Noncommunicable Diseases

Proper nutrition, food, foods with stomach gastritis: which is useful

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1 Basic information about the disease

In order to know how to eat properly with gastritis, you need to familiarize yourself with the main signs of the disease and the causes of its occurrence. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which can take acute and chronic forms, is called gastritis. The main causative agent of the disease is the pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter Pylori.

The development of the disease is largely promoted by the rhythm of modern life: eating on the run, eating dry, constant stress, bad habits, including the abuse of instant coffee. All these factors reduce the resistance of the intestines to pathogenic microorganisms. Another common cause of gastritis is malnutrition: infatuation with fatty, fried or spicy food.

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In addition to these factors, the negative effect is taking some medicines or poisoning with chemicals. As a result, the quality of food processing is reduced, which immediately has a negative effect on the entire digestive system.

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Symptoms of gastritis appear in 80% of modern people. Their main body is made up of patients, with which gastritis brings tangible harm to the general condition. There are two stages of the disease:

  1. The acute stage of gastritis usually develops suddenly, under the influence of strong stress, alcohol, harmful substances. It is characterized by inflammation of the inner layer of the mucosa. Acute gastritis can be accompanied by strong pain.
  2. Chronic gastritis. At this stage, inflammatory processes are repeated many times. The organ works unstably, the functioning of the whole system worsens, motor and secretory functions are disrupted. Chronic gastritis causes malnutrition for a sufficiently long period. Chronic gastritis is a consequence of inefficient treatment of the acute form of the disease.
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Modern methods of diagnosing diseases can determine the exact cause of gastritis and choose the most effective treatment, avoiding deterioration of the patient. Usually, patients are prescribed medications that reduce the acidity of the stomach and kill disease-causing bacteria.

In order for the treatment to be more effective, patients will have to revise their diet with gastric gastritis and adhere to the principles recommended by the treating physician. At the same time, to ensure that the diet has the desired effect, the main cause of the disease should be eliminated.

2 Proper nutrition

A common cause of gastric dysfunction in modern people is a violation of the culture of eating. Increasingly, food becomes a way to quickly replenish forces during the day. In some cases, a person can not eat at all consciously, not paying attention not to small snacks throughout the day.

Therefore, in order to get rid of some of the symptoms of the disease, you need to change the attitude towards food. There are several general tips on how to eat properly with gastritis:

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  1. Proper nutrition with gastritis should be fractional. Eat often 5-6 times a day, in small portions. Between meals should be at least 3-4 hours. More frequent or rare meals are not allowed. In this case, dinner should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  2. I need to chew the food thoroughly. In the early stages of the disease, this simple measure will eliminate most of the symptoms.
  3. Strict prohibition is imposed on snacks on the run, in a hurry or in the dry.
  4. It is allowed to consume only useful food, which helps to improve the work of the stomach.
  5. It is necessary to refuse harmful food: roast, smoked, salty, rough food and fast food, as more hydrochloric acid is needed for digestion. In addition, such food can linger in the intestines.
  6. It is forbidden to eat fresh fruits and vegetables in raw form.
  7. If the food is prepared for more than a day, then it should be stored in a dark cool place, without access to insects.
  8. Food for gastritis is prepared immediately for 1-2 days, as in the first day their nutritional value begins to decrease.
  9. Products for gastritis should be selected only quality. Do not buy them in unfamiliar shops and places. To give preference to better natural products, without preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers.


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In public institutions prescribe different types of diets, depending on the manifestation of symptoms of gastritis.

Diet No. 1A is prescribed during the period of exacerbation, when it is necessary to reduce the nutritional load on the intestinal mucosa. The caloric content of the diet does not exceed 2000 kcal and assumes the following amount of substances: fat - up to 90 g, proteins - up to 90 g, carbohydrates - up to 400 g.

Diet No. 1 is made at the stage when there is a decrease in the acute processes of the stomach. Diet № 1 allows you to get all the necessary substances in the optimal volume and gradually improve the work of the stomach. The total caloric content of the diet does not exceed 3000 kcal per day, of which: 100 g of proteins, 100 g of fat and 500 g of carbohydrates.

3 Recommended dishes

The second course, regardless of whether they are hot or cold, should be of medium temperature. The optimum temperature of the dishes is approximately 40 °.In addition to low-fat meat without skin, you are allowed to eat fish. The dishes are baked in the oven, boiled for a couple. It is allowed to make cutlets, meat rolls, little balls, meatballs, but they can not be fried, you can only cook for a couple.

Vegetables, as already mentioned, are not allowed in raw form, but it is allowed to eat grinded vegetables. For example, you can make soup puree from beets, pumpkins or zucchini, potatoes, cauliflower. Some vegetables, such as sorrel, cucumber, tomato, radish, spinach and some others with gastritis are prohibited.

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Gastric gastritis nutrition should include cereals and pasta. From cereals, you can prepare mucous porridge on milk or water. For the preparation of cereals, you can use oat flakes, rice and buckwheat, but only crushed. You can boil vermicelli and pasta. From the diet it is necessary to exclude corn grits, pearl barley, millet and all legumes.

