperature and humidity. In case of premature weathering, it is recommended to stick the next patch.

Special instructions: they are intended exclusively for external use, but it is not allowed to fix them on the skin of the body. The funds should be applied once. When reused, essential oils will completely evaporate from the surface.

Plasters Magikoplast

For the treatment of colds, several specialized plasters to eliminate the most unpleasant symptoms:

  • at elevated temperatures;
  • to facilitate breathing;
  • for coughs and colds;
  • with a runny nose.

The patch, designed to improve the well-being of a child at an elevated temperature, is recommended for use in cases where the thermometer readings do not exceed 38 ° C. Doctors do not advise bringing down such a fever with medication. In this case, the plaster must be glued to the child's forehead, it will successfully replace the cold compress.

The impregnation contains the following components:

  • natural mint oil;
  • levomenthol.

The base is a hydrogel plate on which a patch layer is located. The top is covered with a protective film. Each patch is packed in an individual polymer envelope. Apply the patch to dry and cleansed skin. The duration of the therapeutic effect is about 8 hours. If necessary, you can use several patches in turn.

The breathing aid patch is designed to be applied to clothing. The main function is passive inhalation.

The effectiveness lies in the following effects:

  • antiviral;
  • bactericidal.

They are allowed to be used in children aged 3 years and older.Breathe plaster for children. Reviews, instructions for use, composition, analogues

The impregnation contains several ingredients:

  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • Cedar oil;
  • levomenthol.

After gluing, under the influence of heat from the body, the plaster begins to evaporate the essential components, destroying pathogens around the child. With breathing, volatile elements penetrate into the lungs and enhance the healing activity. Oils lead to the death of viruses, and levomenthol relieves bronchial spasm and makes breathing easier.

The plaster for coughs and colds is used for viral infections, intense coughing, hypothermia of the child. The sticker, evaporating essential oils, gently warms up the body. Unlike traditional mustard plasters, no burning sensation occurs when using the patch.

The base contains the following components:

  • iron powder;
  • Activated carbon;
  • mineral adsorbent.

The principle of operation is that after opening the package, immediate contact of the mass applied to the plaster with air begins. The chemical reaction of oxidation of these substances within 10-15 minutes leads to the heating of the patch to + 45 ° C (maximum). The average temperature is about + 40 ° С, which is quite enough for full warming up.

Instructions for use:

  • you need to open the package immediately before use;
  • the patch will need to be removed and the protective film removed from it;
  • after that you need to attach it to the body over the linen and fix it.

Direct contact with naked skin is not allowed. The duration of the described heating reaction reaches 8 hours. After this time has elapsed, the plaster must be disposed of with household waste.

A medical plaster for a cold is a very convenient and pleasant way to relieve a child's condition. It is designed to be glued to the bridge of the nose.

The action is based on the evaporation of essential oils, which help to destroy viruses and bacteria. The patch is securely fixed, but at the same time it is painlessly removed, does not restrict the child's movements in any way. Restriction on use - less than 2 years old.

The impregnation includes the following components:

  • natural eucalyptus oil;
  • natural cedar oil;
  • natural patchouli oil;
  • levomenthol.

The principle of the therapeutic effect is also based on their gradual evaporation from the mass applied to the base.

Eucalyptus destroys bacteria, cedar nut oil fights viruses and stimulates the immune system, patchouli relieves inflammation and reduces mucus secretion in the respiratory tract. Menthol has an analgesic and cooling effect. The whole complex narrows the peripheral vessels, eliminates tissue edema and makes breathing easier.

Breathe Patch is a convenient way to use all the power of natural oils in the fight against colds. For children, effective treatment becomes the most important task due to insufficiently strong immunity.

Therefore, in most cases, only complex therapy using many means can quickly suppress the infection. With this approach, the reviews about the Dyshi line will only be positive.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Video about the plaster Breathe

Review of the plaster from the common cold Breathe:

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