Human Anatomy

Types of figures in men. Photos, titles, description

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Particular attention began to be paid to the structure of the figure even in antiquity, when sculptures appeared, and in architecture, the decoration of buildings with statues in the form of a person was in great demand. Every man has individual physiological characteristics, so there are different types of torso.

Record content:

  • 1 Reasons for determining the individual type
  • 2 Medical classification
    • 2.1 Athletic variety
    • 2.2 Dysplastic type
    • 2.3 Picnic type
    • 2.4 Leptosomal type
  • 3 Methods for determining physique
  • 4 Shape types videos

Reasons for determining the individual type

To identify the most effective ways to bring a figure to perfection, you need to initially find out the type of structure of your own body.

The types of figures in men are laid down at the stage of birth and do not change throughout a person's life. This feature determines the shade, cut and style of clothing, and also takes part in the formation of internal self-esteem. The physique reveals a predisposition to obesity or the absence of problems associated with excess body weight.

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Each sports instructor and coach must assess the trainee's body constitution in order to develop an individual training program. For example, for the leptosomal type, biathlon with skiing, swimming and running is best suited. With a picnic physique, it is best to do snatch and power loads.Types of figures in men. Photos, titles

At the same time, the type of figure determines the temperament, character, social behavior and adaptive abilities of a person, and also affects the metabolism. The constitution of the body has a special place in human life.

However, there is no need to attach much importance to this:

  • to maintain health at the proper level, only moderate physical activity is required;
  • for body shaping and strengthening of the spine, it is recommended to do fitness.

Two people with different physiques may have the same body weight. However, at the same time, they can look completely different. The ratio of bone to fat and muscle affects metabolic processes, endurance, character and strength. However, more attention needs to be paid to the ratio of muscle to fat, as bone mass cannot be influenced in any way.

The type of figure predetermines the athletic form, thereby revealing the appropriate type of physical activity. To analyze the type of physique, you need to know the percentage of fat, which will indicate the correctly selected sports activities and dietary nutrition.

Losing excess fat means everything is going right. If a decrease in body weight indicates a loss of muscle, then this will negatively affect the figure and health in general.

At the genetic level, men have much more muscle mass than women, but body fat is 21% and women have 27%. Each person should know their own body type so that they can choose the right nutrition for themselves, which will allow them to lose weight or gain weight.

Medical classification

The types of figures in men, by their nature, will always be individual.

Types of figures in men. Photos, titles
Types of figures in men

Each person from the moment of birth has one type of body constitution, which is dominant.

Athletic variety

The athletic type is also called mesomorph or normosthenic body type. It is characterized by a fairly large skeleton and natural athletic build. This type of figure is great for bodybuilding, since it will be easier to gain muscle mass here. In this case, fat burning will be carried out quickly enough.

Muscles respond well to exercise with rapid growth. However, when a man stops exercising and does not control his own diet, he gradually gains fat. But it is admittedly easy to get rid of it if you do cardio training and organize your nutrition schedule correctly.

Among the features of the athletic body type, the following stand out:

  • the metabolism is quite well developed;
  • the circumference of the wrist of the hand varies within 20 cm;
  • shoulders with hips and waist are of medium width;
  • parts of the body are proportional to each other, the chest is convex.

An organism of the normosthenic type is able to recover in a short period of time. In this regard, tall and strong men are able to play sports up to 5 times within 7 days. To quickly achieve a sustainable result, it is necessary to give more preference to physical training.

Mesomorphs are characterized by a beautiful proportional body constitution and legs, as well as an insignificant fat layer. It is this type that is able to achieve success in the development of a beautiful body. However, you do not need to deviate from physical activity or engage in excessively, as well as control the diet, since a beautiful body can be spoiled from an improper lifestyle.Types of figures in men. Photos, titles

Athletic men can do any kind of exercise. The main thing is to have regularity. Therefore, you need to go to the gym at least 3 times a week and exercise for at least 60 minutes, performing mainly power loads.

It is recommended to choose classes with a large weight and a small number of repetitions. At the same time, it is advisable to diversify the workouts by using the study of the relief with stretching, aerobic and strength exercises.

It is also necessary to monitor proper nutrition, because mesomorphs can quickly gain excess body weight, even though they have a fast metabolism. This requires adhering to the general rules of proper nutrition, reducing the amount of fast carbohydrates and increasing the level of protein.

It is acceptable to use sports supplements and foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Food must be healthy and natural.

Mesomorphs have not only a strong body constitution, but also health, but they have some weaknesses:

  • because of the physiology, men with an athletic body type should not smoke;
  • it is undesirable to excessively consume smoked, fried and spicy foods;
  • with age, problems associated with the work of the heart and blood vessels may appear;
  • over the years, there is a sharp increase in body weight, which provokes the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • poor digestion, so it is advisable to adhere to a diet and control the amount of food eaten.

Dysplastic type

Dysplastic body type is characterized by irregular structure and shape.Types of figures in men. Photos, titles

In men of this type, various deformities of the trunk are present in the form of disproportionate parts of the body or too tall.

Picnic type

The picnic type (also called hypersthenic type or endomorph) of the body structure implies short stature, as well as thick and short arms with legs. The body is naturally round and soft. This male representative has strong legs as the main feature.

Because of this, chunky athletes perform well in training and competition (eg, squats, deadlifts) mainly due to their lower body.

A man with such a body structure can quickly gain weight due to poor metabolism and very slowly lose those extra pounds. The advantage of the species is considered to be a quick set of muscle mass, but only if a person eats properly.Types of figures in men. Photos, titles

The characteristic features of endomorphs are listed in the following list:

  • fat deposits are present between the shoulder blades and on the abdomen, the neck is short;
  • wrist circumference, as a rule, is within 20 cm or more;
  • the constitution of the body is stocky, the hips with the waist and shoulders are wide, and the legs are short.

