Respiratory System

Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for coughs, for which they are prescribed for children, adults, reviews

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Effervescent tablets Fluimucil is a drug, intended for the treatment of ENT diseases. Despite the budget price, it has antiviral and antiseptic effect, which allows you to quickly eliminate the signs of the disease.

Record content:

  • 1 Forms of release and composition of the drug
  • 2 Pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can the drug be used?
  • 7 Instructions for use, dosage
    • 7.1 For children
    • 7.2 For adults
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 Drug interactions
  • 12 Analogs
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 14 Price
  • 15 Video about the active substance Fluimicil

Forms of release and composition of the drug

The tablets are round in shape with a rough surface, usually white. They have a lemon scent that appears when interacting with water.

Fluimucil is an effervescent tablet, the price of which varies depending on the number of units in the package. It can contain either 2 tablets or 10. Packages are made of cardboard and contain 10 tablets, which can contain 1 or 2 blisters. An instruction is attached to the drug, which indicates the main nuances of using the drug.

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Acetylcysteine ​​600 mg is a part of 1 tablet. Acetylcysteine, which belongs to the group of mucolytic drugs, is used to eliminate and thin mucus with its further elimination from the human respiratory tract.Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for children, adults

Effervescent tablets also contain citric acid, lemon flavor, aspartame and sodium bicarbonate.

Pharmacological properties

Fluimucil, due to its mucolytic effect, eliminates phlegm from the human body, and acetylcysteine ​​helps to reduce the viscosity of mucus. Fluimucil also has an antioxidant effect and destroys electrophilic toxins.

In addition to the main effect on the elimination of diseases, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, since prevents the appearance of new free radicals and helps to suppress the development of mucosal inflammation shell. If purulent sputum remains in the body, then fluimucil does not stop its activity and continues the process of destruction.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug helps to relieve symptoms of bronchitis and cystic fibrosis. Recommended for prophylaxis.Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for children, adults

Effervescent tablets, when used, penetrate the cells, and then into the lungs, bronchial secretions, liver and kidneys. Most of the drug is eliminated after 1 hour with urine, the rest is excreted through the intestines.

Indications for use

The drug has a certain range of effects on the patient and is prescribed in the following cases:

Lower respiratory tract Upper respiratory tract
blockage of the bronchi with mucus, which makes it difficult to eliminate secretions from the respiratory tract.
  • catarrhal, as well as purulent pathologies of the mucous membranes;
  • for post-traumatic removal of viscous mucus;
  • rinsing the nose, throat and mouth.
Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for children, adults

Fluimucil - effervescent tablets, the price of which is budget. They are quite often used in medical practice for washing the middle ear, maxillary sinuses and for treating the oral cavity before surgery. And also the abscesses are washed with the drug, diluting the solution.


It is necessary to take the drug only as directed by the attending physician, since it has various contraindications:

  • use for ulcers is prohibited;
  • use the drug during breastfeeding;
  • allergic reactions to substances that make up the composition;
  • prohibited during pregnancy;
  • detection of blood in sputum;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • use for bleeding in the patient's lungs is prohibited.

Patients diagnosed with diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands and liver should consult with their doctor, since treatment with Fluimucin in this case requires specialist supervision.

Fluimucil should not be used in patients who have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. With an exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcer disease, the use of the drug is also prohibited.

At what age can the drug be used?

According to the instructions, the drug is allowed to be taken from birth, however, children under two years of age should use the drug only under the supervision of a doctor.Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for children, adults

Since he is supposed to prescribe the necessary dose to the patient and observe the changes occurring in the child's body in order to avoid negative consequences. It is forbidden to use the drug for the treatment of a newborn without a prescription from a doctor.

Instructions for use, dosage

Fluimucil - effervescent tablets (their price depends on the dosage), which can be used as prescribed by the doctor, guided also by the age category. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, based on the symptoms of the disease and the degree of complication.

If the disease is acute, the treatment period can be up to 2 weeks. In case of chronic diseases, the period of treatment can be prescribed for several months.

For children

For newborns up to 1 year, a dose of 10 mg / kg is prescribed. Typically, the drug is conveniently injected into a feeding bottle. Without fail, the course of treatment must be carried out under the close supervision of the attending physician.

