Heart Attack

Microinfarction: what it is, the symptoms, the first symptoms in women, men, treatment, causes of

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Microinfarction - a partial necrosis of the heart muscle caused by a violation of coronary circulation under the influence of different reasons. Manifestation of violation may occur suddenly, from the actions of others first aid depends on the patient's life. Everyone should be able to recognize a minor heart attack, symptoms, signs of women and men, to know the algorithm of the initial action. Men are more susceptible than women, but the latter are more often the sad consequences.

Microinfarction in females

Causes of

Learning that is a minor heart attack the heart, we can consider the mechanism of development and its causes.

The main cause of pathology it is necessary to consider the formation of blood clots in small coronary blood vessels. First, on the wall of the vessel appears cholesterol plaques that prevents normal blood flow. Due to the narrowing of the vessel lumen, leading to the heart, gradually developing ischemia. In the damaged artery starts pathological processes. First necrobiosis, then - necrosis. In this position, the scar is formed, i.e., muscle tissue is converted into a connection with the loss of their functions.

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When the coronary arteries that supply the myocardium oxygen, cease to function, heart failure occurs. It occurs extinction of the heart muscle, leading to a minor heart attack and severe state of man.

Other causes, which lead to necrosis of the muscular portion of the myocardial tissue, are:

  • embolism artery leading to the heart;
  • coronary artery spasm, and others.
Coronary artery spasm

Factors contributing to the development of minor heart attack, can be considered:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • unhealthy diets;
  • obesity;
  • bad habits - alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • long term stress conditions;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes.

What are the symptoms

Symptoms of a minor heart attack, in the event that should seek immediate medical attention, as follows:

  • burning, excruciating pain in the chest, radiating to the back, shoulder, arm, abdomen, etc .;
  • copious cold sweat;
  • increased weakness in the body;
  • anxiety, fear of death;
  • cold extremities fingers.
A rich cold sweat

When developed microinfarction body temperature may rise to 38 ° C. At the heart attack will indicate earlier not having the proper exposure nitroglycerin tablets, taken under the tongue.

It is worth considering a minor heart attack signs of atypical development, reminiscent of other pathological conditions, often similar to those with coronary artery disease:

  • when there is a strong form of asthmatic dyspnoea, pulmonary edema, the occurrence of cardiac asthma, pain not characteristic;
  • cerebral form marked dizziness, headache, sensory and motor disturbances, numbness of the face;
  • shape when observed abdominal dyspeptic syndrome, severe pain in the epigastric area, the clinical manifestations of "acute abdomen";
  • when arrhythmic form of the disease failures heart rate are fixed, chest pain, hypotension.

Sometimes the symptoms do not appear when a minor heart attack. Man learns this by accident, upon receipt of the electrocardiogram results. These forms of the disease may lead to incorrect diagnoses and irreversible consequences.


Symptoms of a minor heart attack in men characterized by their pronounced manifestation. These include the following:

  • the relentless squeezing pain in the chest;
  • bluish nasolabial triangle;
  • the presence of a lump in the throat;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • fever;
  • panic;
  • inability to palpate a pulse.
The presence of a lump in the throat

Asymptomatic male heart attack is not seen, what is involved in a low risk of severe consequences and complications.

Initial signs of a minor heart attack in men are:

  • appearance dyspnoea with a small load on the body;
  • Frequent high blood pressure;
  • severe headaches;
  • tingling sensation in the limbs skin.

If you suspect that the symptoms of a mini heart attack should consult a doctor-cardiologist for a full examination.

Among women

Symptomatology of heart disease in women is often hidden clinic. Often common atypical form of the disease.

Signs of a minor heart attack in women include:

  • pain in the epigastric average intensity zone;
  • constant nausea;
  • high blood pressure;
  • swelling of arms and legs;
  • weakness;
  • headache.
constant nausea

At the first signs of a heart attack, women do not pay attention. They are often incorrectly diagnosed. Pain symptom minor heart attack in women are often not expressed or is completely absent.

How to treat

Emergency treatment microinfarction pursues these objectives:

  • remove the pain;
  • normalize the blood flow in coronary vessels;
  • restore functionality infarction.

You need to know how to treat a heart attack in the hospital. First, the patient is placed in the intensive care cardiology department of a medical institution. For the normalization of its state to take urgent measures - pacing, defibrillation, ventilation.