Endomorphs have one main problem - excess body weight., due to which other negative processes can form. Initially, people with a similar body structure should pay special attention to the level of sugar in the blood, as well as to the work of the heart and blood vessels, since the body is prone to obesity.

Men-endomorphs are contraindicated:

  • smoke tobacco products;
  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • eat fatty foods;
  • high-calorie foods should be replaced with fish with vegetables and cereals, as this will significantly reduce the risk of serious diseases.

People with this physique must follow a strict diet in order to build a beautiful body. It is the reduction in calories that will allow you to achieve a flat stomach.

As a workout, it is recommended to focus on exercises that are responsible for cardio loads. They effectively burn adipose tissue, behind which the accumulated relief is hidden.

Cyclic exercises are one of the most effective workouts, since they will allow you to build up a good muscle mass and form relief. It is also worth listening to the advice of a trainer and a dietitian, who are able to draw up a complete and effective weight loss program.Types of figures in men. Photos, titles

Exercise is recommended from 3 to 4 times every 7 days, using a variety of types of training: including water games and outdoor exercises. The correct diet is no less important. You should not test the body with rigid diets, since fasting can burn not only adipose tissue, but also muscle mass. The amount of carbohydrates taken should not exceed 100 g.

This rate is recommended to be taken in 40 minutes. before the start of classes in order to properly use the received energy. The diet should include components such as amino acids, magnesium and calcium.

Many aspiring athletes are misleading themselves when they start the sports path with a grueling diet. Fasting can dramatically decrease both adipose tissue and muscle tissue. The thrown off mass is able to return rather quickly with new layers of fat.

Leptosomal type

The types of figures in men determine the character, endurance and lifestyle of a person. People with a leptosomal physique have narrow wrists and ankles, and fat and muscle tissue are present in small quantities.

The problem with this type is a set of muscle mass. This is due to the fact that the consumed calories immediately go away due to the active metabolism in the body, and proteins, on the contrary, are absorbed extremely slowly. In order for athletes to gain at least a little weight, they need to actively eat, sometimes even in large quantities.

It is in this case that it would be rational to use sports supplements such as Omega-3, -6, -9, creatine and protein shakes. The time allocated for training and warm-up should be within 60 minutes. It is worth excluding cardio loads from the sports program so as not to waste the accumulated calories that the body will need to recover at the end of training sessions.Types of figures in men. Photos, titles

As physiological problems of a lean type, there are:

  • crooked spine;
  • diseases associated with the nervous system;
  • weak respiratory system;
  • slouch.

A particularly dangerous disease in this type of men includes cancer, which can appear on the basis of a nervous breakdown. To avoid such problems, men should eat a huge amount of fruits, vegetables and herbs. Additional useful foods will be dried fruits and green tea.

The main parameters of the leptosomal body type are the following:

  • because of the long arms and legs, the body looks disproportionate;
  • the amount of food does not affect weight gain;
  • there are no problems with excess weight and its set;
  • wrist girth ranges from 15 to 17.5 cm;
  • a very small percentage of adipose and muscle tissue;
  • due to the lengthening of the chest, the heart with the lungs have an oblong shape;
  • the figure consists of narrow areas in the form of shoulders, waist and hips.

For men with a lean physique, vigorous physical activity very rarely brings a good and long-term effect. This is due to the fact that muscles are accumulated for a long time, and disappear very quickly.Types of figures in men. Photos, titles

At this moment, calories will be actively burned, therefore, weight will quickly decrease, which is extremely undesirable for people who want to increase weight and acquire sports form.

Therefore, intensive, but rare exercises based on squats, push-ups, pull-ups are recommended for asthenics. Workouts should be diversified, and repetitions should be reduced.

It is recommended to start work on a beautiful male body with stretching, smoothly proceeding to power loads. An excellent training frequency is 45 minutes. up to 3 times within 7 days. To compose the menu, you can use white or brown rice grains, you should not abuse sweets. Protein is recommended to be taken per day no more than 3 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Methods for determining physique

The types of figures in men are classified not only by 4 types. Mixed and intermediate options are also highlighted. Pure mesomorphs with ectomorphs and endomorphs are very rarely found. Often there are people who have signs of 2 body types at once.

To independently determine the structure of the body, it is recommended to remember a few rules:

  • you will need to determine the length of the girth of the wrist (preferably working);
  • it is necessary to roughly estimate the width of the hips with shoulders and waist;
  • you need to remember how quickly you gained and lost weight between the ages of 16 and 20;
  • if the metabolism is well developed, there will be no excess fat, but with a slow metabolism at a young age, a person will already have excess weight.
Types of figures in men. Photos, titles

After receiving the indicators, it is permissible to refer your body structure to a certain group:

Athletic body type Leptosomal form of the figure Picnic body type
Best suited for strength training. Enhanced nutrition and strength training are recommended, which will create a beautiful figure relief. It is necessary to control the diet, as well as focus on fat burning training.

It is also permissible to determine the structure of the body along the ribs, for this you need to do the following:

  1. You will need to stand in front of the mirror and take a breath. The chest at this time should be very tense.
  2. The last pair of ribs on the bottom should form an angle through which the body type can be revealed.
  3. If the angle is less than 90 degrees, then this is a leptosomal type of trunk. If the angle is greater than 90 degrees, then it is an athletic body. When the ribs are closed at a right angle, the pycnic type of the body is determined.

The physique of men is divided into several types, each of which has its own characteristics, structure, height and weight. Having determined your own shape, it is permissible to choose the right nutrition, as well as develop a training schedule that will keep your body in excellent and fit condition.

Shape types videos

How to determine your body type:

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