  • Use from 1 to 2 years: use the medicine twice a day, 0.1 g;
  • Children from 2 to 6 years old are prescribed 0.1 g three times a day;
  • Use by children under 2 years of age - only if there are serious clinical indications and under the supervision of the attending physician.

For adults

From 6 years of age, Fluimucil is acceptable, and the maximum dose is 0.2 g twice a day.Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for children, adults

The course of treatment should be compiled by the doctor individually based on the course of the disease and the clinical picture of the patient:

  • acute course of the disease: up to 10 days;
  • up to several months - a chronic course.

Side effects

The tablets should be prescribed by the attending physician, based on the clinical picture of the patient. Sometimes side reactions may appear.

Gastrointestinal tract Skin covering SSD
  • colic;
  • bloating
  • upset stool;
  • vomit.
  • redness;
  • itchy skin.
Decrease in blood pressure.

Due to individual intolerance to the components of the drug, allergic reactions of a different nature can be observed.


As a rule, the use of Fluimucil tablets in the prescribed dosage does not cause side effects in the patient. However, it is imperative to adhere to the instructions for use and not self-medicate.

special instructions

Fluimucil can be prescribed to patients with pulmonary hemorrhage under the supervision of a physician. As a rule, before prescribing Fluimucil, the doctor should familiarize himself with the complete clinical picture and conduct a series of examinations.

Since the drug should not be prescribed to patients with impaired adrenal function, liver and kidney disease. The doctor should control the treatment when prescribing Fluimucil to patients with bronchial asthma and bronchitis in order to avoid negative consequences.

Fluimucil is not recommended for patients with a hereditary disease Phenylketonuria, which is characterized by impaired protein metabolism in the body, due to liver failure enzymes. The medicinal product contains aspartame, this indication should be taken into account.

For asthma and obstructive bronchitis, effervescent tablets are prescribed under the supervision of the attending physician to avoid obstruction in the bronchi.Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for children, adults

As a rule, Fluimucil is diluted in water, but the material from which the container is made should only be glass. Avoid contact with rubber and metal materials.

The medicine has a characteristic sulfur smell, which becomes strongly noticeable when the blister is opened.

Drug interactions

Fluimucil cannot be combined with other drugs that have the same therapeutic effect on the respiratory tract. Also, you should not take medicine with drugs intended for the cardiovascular system, as this can lead to negative effects on the body.

Stagnation of secretion from the bronchi can provoke the use of Fluimucil with other drugs intended for the treatment of pathologies developing in the respiratory tract.

It is necessary to observe an interval of 2 hours before and after the use of antibiotics and Fluimucil, since their interaction can reduce the activity of both drugs.

Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for children, adults
Fluimucil effervescent tablet.

Acetylcysteine ​​- the active ingredient of the drug, as a rule, reduces the activity of paracetamol.


Fluimucil is able to cure the upper and lower respiratory tract, it has a strong effect and removes secretions from the bronchi. The drug is produced in various forms, the most popular of which are effervescent tablets.

The price of the drug is quite budgetary, but it has many analogues, so you can choose both a more expensive drug and a cheap one.