To reduce the pain analgesics are used. Using koronarolitikov allows for expansion of blood vessels. To prevent thrombus formation, all drugs are administered only through a vein. To reduce the load on the heart of any patient prescribed complete rest, bed rest.

If necessary the emergency surgical treatment.

It will be important relapse prevention, complicated conditions, the reduction of risk factors.

First aid

Knowing the state of infarct were next man to save his life and avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to act quickly. First Aid Algorithm for a minor heart attack following:

  • create comfortable conditions for the victim - bed, relax the collar, belt tightening and other items of clothing, open a window;
  • as far as possible to reassure the patient;
  • provide a dose of medication - Aspirin (chewable), nitroglycerin (under the tongue);
  • cause a team of emergency medical care, reporting of heart attack and other information;
  • He is standing next to the patient before arrival Heart Brigade;
  • take steps to eliminate any obstacles that hinder the conduct of emergency medical action.

People with minor heart attack immediately hospitalized in a medical institution. Even in the intensive care unit of a car equipped with all the necessary equipment to carry out emergency medical treatment measures. In a hospital the patient will be a full examination of the cardiovascular system and the prescribed treatment.

drug therapy

When microinfarction treatment is carried out in the same manner as in the extensive infarction. After further diagnosis specialist prescribes patient medication, guided by the severity of his condition, concomitant diseases, the individual characteristics of the organism.

Atorvastatin tablets

Lifelong therapy at home may include the following medications drugs:

  • statins sclerosis blood vessels - simvastatin, atorvastatin;
  • thrombolytics, and anticoagulants, dissolving blood clots and blood thinning - Streptokanaza, heparin;
  • drugs that reduce blood pressure, - Anaprilin;
  • diuretics - furasemid, Veroshpiron;
  • nitrates, temporarily increases coronary vessels - Nitroglycerin;
  • medication to restore the heart rhythm - Propafenone, Amiodoron;
  • analgesics - droperidol, morphine, and others.

Surgical intervention

The issue of the treatment of heart attack surgically council decides to cardiologists, based on the patient's medical history.

Urgent operative intervention is carried out:

  • to save lives;
  • the development of serious complications.
Surgical treatment

Microinfarction scheduled operation at appointed to prevent recurrent conditions. The indications for its conduct should be regarded as lack of effectiveness of conservative treatment of the disease.

When this pathology performed surgical revascularization, used to restore the normal blood supply to the heart, the unimpeded delivery of oxygen to it. Often used methods include stenting and bypass surgery.

Coronary stenting is installed in the site of the lesion of the blood vessel carrying blood to the heart, a special expandable structure.

When the bypass formed anastomoses - workarounds for the blood flow. The damaged portion of the vessel is removed and burned. By means of this bypass pipe is connected with a healthy coronary artery, providing free running blood. To bridge often used the blood vessels of the patient, which are not considered essential and do not carry a big load. These include femoral saphenous vein fragments of the internal thoracic artery, and others.


Physiotherapy in cardiology produces treatment and recovery in ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases, which served as a cause of heart attack. Its methods activate blood circulation and microcirculation, relieve vascular spasms, raise their tone, improve the rheological properties of blood, eliminates the risk of repeated thrombus formation, etc.

laser irradiation

The following are common methods of physical therapy in the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies:

  • electrosleep or transcranial electrostimulation;
  • novokoinom electrophoresis, iodine, heparin, etc .;
  • galvanic collars with aminophylline;
  • massage of reflex areas of the heart and the pericardial area;
  • electromagnetic interference;
  • UV irradiation;
  • laser irradiation;
  • hydrotherapy (underwater massage shower, wet packs, rain shower and al.);
  • dosage therapeutic exercise;
  • Oxygen therapy and others.

Physiotherapy with minor stroke should be administered carefully, on an individual basis for each patient, taking into account its specific features. These treatments have contraindications.


Favorable prognosis for a full recovery from a minor heart attack occurs when a combination of the following factors:

  • competently rendered first aid to the patient;
  • timely treatment to cardiologists;
  • of complex treatment;
  • full rehabilitation;
  • a caring attitude to the patient's health;
  • compliance with all medical recommendations.

If a mini heart attack was shifted on his feet, without carrying out the necessary treatment, there is a high probability of complications and severe consequences. This can subsequently lead to a recurrence of the disease, fatal.

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