When gastritis is prohibited to eat rye bread, any pies and pancakes. Wheat bread is allowed, but only yesterday. In small quantities, baked cakes are allowed: biscuit, pies with any filling, sweet and savory( fish, potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese, jam, berries) and dry biscuits.

Dairy products with high fat content are immediately excluded from the diet. It is acceptable to consume whole milk and low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream( in small amounts), kefir, yoghurt. From these products it is allowed to cook syrniki, casseroles and lazy vareniki.

4 First courses, desserts and drinks

On the first, it is best to prepare vegetable liquid soups-mashed potatoes and dairy, vermicelli or based on cereals. In the soup, you can add meat low-fat varieties: chicken, rabbit meat, lean beef. Meat should be well boiled. Before cooking, it is recommended to remove the skin and fat, so as not to make the soup too heavy for the stomach. As a dressing it is permissible to use a small piece of butter, but it is better to fill with olive oil.

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Under the strict ban are the following dishes: rich broths of red meat, borsch, strong( mushroom, vegetable), okroshka.

A real find with gastritis is a steam omelet that can be cooked for breakfast, as it is hearty and safe for the stomach. But it is not recommended to cook this dish too often, enough 2 times a week. This is because the substances in the product can adversely affect the liver. Fried omelet, fried eggs, hard-boiled eggs are excluded. You can add salt to any foods, but during the treatment period, the amount should be limited.

From sweet are allowed non-acidic dried fruits, steamed in hot water, honey, sugar, jam. Chocolate is allowed only in small quantities. Under strict ban, ice cream, cakes with cream, halva.

Tea is allowed from drinks: green or not strong black. You can add a little milk or low-fat cream. Juices are acceptable, but only natural, non-acidic, from vegetables, berries and fruits. Carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee and strong tea for the period of treatment are prohibited.

Do not eat food that can cause increased production of gastric juice or affect the walls of the stomach. Under the prohibition of seasonings and spices. The amount of salt is limited.

As with other types of disease, fatty, salty, smoked food is completely excluded. If relief of symptoms is observed, it is possible to please the stomach with a piece of low-fat ham.

5 Features of the diet for different forms of the disease

One of the most insidious types of gastritis is atrophic, as the symptoms do not manifest themselves immediately, and the diagnosis and treatment of this form lends itself with great difficulty. Atrophic gastritis is observed most often in people who constantly snack on the run. Symptoms are usually aggravated due to fatty and fried foods.

Patients with an atrophic form of gastritis are recommended vegetarian soups-purees, lean boiled meat. Out of the by-products is allowed language, but only in a boiled form.

Do not get along with gastritis without berries, fresh fruits and vegetables, but they must be cleaned and crushed before consumption. Seafood is allowed to fish low-fat. It is useful to include black caviar in the diet.

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A strict diet is observed for several days. Usually after this, it is required to improve the secretion of gastric juice. For this, the patient needs 3 times a day to consume potato juice or juice from cabbage. The food must be heated to room temperature.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, the patient is prescribed a nutritious diet, which at the same time should not have a strong effect on the walls of the stomach. It is worth knowing how to eat properly with this form of the disease.

If the disease is strongly pronounced, then all tolerable products should be in frayed form. At the beginning of the diet( 1-2 days) allowed rice soups. Later, you can prepare soups, puree based on milk, with vermicelli or rice. After a few days, you can enter in the diet of mashed vegetables and liquid porridge from buckwheat, oatmeal or rice.

In the early days it is important to exclude from the diet products containing coarse fiber, raw fruits and vegetables.

Erosive gastritis especially needs treatment and the right diet, as it can cause the appearance of tissue erosion. Therefore, it is important to minimize thermal and mechanical damage to the mucosa.

Rough products from the menu are excluded. Since too hot and cold food influences the production of gastric juice, they should also be avoided. The food should be at about room temperature. The patient is prescribed fractional meals;the number of meals can be up to 8 times a day. To improve the work of the intestine, it is allowed to drink warm, low-fat cream or milk in small quantities before bed.

  • 1 Basic information about the disease
  • 2 Proper nutrition
  • 3 Recommended dishes
  • 4 First courses, desserts and drinks
  • 5 Features of the diet for different forms of the disease

Like any disease, gastritis requires urgent treatment and switching to a therapeutic diet with gastritis. Usually the patient is prescribed a diet by the attending physician. Gastritis is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which has an inflammatory nature. How to eat properly with gastritis, what food is allowed with this disease - these and other important issues are of concern to any person who after the examination is diagnosed with gastritis.

Untimely treatment can lead to the progression of the disease and the gradual formation of such diseases as anemia, pancreatitis, nervous disorders, stomach ulcer.

Do you have gastritis?

GALINA SAVINA: "How easy is it to cure gastritis at home for 1 month." "A proven method is to write down a recipe. ..!"Read more & gt; & gt;

Gastritis is a very unpleasant disease, but it is quite possible to cure it if you follow the doctor's recommendations not only with regard to medicines. Diet is no less important for improving the condition. It is enough to understand the general principle of how to eat properly with gastritis. And it is quite possible that soon the restrictions will stop weighed down.

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