  • Amrol. It is produced in the form of a syrup and has a mild pleasant taste. The composition of the drug does not include sugar, which makes it possible for diabetics to use the drug. With the help of a convenient measuring glass, the syrup is consumed internally. The cost of the drug is budgetary, 1 can is enough for the entire course of treatment. However, the syrup has many side effects and is therefore not recommended for use in children.
  • Ambrohexal. The drug has expectorant and antitussive properties, and has a long-term effect. Children under 2 years of age can only be used as directed by a doctor. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, syrup, solution and capsules. Has some side effects.Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for children, adults
  • Ambrobene. The drug is intended for the treatment of pathological processes occurring in the bronchi, throat and upper respiratory tract. Has the same therapeutic effect as Fluimucil. Designed to eliminate secretions from the bronchi and has expectorant properties. However, the drug should not be taken with other similar agents.
  • Ambroxol. The remedy has an expectorant effect and helps to cope with dry cough and bronchitis. The use of the drug can cause side effects such as nausea and diarrhea.
  • Ambrosan. The syrup has an expectorant effect and helps to eliminate secretions from the bronchi, cleanses the respiratory system from mucus. Helps stop inflammation and repair epithelial tissue. Allergic reactions to the drug are possible.
  • Acetylcysteine. The drug has the same active substance as Fluimucil. Helps to remove mucus in case of bronchial inflammation. Allergic reactions may occur when using the drug.
  • Acetin. It has an absorbent effect and quickly removes secretions from the lungs. The drug is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and quickly affects the patient's body. The medicine has no contraindications and does not cause side effects.
  • Azz. The active substance acetylcysteine, which is part of Fluimucil, helps to cure pathological processes in the respiratory tract and eliminates a wet cough. With prolonged treatment with a drug, the effectiveness decreases, and the body can also become addictive.
    Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for children, adults
    ACC effervescent tablets
  • Bronchoval. Promotes the separation of mucus and ensures its rapid elimination from the body. Copes effectively with severe coughs. However, the drug has a number of side effects and contraindications.
  • Vicks-asset. Designed to eliminate mucus and pus from the bronchi. However, it is strictly forbidden to use the drug for children under 14 years old, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. Weeks-asset has a high value.
  • Coldact broncho. Quickly removes phlegm from the bronchi, relieves coughing attacks. It has many side effects, it is not recommended for use in children.
  • Lazolvan. Recommended for use in the treatment of respiratory tract, including asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis. It is produced in the form of syrup, solution and tablets. The medicine has a budgetary cost.
  • Lazolvan firecracker. Relieves cough symptoms and has a long lasting effect. It is used to treat coughs of various etiologies. Has a budget cost.
  • Medox. Promotes the elimination of pathogenic processes from the bronchi. It has a strong expectorant effect. The drug has absorbing properties that allow you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. However, the drug should not be taken by children under 6 years of age, as well as by pregnant women.
  • Fluifort. Provides a mucolytic effect on the body and removes purulent and mucous membranes along with sputum. Not recommended for use in case of ulcers and pregnancy.
  • Flavamed. Facilitates coughing, eliminates mucus from the lower and upper respiratory tract. The effect is noticeable after the second application. It has contraindications, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.
  • Fluditek. The drug is produced in the form of a syrup and helps to liquefy and eliminate phlegm from the bronchi. The drug has contraindications and adverse reactions.
  • Helppex. The drug has a complex effect - antipyretic and mucolytic. Helps to strengthen the immune system. The drug helps to liquefy and eliminate secretions. However, it has a large number of contraindications.
  • Ekzomyuk 200. The drug has a wide range of effects and is intended for the treatment of pathological processes of the respiratory system. Quickly copes with the dilution of secretions and the elimination of phlegm from the bronchi. It is also intended for use before certain examinations and for washing ENT organs. The drug is more expensive than Fluimucil.

Fluimucil has a number of analogs with different active ingredients that have the same medicinal effect. If for some reason Fluimucil did not fit and side effects began, you should consult a doctor to prescribe an analogue.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

Fluimucil can be purchased by prescription from your healthcare professional. The drug should be stored in a dry place protected from sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. You should also restrict access for children. You need to use the drug within 5 years from the date of production.


Fluimucil - effervescent tablets, the price of which depends on the number of tablets in the package. The average cost of a drug for a pack of 10 tablets in pharmacies is 140 rubles.

Fluimucil quickly copes with the pathological processes occurring in the upper and lower respiratory tract, has antitussive and expectorant properties. Suitable for the treatment of both children and adults. The drug is in the form of effervescent tablets, easy to use and has a low price.

Video about the active substance Fluimicil

A quick quick tip about acetylcysteine:

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Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for coughs, for which they are prescribed for children, adults, reviews
Respiratory System

Fluimucil effervescent tablet. Price, instructions for use for coughs, for which they are prescribed for children, adults, reviews

Effervescent tablets Fluimucil is a drug, intended for the treatment of ENT diseases. Despite the budget price, it has antiviral and antiseptic eff...